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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC PL ES SE Y S E M I C O N D S 43E D • 37bflS2S Q D 1 4 1 1 Q T B I P L S B 'T'll-ol - o g GEC PLESSEY | s e m i c o n d u c t o » 7 | 2384-1.2 SP5512

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    37bflS2S SP5512 SP5512 18-lead SP5512) 20-lead SP5512T) 37bfl522 37bfiS22 MP20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    37bflS2S C11201PDS-1 MA6560 20MS/S MA6560 37t8522 0Q125M2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GE C P L E S S E Y Si si Mit Junens ADVANCE INFORMATION o \ I v c: I o K S DS40S6-2.4 GP2010 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END The GP2010 is GEC Plessey Semiconductors' second generation RFFront-end for Global Positioning System GPS) receivers. The GP2010 uses many innovative design

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    DS40S6-2 GP2010 GP2010 TheGP2010 42MHz) 37bfiS22 GD24f PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 51 GEC PLESSEY PR ELIM IN A R Y INFO R M ATIO N S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3748-4 2 MA31750 HIGH PERFORMANCE MIL-STD-1750 MICROPROCESSOR The GEC Plessey MA31750 is a single-chip microprocessor that implements the full MIL-STD-1750A instruction set architecture, or Option 2 of Draft MIL-STD1750B. The processor executes all mandatory instructions and

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    DS3748-4 MA31750 MIL-STD-1750 MA31750 MIL-STD-1750A MIL-STD1750B. MIL-STD-1750. MAS281. 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 7 b f i 522 DD 2 0 1 1 E S 47 H P L S B a i GEC P L E S S E Y FEBRUARY 1994 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2464 - 4.9 MV6639 POCSAG DECODER Supersedes November 1992 edition - DS2464 - 3.3 The MV6639 POCSAG decoder is capable of operating

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    DS2464 MV6639 MV6639 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY k? A » S• t PRELIMINARY INFORMATION M l C O N D U C T «O* JR ij-S -» D.S. 3906 1.3 VP87A8 32MHz 8-BIT ANALOG VIDEO INPUT INTERFACE The VP87A8 is an analog input interface dessigned for video signal conditioning and digitisation. Operating from a single +5V supply, the VP87A8 includes

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    VP87A8 32MHz VP87A8 PDF


    Abstract: mps 0522
    Text: s i GEC P L E S S E Y SI M I l> [\ I l C ï ADVANCE INFORMATION II l< S 0^.21593.0 SL6140 400MHz WIDEBAND AGC AMPLIFIER (Supersedes Editton in May 1991 Professional Products I.e. Handbook) The SL6140 is an integrated broadband AGC amplifier, designed on an advanced 3-micron all implanted bipolar

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    SL6140 400MHz SL6140 400MHz. over45dB MC1590 mps 0522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SiG E C P L E S S E Y ADVANCE INFORMATION SP5055 2.6 GHz BI-DIRECTIONAL l2C BUS CONTROLLED SYNTHESISER Supersedes version in April 1994 Consumer 1C Handbook, HB3120 - 2.0 The SP5055 is a single chip frequency synthesiser designed for TV tuning systems. Control data is entered in the standard

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    SP5055 HB3120 SP5055 37bBS22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC P L E S S E Y o c t o b e r i 995 SE M IC OND UC TOR S DS4271-2.2 T F 2 1 9 .B FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS v DRM 2000V 190A ^T RMS 1200A ^TSM dV/dt 200V/(is dl/dt 500A/|is 40jis • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS.

    OCR Scan
    DS4271-2 40jis TF219 TF21918B TF21916B TF21914B 0D2BS25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y w ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3146-2.0 MA541 LD/DTMF SWITCHABLE DIALLERS Ths MA541 family are keypad switchable LD/DTMF dialler devices with a last number redial facility. Two operating modes are available: LD mode, with the

    OCR Scan
    DS3146-2 MA541 MA541 MA526, MA527, MA545, MA547. MA585, MA587 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P ^ ^ jl G E C S L M I C . o c to b e r 1996 P L E S S E Y O t N D U C T O R S DS4374 - 2.4 GP2015 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END Supersedes edition in August 1996 Global Positioning Products Handbook, HB4305-1.0 The GP2015 is a small format RF Front-end for Global

    OCR Scan
    DS4374 GP2015 HB4305-1 GP2015 GP2010 42MHz) D027c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w GEC PLESS EY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3587-3.3 MA36901 3 1553B BUS CONTROLLER/REMOTE TERMINAL The MA3690/1 chip set has three modes of operation: remote terminal, bus controller, and passive monitor It has a dual bus capability, requires minimum support hardware /

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    DS3587-3 MA36901 1553B MA3690/1 48-Pin MA3693 MA3690. Mil-Std-1553B. Mil-Std-883 PDF

    LM 4863 D

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E C P L E S S E Y PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3839-4.2 MA28140 PACKET TELECOMMAND DECODER The MA28140 Packet Telecommand Decoder PTD is a single-chip implementation of the core part of a telecommand decoder, m anufactured using GPS CMOS-SOS high

