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    7040 TTL Search Results

    7040 TTL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74FCT807BTSOG Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTQGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74GTLP816PGI Renesas Electronics Corporation GTLP/LV TTL CLK DRIVER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807BTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    7040 TTL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: CY74FCT543CTSOC CY74FCT543DTQC CY74FCT543DTSOC
    Text: fax id: 7040 1CY 54/7 4FCT543 T CY54/74FCT543T 8-Bit Latched Registered Transceiver Features Functional Description • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.3 ns max. Com’l FCT-A speed at 6.5 ns max. (Com’l)



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iC-HG 3 A LASER SWITCH ar y n i im prel Rev A1, Page 1/19 FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ APPLICATIONS Six channel laser switch from CW up to 200 MHz CW operation with up to 500 mA per channel Spike-free switching of the laser current

    QFN28 QFN28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detectors Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode Description The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used

    SAP500-Series PDF

    905 nm Infrared Emitting Diode

    Abstract: 1 Watt 808 nm laser diode S10 diode S10 package light sensitive trigger all components
    Text: Pulsed Laser Diode Module LS-/LT-Series DESCRIPTION The LS- and LT series of pulsed laser diode modules offer all of the features needed to safely drive pulsed lasers of different powers, in a compact housing. The modules are easy to handle and require only a + 5/12 VDC supply


    7040 TTL

    Abstract: LS588 905 nm Infrared Emitting Diode
    Text: Pulsed Laser Diode Module LS-/LT-Series Description The LS- and LT series of pulsed laser diode modules offer all of the features needed to safely drive pulsed lasers of different powers, in a compact housing. The modules are easy to handle and require only a + 5/12 VDC supply and a trigger



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detectors Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode Description The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used

    SAP500-Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pulsed Laser Diode Module LS-Series DESCRIPTION The LS-series of pulsed laser diode modules offer all of the features needed to safely drive pulsed lasers of different powers, in a compact housing. The modules are easy to handle and require only a +12 VDC supply and a trigger



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Laser Diodes Pulsed Laser Diode Module LS-Series Description The LS-series of pulsed laser diode modules offer all of the features needed to safely drive pulsed lasers of different powers, in a compact housing. The modules are easy to handle and require only a +12 VDC supply and a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pulsed Laser Diode Module LC-Series DESCRIPTION The LC-series of pulsed laser diode modules offer all of the features needed to safely drive pulsed lasers of different powers, in a compact housing. The modules are easy to handle and require only a +12 VDC supply and a trigger



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detectors Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode Description The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used

    SAP500-Series PDF

    EP-603 power supply

    Abstract: EP-603 power supply circuit diagram
    Text: ar y n i im prel iC-NZP P-TYPE LASER DIODE DRIVER Rev A1, Page 1 FEATURES APPLICATIONS ♦ Peak value controlled laser driver for operation from CW up to 155 MHz ♦ Spike-free switching of laser currents of up to 300 mA ♦ Setting of laser power APC via external resistor

    QFN24 QFN24 EP-603 power supply EP-603 power supply circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ar y n i im prel iC-NZN N-TYPE LASER DIODE DRIVER Rev A1, Page 1 FEATURES APPLICATIONS ♦ Peak value controlled laser diode driver for operation from CW up to 155 MHz ♦ Spike-free switching of laser currents of up to 300 mA ♦ Setting of laser power APC via external resistor

    QFN24 QFN24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode DESCRIPTION The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used in

    SAP500-Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Laser Diodes iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ APPLICATIONS Laser switch for frequencies from CW up to 155 MHz Spike-free switching of the laser currents Three channels with independent current control at pins CIx

    QFN24 QFN24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Optical switch eol 1x8 • eol 1x12 The fiber optical switches are based on a propriatory micro-mechanical / microoptical design. This guarantees superior properties, wide flexibility for many applications and highest long term reliability. The switches are available for broad wavelength ranges from the visible to the infrared and with

    E2000] PDF


    Abstract: micromechanical
    Text: Optical switch eol 2x4 • eol 2x8 The fiber optical switches are based on a propriatory micro-mechanical / microoptical design. This guarantees superior properties, wide flexibility for many applications and highest long term reliability. The switches are available for broad wavelength ranges from the visible to the infrared and with

