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    100 RIA 120 Search Results

    100 RIA 120 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: TS-0122 TS-0059 TS-2149-D TS-0123 TS-0063 TS-2153 TS-0632 TS-2149 2149D
    Text: 3M Molded Assembly .100” x .100” 1M Series • Available in multiple sizes • Sockets mate with standard .100″ x .100″ headers and plugs • Molded-in strain relief • See Regulatory Information Appendix RIA for chemical compliance information

    TS-2149-D TS-0632 TS-2153 TS-2152 TS-0066 TS-0063 TS-0122 TS-0080 TS-0059 TS-2149-D TS-0123 TS-2149 2149D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IC 234 Series Characteristics Insulation Resistance: Withstanding Voltage: 1,000MQminimum at 100 VDC Contact Resistance: Operating Temperature: 30mQ max. at 10mA/20mV (Initial) -40'C ~ +150'C 100 VAC for 1 minute (M a te ria p PEI (Glass Filled) Beryllium Copper

    OCR Scan
    000MQminimum 10mA/20mV IC234-0484-034 IC234-1004-023 IC34-0804-011 IC234-0804-001 IC234-1004-009 IC234-1004-013 1C234-1004-014 IC234-1004-015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HF-Drosseln RF Chokes [W d] Baugröße 1210 Size 1210 Baureihe SIMID 02-100 Baureihe SIMID 02-T SIMID 02-100 series SIMID 02-T series s: K e rn m a te ria l: K e ra m ik o d e r F e rrit is C o re m a te ria l: c e ra m ic s o r fe rrite M a ß e m m D im e n s io n s (m m )

    OCR Scan
    B82422-A3829-K108, B82422-T1332-K8) B82422-A1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Se ria l Devic e Se r ve rs H igh Pe rfor m a nc e Se ria l-t o-Et he r ne t w it h Pow e rPC , Low Lat e ncy a nd Ea sy I nst a llat ion 100 Series: RS-232 to Ethernet LAN 400 Series: RS-232/422/485 (MEI) to Ethernet (LAN) Available in 1, 2, 4 and 8-port

    RS-232 RS-232/422/485 RS-232/422/485) unmatc11 RJ-45 DSE-100D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPROVED: _ DATE:_ TITLE: C 098 [2.50] I .100 [2.54] SPECIFICATIONS: M a te ria l: Insulator: PBT, rated UL 94V—0 Insulator color: Black Contacts: Brass Plating: Gold flash over Nickel underplate overall Electrical: Current rating: 3 Amps max

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3M DIN R-Form Socket .100″ Inverse Mount, Right Angle, Solder Tail Termination Inverse boardmount connector Expanded pin counts Optional retention clips Mates with R-form and C-form plugs See Regulatory Information Appendix RIA for chemical compliance information

    TS-1134Sheet RIA-2217-A TG30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IC201 Series Insulation Resistance: Withstanding Voltage: 1,000MQminimum at 500 VDC 100-700 VAC for 1 minute Contact Resistance: Operating Temperature: 30mQ max. at 10mA/20mV Initial -40°C - +170"C (M a te ria l) Insulator: PEI (Glass Filled) Contact: Plating:

    OCR Scan
    IC201 000MQminimum 10mA/20mV IC201-0804-020 IC201-1004-016 IC201-0804-032 IC201-1004-028 IC201-1004-008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3M Mini D Ribbon MDR Connectors .050″ Straddlemount Plug - Shielded 101 Series • Wiper-on-wiper contact for reliable repetitive plugging • Solder tails require no special tooling • Contacts: 50, 68, and 100 • See Regulatory Information Appendix (RIA)

    TS-0698-10 RIA-2217-B Straddle-Mount PDF

    MDR connector

    Abstract: Straddle-Mount 100 ria 120
    Text: 3M Mini D Ribbon MDR Connectors .050” Straddlemount Plug - Shielded 101 Series • Wiper-on-wiper contact for reliable repetitive plugging • Solder tails require no special tooling • Contacts: 26, 50, 68, and 100 • See Regulatory Information Appendix (RIA) for

    TS-0698-C 101XX 900APX MDR connector Straddle-Mount 100 ria 120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tg/ca AMR AMPMODU Interconnection System Electronics Breakaway Surface-Mount Compatible, High Temperature Headers— Unshrouded, Single-Row, .100 [2.54] Centerline .025 [0.64] Square Right-Angle Posts Headers with Solder Tails M a te ria l and Finish: Housing— Black therm oplastic, 94V-0

    OCR Scan
    26-position PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3M DIN R-Form Socket .100″ Inverse Mount, Right Angle, Solder Tail Termination • • • • • DIN 41612 Series Inverse boardmount connector Expanded pin counts Optional retention clips Mates with R-form and C-form plugs See Regulatory Information Appendix RIA

    TS-1134-06 30anufacture RIA-2217-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ti/ca AMP A M P M O D U Interconnection System Electronics Breakaway Unshrouded Stacking Headers, Single-Row , .100 [2.54] Centerline .025 [0.64] Square Straight Posts .092 [2.34] .046^.003 1.17*0.08] Header Size A Photo 98184-7 M a te ria l and F in is h :

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMT IDCs N O T E : Internal strain relief dimensions d ependent on wire/insulation; please consult factory. Recommended Pad Geometry Loose P a rt N o. 1208 M a te ria l T h ic k n e s s / T yp e 0.025" 0.64mm Brass S ta n d a rd F in ish Preplated 100% Matt Tin over Copper

