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    sot-363 702

    Abstract: MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 BC307 MMVL3700T1
    Text: CHAPTER 4 Index 1121 Subject Index B J Bias Resistor Transistors BRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 JFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Switches and Choppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    MUN5313DW1T1 MUN5314DW1T1 MUN5315DW1T1 MUN5316DW1T1 MUN5330DW1T1 MUN5331DW1T1 MUN5332DW1T1 MUN5333DW1T1 MUN5334DW1T1 MUN5335DW1T1 sot-363 702 MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 BC307 MMVL3700T1 PDF

    low noise transistors bc638

    Abstract: BC548 MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 LOW NOISE BC638 BC449 "cross-reference" bc307b DTC114E SERIES 2N6520 DIODES MPF4856
    Text: CHAPTER 4 Index 1121 1122 Subject Index B J Bias Resistor Transistors BRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 JFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Switches and Choppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    MUN5313DW1T1 MUN5314DW1T1 MUN5315DW1T1 MUN5316DW1T1 MUN5330DW1T1 MUN5331DW1T1 MUN5332DW1T1 MUN5333DW1T1 MUN5334DW1T1 MUN5335DW1T1 low noise transistors bc638 BC548 MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 LOW NOISE BC638 BC449 "cross-reference" bc307b DTC114E SERIES 2N6520 DIODES MPF4856 PDF


    Abstract: D15VBA60 sivb s4vb bridge rectifier rectifier s1wb smd 1f SIVBA20 SMD 741 4 terminal bridge rectifier S4VB D25VB20
    Text: RECTIFIER DIODES Low frequency rectifying Single Diodes M1F 1F Absolute Maximum Ratings Type No. Color Code VRM M1F60 80 D1F20 60 60A D1N20 60 DINF60 D2F20 60 D3F60 D4F60 S2V20 60 S3V20 60 — — — — — — — — — — — — Red Blue Red Blue Tj

    M1F60 D1F20 D1N20 DINF60 D2F20 D3F60 D4F60 S2V20 S3V20 D1CS20 SN30SC4 D15VBA60 sivb s4vb bridge rectifier rectifier s1wb smd 1f SIVBA20 SMD 741 4 terminal bridge rectifier S4VB D25VB20 PDF

    bd 743 transistor

    Abstract: 9410A bd 743
    Text: MMJT9410 Preferred Device Bipolar Power Transistors NPN Silicon • Collector −Emitter Sustaining Voltage − VCEO sus = 30 Vdc (Min) @ IC = 10 mAdc • High DC Current Gain − hFE • • • • = 85 (Min) @ IC = 0.8 Adc = 60 (Min) @ IC = 3.0 Adc

    MMJT9410 OT-223 bd 743 transistor 9410A bd 743 PDF


    Abstract: SMW300 TP2500
    Text: S -? > v 7. $ /Transistors 2SC1741A/2SC1741 AS 2SC1 741 A a Z S v l 741 AS wmjm * NPN y U = l> V ÿ / v W Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistors /Medium Power Amp. t t t t V T i W m s - T t e • ft* 1 V c e o = 50V, lc = 5 0 0 m A t « S E , 2) VcE sat)*'” 0 .1 V Typ. (at lc = 150m A ,

    OCR Scan
    2SC1741A/2SC1741 2SC1741A 2SC1741AS SMW300 TP2500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • 0025^82 741 ■ APX N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PXT4403 L7E » yv SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR PNP silicon planar epitaxial transistor, housed in a SOT89 envelope. It is intended for linear switching applications. The complementary type is PXT4401.

    OCR Scan
    PXT4403 PXT4401. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO L T D SSE 7TÏD 741 D QQ O ' l ?' 420 Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar T ^ 3 ☆Switching Transistor 2SC4130 Application Example : «SAKJ S - lí •FM20 • Outline Drawing 4 - ■ Switching Requlator and General Purpose_ Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SC4130 10Omax 100max 400mm 45x01 T0220) PDF


    Text: ITT SEIIICON] / INTERHETALL SGE J> • 4bfi2711 0002564 741 M I S I IMBT3903, IMBT3904 'T '’?A' ' 5 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors « for switching and amplifier applications. TE A s complementary types the PN P transistors IMBT3905 and IMBT3906 are recommended.

