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    YSI 44007

    Abstract: YSI 400 thermistor YSI 44018 Vernitron ceramic filters rosemount 118mf lm324 4mA to 20mA transmitter LT1013 LM358 output drive circuits phase reversal LT1013 anemometer lt1043
    Text: LT1013/LT1014 Quad Precision Op Amp LT1014 Dual Precision Op Amp (LT1013) U DESCRIPTION FEATURES Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current Pin Compatible to 1458 and 324 with Precision Specs

    LT1013/LT1014 LT1014) LT1013) 0P-07, 07pA/Hz LT1014 152mm) 254mm) YSI 44007 YSI 400 thermistor YSI 44018 Vernitron ceramic filters rosemount 118mf lm324 4mA to 20mA transmitter LT1013 LM358 output drive circuits phase reversal LT1013 anemometer lt1043 PDF

    defibrillator circuits

    Abstract: automatic defibrillator simple heart rate monitor circuit diagram flyback transformer for medical OPA27EJ 2N2219 3656BG 3656JG OPA128 AB-078
    Text: APPLICATION BULLETIN Mailing Address: PO Box 11400 • Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85706 Tel: 520 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-111 • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COM P L E T E RA N GE 1 4 RIEDEL – Energy for a better solution! 4 l General information 12 l Single-phase transformers 24 l Three-phase transformers 32 l DC supplies / battery chargers 46 l Uninterruptible power supplies 52 l Variable ratio ring transformers

    D-74532 D-38875 PDF

    flyback transformer for medical

    Abstract: simple heart rate monitor circuit diagram automatic defibrillator defibrillator circuits Flyback transformer Computer Monitor heart pulse rate sensor OPA27EJ 4mA-20mA HYBRID TRANSFORMER 3656JG
    Text: APPLICATION BULLETIN Mailing Address: PO Box 11400 • Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85706 Tel: 520 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-111 • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132


    pt100 sensor interface with microcontroller

    Abstract: PT100 RTD signal conditioning noise problem pt100 sensor with adc 4-20mA pt100 rtd spi pt100 interface WITH ADC maxim pt100 interface RTD SENSING CIRCUIT 4-20mA maxim 4-20ma receiver il300 national instruments piezoelectric pressure sensor
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS SIGNAL GENERATION CIRCUITS Keywords: 4-20mA, current loop, current loops, DAC, ADC, current DAC, isolation, 2-wire, signal conditioning, low power, D/A, industrial control, EMI, transducers, current transmission, transmitter

    4-20mA, 4-20mA MAX535: MAX5351: MAX5352: MAX5353: MAX5354: MAX5355: MAX6120: MAX6325: pt100 sensor interface with microcontroller PT100 RTD signal conditioning noise problem pt100 sensor with adc 4-20mA pt100 rtd spi pt100 interface WITH ADC maxim pt100 interface RTD SENSING CIRCUIT 4-20mA maxim 4-20ma receiver il300 national instruments piezoelectric pressure sensor PDF


    Abstract: LTC1429
    Text: LTC1261 Switched Capacitor Regulated Voltage Inverter FEATURES DESCRIPTION Regulated Negative Voltage from a Single Positive Supply n Can Provide Regulated –5V from a 3V Supply n REG Pin Indicates Output is in Regulation n Low Output Ripple: 5mV Typ n Supply Current: 600µA Typ

    LTC1261 LTC1261CS LTC1261 LTC1550/LTC1551 LTC1429 LT1121 150mA, 1261fb com/LTC1261 LTC1261CS8#TR PDF


    Abstract: mc1458 cpi strain gauge amplifier lm324 rtd circuits with lt1014 rosemount TEMPERATURE SENSOR 118MF LT1013 anemometer YSI 400 thermistor rosemount 118mf how to use STRAIN GAUGE with lm358 YSI 44018
    Text: LT1013/LT1014 Quad Precision Op Amp LT1014 Dual Precision Op Amp (LT1013) DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current Pin Compatible to 1458 and 324 with Precision Specs

    LT1013/LT1014 LT1014) LT1013) 0P-07, 07pA/Hz LT1014 220pF 1N5821 LT1013 2N5262 LT1013 mc1458 cpi strain gauge amplifier lm324 rtd circuits with lt1014 rosemount TEMPERATURE SENSOR 118MF LT1013 anemometer YSI 400 thermistor rosemount 118mf how to use STRAIN GAUGE with lm358 YSI 44018 PDF


