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    Practical circuit with a digital scale avr

    Abstract: CS7875 CS7870 R53C
    Text: CS7870 CS7875 A Cirrus Logic Company 12-Bit, 100 kHz, Sampling A/D Converters Features General Description The CS7870 and CS7875 are complete monolithic CMOS analog-to-digital converters providing 100kHz throughput. The capacitive DAC has been calibrated at the factory to ensure 12-bit performance.

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    CS7870 CS7875 12-Bit, 12-Bit CS7875 100kHz Practical circuit with a digital scale avr R53C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S5104bô 001L7E1 1Ö4 • u m TECHNOLOGY [ M T O L B E LIM I Final E le ctrica l S p ecificatio ns LTC1553 5-Bit Programmable Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller for Pentium Pro Processor February 1997 F€ATU߀S DCSCftlPTIOn ■ 5-Bit Digitally Programmable 1.8V to 3.5V Fixed

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    S5104bà 001L7E1 LTC1553 LTC1430 LTC1435 LTC1438 LTC1435 S51fl4hfi 001b7M0 1553i PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARTESO f N E C H N O L O Vi WGG I BXB75 SERIES E Single output S • • • • • • • • • • The BXB75 Series are high power density DC/DC converters packaged in the industry standard footprint 2.40 x 2.28 x 0.50 inches to give designers optimum

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    BXB75 MIL-HDBK-217F, ETS300-132-2 VDE0805/EN60950/IEC950 UL1950 E136005 LR41062C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TDC1058 Monolithic Video A/D Converter 8-Bit, 20Msps, Low Power The T R W T D C 1 0 5 8 is a fla sh a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l c o n v e rte r c a p a b le o f c o n v e rtin g a v id e o -s p e e d signal in to a stre a m o f 8 -b it d ig ita l w o rd s a t 2 0 M s p s M e g a S a m p le s Per

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    TDC1058 20Msps, TDC1058 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    SD4600 SD4600 960MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The information in this data sheet can change upon complete cajaracterization and evaluation Of this new product. I f n A f\A Q A Iv U /W J ^ rO ^ » 110 M H z C M O S T r u e - C o lo r R A M D A C KDA0484 FEATURES ♦ 110,85MHz Pixel Clock ♦ 8 :1 , 4:1, 2:1,1:1 MUX Modes

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    KDA0484 85MHz 32x32x2 256x8 KDA0484. KDA0484 KDA0484L-110 110MHz 84-PLCC-SQ PDF

    AVR circuit diagram

    Abstract: CS7870 CS7875 Practical circuit with a digital scale avr
    Text: CS7870 CS7875 A Cirrus Logic Company 12-Bit, 100 kHz, Sampling A/D Converters Features General Description The CS7870 and CS7875 are complete monolithic CMOS analog-to-digital converters providing 100kHz throughput. The capacitive DAC has been calibrated at the factory to ensure 12-bit performance.

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    CS7870 CS7875 12-Bit, 12-Bit CS7875 100kHz AVR circuit diagram Practical circuit with a digital scale avr PDF

    EMCO GTEM 5305

    Abstract: WR15 emco K Series
    Text: 3D A TEL INNOVATION and EXCELLENCE UWR MODELS Single Output Low-Cost, DIP-Packaged 3 Watt, DC/DC Converters power systems. Exploiting high-frequency 170-200kHz , flyback topologies and contemporary, fully automated, SMT assembly techniques, UW R Model DC/DC’s have enough

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    1000Vdc 170-200kHz) UWR-12/250-D5 12Vdc 201mA 2bS15t 0004GS0 EMCO GTEM 5305 WR15 emco K Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H A - 5 2 2 1 /2 2 A pplicatio n s In fo rm atio n Operation at Various Supply Voltages The H A -5221/5222 operates over a wide range of supply voltages with little variation in performance. The supplies may be varied from ± 5 volts to ± 1 5 volts. See typical

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    HA-5221. HA-5221 100pF, PDF


    Abstract: CR21A
    Text: The information in this data sheet can change upon complete cahracterization and evaluation of this new product. l / >n A n » O C / n > I O C lx U /\U ^ tO D |U 4 0 0 1 35MHz CM0S True-Color RAM DAC KDA0485 FEATURES ♦ 135,110, 85MHz Pixel Clock ♦ 8 :1, 4:1, 2:1,1:1 MUX Modes

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    35MHz KDA0485 85MHz 64x64x2 256x8 84-Pin KDA0486. KDA0485/0486 CR331 CR21A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS N ew Products LTC1410: 12-Bit, 1.25Msps Sampling A D C with 71dB SINAD at Nyquist Features Complete 1.25MHz, 12-Bit Sampling A/D Converter • Com plete 1 .2 5 M s p s A D C LTC1410 DIFFERENTIAL i ANALOG INPUT — -2.5V TO 2.5V _2

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    LTC1410: 12-Bit, 25Msps 10jjF 25MHz, 12-Bit LTC1410 LTC14I0- LTC1410 600kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L iriÉ A B TECHNOLOGY ^04 High S p e e d , 16-Bit, 333ksps S am pling A /D C o n v e rte r w ith S hu tdow n K flT U R C S D C S C R IC T IO n • A Com plete, 333ksps 16-B it ADC ■ 90dB S/ N+D and —1 0OdB THD (Typ) ■ Power Dissipation: 220m W (Typ)

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    16-Bit, 333ksps 333ksps, 16-bit 220mW LTC1604 10OdB 333ksps. 15MHz 150mW LTC1604A PDF


