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    74LS04 JH Search Results

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    74LS04FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LS04P-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SN74LS04DG4 Texas Instruments Hex inverters 14-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    SN74LS04DR Texas Instruments Hex inverters 14-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    SN74LS04NE4 Texas Instruments Hex inverters 14-PDIP 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

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    74ls04 jh

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •JTC74HCT04AP/AF/AFN HEX I N V E R T E R T he TC74H C T 04A is a h ig h sp e e d CM OS IN V E R T E R fa b ric a te d w ith silico n g a te C2M OS tec h n o lo g y . It achieves th e h ig h sp e e d o p e ra tio n s i m il a r to e q u iv a le n t L S T T L w hile m a in ta in in g th e CMOS low pow er

    OCR Scan
    JTC74HCT04AP/AF/AFN TC74H TC74HCT04AP/AF/AFN-3 74ls04 jh PDF

    intel 8096

    Abstract: SC11013 STR 11006 sc11011cv SC11046 74LS04W UART national 8250 8250 uart intel 8096 processor architecture intel 8096 instruction set
    Text: SCllOU 2400 bps Modem Advanced Controller MAC SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 68-PIN PLCC PACKAGE □ V .22 bis, V .22, V.21, 212A and 103 standards □ Direct interface to S C I 1006/024 □ C om plete "A T " com m and set available in firm w are □ Built-in U ART

    OCR Scan
    standa50 74LS04 74LS04 74LS245 74LS30 intel 8096 SC11013 STR 11006 sc11011cv SC11046 74LS04W UART national 8250 8250 uart intel 8096 processor architecture intel 8096 instruction set PDF


    Abstract: IC 7404 hex inverter not gate ic 7404 74s04 74Ls04 not gate ic TTL SN 7404 54S04M
    Text: SN5404, SN54LS04, SN54S04, SN7404, SN74LS04, SN74S04 HEX INVERTERS D EC EM BE R 1 9 8 3 - H E V l S E D M A R C H Package Options Include Plastic "Sm all O utline” Packages. Ceramic Chip Carriers and Flat Packages, and Plastic and Ceramic DIPs SN 5404 .

    OCR Scan
    SN5404, SN54LS04, SN54S04, SN7404, SN74LS04, SN74S04 54LS04. 74LS04, 74S04 N74S04 IC 7404 hex inverter not gate ic 7404 74s04 74Ls04 not gate ic TTL SN 7404 54S04M PDF


    Abstract: 74LS04 ttl 1001b8c TDC1025 Marking A103 low noise TMC12441 SMD CAPACITOR CODE b7 SMD marking A67 LS161 TDC1038
    Text: A /D Converters T R in i TRW offers a line o f high performance A /D converters that addresses applications from 50kHz to 100MHz. For video bandwidths on the order o f 10MHz , w e have converters with resolutions o f 4 to 10 bits and conversion rates from 18Msps to lOOMsps. W e pioneered the monolithic video A /D converter in 1977,

    OCR Scan
    50kHz 100MHz. 10MHz) 18Msps THC1200 12-bit THC1202) THC1200, 1001B8A TDC1001 74LS04 ttl 1001b8c TDC1025 Marking A103 low noise TMC12441 SMD CAPACITOR CODE b7 SMD marking A67 LS161 TDC1038 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES SN5404, SN54H04, SN54L04, SN54LS04, SN54S04, SN7404, SN74H04, SN74LS04, SN74S04 HEX IN V ERTERS R E V IS E D D E C E M B E R 1983 SN 5404, SN 54H04. S N 5 4 L 0 4 _ I PACKAGE SN 54LS04. S N 5 4 S 0 4 _ I OR W PACKAGE SN 7404. SN 74H04 . . . J OR N PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    SN5404, SN54H04, SN54L04, SN54LS04, SN54S04, SN7404, SN74H04, SN74LS04, SN74S04 54H04. PDF

    intel 8096

    Abstract: STR 11006 SC11011CV intel 8096 instruction set 8096 instruction set SC11061 A5 MCR 100-6 temperature control of 8096 Savoy Electronics mcr 100-6 A26
    Text: A SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11061 2400 bps Fast Modem Advanced Controller FMAC □ V.22 bis, V.22, V.21, 212A □ □ □ □ and 103 standards Direct interface to SC11006/024 Pow erful enough to handle M N P5 as w ell as H ayes commands & DSP Built-in UART