    Abstract: LTC1261CS8 LTC1261CS8-4 LTC1261 LTC1261CS Linear LTc1261 LTC1429
    Text: LTC1261 Switched Capacitor Regulated Voltage Inverter U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Regulated Negative Voltage from a Single Positive Supply Can Provide Regulated – 5V from a 3V Supply REG Pin Indicates Output is in Regulation

    LTC1261 100pF LTC1550/LTC1551 LTC1429 LT1121 150mA, 434-0507q 1261fa LTC1261CS8-4.5 LTC1261CS8 LTC1261CS8-4 LTC1261 LTC1261CS Linear LTc1261 LTC1429 PDF


    Abstract: LTC1429
    Text: LTC1261 Switched Capacitor Regulated Voltage Inverter DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Regulated Negative Voltage from a Single Positive Supply Can Provide Regulated – 5V from a 3V Supply REG Pin Indicates Output is in Regulation

    LTC1261 100pF LTC1550/LTC1551 LTC1429 LT1121 150mA, 434-0507q 1261fa LT1261 LTC1429 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm LT 1101 TECHNOLOGY Precision, M icropower, Single Supply Instrum entation Am plifier Fixed G ain =10 or 100 D C S C A IP T IO A F€ ATU R € S • Gain Error ■ Gain Non-Linearity ■ Gain Drift ■ Supply Current ■ Offset Voltage ■ Offset Voltage Drift

    OCR Scan
    105/iAMax 160/tV 600pA 100dB 250kHz LT1101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTIIOI 1NOLOGY Precision, Micropower, Single Supply Instrumentation Amplifier Fixed Gain =10 or 100 D€SCRIPTIOn F€ATUA€S • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Gain Error Gain Non-Linearity Gain Drift Supply Current Offset Voltage Offset Voltage Drift

    OCR Scan
    105/iA 160fiV 600pA 100dBMin 250kHz 150mA 120mV, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /Turm _LTC1049 TECHNOLOGY Low Power Chopper Stabilized Operational Amplifier with Internal Capacitors F€OTUR€S D C S C R IPTIO n • Low Supply Current 200|liA ■ No External Components Required ■ Maximum Offset Voltage lO^V ■ Maximum Offset Voltage Drift 0.1 iV/°C

    OCR Scan
    LTC1049 LTC1049 LTC1049. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY LT1013/LT1014 Quad Precision Op Amp LT1014 Dual Precision Op Amp (LT1013) FCATURCS D C S C R IP TIO n • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Pin Compatible to 1458 and 324 with Precision Specs

    OCR Scan
    LT1013/LT1014 LT1014) LT1013) LT1014 14-pin LM324/LM348/0P-11 150/A/ PDF

    pin diagram of 741 op-amp

    Abstract: thermocouple application circuits op-amp MAX430EPA MAX430 MAX432 MAX432CPA MAX432EPA opamp 741 dip
    Text: >ki>jxiyki 19-0904; Rev 2; S/98 + 1 5 V C h o p p e r-S ta b iliz e d O p e r a tio n a l A m p lifie r _ Features The MAX430 and MAX432 are CMOS ±15V chopper-stabilized amplifiers designed for high accuracy signal condi­ tioning, amplification, and instrumentation applications.

    OCR Scan
    MAX430 MAX432 MAX430/MAX432. OP07/OP77/LM108/pA741 pin diagram of 741 op-amp thermocouple application circuits op-amp MAX430EPA MAX432CPA MAX432EPA opamp 741 dip PDF

    Zener Diode ph 4148

    Abstract: J/Zener diode pr 4148 ph 4148 zener diode
    Text: May 1997 ^ÉL M icro Linear ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2281 family are 8-bit successive approximation A/D converters with serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 input channels.

    OCR Scan
    ML2281, ML2282, ML2284, ML2288 ML2281 375ns Zener Diode ph 4148 J/Zener diode pr 4148 ph 4148 zener diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / T L JÊ ^m J i n e A L T C 1261 ß TECHNOLOGY Switched C apacitor Regulated Voltage Inverter K flTU R C S D€SCM PTIOn • Regulated Negative Voltage from a Single Positive Supply ■ Can Provide Regulated -5V from a 3V Supply ■ REG Pin Indicates Output is in Regulation

    OCR Scan
    LTC1261CS LTC1261 4mA-20mA LTC1550/LTC1551 LTC1429 LT1121 150mA, LTC1429 PDF


    Abstract: Caddell-Burns 7300 501d sprague sprague 501d GA10-123K 473k capacitor 74004-1 LND712 GA10-682K LT1073-5
    Text: L i n t i A R TECHNOLOGY LT1073 M icropow er DC-DC C onverter Adjustable and Fixed 5V, 12V F€flTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • No Design Required ■ Operates at Supply Voltages From 1.0V to 30V ■ Consumes Only 95 xA Supply Current ■ Works in Step-Up or Step-Down Mode

