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    7447AF Search Results

    7447AF Datasheets (1)

    ECAD Model
    Datasheet Type
    7447AFC Fairchild Semiconductor BCD to 7 Segment Decoder / Driver Scan PDF

    7447AF Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 46 47 • CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A 54/7446A' • 54/7447Ax 54LS/74LS47^/ JU Vcc Ao [ T BCD TO 7-SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVER a ,|T T|]7 [T if]5 BI/RBO [_4 15] i 5 ii[? i|]b lt DESCRIPTION — The ’46A, ’47A and ’LS47 accept four lines of BCD 8421 input data, generate their complements internally and decode the data with

    OCR Scan
    54/7446A' 54/7447Ax 54LS/74LS47 54/74LS 7447APC PDF


    Abstract: 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display 74LS47PC 7447 in seven segment with function table 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display circuit diagram 7447 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder pin diagram decoder 7447 LS 7446 e LS 7447 7446APC 7447ADC
    Text: 4 6 * 47 CO NN ECTIO N DIAGRAM PINOUT A 54/7446A 54/7447Ax 54LS/74LS47 IE Vcc ï|]7 BIS T3] a Ao [ T BCD TO 7-SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVER Ai | T IT U BI/RBO [_£ 5Ii[T DESC R IPTIO N — The '46A, ’47A and ’LS47 accept fou r lines of BCD 8421 input data, generate th e ir com plem ents internally and decode the data with

    OCR Scan
    54/7446A 54LS/74LS47 LS247 54/74LS 7447APC 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display 74LS47PC 7447 in seven segment with function table 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display circuit diagram 7447 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder pin diagram decoder 7447 LS 7446 e LS 7447 7446APC 7447ADC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC SYMBOL 5 4 /7 4 4 6 A 5 4 /7 4 4 7 A DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “ 4 6 " and “ 4 7 ” are BCD to 7-Segment D e c o d e r/D riv e rs w ith open c o lle c to r out­ puts. They a c c e p t 4-bit BCD da ta and pro­ vide seven a ctive LOW decoded outputs to

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 7447APC 7447AFC 74LS47 PINOUT 74LS47D
    Text: NATIONA L SEMICOND {LOGIC} DEE D | LSD11E2 □Ob3tJ?fl 0 | 46 • 47 - T -S 7 -/7 CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A 54/7446A 54/7447A 54LS/74LS47 Ao [T I D Vcc BCD TO 7-SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVER Ai |? Ts]T lt [T 335 1 DESCRIPTION — The '46A, ’47A and ’LS47 accept four lines of BCD 8421

    OCR Scan
    LSD11E2 54/7446A 54/7447A 54LS/74LS47 54/74LS 7447ADC 7447APC 7447AFC 74LS47 PINOUT 74LS47D PDF