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    8049 EQUIVALENT Search Results

    8049 EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60AUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP64-P-1010-0.50E Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63AUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP52-P-1010-0.65 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62AUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP44-P-1010-0.80A Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    8049 EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2SV-04
    Text: Data downloaded from - the website of Anglia - tel: 01945 474747 METRIC Catalogue 1654741 Eurostyle Terminal Blocks Revised 1-04 Dimensions are millimetres over inches Screwless Terminal Blocks Product Facts • Available in 5.0mm and 5.08mm pitch


    IRT 1250

    Abstract: irt 1260 Zener diode ZTK 2066 TVPO KEYBOARD CONTROLLER 8049 TVPO-2066 TVPO2066 8049 Keyboard Controller SAA 1260 CI 3060 elsys
    Text: TVPO 2066 TV Controller with On-Screen Display for TV Receivers Edition August 24, 1992 6251-327-3E ITT Semiconductors TVPO 2066 Contents Page Section Title 3 1. Introduction 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.9.1.

    6251-327-3E 1N4148 BF240 IRT 1250 irt 1260 Zener diode ZTK 2066 TVPO KEYBOARD CONTROLLER 8049 TVPO-2066 TVPO2066 8049 Keyboard Controller SAA 1260 CI 3060 elsys PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ribbon Cable Interconnect Solutions Ultra ATA Compliant Bus Connectors, .025 [0.64] Centerline Ribbon Cable Product Facts • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Backward compatible with current IDE Interfaces Improved signal integrity: 1 to 1 signal to ground ratio

    E28476 PDF


    Abstract: 5246A 8049 microcontroller APPLICATION SAA5191 2222 philips 8049 intel microprocessor pin diagram 8049 microcontroller SAA5243 SAA5250 SAA5296
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Video Products Interface information Packet and Page Teletext data reception using the SAA5250 Authors: J.R. Kinghorn A. Guenot Philips Product Concept & Applications Lab, Southampton England Philips Semiconductors, Paris France Revised:

    SAA5250 875MHz) 454MHz 875MHz 500MHz SAA5250, teletext 5246A 8049 microcontroller APPLICATION SAA5191 2222 philips 8049 intel microprocessor pin diagram 8049 microcontroller SAA5243 SAA5250 SAA5296 PDF


    Abstract: SAA5296 SAA5191 SAA5231 SAA5243 SAA5250 SAA9042 decoder 6116 8049 microcontroller APPLICATION 6805 motorola
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Interface information Packet and Page Teletext data reception using the SAA5250 Authors: J.R. Kinghorn A. Guenot Philips Product Concept & Applications Lab, Southampton England Philips Semiconductors, Paris France Revised: M. T. Schneider

    SAA5250 SAA5250) 875MHz) 454MHz 875MHz 500MHz SAA5250, 5246A SAA5296 SAA5191 SAA5231 SAA5243 SAA5250 SAA9042 decoder 6116 8049 microcontroller APPLICATION 6805 motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 80 ' 0&&)#)%-#7 80A0)-06080)-040B0)-06080)-0&.2/0)-2 80.0,)-),3,0+.!$ 80)21060!//+)#!2).-1 809554A850!2210/%!*0/.5%00&.006501%#.-$1 80A0 %!00!00!-27 &.,8030<0019< :<9/?.>0:,20 7C08AFC09CD C 0106 EBAE  855040955 85549550!22110+20!0)'(0%-1)27

    -040B0 809554A850 B080D 0A0CDB080E 00BDCDA020 40C38020 B778 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ;0,*+0 ,&, 0&: ;0,*+018(30(04,5:01D49"5,0<2 ;0 20510A01652654 ;010/,0,/6/0.1$' ;0,5407 0$22.,&$5,104 ;0(',&$.0F22317$. ;090#($30"$33$05: ;0(/2(3$563(0&10531.('0$0025,10 9E0ACE0BEFE0108DC 04536/(05$5,10 31$'&$45 !3966 (',&$.

    01D49 20510A01652654 0F22317$ C090E 020B0DEC090F DCCC9F9E02= 30BEBDC030 70D030 PDF

    "Radio Controlled Clock Receiver"

    Abstract: dcf ferrite antenna dcf CLOCK jg2as ferrite antenna time code receiver dcf U4222 U4222B U4222B-CFP U4222B-CFPG1
    Text: U4222B TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Radio Controlled Clock Receiver Description The U4222B is a bipolar integrated straight through receiver circuit for the frequency of 40 kHz. The device is designed for radio controlled clock applications, in particular for the Japanese transmitter JG2AS.

