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    0/DECIBEL PRODUCTS CAVITIES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    0/DECIBEL PRODUCTS CAVITIES Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DB4002B DB4002-BA Decibel Products DB4002-B Decibel Products cavities DB4002-2BA aa 118 diode datasheet DB4002N-2B DB4002-AA
    Text: 118 - 174 MHz Bandpass Cavities – 11" 279.4mm DB4002 With its 11-inch all-copper cavity, DB4002 has a very high Q factor and provides greater selectivity than smaller or aluminum-made cavities. Four models are available and, for greater selectivity, two or more cavities can be used in a series.

    DB4002 11-inch DB4002 DB4002B DB4002-BA Decibel Products DB4002-B Decibel Products cavities DB4002-2BA aa 118 diode datasheet DB4002N-2B DB4002-AA PDF


    Abstract: CDR11BP hewlett packard semiconductor cross reference smd code marking 561B 6647a SMD transistor 431a TRANSISTOR B560 uhf wireless mic circuits CDR11BP datasheet lambda IC 101
    Text: A KYOCERA GROUP COMPANY AVX RF Microwave/Thin-Film Products AVX Microwave Ask The World Of Us As one of the world’s broadest line multilayer ceramic chip capacitor suppliers, and a major microwave ceramic capacitor manufacturer, it is our mission to provide First In Class Technology,

    QV2000 S-RFMTF17M898-N SMD CAPACITORS 107E CDR11BP hewlett packard semiconductor cross reference smd code marking 561B 6647a SMD transistor 431a TRANSISTOR B560 uhf wireless mic circuits CDR11BP datasheet lambda IC 101 PDF


    Abstract: Decibel Products db8062 DB8062 Decibel Products combiners db8062hwbxe decibel
    Text: DB8062H combines 2 to 20 transmitters with frequencies as close as 250 KHz, with low loss and minimum insertion loss, for conven­ tional and trunked services. It uses 5x7x12 inch 127x177.8x304.8 mm high Q copper three-quarterwave cavities with Serpentine

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    DB8062H 5x7x12 127x177 8x304 Decibel Products db8062 DB8062 Decibel Products combiners db8062hwbxe decibel PDF

    Decibel Products cavities

    Abstract: DB4026W-2 DB4026W db402 DB4026W-1 A/DB9035HP 0/Decibel Products cavities
    Text: DB4026W BANDPASS CAVITIES DB9035HP 406-512 MHz Installed between the antenna and the transmitter or receiver, these models reduce interference that is above and below the desired frequency. See curves. Dual and triple cavities are available for greater selectivity.

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    DB4026W DB9035HP fingerstoc4026W-2 Decibel Products cavities DB4026W-2 db402 DB4026W-1 A/DB9035HP 0/Decibel Products cavities PDF


    Abstract: DB4170-1 Decibel Products DB4171 DB4171-1 Decibel Products cavities db41 DB4171 B4170-2
    Text: D B 4 I 7 0 , D B 4 1 7 1 8" 203.2 mm BANDPASS CAVITIES D B 4 1 6 9 13 8 -174 ,118 -4 0 0 AND 406-512 M Hz These feature 8" (203.2 mm) aluminum cavities for frequency bands between 118-512 MHz. They reduce interference that is frequency rejectable, when installed between

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    DB4170 DE54169 DB4171 three-qua69-1A B4169-1B B4169-1C DB4170-1 DB4171-1 Decibel Products DB4171 DB4171-1 Decibel Products cavities db41 B4170-2 PDF

    Decibel Products cavities

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DB9715 TWO CHANNEL HIGH POWER PAGING COMBINER, 928-960 MHz DB9715 uses two 6.75" 171.5 mm copper three-quarterwave cavities in bandpass configuration. It combines two paging transmitters as closely spaced as 500 KHz with a minimum of 50 dB isolation. - •

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    DB9715 DB9715 200-watt -8U0-229-4706 Decibel Products cavities PDF


    Abstract: OB4090 DB4090S-4 DB4090 DB4090-A DB4402A
    Text: OB4090, DB4090S DUPLEXERS AND ISOPLEXERS DB4402A, DB4402S 806-960 MHz ^ w These duplexers use quarterwave coaxial cavities interconnected with double shielded Teflon dielectric cables to provide a bandpass-band reject characteristic with narrow passband for duplexing single

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    OB4090, DB4090S DB4402A, DB4402S DB4090 DB4090S, DB4402A DB4402S, DB4090S-4 db44 OB4090 DB4090-A PDF


    Abstract: 4042M DB4042H-1 4042N Decibel Products cavities
    Text: DB4042 10" 254 mm BANDPASS CAVITIES ROTATABLE LOOPS, 30-50 MHz Made of aluminum, DB4042 is a one-quarter wavelength high Q coaxial cavity for 30-50 MHz. Installed between the antenna and the transmitter, it reduces interference that is frequency rejectable. Three models are offered, each with a tuning range in excess of