    OCR Scan
    4bfi2711 IMBT3903, IMBT3904 IMBT3905 IMBT3906 IMBT3903 IMBT3904 O-236) 15000Hz ITT INTERMETALL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA 3EE D • 53633=14 0000027 H OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 741 _ j- PAKAGE TO-99 8 LEADS _ T p l / —• ? / _ Absolute Maximum Rating Stg. Temp-65°C; to 150°C Operating temp. UUC to 70°C I T - *

    OCR Scan
    Temp-65Â S10Kohm J5SI-//-73 lo-32 PDF

    darlington pair transistor

    Abstract: mml 600 33T4 operational amplifier-741
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA 3EE D • 53633=14 0000027 H OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 741 _ j- PAKAGE T O -9 9 8 LEADS _ T p l / —• ? / _ Absolute Maxim um Rating Stg. Temp-65°C; to 150°C Operating temp. UUC to 70°C I T

    OCR Scan
    Temp-65 T-79-or-ià O-237 darlington pair transistor mml 600 33T4 operational amplifier-741 PDF

    darlington pair transistor

    Abstract: Voltage Regulator 723 operational amplifier-741 IC cd 7400 operational amplifier 741 IC 723 voltage regulator CIL TRANSISTOR voltage regulator IC 723 7400 TRANSISTOR TO-105
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA 3EE D • 53633=14 0000027 H _ j- OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 741 J5SI-//-73 PAKAGE TO-99 8 LEADS _ T p l / —• ? / _ Absolute Maximum Rating Stg. Temp-65°C; to 150°C Operating temp. UUC to 70°C I T - *

    OCR Scan
    Temp-65 T-79-or-ià O-100 O-105 O-105 O-106 TQ-106 TQ-106 DO-35 darlington pair transistor Voltage Regulator 723 operational amplifier-741 IC cd 7400 operational amplifier 741 IC 723 voltage regulator CIL TRANSISTOR voltage regulator IC 723 7400 TRANSISTOR TO-105 PDF

    darlington pair transistor

    Abstract: Voltage Regulator 723 IC cd 7400 178MIN 33T4 TQ-106 sis 741 U1514 Joy Signal
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA 3EE D • 53633=14 0000027 H OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 741 _ j- J 5 S I-//-7 3 PAKAGE TO-99 8 LEADS _ T p l / —• ? / _ Absolute Maximum Rating Stg. Temp-65°C; to 150°C Operating temp. UUC to 70°C I T - *

    OCR Scan
    Temp-65 T-79-or-ià O-237 darlington pair transistor Voltage Regulator 723 IC cd 7400 178MIN 33T4 TQ-106 sis 741 U1514 Joy Signal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSE D • 7^ D 741 DGDlllti ìfi? « S A K J STA403A Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Darlington ■Maximum Ratings Ta=250 C ollector-to-B ase Voltage VCBO 120 V Collector-to-E m itter Voltage VCEO 100 V Em itter-to-Base Voltage V ebo 6 V Collector Current

    OCR Scan
    STA403A STA300 STA400 45max PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD SSE 2SC3519 2SC3519A /-r>i “ 25*C V Absolute M ax im u m Ratinas “ Symbol VCBO VcEO Vebo lc Ib Pc T) 2SC3519 160 160 2SC3519A 180 180 Unit — rVr — • 7^D 741 DGQCnsa 2flfl HSAKJ Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar ☆APT ☆Complement to type 2SA1386 thru 2SA1386A

    OCR Scan
    2SC3519 2SC3519A 2SA1386 2SA1386A MT-100 100max PDF

    transistor BD6

    Abstract: bd645 transistor BD643 H 649 A transistor
    Text: J PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D m BD643; BD645; BD647; BD649; BD651 _ 7110fi2b 0042'i5b 741 I IPHIN -r-j 7 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS NPN epitaxial-base transistors in a m onolithic Darlington circu it and housed in a T 0-22 0 envelope. They are intended fo r o u tp u t stages in audio equipment, general amplifiers, and analogue switching

    OCR Scan
    BD643; BD645; BD647; BD649; BD651 7110fi2b BD644, BD646, BD648, BD650 transistor BD6 bd645 transistor BD643 H 649 A transistor PDF

    marking code P2T

    Abstract: PXT4401 PXT4403 transistor marking code p2T
    Text: m bfaSBTBl 0025^82 741 * A P X N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PXT4403 fc.7E I> SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR PNP silicon planar e p ita xia l tran sisto r, housed in a SO T89 envelope. It is intended fo r linear sw itch in g applications. The co m p le m e n tary ty p e is P X T4401.