    OCR Scan
    LT1Q73 95jjA 4mA-20mA CTX25-5-52 MTP3055EL 2N3906 LT1073 350ps 90VBIAS 262LYF-0095K LND-712 Caddell-Burns 7300 501d sprague sprague 501d GA10-123K 473k capacitor 74004-1 LND712 GA10-682K LT1073-5 PDF


    Abstract: LT1006S8 LT1013DS8 OP-07 SAMPLE HOLD AMPLIFIER single supply
    Text: urm _LT1006S8 TECHNOLOGY - Precision, Single Supply Op Amp F€ftTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Guaranteed Offset Voltage 4 % V Max.

    OCR Scan
    400jiV 570/iA 55/iVp-p OP-07 08pA/Vfiz 100MQ 150pV. LT1006 LT1006S8 LT1013DS8 SAMPLE HOLD AMPLIFIER single supply PDF

    ci 74c14

    Abstract: rosemount 118 mf rosemount 118mf LM358 118mf rosemount 118 thermometer lm324 LT1006 LT1006ACH LT1006AMH
    Text: urm _ LT1006 TECHNOLOGY Precision, Single Supply Op Amp F€flTUA€S D C S C R IP T IO n • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Guaranteed Offset Voltage 50/iV Max.

    OCR Scan
    520/iA 50/iV 55/iVp-p OP-07 07pA/Vfiz 250MQ Precis74C14 LT1006 120dBATDC ci 74c14 rosemount 118 mf rosemount 118mf LM358 118mf rosemount 118 thermometer lm324 LT1006 LT1006ACH LT1006AMH PDF


    Abstract: d2038
    Text: um LT1013/LT1014 TECHNOLOGY Quad Precision Op Amp LT1014 Dual Precision Op Amp (LT1013) F€RTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn •Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■Pin Compatible to 1458 and 324 with Precision Specs

    OCR Scan
    LT1013/LT1014 LT1014) LT1013) 150/tV 500/xA 55/iVp-p 0P-07, STAN00 LT10140 d2038 PDF


    Abstract: how to stepup 1.5v to 5v, 12v 2N2369 transistor pulse generator LND-712 GA10-682K Caddell-Burns 7300 473k capacitor 1.5v stepup 220S2 how to stepup 0.5v to 5v
    Text: LT1073 / u i m TECHNOLOGY/ M icro p o w e r DC-DC C onve rte r A djustable a n d Fixed 5V, 12V F€ATUR€S D C S C R IP T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1073 is a versatile micropower DC-DC converter. The device requires only three external components to

    OCR Scan
    LT1073 LT1073 LT1073-5 ctx10052-1 how to stepup 1.5v to 5v, 12v 2N2369 transistor pulse generator LND-712 GA10-682K Caddell-Burns 7300 473k capacitor 1.5v stepup 220S2 how to stepup 0.5v to 5v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _LT1006S8 TECHNOLOGY u r m - Precision, Single Supply Op Amp F€ftTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Guaranteed Offset Voltage 4 % V Max.

    OCR Scan
    LT1006S8 LT1006S8 80jiV, 150pA, 112dB, 126dB. 350/iA, 500fl 150pV. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urn _ LT1006 TECHNOLOGY Precision, Single Supply Op Amp F€flTUA€S D C S C R IP TIO n • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Guaranteed Offset Voltage 50/iV Max.

    OCR Scan
    LT1006 LT1006 120pA, 114dB, of126dB. 340/tA, LT1006N8 LT1006AC LT1006C PDF

    lt1073 equivalent ic

    Abstract: GA10-822k Caddell-Burns 7300 LND-712 cb 7300-12 capacitor 100nf 100v GA10-682K GA10-123k N5818
    Text: u vm TECHNOLOGY 1X1073 Micropower DC-DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 5V, 12V F€ O TU R € S DCSCRIPTIOn • No Design Required ■ Operates at Supply Voltages From 1.0V to 30V ■ Consumes Only 95jxA Supply Current ■ Works in Step-Up or Step-Down Mode

    OCR Scan
    95jxA 1X1073 LT1073 100mVp-p LT1073 CTX25-5-52 350ps CUT-35° lt1073 equivalent ic GA10-822k Caddell-Burns 7300 LND-712 cb 7300-12 capacitor 100nf 100v GA10-682K GA10-123k N5818 PDF