    Abstract: lO01 MAX743CPE MAXL001 Caddell-Burns mpp schematic MAX742 MAX743 MAX743CWE MAX743EWE
    Text: 19-2873; Rev 0; 7/90 Dual-Output, Switch-M ode R egulator +5V to ± 15V o r± 1 2 V _ F e a tu re s The MAX743 DC-DC converter IC contains all the active circuitry needed to build small, dual-output power sup­ plies. Relying on simple two-terminal inductors rather

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    MAX743 200kHz, 743EPE lO01 MAX743CPE MAXL001 Caddell-Burns mpp schematic MAX742 MAX743CWE MAX743EWE PDF

    CD4051 ic 16 pin diagram

    Abstract: LT1220
    Text: U IT O TECHNOLOGY D € S C R IP T IO n The LTC1273/LTC1275/LTC1276 are 300ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D converters that draw only 75mW from single 5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-use devices come complete with 600ns sample-and-holds, precision refer­ ences and internally trimmed clocks. Unipolar and bipo­

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    LTC1273 LTC1275XLTC1276 12-Bit, 300ksps LTC1273/LTC1275/LTC1276 300ksps, 12-bit 600ns 25ppm/ CD4051 ic 16 pin diagram LT1220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H A R R HI5805 I S S E M I C O N D U C T O R 12-Bit, 5 MSPS A/D Converter August 1997 Description Features The HI5805 Is a monolithic, 12-bit, Analog-to-Digltal Converter fabricated in Harris’ HBC10 BiCMOS process. It is designed for high speed, high resolution applications where

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    HI5805 12-Bit, HI5805 HBC10 300mW 100MHz 200mV, PDF


    Abstract: PP 578L 578SD
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Performance Complete 12-Bit A/D Converter with Reference and Clock Fast Conversion: 3 is (max Buried Zener Reference for Long Term Stability and Low Gain T.C.: ±30 ppm/°C max (AOS78) ±40 ppm/°C max (AD579) Max Nonlinearity: <±0.012%

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    12-Bit AD578/AD579 AOS78) AD579) AD578) AD579I MIL-STD-883 AD578 AD579 579K PP 578L 578SD PDF


    Abstract: samwha capacitor rg SAMWHA RG CM Y5V .1M 2KV samwha LT Series capacitor Samwha rg series SAMWHA LT 8R2C samwha capacitor lt Samwha LT SERIES
    Text: Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors j Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors Introduction SAMW HA's series of m ultilayer ceramic MLC chip capacitors is design ed to m eet a w id e variety of need. M u ltila ye r ceram ic chip capacitors are a va ila b le in b oth class I and class II fo rm u la tion s. T em p eratu re

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    B25 SOT23-5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP6828/6829 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE +3V Low Power Voltage Inverters 99.9% Voltage Conversion Efficiency 1+1.15V to +4.2V Input Voltage Range 1+1.15 V|N Guaranteed Start-up Inverts Input Supply Voltage 20|aA Quiescent Current for the SP6828 40|a,A Quiescent Current for the SP6829

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    SP6828/6829 SP6828 SP6829 12kHz 35kHz SP6828/6829 TheSP6828/ B25 SOT23-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI<Dig.Ana.lNTERFACE> M62356P 8-BIT 8CH D-A CONVERTER DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M62356P is an integrated circuit semiconductor of C-MOS structure with 8 channels of built-in D-A converters. The input data is a easy-to-use 3-wires serial data transfer

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    M62356P M62356P M5M4V4100J 4194304-BIT 4194304-WORD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ LT1313 TECHNOLOGY u m Dual PCMCIA VPP Driver/Regulator F€flTUR€S DCSCMPTIOn • Digital Selection of OV, Vcc, 12V or Hi-Z ■ Output Current Capability: 120mA ■ Internal Current Limiting and Thermal Shutdown ■ Automatic Switching from 3.3V to 5V

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    LT1313 120mA 0012T74 LTC1142HV LTC1148 VN7002 LT1312 OQ12T75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rrwm. . ^ 7 _ LT1313 TECHNOLOGY Dual PCMCIA VPP D river/R egulator F€flTUft€S DCSCftlPTIOfl • Digital Selection of OV, Vcc, 12V or Hi-Z ■ Output Current Capability: 120mA ■ Internal Current Limiting and Thermal Shutdown

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    LT1313 120mA LT1313 two54-4113 5C173 PDF


    Abstract: lb1836 lb1630 circuit lb1831 LB1835M lb1839 lb1838
    Text: Ordering number : EN4179A Monolithic Digital IC LB1832V No. 4179A SANYO J Low-Saturation 1.5-Channel 3 V Drive Bidirectional Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LB1832V is a bidirectional driver IC that includes an unit: mm on -ch ip lo w -vo lta ge low-saturation 1.5-channel bridge

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    EN4179A LB1832V 175A-SSOP24 MFP10S lb1836 lb1630 circuit lb1831 LB1835M lb1839 lb1838 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ” Semiconductor, Inc. TC1044S CHARGE PUMP DC-TO-DC VOLTAGE CONVERTER FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The TC1044S is a pin-compatible upgrade to the Indus­ try standard TC7660 charge pump voltage converter. It converts a +1.5V to +12V input to a corresponding - 1 .5V

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    TC1044S RS-232 45kHz TC1044S TC1044SCPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK r y ^ HT78XX High Driver Regulator Features Low power consum ption Low voltage drop Low tem p eratu re coefficient High in p u t voltage up to 12V H igh o u tp u t c u r r e n t: 100mA (Pf] < 250mW) TO-92 and SOT-89 package Applications • • B attery-pow ered equipm ent

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    HT78XX 100mA 250mW) OT-89 HT78XX 100mA dT78XX PDF