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    2SD1525 Datasheets (8)

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    2SD1525 Toshiba TRANS DARLINGTON NPN 100V 30A 3(2-21F1A) Original PDF
    2SD1525 Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF
    2SD1525 Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF
    2SD1525 Unknown Scan PDF
    2SD1525 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD1525 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SD1525 Toshiba Silicon NPN transistor for high current switching applications Scan PDF

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    Abstract: 2-21F1A 316tc
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1525 High Current Switching Applications • Unit: mm High collector current: IC = 30 A • High DC current gain: hFE = 1000 (min) (VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 A) • Monolithic construction with built-in base-emitter shunt resistor.

    2SD1525 2SD1525 2-21F1A 316tc PDF

    2sd1525 toshiba

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1525 High Current Switching Applications • Unit: mm High collector current: IC = 30 A • High DC current gain: hFE = 1000 (min) (VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 A) • Monolithic construction with built-in base-emitter shunt resistor.

    2SD1525 2sd1525 toshiba PDF


    Abstract: 2-21F1A
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1525 High Current Switching Applications • Unit: mm High collector current: IC = 30 A • High DC current gain: hFE = 1000 (min) (VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 A) • Monolithic construction with built-in base-emitter shunt resistor.

    2SD1525 2SD1525 2-21F1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Darlington power transistor 2SD1525 High Current Switching Applications • Unit: mm High collector current: IC = 30 A • High DC current gain: hFE = 1000 (min) (VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 A) • Monolithic construction with built-in base-emitter shunt resistor.

    2SD1525 PDF

    2sd1525 toshiba

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1525 High Current Switching Applications • Unit: mm High collector current: IC = 30 A • High DC current gain: hFE = 1000 (min) (VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 A) • Monolithic construction with built-in base-emitter shunt resistor.

    2SD1525 2-21F1A 2sd1525 toshiba PDF


    Abstract: 2-21F1A MS-524
    Text: 2SD1525 シリコンNPN三重拡散形 ダーリントン接続 東芝トランジスタ 2SD1525 通 信 工 業 用 ○ 大電力スイッチング用 • 単位: mm 許容コレクタ電流が大きい。: IC = 30 A • 直流電流増幅率が高い。

    2SD1525 2-21F1A 2SD1525 2-21F1A MS-524 PDF


    Abstract: 2-21F1A
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Darlington power transistor 2SD1525 High Current Switching Applications • Unit: mm High collector current: IC = 30 A · High DC current gain: hFE = 1000 (min) (VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 A) · Monolithic construction with built-in base-emitter shunt resistor.

    2SD1525 2SD1525 2-21F1A PDF


    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF


    Abstract: GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    SCE0004L TTC4116* 2SC4118 TTA1586* 2SA1588 2SC4117 2SA1587 2SC5233 2SC4738 2SA1832 GT30F131 GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01 PDF

    IGBT GT30F124

    Abstract: IGBT GT30J124 GT30F124 GT30J124 GT50N322 tk25e06k3 TPCP8R01 TK12A10K3 GT30G124 2SK3075
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2011 年 1 月版 トランジスタ バイポーラ小信号トランジスタ 接合形 FET 異種混載複合デバイス MOSFET バイポーラパワートランジスタ 高周波バイポーラ小信号トランジスタ

    SCJ0004R SC-43) 2SC1815 2SC732TM 2SC1959 2SA1015 2SC2240 2SA970 2SC1815 2SA1015 IGBT GT30F124 IGBT GT30J124 GT30F124 GT30J124 GT50N322 tk25e06k3 TPCP8R01 TK12A10K3 GT30G124 2SK3075 PDF

    2sC5200, 2SA1943

    Abstract: 2SA1941 equivalent 2SC5353 equivalent 2sc5198 equivalent amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 2SC2383 equivalent tpcp8l01 2SA1962 equivalent 2SC4793 2sa1837 2sA1013 equivalent
    Text: 2011-4 PRODUCT GUIDE Power Transistors SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w . s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / e n g Power Transistors for Audio Power Amplifiers Using a minute pattern and a high-density MET design, Toshiba has achieved high levels of current

