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    40349 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    40349 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CA3082 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3082 - Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3081F Rochester Electronics LLC CA3081 - Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    40349 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    PNP Transistors

    Abstract: TO-205AD 40349
    Text: 40349 High Voltage Silicon High Power NPN/PNP Transistors Page 1 of 1 High Voltage Silicon High Power NPN/PNP Transistors Contact Factory for complete specification. STI Type 40349 VCEV 160 hFE 30 IC .15 Notes VCEO 140 hFE A .15 COB Polarity NPN ICEV Power Dissipation

    O-205AD/TO-39 07-Sep-2010 PNP Transistors TO-205AD 40349 PDF

    40349 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , Una. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 40349 Hometaxial-Base Silicon N-P-N Power Transistor Maximum Ratings, Absolute-Maximum Values: * COLLECTOR-TO-BASE VOLTAGE * COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE:

    O-39/TQ4 40lmax) 40349 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power Transistors Hometaxial-Base n-p-n Type Selection Charts h“FE A V CE V Temp.—°C 25 CD 'c V CEV^SUS* V 40 40 40 40 55 55 55 65 140 60 60 60 60 100 100 100 90 160 20-60 35-100 20-80 25-100 20-60 35-100 35-100 30-125 30-125 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.45 0.2 0.2

    OCR Scan
    2N1482/40349 2N1482) 2N1700 2N1482® O-39/TO-205MD 92CS--24062 PDF


    Abstract: 40349
    Text: Power Transistors Hometaxial-Base n-p-n Type Selection Charts h“FE A V CE V Temp.—°C 25 CD 'c V CEV^SUS* V 40 40 40 40 55 55 55 65 140 60 60 60 60 100 100 100 90 160 20-60 35-100 20-80 25-100 20-60 35-100 35-100 30-125 30-125 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.45 0.2 0.2

    OCR Scan
    2N1482/40349 2N1482) 2N1700 2N1482® O-39/TO-205MD 92CS-2022Î 2n3054 40349 PDF

    BDX33C darlington pair

    Abstract: 40349 transistor BDY29 2N3773 transistor 2N3055 RCA 528 2n3771 2N3772 RCA RCA transistor 2n3055 RCA 40250
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . P t to 300 W . . . V c E to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES <e “ 1.6 A max. P T " 8.76 W max. ITO-39J* le a 1 .S A max. PT - 8.7S W m u . TO-391* A i t . AAi 9U X 9U lc » 3.S A max. P y « 10 W max. (TO-391* lc * 4 A max. Pt - GO W max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 BDX33C darlington pair 40349 transistor BDY29 2N3773 transistor 2N3055 RCA 528 2n3771 2N3772 RCA RCA transistor 2n3055 RCA 40250 PDF

    RCA 2N3055 transistor

    Abstract: 2N3442 RCA transistor BF 257 2N3055 RCA rca 2n3771 2N3772 RCA rca 2n3055 2N4348 RCA 2n3055r rca transistor
    Text: APPLICATION INFORMATION . Power Types for Electrostatic Deflection and Video Output Power Types [N-P-N & P-N-P] as Pass Transistors for Series Regulator Service Peak Output Voi tage V Pass Transistor Conditions 10 to 60 Bandwidth > 1MHz Regulator Output Current (1 ) — A

    OCR Scan
    2N2102] L2N4036J 2N1482 2N5321 2N5323 2N6179 2N6181 2N3054 2N5955 2N5497 RCA 2N3055 transistor 2N3442 RCA transistor BF 257 2N3055 RCA rca 2n3771 2N3772 RCA rca 2n3055 2N4348 RCA 2n3055r rca transistor PDF

    RCA 40250

    Abstract: RCA 40250 transistor 2N3055 ST rca 2n6254 Transistor 40347 transistor RCA 528 st bux RCA 528 40250 RCA 2N6259 RCA
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . P t to 300 W . . . V c E to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 16 A max. •260 W max. <e “ 1.6 A max. le a 1 . S A max. lc » 3 .S A max. lc * 4 A m ax. lc a 4 A max. le • 3 A max. le “ 3 A max. le - 7 A max. lc a 1 S A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40250 RCA 40250 transistor 2N3055 ST rca 2n6254 Transistor 40347 transistor RCA 528 st bux RCA 528 40250 RCA 2N6259 RCA PDF


