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    0257S2S Search Results

    0257S2S Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCf ]> riICRO DEVICES hflE D • 0257S2S □ □453fc>cl 53b ■ A U D I « P R E L IM IN A R Y Am53C974 Advanced Micro Devices PCscsi Bus Mastering Fast SCSI Controller for PCI Systems DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS PCI Features ■ Integrated industry standard Fast SCSI-2 core

    OCR Scan
    0257S2S 453fc Am53C974 32-bit 32-bit 02575S5 Am386 Am486 PDF


    Abstract: AMD k86
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION A m 1 8 6 E S a n d Advanced Micro Devices A m 1 8 8 ™ E S High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ E86™ family 80C186- and 80C188-compatible m icrocontrollers with enhanced bus interface

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    80C186- 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit 80C188-compatible 40-MHz pqr100 Am386, Am486 Am186, Am186ES AMD k86 PDF

    188es board

    Abstract: AMD k86
    Text: A m 186 EM an d A m 188™ EM Advanced Micro Devices High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86™ fami ly 80C186- and 80C188-com patible m icrocontrollers with enhanced bus interface

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    80C186- 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit 80C188-com 80C186 70-ns Am386, Am486 Am186, 188es board AMD k86 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD VA N C E D MI CRO DEVICES SflE D • 02S7S25 G032727 7 ■ Am29000 Advanced Micro Devices Streamlined Instruction Processor This amendment adds advanced information commercial AC specifications for 3 3 -M H z Am 29000 . Am29000 is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

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    02S7S25 G032727 Am29000 CGX169 T-90-20 00331S1 CQ164 ADAPT29K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO D E ~ j D 2 5 7 S 25 DEVICES QDnSlI 'f= * & -0 9 - / s ' □ Am4025/5025Am4026/5026Am4027/5027 2 0 4 8 -Bit Dynamic Shift Registers Advanced Micro Devices Complex MOS Integrated Circuits D istinctive Characteristics • • 6 M H z data rate guaranteed

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    Am4025/5025 Am4026/5026 Am4027/5027 1024-bit L-STD-883 10-Pin 16-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY M l A H D P Am79R79 Ringing Subscriber Line Interface Circuit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Ideal for short-loop applications Programmable constant-current feed ■ Ideal for ISDN terminal adaptor and fixed radio access applications Programmable Open Circuit voltage

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    Am79R79 13087D-021 80C186 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D V A N C E D MI CR O D E V I C E S 3ÖE D 0 2 5 7 5 2 5 QQ3fit,bö 3 IAMD1 Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices 80C186 CMOS High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Direct addressing capability to 1 MByte of memory and 64-KByte I/O

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    80C186 16-Bit 64-KByte 0257S2S QFP080 4635A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY a Am486 DX4 3-Volt Processor High-Performance, Clock-Selectable, 3.3 V, 32-Bit Microprocessor Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Operating voltage range 3.3 V ± 0.3 V ■ Complete 32-Bit Architecture — Address and data buses

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    Am486Â 32-Bit 120-MHz 40-MHz 100-MHz 33-MHz 16734C Am386, PDF

    80C188 instruction set

    Abstract: N80C188-20 N80C186-16 N80C186-12 80C186 80C186/C188 N80C186-25 N80C188-12 N80C188-16 80C188
    Text: PRELIMINARY 80C 186/ 80C 188 CMOS High-Integration 16-Bit Microprocessors Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Operation Modes Include — System-level testing support high-impedance test mode — Enhanced mode with • DRAM Refresh Control Unit

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    80C186/80C188 16-Bit 80C86/C88 H57525 80C186/80C188 0000A 80C188 instruction set N80C188-20 N80C186-16 N80C186-12 80C186 80C186/C188 N80C186-25 N80C188-12 N80C188-16 80C188 PDF

    cmps a44

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 13 13.1 INSTRUCTION SET OVERVIEW The instruction set used by the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers is identical to the 80C186/188 instruction set. An instruction can reference from zero to several operands. An operand can reside in a register, in the instruction itself, or in memory.

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    Am186EM Am188EM 80C186/188 Q257S25 cmps a44 PDF

    ot 409

    Abstract: Am386DX
    Text: A D V A N C E D MI CRO D E V I C E S HfiE D • 02S7S2S O D 41 bb S 1 ■ AUDI T : H ci -1 7 - 3 4 Am386 SXL High-Performance, 32-Bit Microprocessor with 16-Bit Data Bus Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ 25- and 20-MHz operating speeds

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    02S7S2S Am386â 32-Bit 16-Bit 20-MHz 386SX I386SX Am386SXL ot 409 Am386DX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E LIM IN A R Y AMDH Élan SC300 Highly Integrated, Low-Power, 32-Bit Microcontroller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS — Zero wait-state access with 70 ns, Page mode DRAMs • Highly Integrated, Single-Chip CPU and System Logic — Optimized for handheld systems

    OCR Scan
    SC300 32-Bit ElanSC300 D2S7525 0D50Li PDF

    PT 6324 LQ

    Abstract: 003AG
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES 6 7 3 1 4 2ÖE D • 0257525 0030014 0 AMD CI Advanced Micro Devices A 1-Megabit Dynamic RAM Controller/Driver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ Supports up to 1 M DRAMs ■ Capable of addressing up to 16 M bytes ■ On-chip capacltive-load drivers capable of

