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    Abstract: HEF4078B HEF4078BD HEF4078BT HEF4078BTD
    Text: HEF4078B gates 8-INPUT NOR GATE T h e H E F 4 0 7 8 B provides th e positive 8 -in p u t N O R fu n ctio n . T h e ou tp uts are fu lly bu ffe re d fo r highest noise im m u n ity and patte rn insensitivity o f o u tp u t im pedance. iininirw Tininir 7Z69509.1

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    HEF4078B 7Z69553 7Z69509 HEF4078BP 14-lead OT27-1) HEF4078BD HEF4078BT HEF4078BTD PDF


    Abstract: HEF4520BP HEF4520B HEF4520BT Z695 EF4520BP
    Text: HEF4520B MSI DUAL BINARY COUNTER The H E F 4520B is a dual 4 -b it in te rn a lly synchronous b in a ry co u n te r. T he co u n te r has an active H IG H clo ck in p u t CPg and an active LOW clo ck in p u t (CP-|), b u ffere d o u tp u ts fro m all fo u r b it positions

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    HEF4520B HEF4520B HEF4520BD HEF4520BP HEF4520BT Z695 EF4520BP PDF


    Abstract: HEF40193B HEF40193BD HEF40193
    Text: HEF40193B MSI 4-BIT UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER The HEF40193B is a 4-bit synchronous up/down binary counter. The counter has a count-up clock " in pu t CPy , a count-down clock in pu t (CPq), an asynchronous parallel load in p u t (FL), fou r parallel data inputs (Pg to P3 ), an asynchronous master reset in pu t (MR), fo u r counter outputs (Og to O3 ), an

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    HEF40193B 7Z84174 HEF40193BT HEF40193BD HEF40193 PDF


    Abstract: HEF4514B HEF4514BP HEF4514BT hef4514be
    Text: HEF4514B MSI 1-0F-16 DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER WITH INPUT LATCHES The HEF4514B is a 1-of-16 decoder/demultiplexer, having fo u r binary weighted address inputs Ao to A 3 , a latch enable input (EL), and an active LOW enable in pu t (E"). The 16 outputs (Og to O-j5 ) are

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    HEF4514B 1-0F-16 1-of-16 HEF4514BD HEF4514BP HEF4514BT hef4514be PDF

    MR 6500

    Abstract: HEF40192B HEF40192BD HEF40192BP HEF40192BT
    Text: HEF40192B MSI _ y 4-BIT UP/DOWN DECADE COUNTER The HEF40192B is a 4-bit synchronous up/down decade counter. The counter has a count-up clock input CPu , a count-down clock input (CPq), an asynchronous parallel load in pu t (P L ),fo u r parallel

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    HEF40192B 7Z84173 7Z84171 MR 6500 HEF40192BD HEF40192BP HEF40192BT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4019B MSI QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT MULTIPLEXER The H E F 4019B provides fo u r m u ltip le x in g c ircu its w ith com m on select inputs S ^ , S g l; each c irc u it contains tw o in p u ts (A n, Bn and one o u tp u t (On ). I t m ay be used to select fo u r b its o f in fo rm a tio n

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    HEF4019B 7Z69542 hef4019b HEF4019BP 16-lead OT-38Z) HEF4019BD: HEF4019BP PDF


    Abstract: SOT38Z BCD counter
    Text: HEF4518B MSI DUAL BCD COUNTER The H EF4518B is a dual 4-b it internally synchronous BCD counter. The counter has an active HIG H clock input CPo and an active LOW clock input (CP-|), buffered outputs from all four bit positions (Oo to O3 ) and an active H IG H overriding asynchronous master reset input (M R ). The counter advanceson either the LOW to H IG H transition of the CPo input if CP-| is H IG H or the H IG H to LOW

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    HEF4518B HEF4518B 4518BD SOT38Z BCD counter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF40193B MSI 4-BIT UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER The H E F 4 0 1 93 B is a 4 -b it synchronous u p /d o w n b in a ry counter. The co u n te r has a co u n t-u p clo ck in p u t C P y , a c o u n t-d o w n c lo ck in p u t (C P q ), an asynchronous parallel load in p u t (P L), fo u r parallel