    Abstract: 40321 40361 2N6677 2N6678 2N6738 2N6739 2N6740 40406 2N6752
    Text: 0258354 ADVANCED SEM ICONDUCTOR 1 fl2 TRANSISTORS Po @ Tc=25°C DEVICE TYPE NO. 2N6676 2N6677 2N6678 2N6738 2N6739 2N6740 2N6751 2N6752 2N6753 2N6754 2N6834 2N6835 2N6836 40080 40081 40084 40231 40232 40232 40234 40235 40236 40237 40238 40239 40240 40242 40243

    OCR Scan
    2N6676 2N6677 2N6678 2N6738 T0220 2N6739 2N6740 2N6751 2N6752 T0220 40321 40361 40406 PDF

    RCA 528

    Abstract: 2n3055 complement rca 2n3771 40349 transistor RCA 528 Transistor PJ 257 2n5578 RCA 2N3055 transistor 2n3772 complement 2N3055 RCA
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . VcE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES <e “ 1.6 A m ax. P T " 8 .7 6 W m ax. ITO -39J* le a 1 .S A m ax. P T - 8 .7 S W m u . TO-391* A it . . A A i 9U X 9U lc » 3 .S A m ax. P y « 10 W m ax. (TO-391* lc * 4 A m ax.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 528 2n3055 complement rca 2n3771 40349 transistor RCA 528 Transistor PJ 257 2n5578 RCA 2N3055 transistor 2n3772 complement 2N3055 RCA PDF

    40411 transistor

    Abstract: transistor 40411 TO-59 Package npn 40411 sdn6253 2N6571 SDN6251 2NXXXX MJ480 jedec Package TO-39
    Text: 880 0 0 79 8 8 2 5 4 0 2 2 S IL IC O N TRANSISTOR CORP. NUMERICAL INDEX TO INDUSTRIAL GRADE POWER TRANSISTORS Continued flö Polarity lc Max Amps 2N6465 2N6466 2N6468 2N6469 2N6470 NPN NPN PNP PNP NPN 4.0 4.0 4.0 15.0 15.0 110 130 130 50 50 TO-66 TO-66 TO-66

    OCR Scan
    2N6465 2N6466 2N6468 2N6469 2N6470 2N6471 2N6472 2N6495 2N6496 2N6500 40411 transistor transistor 40411 TO-59 Package npn 40411 sdn6253 2N6571 SDN6251 2NXXXX MJ480 jedec Package TO-39 PDF

    RCA 40872

    Abstract: RCA 40636 transistor rca 40872 transistor 40872 transistor NPN Transistor 2N3055 darlington RCA 40595 transistor 40872 rca rca 40636 rca8203a 40636
    Text: M O N O LITH IC D A R LIN G TO N T Y P E S H E R M E T IC lc • 8 A max. P j - 3 6 W max. TO-66 138 x 136 lc > 8 A max. P f “ 90 W max. (TO-31 136 x 136 P L A S T IC lt z 8 A max. Py 100 W max. (TO-3) lc * 10 A max. P y ■ 100 W max. (TO-3) lc •= - 1 0 A max.

    OCR Scan
    Pj-36W ITO-66) 136x136 2N6337 2N6534 2N6535 2N6536 2N6537 2N6385 RCA 40872 RCA 40636 transistor rca 40872 transistor 40872 transistor NPN Transistor 2N3055 darlington RCA 40595 transistor 40872 rca rca 40636 rca8203a 40636 PDF

    RCA 40313

    Abstract: 2n1482 RCA 40250 2N3054 2N344 2N5298 2N5786 2N6478 ITO-220
    Text: Ic to 80 A . Pt to 300 W . V c E to 170 V H O M E T A X IA L -B A S E N-P-N POW ER T Y P E S le - 16 A max. •260 W max. <e “ 1.6 A max. le a 1 . S A max. lc » 3 .S A max. lc * 4 A m ax. lc a 4 A max. le • 3 A max. le “ 3 A max. le - 7 A max. lc a 1 S A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40313 2n1482 RCA 40250 2N3054 2N344 2N5298 2N5786 2N6478 ITO-220 PDF