    OCR Scan
    SC11061 68-PIN SC11011CV SC11061CV SC11006/024 J5P312A8-29 SRX3860 intel 8096 STR 11006 SC11011CV intel 8096 instruction set 8096 instruction set A5 MCR 100-6 temperature control of 8096 Savoy Electronics mcr 100-6 A26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11061 2400 bps Fast Modem Advanced Controller FMAC □ Performs 1 6 x 1 6 multiply in 2.2 |isec. □ F irm w are co m p a tib le w ith SC11011CV □ CMOS technology □ 8k x 8 Internal ROM available for custom applications G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N

    OCR Scan
    SC11061 SC11011CV 22bis SC11061 J5P312A8-29 HC49/U SRX3860 PDF


    Abstract: NYP196-18 mc9346 H 74LS04 8096 instruction 74HCT00A SC11054 sc11011
    Text: *C> SC11091 2400 bps Universal Modem Advanced Controller s ie r r a se m ic o n d u c t o r 68-PIN PLCC PACKAGE can □ S upports V.42bis & M N PW □ S u pports SDLC, HDLC,Bisync, M onosync & A sync.protocols in softw are □ Internal Serial S ynchronous

    OCR Scan
    42bis 64KROM 16X16 SC11046 SC11054, SK9698 SC1100g J5P312A8-29 HC49/U SRX3860 SC11091 NYP196-18 mc9346 H 74LS04 8096 instruction 74HCT00A SC11054 sc11011 PDF


    Abstract: SC11061 PSB ic sierra SC11011CV MAT14 SC11061CV NS 8250B sc11011cv LS-30
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR O SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ V.22 bis, V.22, V.21, 212A and 103 standards □ D irect interface to SC11006/024 □ P o w e rfu l en o u gh to h an d le M N P 5 as w e ll as H a y e s com m ands & D SP □ Built-in U A R T □ D irect IB M P C bus interface

    OCR Scan
    SC11006/024 SC11061 68-PIN SC11011CV J5P312A8-29 HC49AJ SRX3860 ESSA2 PSB ic sierra SC11011CV MAT14 SC11061CV NS 8250B sc11011cv LS-30 PDF

    intel 8096

    Abstract: SC11011CV 82C50B sc11011 intel 8096 instruction set QPSK telephone modem schematic low pass filter TL062 2n4401 331 A03 monolithic amplifier SC11091
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11054 2400 Bit Per Second Modem with Sendfax at 9600 bps □ Com plete 2400 bps m odem and 9 6 0 0 /7 2 0 0 /4 8 0 0 /2 4 0 0 bps Sendfax □ Single 5V supply w ith 10 m W pow er dow n m ode □ Pin com patible w ith Sierra SC11024 2400 bps m odem

    OCR Scan
    SC11054 SCI1024 27ter, complete2400 78L05 iF/35V 79L05 nF/35V V22bis intel 8096 SC11011CV 82C50B sc11011 intel 8096 instruction set QPSK telephone modem schematic low pass filter TL062 2n4401 331 A03 monolithic amplifier SC11091 PDF


    Abstract: P8243 178M15 transistor b492 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 P8035 sk 7443 1334 diode LM1456 LM 8361
    Text: H F To X 8366IT U N E B Issue 2/8534 STR910A B26000 2000 General Wiring Diagram Figure 10.1 +28 V sense) GROUND Meter Batt. sense + Sense Isolated Ground Batt. GND O FF 28 V O FF (T X O F F ) Relays K4, K1 & K2 BATT. MODE »DC» Relays K5, K6 +8 V in GROUND

    OCR Scan
    8366IT STR910A B26000 B26050 B2G010 B26010 B2701D 9SM102/V4T7 bd7995 P8243 178M15 transistor b492 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 P8035 sk 7443 1334 diode LM1456 LM 8361 PDF

    ferranti ula

    Abstract: pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom
    Text: O <D & P o O o o ^ 0 3 1 0897-X $ 1 4.50 THE S-100 BUS HANDBOOK Dave Bursky H e r e ’s a c o m p re h e n s iv e b o o k th a t d is c u s s e s th e S -1 0 0 bus e q u ip m e n t an d h o w it is o rg a n iz e d . It c o v e rs c o m p u te r fu n d a m e n ta ls , b a s ic e le c tro n ic s ,

