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    00373BS Search Results

    00373BS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M4E D HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR H 4302271 00373bS T HARRIS CMOS Quad Bilateral Switch - S I - I T «HAS I C D 4016B Types Terminal Assignment Fo r Transmission or M ultiplexin g o f A nalog or D igital Signals H ig h - V o lt a g e T y p e s 20-Volt Rating

    OCR Scan
    00373bS 4016B 20-Volt CD4016B CD401 14-lead CD4016BH C040I6B 92CU-29303 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COM’L: -7.5/10/12/15/20 M A C H 2 3 1 -7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 /2 0 High-Density EE CMOS Programmable Logic Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • 84 Pins ■ Program m able power-down mode ■ 128 Macrocells ■ 64 Outputs ■ 7.5 ns tpo ■ 128 Flip-flops; 4 clock choices

    OCR Scan
    L32V16â ACH131, MACH230, MACH435 MACH230 MACH231 025752b PQR208 208-Pin 16-038-PQR-2 PDF