    RCA 40411 transistor

    Abstract: rca 40411 audio amplifier with rca 40411 RCA 528 transistor 40411 40411 transistor 40411 RCA 40250 transistor BDY29 RCA 2N6254
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 16 A max. •260 W max. <e “ 1.6 A max. le a 1 . S A max. lc » 3 .S A max. lc * 4 A m ax. lc a 4 A max. le • 3 A max. le “ 3 A max. le - 7 A max. lc a 1 S A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40411 transistor rca 40411 audio amplifier with rca 40411 RCA 528 transistor 40411 40411 transistor 40411 RCA 40250 transistor BDY29 RCA 2N6254 PDF

    rca 2n6103

    Abstract: 2N6101 rca 2N6476 rca RCA 40250 transistor Bf 353 RCA 411 TRANSISTOR TT 2070 2N1482 2N3054 2N5298
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le a 1 .S A max. <e “ 1.6 A max. P T " 8.76 W max. ITO-39J* PT - 8.7S W m u . TO-391* lc » 3.S A max. P y « 10 W max. (TO-391* lc * 4 A max. Pt - GO W max. < T 0 6 6 *

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 rca 2n6103 2N6101 rca 2N6476 rca RCA 40250 transistor Bf 353 RCA 411 TRANSISTOR TT 2070 2N1482 2N3054 2N5298 PDF

    RCA 40636 transistor

    Abstract: rca 40636 rca 2N3771 power circuit 40636 rca rca 40327 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 220v 300w ac regulator circuit 2N3055 RCA 40327
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . P t to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V H O M ETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 16 A max. •260 W max. <e “ 1.6 A max. le a 1 . S A max. lc » 3 .S A max. lc * 4 A m ax. lc a 4 A max. le • 3 A max. le “ 3 A max. le - 7 A max. lc a 1 S A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40636 transistor rca 40636 rca 2N3771 power circuit 40636 rca rca 40327 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 220v 300w ac regulator circuit 2N3055 RCA 40327 PDF

    rca 40250

    Abstract: RCA transistor 40312 RCA 40250 transistor 40310 rca 40372 RCA RCA 40310 rca 40372 Transistor rca 40372 RCA 40316 40250 RCA
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . VcE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 1 6 A m ax. •2 6 0 W m ax. <e “ 1 .6 A m ax. le a 1 . S A m ax. lc » 3 .S A m ax. lc * 4 A m a x . lc a 4 A m ax. le • 3 A m ax. le “ 3 A m ax . le - 7 A m ax.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 rca 40250 RCA transistor 40312 RCA 40250 transistor 40310 rca 40372 RCA RCA 40310 rca 40372 Transistor rca 40372 RCA 40316 40250 RCA PDF

    RCA 40313

    Abstract: RCA 528 2n3773 rca 40349 RCA 40349 2N3441 RCA 2N3442 40328 BUX 115 RCA 40250
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . VcE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 1 6 A m a x . • 26 0 W m ax. lc • 8 0 A m a x . P t - 3 0 0 W m ax. <e “ 1 .6 A m a x. le a 1 . S A m ax . l c » 3.S A m ax . lc * 4 A m a x . lc a 4 A m ax. le • 3 A m ax.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40313 RCA 528 2n3773 rca 40349 RCA 40349 2N3441 RCA 2N3442 40328 BUX 115 RCA 40250 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1480 2N1481 2N1482 2N1700 2N5781 2N5782 2N5784 2N5785 2N5786
    Text: "flM NPN TO-39/TO-5 2848352 DIODE TRANSISTOR DE J 2 B M Û 3 S E 0DÜG155 5 C O . I N C 84D 00125 D jr. 3 l-O fT D1QDE TMI\l.515T0ft Cü.if\IC. 201 686-0400 • Telex: 139-385 • Outside NY & NJ area ca ll TO LL FREE 800-526-4581 FA X No. 201-575-5863

    OCR Scan
    O-39/TO-5 D00D1SS 515TQft 2N1479 2N1480 2N1481 2N1482 2N1700 2N5784 2N5785 2N5781 2N5782 2N5786 PDF

    Transistor 2n6099

    Abstract: BD278 2N3055 2N6478 power amplifier circuit 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 class ab audio amplifier circuit transistor 2N1482 2N5415 2N344
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V H O M ETA XIA L-B A SE N-P-N POWER TYPES <e “ 1.6 A max. P T " 8.76 W max. ITO-39J* A it . AAi 9U X 9U le a 1 .S A max. lc » 3.S A max. Py « 10 W max. TO-391* PT - 8.7S W m u . (TO-391* 90 x 90 90 x lc * 4 A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 Transistor 2n6099 BD278 2N3055 2N6478 power amplifier circuit 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 class ab audio amplifier circuit transistor 2N1482 2N5415 2N344 PDF