    OCR Scan
    0897-X S-100 ferranti ula pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom PDF


    Abstract: information applikation cdb 4121 e CDB 447 FZH 195 mh 3212 applikation heft 74LS125N MH 74141 FZH195
    Text: m ô D ^ n iœ lo M s n a n ilK Information Applikation INTERFACE SCHALTUNGEN RGW mit internationaler Typen­ übersicht ¿ kH KKÄÄÄÄAZJ, r in iO lk r t^ B lo lK b n a in H K I Information Applikation H a f t I N T E E F A C E E 4 8 » - S C G H A L T U N G E N

    OCR Scan

    intel 8096

    Abstract: STR 11006 sc11011cv SC11061
    Text: SC11061 2400 bps Fast Modem Advanced Controller FMAC SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ V .2 2 b is , V .2 2 , V .2 1 , 2 1 2 A a n d □ 1 0 3 s ta n d a r d s Usee. D ir e c t in te r fa c e to S C I 1 0 0 6 / 0 2 4 □ P o w e rfu l e n o u g h to h a n d le M N P5

    OCR Scan
    SC11061 SC11061CV 68-PIN 11011C SC11061 J5P312A8-29 SRX3860 intel 8096 STR 11006 sc11011cv PDF


    Abstract: gd5f 80515K m8ab
    Text: 47E D • fl23SfciüS D02ÔS7D fl ■ SIEG SIEMENS AKT IENGESELLSCHAF Xsrv SAB 80515K 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller ROM-less Version • • • • • • • • • • • • • A dditional bus interface fo r external m em ory 256 x 8 RAM S ix 8-bit ports

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sfci 80515K 16-bit 53SbD5 SAB80515K 2-12MHZ 74LS04 i10pF 74LS04C gd5f m8ab PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11061 2400 bps Fast Modem Advanced Controller FMAC □ V .22 bis, V.22, V.21, 212A and 103 standards □ Direct interface to SC 11006/024 □ P o w erfu l en o u g h to han d le M N P 5 a s w e ll as H ay es com m ands & DSP □ Built-in UART

    OCR Scan
    SC11061 SC11011CV SC11061 J5P312A8-29 SRX3860 SC11011CV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCllOU 2400 bps Modem Advanced Controller MAC SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ □ D irect IBM PC b us interface E xternal R O M /R A M ad d ress­ ab le for application flexibility □ C M O S technology □ 8k x 8 Internal R O M available for custom ap plication s

    OCR Scan
    SC11011 74LS245 fc74L 74LS04 PDF


    Abstract: 1N40 SCN2681 SCN2681AC1F28 SCN2681AC1N24 SCN2681AC1N28 SCN2681AE1F28 SCN2681AE1F40 SCN2681AE1N24 SCN2681AE1N28
    Text: I fc>bS3TE4 □O'iMOST MSb M S I C 3 Philips Sem iconductors Data Com m unications Products Product specification Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter DUART SCN2681 DESCRIPTION - Non-standard rates to 115.2Kb The Philips Semiconductors SCN2681 Dual Universal

    OCR Scan
    SCN2681 SCN2681 SCC2691, SCC2692, SCC2698B SC68692 SCN2681AC1A44 1N40 SCN2681AC1F28 SCN2681AC1N24 SCN2681AC1N28 SCN2681AE1F28 SCN2681AE1F40 SCN2681AE1N24 SCN2681AE1N28 PDF


    Abstract: 88C681 68C681 EJ34
    Text: ËXÂRCÔRPÏÏ Ï E | 3422klS D0 0 4 2 2 'i D | 0 'f^ 7J - 3 7 -0f ' X R -8 8 C 6 8 1/6 8 C 6 8 1 E X 4R CMOS Dual Channel UART DUART GENERAL DESCRIPTION =. Normal, Autoecho, Local Loopback, and Remote Loopback Modes Multi-Function 16-Bit Counter/Timer