    OCR Scan
    30-nsec 35-nsec tpoF32 4060-017A 73104A PT 6324 LQ 003AG PDF

    audi a3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES S*ÌE D • 025752S ODMS'ìDa 0b7 ■ AUDI PRELIMINARY A m 2 7 L V 0 1 0 131,072 x 8-Bit CMOS Low Voltage, One Time Programmable Memory Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ ■ 3.3 V ± 0.3 V Vcc read operation High performance at 3.3 Vcc

    OCR Scan
    025752S Am27LV010 025752S 00H2117 6262A audi a3 PDF


    Abstract: EEPROM AMD 705
    Text: PRELIMINARY & Am79C961 PCnet -ISA+Jumperless Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Single-chip Ethernet co n tro lle r fo r the Industry Standard A rchitecture ISA and Extended Industry Standard A rchitecture (EISA) buses

    OCR Scan
    Am79C961 Am7990 CSR15 G2S7S25 PQB132 2001OA CSR86 EEPROM AMD 705 PDF


    Abstract: 0032M AM29 FLASH SO044
    Text: PRELIM INARY Am29F200T/Am29F200B 2 Megabit 262,144 x 8-Bit/I 31,072 x 16-Bit CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Sector Erase Flash Memory Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • 5.0 V ± 10% write and erase, read ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — Minimizes system level power requirements

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    Am29F200T/Am29F200B 8-Bit/131 16-Bit) 44-pin 48-pin 29f200b 0032M AM29 FLASH SO044 PDF


    Abstract: 80C31 80C324
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES 2ÔE D 02S752S 0G3S30t 7 • AMD CI T -4 9 -1 9 -6 1 Advanced Micro Devices 80C324 CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ Software and pin-com patible w ith 80C321 and Industry standard 80C31 ■ Port Expansion Mode added to 80C321

    OCR Scan
    02S752S Q03a3at T-49-19-61 80C324 80C321 80C31 80C31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY Am29030 and Am29035™ Advanced Micro Devices RISC Microprocessors with 8-Kbyte/4-Kbyte Instruction Cache Am29030 MICROPROCESSOR DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Full 32-bit architecture ■ 8-, 16-, or 32-bit ROM interface ■ 26 million instructions per second MIPS

    OCR Scan
    Am29030TM Am29035TM Am29030 32-bit 25-MHz 64-entry 7447A Fusion29K ID19 PDF

    RUR 0820

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMDÌ1 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION AMD-K5 Processor Data Sheet 18522D/0—Juni 996 I AMD-K5 Processor Features • Four-issue superscalar core with six parallel execution units arranged in a five-stage pipeline ■ 16-Kbyte, dual-tagged, four-way, set-associative instruction

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    18522D/0â 16-Kbyte, AA-01 AA-37 AC-01 AC-37 AE-01 AE-37 AG-01 AG-37 RUR 0820 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Am5x86 Microprocessor Family Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Complete 32-Bit Architecture • High-Performance Design — Industry-standard write-back cache support — Address and data buses — Frequent instructions execute in one clock

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    Am5x86â 32-Bit 133-MHz Am5y86 208-Pin Am386, Am486 Am5x86 PDF

    amd elan 520

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY & É la n A m 3 8 6 * S C 3 0 0 Highly Integrated, Low-Power, 32-Bit Microprocessor and System Logic Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Highly Integrated Single Chip CPU and System Logic — Zero wait-state access with 70-ns, Page Mode

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 70-ns, 16-Mbyte 32-bit, 320-Kbyte pqr208 Am386SC300 2S752S 0G4flb77 amd elan 520 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED MI CR O DE V I C E S 2ÔE D 02S752S 0G3S30t 7 • AMD CI T -4 9 -1 9 -6 1 Advanced Micro Devices 80C324 CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ Software and pin-com patible w ith 80C321 and Industry standard 80C31 ■ Port Expansion Mode added to 80C321

    OCR Scan
    02S752S 0G3S30t 80C324 80C321 80C31 80C321 06824C 07880C 0257S2S PDF

    AMD k86

    Abstract: AMD 80L186
    Text: AMDa PRELIMINARY A m 1 8 6 E M /E M L V a n d A m 1 8 8 ™ E M /E M L V High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS — Asynchronous serial port allows full-duplex, 7-bit

    OCR Scan
    80C186-/80C188-Compatible 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit 80C186- 80C188-compatible Am188EMLV Am186/188EMLV Am386 Am486 Am188, AMD k86 AMD 80L186 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information 21896A/0—January 1999 1 AMDËI Mobile AMD-K6 -2 Processor Data Sheet Mobile AMD-K6®-2 Processor • Advanced 6-Issue RISC86® Superscalar Microarchitecture ♦ Seven parallel specialized execution units ♦ M ultiple sophisticated x86-to-RISC86 instruction decoders

    OCR Scan
    1896A RISC86Â x86-to-RISC86 RISC86 64-Kbyte 32-Kbyte PDF