    Abstract: 40349 40327 ka025 20100 2N4866 BFE 75A transistor 160v 1.5a pnp transistor ALY 2N1479
    Text: "flM NPN TO-39/TO-5 2848352 DIODE TRANSISTOR DE J 2 B M Û 3 S E 0DÜG155 5 C O . I N C 84D 00125 D jr. 3 l-O fT D1QDE TMI\l.515T0ft Cü.if\IC. 201 686-0400 • Telex: 139-385 • Outside NY & NJ area ca ll TO LL FREE 800-526-4581 FA X No. 201-575-5863

    OCR Scan
    O-39/TO-5 D00D1SS 515TQft 2N1479 2N1480 2N1481 2N1482 2N1700 2N5784 2N5785 ALY TRANSISTOR 40349 40327 ka025 20100 2N4866 BFE 75A transistor 160v 1.5a pnp transistor ALY PDF

    2N3055 RCA

    Abstract: RCA 40852 transistor RCA 41013 2N3772 RCA 2N3442 RCA RCA 2N3055 transistor TX2N3440 BU106 transistor BF 257 RCA H 410
    Text: HIGH-VOLTAGE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES 1C to 30 A . . fy to 20 M H z . . . P t to 175 W •c pm k - lc = 1 0 A Py T .V . Application = 75 •100W Switching 130 x 130 1 3 0 x 130 BU 106 2N 5840 [N-P-N] 2N 5240 [N-P-N] BU 106 Va o sus =l40V hFE.:8 ;"0) / 4 A

    OCR Scan
    lc-30A 130x130 180x180 210x210 BU106 2N5840 2N5240 2N6510 2N6308 2N5805 2N3055 RCA RCA 40852 transistor RCA 41013 2N3772 RCA 2N3442 RCA RCA 2N3055 transistor TX2N3440 BU106 transistor BF 257 RCA H 410 PDF

    rca 40411

    Abstract: RCA 40411 transistor 2N6259 RCA 2N5295 RCA 2n3773 rca 2n3055 application note 40411 transistor audio amplifier with rca 40411 2N3055 pnp series voltage regulator transistor BDY29
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . VcE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 1 6 A m ax. • 2 6 0 W m ax. <e “ 1 .6 A m ax. le a 1 . S A m ax. lc » 3.S A m ax. lc * 4 A m a x. lc a 4 A m ax. le • 3 A m ax. le “ 3 A m a x. le - 7 A m ax. lc a 1 S A m ax.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 rca 40411 RCA 40411 transistor 2N6259 RCA 2N5295 RCA 2n3773 rca 2n3055 application note 40411 transistor audio amplifier with rca 40411 2N3055 pnp series voltage regulator transistor BDY29 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6474 npn 40872 npn darlington 400v 15a transistor BDY29 2N1482 2N3054 2N344 2N5298 2N5786
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES <e “ 1.6 A m ax. P T " 8 .7 6 W m ax. ITO -39J* A it . . A A i 9U X 9U le a 1 .S A m ax. lc » 3 .S A m ax. P y « 10 W m ax. TO-391* P T - 8 .7 S W m u . (TO-391* 90 x 9 0

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 2N6474 npn 40872 npn darlington 400v 15a transistor BDY29 2N1482 2N3054 2N344 2N5298 2N5786 PDF

    2N5296 RCA

    Abstract: RCA 40373 amplifier ocl 2n3055 2N3055 RCA 40347 2N5415 2N3442 2N6262 40328 2N1482
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . Pt to 300 W . . . VcE to 170 V HOMETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 1 6 A m ax. • 2 6 0 W m ax. <e “ 1 .6 A m ax. le a 1 . S A m ax. lc » 3.S A m ax. lc * 4 A m a x. lc a 4 A m ax. le • 3 A m ax. le “ 3 A m a x. le - 7 A m ax. lc a 1 S A m ax.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 2N5296 RCA RCA 40373 amplifier ocl 2n3055 2N3055 RCA 40347 2N5415 2N3442 2N6262 40328 2N1482 PDF