    BCE0016D 2sC5200, 2SA1943 2SA1941 equivalent 2SC5353 equivalent 2sc5198 equivalent amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 2SC2383 equivalent tpcp8l01 2SA1962 equivalent 2SC4793 2sa1837 2sA1013 equivalent PDF

    smd transistor h2a

    Abstract: SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN transistor smd H2A 2sa1943 amplifier circuit diagram TPCP8L01 2sC5200, 2SA1943 H2A transistor SMD 2sc5200 power amplifiers diagram MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a SMD H2A
    Text: 2008-9 PRODUCT GUIDE Power Transistors s e m i c o n d u c t o r h t tp://w w w.semico n .to shib a /en g Using a minute pattern and a high-density MET design, Toshiba has achieved high levels of current efficiency. Package type can be selected to yield collector power output

    BCE0016C E-28831 BCE0016D smd transistor h2a SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN transistor smd H2A 2sa1943 amplifier circuit diagram TPCP8L01 2sC5200, 2SA1943 H2A transistor SMD 2sc5200 power amplifiers diagram MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a SMD H2A PDF


    Abstract: TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    2010/9SCE0004K SC-43) 2SC1815 700the GT30F124 TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A 2SD1525 2 S D 1 525 TO SHIBA TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE D ARLING TO N HIGH CURRENT SW ITCHING APPLICATIONS Unit in mm • • • High Collector Current : Iq = 30A High DC Current Gain : hjrE(l) = 1000 (Min.) Monolithic Construction with Built-In Base-Emitter Shunt

    OCR Scan
    2SD1525 20-5M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O S H IB A 2SD1525 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR n SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE DARLINGTON n mmr mmr s i m mm s h t HIGH CURRENT SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • • • Unit in mm High Collector Current : I q —30A High DC Current Gain : h;pE(i) = 1000 (Min.) Monolithic Construction with Built-In Base-Emitter Shunt

    OCR Scan
    2SD1525 --30A 50V9o PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1525 2SD152 2SD1525(F)
    Text: 2SD1525 TOSHIBA 2 S D 1 525 TO SHIBA TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE D AR LIN G TO N HIGH CURRENT SW ITCHING APPLICATIONS Unit in mm High Collector Current : l£ = 30A High DC Current Gain : hjpg (i) = 1000 (Min.) Monolithic Construction with Built-In Base-Emitter Shunt

    OCR Scan
    2SD1525 20-5M 2-21F1A --10A, 0-01a> 2SD1525 2SD152 2SD1525(F) PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1525
    Text: TO SH IBA 2SD1525 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE DARLINGTON 2 S D 1 525 HIGH CURRENT SWITCHING APPLICATIONS High Collector Current : l0 = 3OA High DC Current Gain : hjpg (i) = 1000 (Min.) Monolithic Construction with Built-In Base-Emitter Shunt

    OCR Scan
    2SD1525 2-21F1A 2SD1525 PDF

    2sd1525 toshiba

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE DARLINGTON POWER 2SD1525 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION Unit in nan HIGH CURRENT SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. FEATURES: . High Collector Current : Ic=30A . High DC Current Gain : hFE=1000(Min.) (Vc e = 5V, Ic=20A) . Monolithic Construction with Built-In Base-Emitter

    OCR Scan
    2SD1525 2sd1525 toshiba PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE DARLINGTON POWER 2SD1525 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION HIGH CURRENT SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. Unit in mm FEATURES: 2 0 .5 MAX. . High Collector Current : Ic= 30A . High DC Current Gain : hFE=1000(Min.) (VCe=5V, IC=20A) . Monolithic Construction with Built-In Base-Emitter