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    DB4042 DB4042 -470v 4042M DB4042H-1 4042N Decibel Products cavities PDF


    Abstract: Decibel Products db4001-1 DB4015-2 DB4001-2 DB4001-1 DB4015 DB4018-1 DB4018-2 DB4011-2 B4015-3
    Text: D 134001 SERIES OF 5" 127 mm BANDPASS CAVITIES ROTATABLE LOOPS, 66-400 MHz The DB4001 series features a quarter-wave high Q coaxial cavity. It reduces interference that is frequency rejectable, when installed between the antenna and the receiver. For increased rejection two

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    DB4001-1 DB4015-1 DB4018-1 DB4001 DB4011-2 DB4015-2 DB4018-2 B4001-3 B4011-3 B4015-3 Decibel Products db4001-1 DB4001-2 DB4015 PDF

    Decibel Products DB225 antenna

    Abstract: DB834H70R-F DB4379 DB4058W ASP-712 DB4345CSL-C DB563 db205 antenna DB810K-Y ASP-635
    Text: H E ID I M r r U I ^ A l l M T I f l l l C I l l l l v d TYPICAL DESIGNS FOR MOBILE ANTENNA SYSTEMS An antenna system includes all of the equipment used from the radio transmit­ ter and the receiver to the tip of the antenna, and its design usually requires

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    to138-174 DB225 DB230 DB536 ASP-700 DB538 ASP-701 DB540K ASP-705 DB201 Decibel Products DB225 antenna DB834H70R-F DB4379 DB4058W ASP-712 DB4345CSL-C DB563 db205 antenna DB810K-Y ASP-635 PDF


    Abstract: DB4028-2 4029S-1-A DB4028
    Text: 0B4028 BANDPASS AND BANDPASS-BAND-REJECT DB4029S CAVITIES, 806-960 MHz Designed with quarterwave high Q bandpass filters, these cavities, when installed between the antenna and the transmitter or receiver, reduce interference that is above and below the desired

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    0B4028 DB4029S DB4029S-2 DB4028 DB402EI-2 DB4028-2 db402 4029S-1-A PDF


    Abstract: Ericsson COMBINERS
    Text: ATG7080 AutoCELL AUTOTUNE CELLULAR Tx COMBINER, 820-960 MHz With AutoCELL Tx Combiners in the cellular network, changing a cellular frequency plan is expedited and becomes economical. In addition dropped calls are dramatically reduced. The AutoCELL 7000 Series brings the best

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    ATG7080 ATG7080 RBS882 Ericsson COMBINERS PDF


    Abstract: ic B4002 B4002 DB4002 B4002N
    Text: AU ß l DB4002 11" 279.4 mm BANDPASS CAVITIES 118-174 and 406-512 MHz With its 11 -inch all-copper cavity, DB4002 has a very high Q factor and provides greater selectivity than smaller or alum inum -m ade cavities. Four models are available and, for greater selectivity, two or more cavities can be used in a series.

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    DB4002 DB4002 B4002D ic B4002 B4002 B4002N PDF


    Abstract: B4072-A 4056-C DB4056 4056D B4056 DB4068 4056-D DB407
    Text: ÛB4055, DB4068 VHF and UHF BAND REJECT DUPLEXERS DB4072 133-174 and 406-512 MHz These dupiexers use compact, quarterwave high performance helical resonators that are interconnected in a band-reject configuration with double shielded Teflon dielectric cable. They isolate the receiver

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    B4055, DB4068 DB4072 DB4068 B4056 B4072-A 4056-C DB4056 4056D B4056 4056-D DB407 PDF


    Abstract: cavity duplexer DB4057W DB4Q57W 4058N-B B4057W db4058
    Text: DB4057W BANDPASS REJECT DUPLEXERS DB4058N 150-174 MHz * These are high performance, compact base station duplexers for 150-162 and 160-174 MHz bands. They isolate the receiver from the transmitter and reduce transmitter noise. • Special Design - A high quality,

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    DB4057W DB4058N DB4D58N C-229-47U6 cavity duplexer DB4Q57W 4058N-B B4057W db4058 PDF


    Abstract: Decibel Products cavities DB4075W u 4076 a B4076-Z-A DB4075-w DB4076-Z B4076-Z-D DB4076-Z-E B4075W
    Text: DB4075W BANDPASS REJECT DUPLEXERS DB4076W 406-512 MHz These duplexers use copper quarterwave coaxial resonators, interconnected in a bandpass-band reject configuration with double shielded Teflon dielectric cable. They isolate the receiver from the transmitter

    OCR Scan
    DB4075W DB4076W DB4076W, DB4076-Z B4076W Decibel Products cavities u 4076 a B4076-Z-A DB4075-w B4076-Z-D DB4076-Z-E B4075W PDF