    OCR Scan
    DS3839-4 MA28140 MA28140 PSS-04-107 PSS-04-151, 0D2415Ã LM 4863 D PDF

    GPS Builder

    Abstract: signo 723 epoch t14 "gps builder" utc 3845 D 2n1024 80186 addressing P60ARM T1483 utc 3845
    Text: 9 i GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S GP2021 GPS 12 CHANNEL CORRELATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT FUNCTIONS The GP2021 is a 12 channel C/A code baseband correlator for use in NAVSTAR GPS and GLONASS satellite navigation receivers. The GP2021 complements the GP2015 and

    OCR Scan
    S4077 GP2021 GP2015 GP2010 ARM60 GPS Builder signo 723 epoch t14 "gps builder" utc 3845 D 2n1024 80186 addressing P60ARM T1483 utc 3845 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D MM 37bôS22 D O I B ^ Û 3 BIPL SB " T '4 3 >-Z<5 GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL2363 & SL2364 VERY HIGH PERFORMANCE TRANSISTOR ARRAYS The SL2363C and SL2364C are arrays of transistors internally connected to torm a dual long-tailed pair with tail

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    SL2363 SL2364 SL2363C SL2364C 37bflS2S T-43-25 200mW SL2364 T-43-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC PLESSEY S I. M I C O N D l C T ü R S DS3585-4.3 MA9167 RADIATION HARD 16384 X 1 BIT STATIC RAM FEATURES The M A 916716k Static RAM is configured as 16384 x 1 bits and manufactured using GPS's CMOS-SOS high performance, radiation hard, 1.5|im technology.

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    DS3585-4 MA9167 916716k 37bfl522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3046-2 1 MV1403 PCM MACROCELL DEMONSTRATOR The M V1403 contains 8 PCM m acrocells w hich can be configured so as to perform the com m on channel signalling and error detection functions for a 2.048 Mbit 30 channel PCM

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    DS3046-2 MV1403 V1403 CLA60000 MV1403. 37bAS22 G0204b7 37bflS2S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY w . ADVANCE INFORMATION SE MI CONDU CTORS P D S P 16515A STAND ALONE FFT PROCESSOR WITH ENHANCED INTERNAL ACCURACY The PDSP16515A performs Forward or Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on complex or real data sets containing up to 1024 points. Data and coefficient input are both represented

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    6515A PDSP16515A 37bB522 PDSP16515A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SiG E C P L E S S E Y A D V A N C E IN FO R M A TIO N SE M I C O N D U C T O R S SP8401 Supersedes February 1992 edition VERY LOW PHASE NOISE 300MHz -MO/11 The SP8401 is a very low phase noise variable modulus divider. Special circuit techniques have been used to reduce

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    SP8401 300MHz -MO/11 SP8401 SP8402 355mV 140mV 37bfl522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 6EC PLE S SE Y S E M I C O N D S M3E D 37bôS22 OQ13bûS Q H P L S B T '4 5 -1 ^ 0 5 GEC PLESSEY ISEMIC ONDUCTORS I SP8610 1 0 0 0 M H z + 4 SP8611 130071500M H z + 4 The SP8610/11 are asynchronous ECL divide by four circuits, with ECL com patible outputs which can also be

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    OQ13bà SP8610 SP8611 130071500M SP8610/11 600mV 800mV 1300MHz) III/10K 37bflS2S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC PLESS EY S F M I C O N D U C T O K S DS3594-3.1 54HSC/T Series RADIATION HARD HIGH SPEED CMOS/SOS LOGIC The CMOS/SOS HSC/T Series offer the combined benefits of low power, high speed CMOS with the inherent latch up immunity, Single Event Upset SEU immunity and the high

    OCR Scan
    DS3594-3 54HSC/T 54/74LS, 54HSC/T670 flS22 54xHSC139xxxxx PDF

    D-82178 ami encoder

    Abstract: mv147
    Text: s i GE C P L E S S E Y SI M I C PRELIMINARY INFORMATION O N I l C 1 O K S MV1471 HDB3/AMI ENCODER/DECODER The MV1471, along with other devices in the GPS 2Mbit PCM signalling series comprise a group of circuits which will perform the common channel signalling and error detection

    OCR Scan
    MV1471 MV1471, 048Mbit MV1471 10MHz. fl522 02G451 D-82178 ami encoder mv147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si MARCH 1994 GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3925 -1 .2 VP536A/VP536B* NTSC/PAL DIGITAL VIDEO ENCODER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The VP536AA/P536B converts digital RGB data 3x8bits into analog NTSC/PAL (NTSC only for VP536A)

    OCR Scan
    DS3925 VP536A/VP536B* VP536AA/P536B VP536A) 25MHz. fl522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y S i S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3480-3.2 MA9187 RADIATION HARD 65536 X 1 BIT STATIC RAM The MA9187 64k Static RAM is configured as 65536 x 1 bits and manufactured using GPS’s CMOS-SOS high performance, radiation hard, 1.5ftm technology.

    OCR Scan
    DS3480-3 MA9187 MA9187 45lanetary/high PDF