    OCR Scan
    2SD1525 2s01525 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: S-AU27M S2000A inverter P4005 S-AV21H S-AU27 3182N 2sb 834 transistor Transistor 2SC4288A Drive IC 2SC3346
    Text: TO-126 IS , PO W ER MOLD PACKAGE TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDE • TO-126 (IS) ▲ PW MOLD Darlington A PW MOLD • POWER MOLD TO-126 (IS) Darlington TO-126 OS) H A T0-220AB, TO-220 (IS) PACKAGE TRANSISTOR S E L ECTION G UIDE r— " ~ '''- Y C E O ( V ) lc (A)

    OCR Scan
    O-126 O-126 T0-220AB, O-220 2SC4544 2SC4448 2SC3612 2BC4201 Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD S-AU27M S2000A inverter P4005 S-AV21H S-AU27 3182N 2sb 834 transistor Transistor 2SC4288A Drive IC 2SC3346 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2238 2SC3692 2SD1833 2SD1277 2SD1577 2sd1590 2SC1847 2SC3258 2SD2239
    Text: - 2 40 - tt m % Type No. 2SD 1410 / M 2SD 1411 M ¥ 2SD 1412 2SD 1413*— 2SD 1414 ^ 2SD 1415 ^ Manuf. 2SD 1420 2SD 1421 2SD 1423A 2SD 1424 s m NEC S ±L HITACHI 2SD1141 K H dr ìli FU JITSU fâ T MATSUSHITA 2SD1833 2SC3692 2SD1271 2SD1833 2SC3144 2SD1589

    OCR Scan
    2SD1592 2SD1141 2SD1446 2SD1237L 2SC3692 2SD1271A 2SD1833 2SD1668 2SD1271 2SD157 2SD2238 2SC3692 2SD1833 2SD1277 2SD1577 2sd1590 2SC1847 2SC3258 2SD2239 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor 2SC4288A Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD Drive IC 2SC3346 2sa 102 transistor transistor 2SA 101 50J301 02SC5030 T15J103 Driver IC 2SC3346
    Text: L -S T M T 0 -9 2 M 0 D T Y P E POWER TRANSISTOR V ’CEO \(V> 10 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 2SA949U50VI 2AC2229(150V) 0.05 200 250 2SA1321 2SC3334 300 2SC5122I400V) 2SA1145U50V) 2SC2705(!50V) 2SC2230(160V) 0.1 2SC2482 2SC2230A 2SA817A 0.4 2SC1627A 2SA1811

    OCR Scan
    2SA949U50VI 2AC2229 2SA1145U50V) 2SC2705( 2SC2230 2SA817A 2SC1627A 2SA1811 2SC4707 2SA965 15J102 Transistor 2SC4288A Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD Drive IC 2SC3346 2sa 102 transistor transistor 2SA 101 50J301 02SC5030 T15J103 Driver IC 2SC3346 PDF

    2sC5200, 2SA1943, 2sc5198

    Abstract: GTI5Q101 2sc5039 2SC4532 2SD2088 2SC3303 2sC5200, 2SA1943 2SA1803 2sc4408 GT10G102
    Text: • ALPHNUMERICAL INDEX Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page 2SA817A 121 2SA1387 202 2SA1892 278 2SA940 123 2SA1388 206 2SA1893 280 2SA949 125 2SA1408 209 2SA1899 281 2SA965 127 2SA1425 212 2SA1905 282 2SA966 129 2SA1426 214 2SA1923 284 2SA1012 131 2SA1428

    OCR Scan
    2SA817A 2SA940 2SA949 2SA965 2SA966 2SA1012 2SA1013 2SA1020 2SA1145 2SA1160 2sC5200, 2SA1943, 2sc5198 GTI5Q101 2sc5039 2SC4532 2SD2088 2SC3303 2sC5200, 2SA1943 2SA1803 2sc4408 GT10G102 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF