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    MSP430 data sheet

    Abstract: MSP430 Family Architecture MSP430 datasheet msp430 features MSP430 structure MSP430
    Text: MSP430 Family 1 Introduction Introduction This section discusses the features of the MSP430 family of controllers with special capabilities for analog processing control. All family members are software compatible, allowing easy migration within the MSP430 family by maintaining a software base,

    MSP430 16-bit MSP430 data sheet MSP430 Family Architecture MSP430 datasheet msp430 features structure MSP430 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MhE D 11ERR I MAC INDUSTRIES INC bGÜMbBT DDD2D55 S •Utili 7^77 ■ Merrimac JPF-21E series QUADRAPHASE QPSK MODULATORS Differential ECL/TTL Compatible Drive D1 f=pi +15 m AT _ -15 mA'O' U 1,0 U 0,0 90° 270' RF INPUT 90 (CARRIER) QUAD HYBRID 1,1 BI-PHASE

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    DDD2D55 JPF-21E JPF-21E-70 JPF-21E-* Merrimac PDF

    Ferroxcube 1408P-L00-3C8

    Abstract: TL494 ferroxcube 1408p
    Text: TL494 Switchmode Pulse W idth Modulation Control Circuits Semiconductor T he T L 4 9 4 is a fix e d frequency, pulse w idth modulation control circuit designed prim arily fo r Sw itchm ode power supply control.This device features: • Com plete Pulse W id th M odulation Control Circuitry

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    TL494 Ferroxcube 1408P-L00-3C8 ferroxcube 1408p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Honeywell HX2000 RICMOS" — SOI GATE ARRAYS FAMILY FEATURES • Fabricated on Honeywell’s Radiation Hardened 0.65 nm R IC M O S IV SOI Process • Total Dose Hardness of >1x106 rad S i02 • Array Sizes from 10K to 336K Available Gates (Raw) Dose Rate Upset Hardness: >1x10'°rad(Si)/sec (5V)

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    1x106 1x109 HX2000 HX2160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡nlgl PRODUCT PREVIEW 28F008SC 8-MBIT 1 MB x 8 SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY • SmartVoltage Technology — 3.3V or 5V Vcc — 3.3V.5V, or12VVpp ■ High-Density Symmetrically-Blocked Architecture — Sixteen 64-Kbyte Erasable Blocks ■ High-Performance

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    28F008SC 64-Kbyte or12VVpp 28F008SA' AP-627, 28F008SA 29057 PDF

    ali m 3329

    Abstract: PROCESSOR ALI 3329 ali 3329 e ali 3329 b ali m 3327 ali 3329 80L188EB
    Text: 4-MBIT 256K x 16, 512K x 8 LOW-POWER BOOT BLOCK FLASH MEMORY FAMILY 28F400BL-T/B, 28F004BL-T/B m L o w V o lta g e O p e ra tio n fo r V e ry L o w -P o w e r P o rta b le A p p lic a tio n s — V Cc = 3 .0 V -3 .6 V R e a d — V c c = 3 .1 5 V -3 .6 V P ro g ra m /E ra s e

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    28F400BL-T/B, 28F004BL-T/B 28F400BX-TL/BL 28F400BL-T/B 28F004BX-TL/BL 28F004BL-T/B 28F400BX Intel386TM ali m 3329 PROCESSOR ALI 3329 ali 3329 e ali 3329 b ali m 3327 ali 3329 80L188EB PDF