    E2000] E2000 micromechanical PDF

    IC TTL 4700

    Abstract: 7019 ic+4700 pt134 ic 4740 ic 4700
    Text: m LOW CURRENT LED LAMPS HEW LETT PACKARD T-1 3/4 5mm T-1 (3mm) SUBMINIATURE HLMP-4700, -4719, -4740 HLMP-1700, -1719, -1790 HLMP-7000, -7019, -7040 Features • LOW POWER • HIGH EFFICIENCY • CMOS/MOS COMPATIBLE • TTL COMPATIBLE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE

    OCR Scan
    HLMP-4700, HLMP-1700, HLMP-7000, IC TTL 4700 7019 ic+4700 pt134 ic 4740 ic 4700 PDF

    7040 TTL

    Abstract: catm
    Text: Whì 1 HEW LETT WffíM PACKARD Low Current LED Lamps Technical Data HLMP-4700, -4719, -4740 HLMP-1700, -1719, -1790 HLMP-7000, -7019, -7040 Features • Portable Equipment • Keyboard Indicators • Low Power • High Efficiency • CMOS-MOS Compatible • TTL Compatible

    OCR Scan
    HLMP-4700, HLMP-1700, HLMP-7000, fi0401 7040 TTL catm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 7040 CY54/74FCT543T CYPRESS 8-Bit Latched Registered Transceiver Features Functional Description Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic FCT-C speed at 5.3 ns max. Com’I FCT-A speed at 6.5 ns max. (Com’I) Reduced V qh (typically = 3.3V) versions of equivalent

    OCR Scan
    CY54/74FCT543T FCT543T IL-STD-1835 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 7040 CY54/74FCT543T 8-Bit Latched Registered Transceiver Features Functional Description • Function, pinout, and drive com patible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.3 ns max. Com ’ I FCT-A speed at 6.5 ns max. (Com ’ I) • Reduced V0H (typically = 3.3V) versions of equivalent

    OCR Scan
    CY54/74FCT543T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 7040 CY54/74FCT543T CYPRESS 8-Bit Latched Registered Transceiver Features Functional Description Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic FCT-C speed at 5.3 ns max. Com’I FCT-A speed at 6.5 ns max. (Com’I) Reduced V qh (typically = 3.3V) versions of equivalent

    OCR Scan
    CY54/74FCT543T CY74FCT543DTSOC PDF

    IC TTL 4700

    Abstract: ic 4740 HLMP-3750 7040 TTL D640 HLMP-1340 HLMP-3390 HLMP-D640 HLMP-K640
    Text: T hat H EW LETT mL'HM P A C K A R D Technical Data Features • Im proved B rightness • Im proved Color Perform ance • Available in Popular T-l and T-13/4 Packages • New Sturdy Leads • IC Compatible/Low C urrent Capability • Reliable an d Rugged

    OCR Scan
    HLMP-3750, HLMP-3390, HLMP-1340, HLMP-D640 HLMP-K640 T-13/4 HLMP-3750/device IC TTL 4700 ic 4740 HLMP-3750 7040 TTL D640 HLMP-1340 HLMP-3390 PDF


    Abstract: A7LC IDT7030SA
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT7030SA/LA IDT7040SA/LA CMOS DUAL-PORT RAM 8 K 1 K x 8-BIT Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed access — Military: 25/35/45ns (max.) — Commercial: 20/25/35ns (max.) • Low-power operation — IDT7030/40SA

    OCR Scan
    IDT7030SA/LA IDT7040SA/LA 25/35/45ns 20/25/35ns IDT7030/40SA 400mW IDT7030/40LA IDT7030 16or-more-bits LA7015 A7LC IDT7030SA PDF


    Abstract: IDT7040SATLA A7LC
    Text: CMOS DUAL-PORT RAM 8K 1K x 8-BIT PRELIMINARY IDT7030SA/LA IDT7040SA/LA In te g ra te d D e v ic e T e c h n o lo g y , In c. DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: • H ig h -sp ee d access — M ilitary: 2 5 /3 5 /4 5 n s (m ax.) — C o m m e rc ia l: 2 0 /2 5 /3 5 n s (m ax.)

    OCR Scan
    IDT7030SA/LA IDT7040SA/LA 25/35/45ns 20/25/35ns IDT7030/40SA 400mW IDT7030/40LA IDT7030 16-or-more-bits IDT7040SATLA A7LC PDF