    U4222B U4222B D-74025 "Radio Controlled Clock Receiver" dcf ferrite antenna dcf CLOCK jg2as ferrite antenna time code receiver dcf U4222 U4222B-CFP U4222B-CFPG1 PDF


    Abstract: U4222B-CFP U4222B-CFPG1
    Text: U4222B TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Radio Controlled Clock Receiver Description The U4222B is a bipolar integrated straight through receiver circuit for the frequency of 40 kHz. The device is designed for radio controlled clock applications, in par- ticular for the Japanese transmitter JG2AS.

    U4222B U4222B D-74025 U4222B-CFP U4222B-CFPG1 PDF


    Abstract: DSA0024544
    Text: PRELIMINARY Product Specification RoHS-6 Compliant 10GBASE-LR XENPAK Transponder FTLX1461E2 PRODUCT FEATURES ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Hot pluggable XENPAK MSA 3.0 form factor Total power consumption: 3.5 W maximum RoHS-6 compliant lead-free

    10GBASE-LR FTLX1461E2 70-pin FTLX1461E2 TM-2002 FTLX1461 DSA0024544 PDF

    B331 transistor

    Abstract: transistor b331 Transistor B28D A 42 B331 transistor A 92 B331 transistor A 42 B331 transistor B324 KT 117A 851B52 intel 8049 microcomputer
    Text: 1 AP-91 USING THE 8049 AS AN 80 COLUMN PRINTER CONTROLLER I. INTRODUCTION This A pplication N ote d eta ils u sin g I N T E L ’S 8049 m icrocom puter a s a d ot m atrix p rin ter controller. P re v io u s I N T E L A pplication n o tes, e.g. AP-27 and AP-54 d escrib e d usin g in telligen t p ro c e sso rs and p eri­

    OCR Scan
    AP-91 AP-27 AP-54) B331 transistor transistor b331 Transistor B28D A 42 B331 transistor A 92 B331 transistor A 42 B331 transistor B324 KT 117A 851B52 intel 8049 microcomputer PDF

    intel 8039

    Abstract: processor 8049 8039 8039 intel 8049 intel microprocessor pin diagram I8049 intel 8049 microcomputer intel 8049 XRL Series instruction set of 8048
    Text: in t e i P R S U M O IN lM R f 18049/8039 HIGH PERFORMANCE SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER INDUSTRIAL *8049 Mask Programmable ROM *8039 External ROM or EPROM *6 MHz Operation 8-Bit CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in Single Package Single 5V ± 10% Supply 2K x 8 ROM

    OCR Scan
    128x8 I8049/8039 AFN-00737-01 intel 8039 processor 8049 8039 8039 intel 8049 intel microprocessor pin diagram I8049 intel 8049 microcomputer intel 8049 XRL Series instruction set of 8048 PDF

    intel 8049

    Abstract: 8048 intel microprocessor pin diagram intel 8039 processor 8049 8049 intel microprocessor pin diagram 8049 8039 intel 8748 microcomputer intel 8049 microcomputer 8039 instruction set
    Text: ÂÛ¥Â1M0E O^FOlRMMOOii intei 18049H/8039H NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER INDUSTRIAL • I8049H Mask Programmable ROM ■ I8039H Requires External ROM or EPROM ■ 11 MHz Operation 8-Bit CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in Single Package Single 5V ± 10% Supply

    OCR Scan
    18049H/8039H I8049H I8039H intel 8049 8048 intel microprocessor pin diagram intel 8039 processor 8049 8049 intel microprocessor pin diagram 8049 8039 intel 8748 microcomputer intel 8049 microcomputer 8039 instruction set PDF

    INTEL 8049 IC

    Abstract: F62A intel 8049 microcomputer processor 8049 mcs48 assembly language intel 8082 intel 8049 8049 equivalent intel MCS-48 intel 80.82
    Text: in te i APPLICATION NOTE AP-49 J a n u a ry 1979 Intel Corporation 1979 9B 00904 Related lntel Publications Application Techniques for the MCS-48 Fam ily The m a te ria l in th is A p p lic a tio n N o te is fo r in fo rm a tio n a l p u rp o s e s o n ly a n d is s u b je c t

    OCR Scan
    AP-49 MCS-48TM INTEL 8049 IC F62A intel 8049 microcomputer processor 8049 mcs48 assembly language intel 8082 intel 8049 8049 equivalent intel MCS-48 intel 80.82 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BUCHANAN M E T R IC Eurostyle Terminal Blocks Dimensions are millimeters over inches Catalog 1307612 Revised 7-01 Screwless, Top Wire Entry Connectors Board Mount Screwless 5.0 mm Pitch Top Wire Entry Terminal Block Color-Green Wr 10.25 .404 UL R a tin g -3 0 0 V, 10 A