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    HEF40193B 7Z84172 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4514B 1-0F-16 DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER WITH INPUT LATCHES The H EF4514B is a 1-of-16 decoder/demultiplexer, having four binary weighted address inputs Aq to A 3 , a latch enable input (E L ), and an active LOW enable input (E). The 16 outputs (Oq to O 15) are

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    HEF4514B 1-0F-16 EF4514B 1-of-16 HEF4514B max9035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4068B 8-INPUT NAND GATE The HEF4068B provides the 8-input NAND function. The outputs are fu lly buffered fo r highest noise im m unity and pattern insensitivity o f o u tp u t impedance. 10 11 12 13 h h JiZlJîâlJizUïïLiwLJiUBl VDD 3 13 ¿6 I? Fig. 1 Functional diagram.

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    HEF4068B HEF4068B 7Z6950 HEF4068BP 14-lead OT27-1) HEF4068BD HEF4068BT PDF


    Abstract: hef4017 HEF4017BT
    Text: y' HEF4017B I 5-STAGE JOHNSON COUNTER The H E F 4 0 1 7B is a 5-stage Johnson decade co u n te r w ith ten spike-free decoded active H IG H o u tp u ts O q to O g , an active LOW o u tp u t fro m th e m ost sig n ifica n t flip - flo p <Og.g), active H IG H and active

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    HEF4017B 4017B hef4017bp hef4017 HEF4017BT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4051B MSI 8-CHANNEL ANALOGUE MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER The H E F 4051B is an 8 -channel anajogue m u ltip le x e r/d e m u ltip le x e r w ith three address inputs A g to A 2 , an active LOW enable in p u t (E), eight independent in p u ts /o u tp u ts (Y g to Y 7 ) and a com m on

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    HEF4051B 4051B PDF


    Abstract: HEF4081BT HEF4081 HEF4081BT(D)-T HEF4081B HEF4081BD
    Text: HEF4081B gates QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT AND GATE The HEF4081 B provides th e positive quadruple 2 -in p u t A N D fu n c tio n . T he o u tp u ts are fu lly bu ffere d fo r highest noise im m u n ity and p a ttern in se n sitivity o f o u tp u t impedance. ,0 2 —

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    HEF4081B HEF4081 7Z69510 HEF4081BP 14-lead OT-27) HEF4081BD: OT-73) hef4081Bp HEF4081BT HEF4081BT(D)-T HEF4081B HEF4081BD PDF


    Abstract: HEF4518BP HEF4518B HEF4518BD HEF4518BT BCD counter
    Text: HEF4518B MSI DUAL BCD COUNTER The H E F 4518B is a dual 4 -b it in te rn a lly synchronous BCD counter. T he co u n te r has an active HIG H clo ck in p u t CPo and an active LOW c lo ck in p u t (CP-|), bu ffere d o u tp u ts fro m all fo u r b it positions

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    HEF4518B HEF4518B 7Z69664 4518BP HEF4518BP HEF4518BD HEF4518BT BCD counter PDF


    Abstract: HEF4013 HEF4013BT hef4013b HEF4013BD 7Z69524
    Text: H EF4013B flip-flops DUAL D -TY P E FLIP-FLOP The HEF4013B is a dual D-type flip -flo p which features independent set direct S q , clear direct (C q ), clock inputs (CP) and outputs (0,C5). Data is accepted when CP is LOW and transferred to the ou tput on

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    HEF4013B 7Z69524 HEF4013BP HEF4013 HEF4013BT HEF4013BD PDF


    Abstract: HEF4071BP
    Text: HEF4071B gates QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT OR GATE The HEF4071 B is a positive logic quadruple 2-input OR gate. The outputs are fu lly buffered fo r highest noise im m unity and pattern insensitivity o f ou tput impedance. f^i r^~i r^~L rJ^i — — — — — h VoD ^8 h ou 0 3 h

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    HEF4071B HEF4071 7Z69551 7Z69S07 14-lead OT-27) HEF4071BP PDF