    OCR Scan
    WTPPS-1208-1: 1208T 1208T) PDF

    SM 4108

    Abstract: Thomas Betts 13600 A7890 44DS LA 4108 PS-72DS
    Text: T h o m a s ë B e tts IDC Systems Headers DUAL ROW PIN STRIP HEADERS STRAIGHT .100" x .100" CENTERS T O LR49571 E60980 P h y s ic a l P r o p e r t ie s In su la tio n M a te ria l: Glass reinforced thermo­ plastic, rated 94V-0 C o lo r : black O xyge n Index: 32

    OCR Scan
    LR49571 E60980 PS-02 PS-04 114iOO PS-62 PS-64 PS-72DS PS-74DS-WXA PS-76DS-WXA SM 4108 Thomas Betts 13600 A7890 44DS LA 4108 PDF


    Abstract: MILC55302 27305 531134-4
    Text: AMP Catalog 82015 Box Contact Connectors R e vis e d 5 -9 5 3 -R o w Receptacle Assemblies .100 [2.54] Centerline Series Connectors Com m ercial Receptacle Assem blies H o using M a te ria l— In accordance w ith M IL-C -55302 Contact M a te rial and Fin ish —

    OCR Scan
    MIL-C-55302 MIL-C-55302 MIL-750 07T731H 0Q30L03 MILC55302 27305 531134-4 PDF


    Abstract: GE SCR TM-35 MPA1060D ge scr package
    Text: SUBSCRETE tm d e v i c e s POWER SERIES • SCR's »Rectifiers •Triacs VOLTAGE GRADE A = 100 D = 400 B = 200 E = 500 C = 300 M = 600 PACKAGE CONFIGURATION 0 = Step Lead 1 = Isolated Step Lead 2 = Sandwich E X A M P LE : 6 amp, 4 00 v o lt. Step Lead, S u bscrete T ria c is M PA1060D .

    OCR Scan
    MPA1060D PA106I PA110| PA110 GE SCR TM-35 MPA1060D ge scr package PDF


    Abstract: t260 TL 624 1100-H14
    Text: S ta n d a rd H eat S in ks -6 2 0 ~ Ifi ?AH UbO .IBS 1 4 .77 5 M a te ria l 6063T5 Alum inum f i n i s h B l a c k . Anodize .120 J M t.250 31.7M 2.500 « J.Ü » *Jf:0 TYP, t 3 .100 ,7&0 , Z3SQ 1 9 .0 5 0 11S -* ia o * 4i i •c ' 3 556 D IA . 3 _J .-

    OCR Scan
    1100-H14 O-220 O-220-2 7346 t260 TL 624 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ,125- ,650 45A fim n Polyf et AD ,750 ,060 R Typ, ,070- □ ,120 ,500 — ,190 ,045 Ì385 7 i -.300 Max, r ,400 L ,005 ^Dimension in in c h e s ^Ceramic lid is e p o x ie d on * L e a d m a te ria l is A llo y 42 N i-Fe * le a d s a r e p la t e d with 100 m icroinch

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Light Emitting Diodes •Standard Type LED Lamps EtectroQptical Characteristics T»»25C Bm É M ÌIÉ É Ì É tS L If mA 30 I ff mA 100 Vn V Tcp T s ig ^ —30 - -8 5 -3 0 ~ *1 0 0 Type No J.*l i. I " f »f l .■ typ 1 ma* V f m o ria m o ti u ■■10 m A

    OCR Scan
    EL2110R SEL2210R EL2110S EL2210S SEL1615C SEL1650CM SEL4228C Ta-25 SEL2E10C SEL1E10C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Catalog 1307767 Issued 11-59 Breakaway Headers and Shunts Wire-to-Board Connectors 2.54 [.100] Centers AMPMODU M a te ria l and F in is h S in g le R o w — U n s h ro u d e d , 0 .6 4 [.0 2 5 ] S q u a re Posts H o u s in g — The'iroplastic, 94V-C rated, black

    OCR Scan
    O0D76 717-9B6-7777 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3B/505E 4356A R. F. T r i o d e For O p e ra tio n a t full input ra tin g up to 100 Mc/s 4356A CATHODE. Tho ria te d tungsten fila m en t Voltage Nom inal c u rre n t Peak emission R A T IN G . A m p lifica tio n fa c to r/M e a s u re d at Va 500 V \ 45

    OCR Scan
    B/505E 3B/505Eâ 3B/505E 4356A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LEOCO Engineering and Manufacturing standards 2.54mn 100' P itc h Row Bre a k a w a y H eader # # * 3558 S e r ie s * * * M a te ria l : # In s u la t o r : UL 54V-0 P3T i # C o n ta c t ! B ra s s Tin o r s e l e c t i v e g o ld o v e r n i c k e l . # P la tin g

    OCR Scan
    540TYP 3559P1C2# 3559P1C5* 3559P1C3* 3559P111* 3559P134* 3559P117* 3559P1 800C2 3558P PDF

    st 85500

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin I27105 rev. C 10/06 T.RIA SERIES MEDIUM POWER PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORS Features Power Modules Electrically isolated base plate Types up to 1200 V RRM 50 A 70 A 90 A 3500 VRMS isolating voltage Simplified mechanical designs, rapid assembly High surge capability

    I27105 E78996 T50RIA T50RIA. T70RIA. T90RIA. st 85500 PDF

    st 85500

    Abstract: T90RIA120 T50RIA T50RIA60 T70RIA T70RIA60 T90RIA T90RIA60 ria 120
    Text: 2002-07-04 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 72-079-47 T50RIA60 tyrist 600V 80A 72-080-10 T70RIA60 tyrist 600V 110A 72-080-44 T70RIA120tyrist 1200V 110A 72-080-85 T90RIA60 tyrist 600V 141A

    T50RIA60 T70RIA60 T70RIA120tyrist T90RIA60 T90RIA120tyrist I27105 E78996 st 85500 T90RIA120 T50RIA T70RIA T90RIA ria 120 PDF