    OCR Scan
    506x004 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BUCHANAN M E T R IC Eurostyle Terminal Blocks Catalog 1307612 Dimensions are millimeters over inches Revised 7-01 Screwless Terminal Blocks Product Facts • Available in 5.0mm and 5.08mm pitch sizes ■ Accepts wire range 14-22 AWG ■ Current capability: 10 A and 20 A

    OCR Scan
    2SV-06 2SV-16 PDF


    Abstract: INTEL 8049 IC 303A20 203a14
    Text: *C ICIS006* \^1 circuit Components inc. M i c r o 1000 Decoupling Capacitors Micro/Q 1000 ceramic capacitors are designed to fit under digital or analog dual in-line packages DIPs . They are ideal for use in computers/peripherals, work stations and office products, as well as in

    OCR Scan
    ICIS006* 303A16 INTEL 8049 IC 303A20 203a14 PDF

    processor 8049h

    Abstract: intel 8049H 8039HL 8049H Intel 8749 h INTEL 8049 PC INTEL 8049 IPC processor 8049 Intel 8749 SOSO
    Text: in t p l ¡Piim DM iM W ^ 8049H/8039HL HMOS SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER • 8049H Mask Programmable ROM ■ 8039HL CPU Only with Power Down Mode ■ 8-BIT CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in Single Package High Performance HMOS ■ 1K x 8 ROM 64 x 8 RAM 27 I/O Lines

    OCR Scan
    8049H/8039HL 8049H 8039HL 8049H/8039HL P20-23 AFN-01784A-07 processor 8049h intel 8049H Intel 8749 h INTEL 8049 PC INTEL 8049 IPC processor 8049 Intel 8749 SOSO PDF


    Abstract: 6y18
    Text: Circuit Components Inc. M i c r o 1000 Decoupling Capacitors M icro/Q " 1000 ceram ic capacitors are designed to fit under digital or analog dual in-line packages DIPs . T hey are ideal for use in com puters/w ork stations, peripherals, office products, and other industrial,

    OCR Scan

    hitachi ha 250

    Abstract: 6301V hitachi ha
    Text: HA16662MP, HA16682MP HDD Interface Circuit Description T h e H A 1 6 6 6 2 M P /6 8 2 M P m o n ilith ic IC is designed for ST-506 interface logics in hard disk drive memory systems. Functions • • • • • RS-422 receiver, driver pair ST-506 interface line driver

    OCR Scan
    HA16662MP, HA16682MP ST-506 RS-422 HA16662MP 12VEDET hitachi ha 250 6301V hitachi ha PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H A 1 6 6 6 2 MP, H A 16682M P HDD Interface Circuit Description The H A 16662M P/682M P m onilithic IC is designed for ST-506 interface logics in hard disk drive memory systems. Functions • • • • • RS-422 receiver, driver pair ST-506 interface line driver

    OCR Scan
    16682M 16662M P/682M ST-506 RS-422 HA16662MP 6301X, 804to PDF


    Abstract: HA16682MP 74LS04 HA16662MP ST-506 HITACHI hard drive CIRCUIT diagram Hitachi Scans-001
    Text: HA16662MP, HA16682MP HDD Interface Circuit Description The HA 16662M P/682M P m onilithic IC is designed for ST-506 interface logics in hard disk drive memory systems. Functions • • • • • RS-422 receiver, driver pair ST-506 interface line driver

    OCR Scan
    HA16662MP, HA16682MP HA16662MP/682MP ST-506 RS-422 6301X, 6301V HA16682MP 74LS04 HA16662MP HITACHI hard drive CIRCUIT diagram Hitachi Scans-001 PDF

    sidewinder force feedback

    Abstract: micro servo 9g how to control sidewinder force feedback 2 7406 ic IC LM319 IC 74LS04 LMS 7805 ic LM339 5BA DIODE IC 74LS02

    OCR Scan
    20109--001B A3-14. A3-18 sidewinder force feedback micro servo 9g how to control sidewinder force feedback 2 7406 ic IC LM319 IC 74LS04 LMS 7805 ic LM339 5BA DIODE IC 74LS02 PDF


    Abstract: P80C50
    Text: TOSHIBA TM P80C50A/40A CMOS 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER TLCS-48C TMP80C50AP/TMP80C50AP- 6 TMP80C40AP/TMP80C40AP- 6 TMP80C50AU/TMP80C50AU-6 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES The TMP80C50A is a single chip microcomputer fabricated in Silicon Gate CMOS

    OCR Scan
    TMP80C50A TMP80C40A TLCS-48C) TMP80C50AP/TMP80C50AP- TMP80C40AP/TMP80C40AP- TMP80C50AU/TMP80C50AU-6 TMP80C40A/-6 TMP80CL TMP8049AP P80C50 PDF