    Abstract: HEF4078BD
    Text: HEF4078B 8-INPUT NOR GATE The HEF4078B provides the positive 8-input NOR function. The outputs are fully buffered for highest noise immunity and pattern insensitivity of output impedance. VoD 0 W 3 HEF4078B n.c. I0 I I, 12 U 13 nc- r>.c. Vs s iininariijiiriir^

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    HEF4078B HEF4078B 7Z69509 HEF4078BPIN) 14-lead OT27-1) HEF4078BD HEF4078BT HS016 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4520B MSI DUAL BINARY COUNTER T h e H E F 4 5 2 0 B is a dual 4 -b it in te rn a lly synchronous binary coun ter. T h e co u n ter has an active H IG H clock in p u t C Pq and an active LO W clo ck in p u t (C P-), bu ffe re d o u tp u ts fro T i all fo u r b it positions

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    HEF4520B HEF4520 PDF


    Abstract: 4049bp
    Text: IN TE G R A TE D CIRCUITS HEF4049B buffers HEX inverting buffers Product specification File under Integrated C ircuits, IC04 Philips Semiconductors January 1995 PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips S e m ico nd uctors P ro d u c t specification H EF4049B H E X inverting buffers

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    HEF4049B EF4049B 4049B EF4049B 4049bt 4049bp PDF


    Abstract: HEF4022B
    Text: HEF4022B MSI 4-STAGE DIVIDE-BY-8 JOHNSON COUNTER The HEF4022B is a 4-stage divide-by-8 Johnson counter with eight spike-free decoded active HIG H outputs Oo to O7 , an active LOW output from the most significant flip-flop (O4 . 7 ), active H IG H and active LOW clock inputs (CPg, C P ]) and an overriding asynchronous master reset input (M R).

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    HEF4022B HEF4022B cl218 PDF


    Abstract: D2346 HEF405OB
    Text: HEF405OB buffers HEX NON-INVERTING BUFFERS The HEF4050B provides six non-inverting buffers with high current output capability suitable for driving T T L or high capacitive loads. Since input voltages in excess of the buffers' supply voltage are permitted, the buffers may also be used to G o n v e r t logic levels of up to 15 V to standard T T L levels.

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    HEF405OB HEF4050B HEF4050B 7Z69502 HEF4050BP 16-lead OT38-1) HEF4050BD HEF4050BT D2346 HEF405OB PDF


    Abstract: HEF4051BT HEF4051 HEF4051B hef4051bp HEF4051 application note
    Text: HEF4051B MSI 8-CHANNEL ANALOGUE MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER The H E F 4051B is an 8 -channel anajogue m u ltip le x e r/d e m u ltip le x e r w ith three address inputs A g to A 2 , an active LOW enable in p u t (E ), eight independent in p u ts /o u tp u ts (Y g to Y 7 ) and a com m on

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    HEF4051B HEF4051B SQT109A HEF4051BT HEF4051 hef4051bp HEF4051 application note PDF


    Abstract: HEF4518BD HEF4518BP HEF4518BT hef4518 BCD counter
    Text: HEF4518B MSI DUAL BCD COUNTER The H EF4518B is a dual 4 -b it internally synchronous BCD counter. The counter has an active H IG H clock input CPo and an active LOW clock input (C F i), buffered outputs from ail four b it positions (Oq to O 3 ) and an active H IG H overriding asynchronous master reset input (M R ). The counter ad­

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    HEF4518B 7Z69664 HEF4518BD HEF4518BP HEF4518BT hef4518 BCD counter PDF


    Abstract: HEF4052BD HEF4052BP HEF4052B HEF4052BPN
    Text: HEF4052B M SI DUAL 4-CHANNEL ANALOGUE MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER The HEF4052B is a dual 4-channel analogue m ultiplexer/dem ultiplexer w ith common channel select logic. Each m ultiplexer/dem ultiplexer has fo u r independent inputs/outputs Yg to Y 3 and a common

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    HEF4052B HEF4052BT HEF4052BD HEF4052BP HEF4052BPN PDF