    OCR Scan
    3422klS XR88C681 Z8000, XR-68C681 RS232C XR-1488 XR-1489A XR-1488N TI15J 88C681 68C681 EJ34 PDF


    Abstract: JR 200 RF TRANSMITTER 88C681CJ 68c681 z8000 PIA pin diagram ti68 68c681cj 88c681c 20 ench crt pin diagram 88C861
    Text: EXAR CORP t E | 34221.16 uru'-i !2n U f ~ ~ o f - 7^ 37-OS&#39;: X R -8 8 C 6 8 1 / 6 8 C 6 8 1 UST E X A R CMOS Dual Channel UART DUART GENERAL DESCRIPTION t ; ft Norm al, A utoecho, Local Loopback, and Remote Loopback Modes M ulti-Function 16-Bit Counter/Timer

    OCR Scan
    3422blfl f37-CtT: XR-88C681/68C681 XR-88C681 Z8000, XR-68C681 XR-1488 XR-1489A RS232C 88C681 JR 200 RF TRANSMITTER 88C681CJ 68c681 z8000 PIA pin diagram ti68 68c681cj 88c681c 20 ench crt pin diagram 88C861 PDF


    Abstract: FD1771 25LS2520 74ls04 pin diagram am9517 CR2 D312 FD 1771 C34000 TTL 74LS11 diode 22030c
    Text: Advanced Micro Computers A subsidiary of Advanced Micro Devices Am95/6110 Single Density Floppy Disk Controller User’s Manual REVISION RECORD REVISION 01 DESCRIPTION P re lim in a ry Issue 4/27/79 A Initial Issue (9/15/79) B Manual Updated (2/15/80) C

    OCR Scan
    Am95/6110 00680108C dh3ad FD1771 25LS2520 74ls04 pin diagram am9517 CR2 D312 FD 1771 C34000 TTL 74LS11 diode 22030c PDF


    Abstract: PB10 PB12 PC10 MDB301 DSP56116 users manual "saturation arithmetic" F1359 dsp56001
    Text: Order this document by DSP56116/D MOTOROLA •SEMICONDUCTOR DSP56116 TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information 16-bit General Purpose Digital Signal Processor Pin Grid Array PGA ^ f Available in an 101 pin ceramic through-hole! package package. through- Ceramic Quad Flat Pack (CQFP)

    OCR Scan
    DSP56116/D DSP56116 16-bit DSP56116 1N4148 74LS04 PB10 PB12 PC10 MDB301 DSP56116 users manual "saturation arithmetic" F1359 dsp56001 PDF


    Abstract: 3A050C U2829 TTL 74LS11 C34503 25LS2521 ADE 408 008E am9517 E610 F2700
    Text: Advanced Micro Computers A subsidiary of Advanced Micro Devices Am95/6110 Single Density Floppy Disk Controller User’s Manual $10.00 REVISION RECORD DESCRIPTION REVISION 01 P re lim in a ry Issue 4 /2 7 /7 9 A Initial Issue (9 /1 5 /7 9 ) B M an u al U p d ated

    OCR Scan
    Am95/6110 00680108C FD1771 3A050C U2829 TTL 74LS11 C34503 25LS2521 ADE 408 008E am9517 E610 F2700 PDF

    MF Electronics crystal oscillator m1200

    Abstract: Photo sensitive diode Siemens diode Ssi K28 0/Siemens diode Ssi K28 d313 TRANSISTOR equivalent 74LS00 ir led PHOTODIODE transistor d313 pinout Analog Applications Journal 10B12B
    Text: a Am79168/Am79169 TAXI -275 T echnical M anual Advanced Micro Devices Am79168/Am79169-275 TAXI-275 Integrated Circuits T e c h n ic a l M a n u a l Rev. 1.0, 1993 A D V A N C E D M I C R O D E V I C E S El 1993 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products

    OCR Scan
    Am79168/Am79169 TAXITM-275 Am79168/Am79169-275 TAXI-275 MF Electronics crystal oscillator m1200 Photo sensitive diode Siemens diode Ssi K28 0/Siemens diode Ssi K28 d313 TRANSISTOR equivalent 74LS00 ir led PHOTODIODE transistor d313 pinout Analog Applications Journal 10B12B PDF