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    03096HA Search Results

    03096HA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN5548A Wideband Output Module Video Pack VPS13 CRT Display Video Output Amplifier, High-Voltage/Wideband Amplifier Features Package Dimensions • High output voltage and wide bandwidth; optimal for use in fH (horizontal deflection frequency) = 100 kHz

    EN5548A VPS13 15-pin VPS13] VPS13 PDF


    Abstract: LA4275 LA-42
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2237B Monolithic Linear 1C LA4275 No. 2237B SA\YO 6.0 W AF Power Amplifier for Home Stereo, TV Use i Features Package Dimensions u nit : m m • S m a ll-s iz e d p a c k a g e o f 7 -p in S IP , 3075-SIP7H • H ig h p o w e r an d lo w d isto rtio n

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    2237B LA4275 D228Y LA-42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number : EN4673A Thick Film Hybrid 1C STK4034X ISAfÊYOl AF Power Amplifier Split Power Supply (45W min, THD = 0.008%) Features • M iniature package a llo w s audio sets to be made slimmer. • P in -com p atib le am p lifiers w ith outputs o f 30 to

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    EN4673A STK4034X STK4034X] 03096HA /51694TH n707k DQ2DL77 MG-200 0020L7B PDF


    Abstract: trinitron 3043A-SIP10 LA7890 SIP10 tt 3043 B77V
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4957A M onolithic Linear 1C LA7890 No. 4957A I RGB Cutoff Adjustment 1C Overview Package Dimensions T he L A 7890 is a D C -controlled, CRT display RGB cutoff adjustm ent 1C. It can be used for a wide range o f applications, regardless o f w hether they em ploy a T rinitron tube or a

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    LA7890 LA7890 4957A trinitron 3043A-SIP10 SIP10 tt 3043 B77V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN4389A Thick Film Hybrid 1C STK4030V No. 4389A S A \Y AF Power Amplifier Split Power Supply (35 W min, THD = 0.08%) O Features Package Dimensions • Compact packaging supports slimmer set designs (up to 70 W) unit : mm 4062 • Series designed for 20 up to 100 W (200 W ) and pincompatibility (120 to 200 W have 18 pins)

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    EN4389A STK4030V stk403-0 PDF

    software for pen drive

    Abstract: A0313 LC19001A010 LQFP80 SQFP80 ic1900
    Text: Ordering number : EN %$5560B CMOS LSI LC19001A010 No. jK 5560B SAXYO Digitizer Controller Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The L C 19001 AO 10 provides rapid and precise position detection for the resistive membrane pressure-sensitive digitizers used in PDAs and other portable informationprocessing equipment. It implements, in a single chip, the

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    -5560B 5560B LC19001A010 LCI9001 10-bit software for pen drive A0313 LC19001A010 LQFP80 SQFP80 ic1900 PDF


    Abstract: MG-200 OTV51694TH STK4034X STK4034 PQ TRANSFORMER split voltage -30 audio amplifier stereo audio Transformer, miniature Transformer MG-200
    Text: Ordering number : EN4673A Thick Film Hybrid 1C STK4034X No. 4673A SAiYO AF Power Amplifier Split Power Supply (45 W min, THD = 0.008%) Features Package Dimensions • M in ia tu re p a c k a g e a llo w s a u d io sets to be m ade . slimmer. • P in -c o m p a tib le a m p lifie rs w ith o u tp u ts o f 30 to

    OCR Scan
    EN4673A STK4034X STK4034X] 16X2 MG-200 OTV51694TH STK4034X STK4034 PQ TRANSFORMER split voltage -30 audio amplifier stereo audio Transformer, miniature Transformer MG-200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN5159A CMOS LSI LC74772V No. 5159A SAXYO Camcorder On-Screen Display LSI Overview Package Dimensions T he L C 74772V is a CM OS LSI that im plem ents o n ­ screen display for camcorders. It displays characters and patterns in a camcorder viewfinder under microprocessor

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    EN5159A LC74772V 4772V 175A-SSOP24 lc74772 PDF

    sanyo 3 phase motor 5V floppy

    Abstract: floppy disk Stepping Motors 73099th floppy motor driver floppy Stepping Motors diagram LB1846M LB1848M diode VSF 200 "Stepping Motors"
    Text: Ordering number : ENN5339A Monolithic Digital 1C S A flm i LB1846M, 1848M Low-Voltage/Low Saturation Voltage Type Bidirectional Motor Driver Overview • The LB1846M and LB1848M are 2-channel low-voltage, low saturation voltage type bidirectional motor driver ICs

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    ENN5339A LB1846M, 1848M LB1846M LB1848M sanyo 3 phase motor 5V floppy floppy disk Stepping Motors 73099th floppy motor driver floppy Stepping Motors diagram diode VSF 200 "Stepping Motors" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4957A Monolithic Linear 1C LA7890 No. 4957A RGB Cutoff Adjustment 1C Overview Package Dimensions The LA7890 is a DC-controlled, CRT display RGB cutoff adjustment IC. It can be used for a wide range o f applications, regardless o f whether they employ a Trinitron tube or a

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    LA7890 LA7890 043A-SIP10 PDF

    3086A-MFP10S EN5339

    Abstract: LB1846 3086A-MFP10S diode VSF 200 51ti
    Text: Ordering number : EN5339 Monolithic Digitai IC LB1846M, 1848M No. 5339 SAiYO Low-Voltage/Low Saturation Voltage Type Bidirectional Motor Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LB1846M and LB1848M are 2-channel low-voltage, low saturation voltage type bidirectional motor driver ICs

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    EN5339 LB1846M, 1848M LB1846M LB1848M 3086A-MFP10S EN5339 LB1846 3086A-MFP10S diode VSF 200 51ti PDF

    SANYO M 4515 LU

    Abstract: ic 8155 block diagram sym 895 01JT2 t143o t217
    Text: Ordering number : EN5280A CMOS LSI LC4101C SAI YO LCD Dot Matrix Segment Driver for STN Displays Overview The LC4101C is a segment driver for large-scale dot matrix LCD panels. It latches 240 bits of display data sent from the c o n tro lle r over a 4-bit or 8-bit parallel

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    EN5280A LC4101C LC4101C LC4100C SANYO M 4515 LU ic 8155 block diagram sym 895 01JT2 t143o t217 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 5548 Wideband Output Module Video Pack VPS13 No.5548 SA i YO CRT Display Video Output Amplifier, High-Voltage/Wideband Amplifier Features Package Dimensions • High output voltage and wide bandwidth; optimal for use in fH (horizontal deflection frequency) = 1 0 0 kHz

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    VPS13 15-pin TRANSISTOR tr4 PDF


    Abstract: EN2619B
    Text: Ordering number: EN2619B M onolithic L in ea r IC LA3335M No. 2619B PLL FM Multiplex Demodulator for 3 V Headphone Stereos and Radio-cassette Recorders Overview Package Dimensions The LA3335M is PLL FM stereo multiplex demodulator IC designed for use in headphone stereos, etc. which operate from

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    EN2619B 2619B LA3335M 086A-MFP10S LA3335M] la3335 EN2619B PDF