    Abstract: DB4187 DB4187-C DB4186H
    Text: DB4185H, DB4186H TRUNKING AND CELLULAR DUPLEXERS DB4187 806-890 MHz DB4185H D uplexer Designed for the original 806-869 MHz band, DB4185H consists of tw o bandpass interdigi­ tal filters that use stripline design techniques. It provides a 15 MHz passband for both

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    DB4185H, DB4186H DB4187 DB4185H B4186H DB4187-C PDF


    Abstract: Decibel Products cavities DB888X digital power meter decibel meter
    Text: DB8121 PORTABLE DIGITAL LCD POWER METER, 30-1000 MHz An easy-to-use, accurate portable digital power meter, the DB8121 plugs into Decibel DB888X series RF power sensors and gives a digital readout for power ranges of 0 to 100, 0 to 350 and 0 to 1000 watts. Note: Decibel’s power sensors

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    DB8121 DB8121 DB888X DB8121M. -800-67S- Decibel Products cavities digital power meter decibel meter PDF


    Abstract: DB4062-WC-B 048510-003-C DB4062-WC-C DB4060 DB406Q-WC-C DECIBEL PRODUCTS DB4060 048510-004-B 041024-004 cavity duplexer
    Text: AMRM DB4060 BANDPASS REJECT DUPLEXER DB4062 138-174 MHz w DB4060 4-Cavity Duplexer Attenuation-dB vs. Frequency-MHz o m 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 - .4 .4 .8 1 .2 A - .4 0.5 M H z Separation .4 .8 1 .2 1.0 M H z Separation DB4062 6-Cavlty Duplexer

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    DB4060 DB4062 -BfiO-676-a34? 1-B00-2i DB4062-WC-B 048510-003-C DB4062-WC-C DB406Q-WC-C DECIBEL PRODUCTS DB4060 048510-004-B 041024-004 cavity duplexer PDF

    ic 7432

    Abstract: 7432 ic DB4140 DB4140-2A DB4140-2B DB4140-3A DB4140-1B of IC 7432 DB-4140-1A DB4140-1A
    Text: D B 4 1 0 0 SERIES 0F N0TCH F,LTERS F0R in ter fer en c e REJECTION, 30-50,148-174 and 450-512 MHz These high Q band-reject cavity notch filters reduce interference that is frequency rejectable, w hen installed betw een the antenna and the receiver. F o r increased rejection

    OCR Scan
    DB4175-1A OB4175-1B ic 7432 7432 ic DB4140 DB4140-2A DB4140-2B DB4140-3A DB4140-1B of IC 7432 DB-4140-1A DB4140-1A PDF


    Abstract: DB8982 DB8983PW B8985 Decibel db898 Decibel Products uhf
    Text: DB8982PW. DB8983PW TOWER TOP Rx AMPLIFIERS DB8985PW 406-470 MHz with 806-824 MHz Decibel’s tower top receiver amplifiers improve the sensitivity of base station receivers and extend the “talk back” range from low powered transmitters operating in the 406-470 and 806-824 MHz.

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    DB8982PW. DB8983PW DB8985PW rejecti6-470, B8985PW DB8982PW DB8982 B8985 Decibel db898 Decibel Products uhf PDF


    Abstract: DB8945 DB980 DB874H Decibel Products DB225 antenna ASP-2015 DB884H ASP-712 db205 antenna ASP-685
    Text: INDEX db TransTelecom ASP-2011 Antennas. 9 Cables, Connectors, Acc.125 12038 Sway Brace K its .19, 25 ASP-2015 Antennas. 30 ASP-2894 Antennas. 100

    OCR Scan
    ACD-2702 ACD-2727 DB432 DB436 DB437 DB438 DB471N DB492 DB493 DB495 DB4058W DB8945 DB980 DB874H Decibel Products DB225 antenna ASP-2015 DB884H ASP-712 db205 antenna ASP-685 PDF

    Decibel Products combiners

    Abstract: DB224E W9500 U/25/20/TN26/15/Decibel Products Dipole antennas deciBel antenna DB224 DB212 DB228
    Text: 3 ENGINEERING The information presented here primarily con­ cerns station antennas and filter products. Considerably more can be done at the station than with mobile antennas to influence system performance. In many systems there is only one station antenna serving a num­

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    Decibel Products combiners

    Abstract: DB880 decibel
    Text: a nmi7f!1 AMn& H AutoCELL-UPG AUTOTUNE UPGRADE U D II I I I I U l l V *I"M FOR MANUAL Tx COMBINERS, 869-894 MHz Designed to fill current and future cellular requirements, the AutoCELL-UPG allows your existing manually tuned ceramic combiners to be upgraded at a fraction of the cost of new

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    DBU7010N05-A i-03l0 Decibel Products combiners DB880 decibel PDF