    OCR Scan
    PXT4403 PXT4401. marking code P2T PXT4401 PXT4403 transistor marking code p2T PDF

    lg bd645

    Abstract: darlington bd 645 BD649 philips bd649 PNP transistor BD649 B0645 BD645 BD643 BD646 BD647
    Text: BD643; BD645; BD647; BD649; BD651 PHILIPS I N T ERNATIONAL 5bE D • 7110fl2b 0 0 4 2 ^ 741 « R H I N SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS NPN epitaxial-base transistors in a m onolithic Darlington circu it and housed in a T 0-22 0 envelope. They are intended fo r o u tp u t stages in audio equipment, general amplifiers, and analogue switching

    OCR Scan
    BD643; BD645; BD647; BD649; BD651 7110fl2b T0-220 BD644, BD646, BD648, lg bd645 darlington bd 645 BD649 philips bd649 PNP transistor BD649 B0645 BD645 BD643 BD646 BD647 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD SSE ]> • 7^741 0GG1522 Dbl « S A K J SLA4313 Silicon NPN, PNP Epitaxial Planar ■Maximum Ratings Ta=250 ■; f y r n tfo r ,. C o lle c to r-to -B a s e V o lta g e VCBO 35 -3 5 V C o lle c to r-to -E m itte r V o lta g e VCEO 35

    OCR Scan
    0GG1522 SLA4313 STA300 STA400 45max PDF

    BC 741

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DÍV1CE TYPE PACKAGE 8VCEO BVCBO BVEBO ICBO VCB V i M IN M AX HFE @ VC i IC (V | M IN M AX (V l-n A ) COB FT |p l| M A X < M H*Ì NF (d til M A X 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 25 25 25 180-460 380-800 180-800 180-460 380-800 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 4 5 4 5

    OCR Scan
    BC178B BCI78C BC179B BCI78C BCI82K BC182KA BC187KB 0C183K HC7I71 BC7I71 BC 741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEW ENGLAND SEMICONDUCTOR BIPOLAR PNP TRANSISTOR TO-39/TO-5 PACKAGE PNP TO-39 PNP TO-5 tr 1 V ceo Ic hFE@ V VcE VcE sat (sus) VOLTS (max) AMPS (min/max @ A/V) @ IC/IB (V @ A/A) 2N3867 40 3 >25@2.5/3 2N3868 60 3 2N4930 200 2N4931 p * rD Ìt WATTS (MHz) 1.3@2.5/.25

    OCR Scan
    O-39/TO-5 2N3867 2N3868 2N4930 2N4931 2N5094 2N5149 2N5153 2N5415 PDF

    IC 741 1 PC

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL TYPE 2SC4684 ST0R0B0 FLASH APPLICATIONS. Unit in ran MEDIUM POWER AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. 6.8 MAX 5.2 ± 0.2 . High DC Current Gain: hFE=800~3200 VcE=2V, Ic=0.5A hFE=250(Min.)(V c e =2V, Ic =4A) in . Low Collector Saturation Voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SC4684 IC 741 1 PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power Transistors 2SD1485 2SD1485 Silicon PNP Triple-Diffused Planar Type • Package Dimensions High Power Amplifier Complementary Pair with 2SB1054 ■ Features • V ery good linearity of DC current gain hFE • Wide area of safety operation (ASO) • High transition frequency (ft)

    OCR Scan
    2SD1485 2SB1054 bT32flS2 Di485 PDF


    Abstract: ic 741 free MG100H2CL
    Text: GTR MODULE SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED TYPE MG100H2CL1 HIGH POWER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. Unit in mm MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. 2-05,3±Ol5 FEATURES : . The Collector is Isolated from Case. . With Built-in Free Wheeling Diodes . High DC Current Gain : hFE= 80 Min. (Ic=100A)

    OCR Scan
    MG100H2CL1 T-jS125` MG100H2CL1 ic 741 free MG100H2CL PDF


    Abstract: KSC2001 741 Hfe
    Text: KSC2001 NPN SILIC O N T RA N SIST O R GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATIONS HIGH TOTAL POWER DISIPATION PT=600 mW TO-92 High hre and LOW VCE(sat) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristic Symbol Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    KSC2001 100mA 90racteristic 700mA 700mA, hfe1 KSC2001 741 Hfe PDF