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    812 TRIODE Search Results

    812 TRIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 812 triode
    Text: SYLVANIA fi S' . engineering data service rt434 J w . MECHANICAL DATA QUICK REFERENCE DATA M axim um Overall L e n g th . 2 Yg Inches M axim um Overall D ia m e te r . 812 Inches

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    rt434 RT434 812 triode PDF

    812 triode

    Abstract: 812 tube
    Text: DO U BLE TR IO D E ECC 812 Ampli de sortie pour platines de chrominance Secam C A R A C T E R IST IQ U E S G E N E R A L E S Electriques C athode à chauffage indirect A lim entation du filam ent en p arallèle T ension filam ent.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: yu148 Eimac yu rs tube 845 power Triode eimac yu148 Eimac yu-191a
    Text: YU-148 TECHNICAL DATA HIGH-MU TRIODE The EIMAC YU-148 high mu, forced air cooled, power triode provides relatively high power output as an ampllifier, oscillator or modulator at low plate voltages. The tube has a low inductance cylindrical filament stem structure which

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    YU-148 MA-4087 yu148 Eimac yu rs tube 845 power Triode eimac yu148 Eimac yu-191a PDF


    Abstract: 812 triode 78 mo 5 BT 812 TH-150
    Text: rM-15B rkl-150 MMnyilbCHblli rEHEPATOPHblR TPHOfl MICROWAVE TRIODE HM ny/ibCHbiü reH epaTopH biid CB epxB b icoK O H acT O T- Hbiü Tpnofl m -1 5 6 (rn-150) npeflHa3HaHeH fl/ia reHepupoBaHkm m ycMneHi/m KO/ieôam/M b HenpepbiBHOM pe>KMMe paôoTbi m MMnynbCHOM npn aHOflHOM MOflynauy\vi b caHTMMeTpoBOM n fleL(MMeTp0 B0 M fli<iana3 0 Hax.

    OCR Scan
    rM-15B rkl-150) TM-15B rn-150) iana30Hax. B03flyiiJH0r0 rM-155) rM-150. th150 812 triode 78 mo 5 BT 812 TH-150 PDF


    Abstract: 3CX4500F3 yu108 Svetlana 812 845 triode
    Text: SVETLANA TECHNICAL DATA 3CX4500F3/YU108 Medium-Mu Industrial Triode T he Svetlana 3CX4500F3/YU108 is a high-performance ceramic/metal power triode designed for use in amplifier, oscillator, or modulator service. A modern mesh filament is used, replacing the old-fashioned

    3CX4500F3/YU108 3CX4500F3/YU108 improve00 yu-108 3CX4500F3 yu108 Svetlana 812 845 triode PDF

    brown boveri tube

    Abstract: TRIODE itK10-1 tube az2 ITK10-1
    Text: W assergekühlte Industrietriode W ater-Cooled Industrial Power Triode Triode à refroidissem ent par eau, pour l'industrie H auptdaten Q uick Reference D ata Caractéristiques principales Pa max V a max la max * P q max f max 10 kW 8 kV 4A 22 kW 120 MHz Klasse C, HF, Oszillator

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    ITK10-1 brown boveri tube TRIODE itK10-1 tube az2 ITK10-1 PDF

    BT 812

    Abstract: V812 600/TRIAC BT 812
    Text: iiivinyjibCHbift rEHEPATOPHbm tp iio h rn-11 b H M n yn b C H b iti TRIODE re H e p a T o p H b iii T p n o fl rM -11 5 npeflHa3HaneH fl/in reHepupoBaHna BbicoKOHacTOTH b ix K o n e 6 a H M M b a B T o r e H e p a T o p a x 6 e 3 B H e w H e ti 0 6 paTH 0 ii CBH3M B HenpepblBH O M pe>KMMe p a 60 Tbl M

    OCR Scan
    rn-11 rM-115 06paTH0ii pa60Tbl rkl-11B BT 812 V812 600/TRIAC BT 812 PDF


    Abstract: 812 triode td0310 Mullard TD03-I0 capacitor mullard td03-10
    Text: D ISC S E A L T R IO D E Indirectly-heated disc seal triode, without internal feedback, primarily intended for use as a common grid, earthed anode, concentric line oscillator. It may also be used as a power amplifier. TD03-I0 HEATER Indirectly heated. V* 6.3

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    TD03-I0 ME1001) TD03-10 ME1001 812 triode td0310 Mullard TD03-I0 capacitor mullard PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iiivinyjibCHbift rEHEPATOPHbm tp iio h rn-11 b H M n yn b C H b iti TRIODE re H e p a T o p H b iii T p n o fl rM -11 5 npeflHa3HaneH fl/in reHepupoBaHna BbicoKOHacTOTH b ix K o n e 6 a H M M b a B T o r e H e p a T o p a x 6 e 3 B H e w H e ti 0 6 paTH 0 ii CBH3M B HenpepblBH O M pe>KMMe p a 60 Tbl M

    OCR Scan
    rn-11 TM-11B ScansU9X26 PDF


    Abstract: CATHODE TUBE marconi company marconi tube company marconi 075-CI
    Text: DET 22/JULY 1954 Triode TypeDET22 OSCILLATOR AND VHF AMPLIFIER General. The DET 22 is a disc seal triode, without internal feedback, fitted with an indirectly heated oxide-coated cathode. It is intended mainly as a common-grid, earthed-anode, concentric-line oscil­

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    22/JULY DET22 DET22 CATHODE TUBE marconi company marconi tube company marconi 075-CI PDF

    lt 7210

    Abstract: 2C39A tz 1039 2C39WA d lt 7210 M II 300GP225 ML-322 Scans-0017383 ML-2C39WA
    Text: D E SC R IP T IO N The M L-2C 39W A is a ruggedized high-mu triode of planar-electrode type designed specifically for use as an oscil­ lator, frequency multiplier or power amplifier in radio trans­ m itting service at frequencies up to 2500 Me. The M L-2C 39W A is interchangeable with the M L-2C39A.

    OCR Scan
    ML-2C39WA ML-2C39A. ML-2C39A ML-322; ML-322. lt 7210 2C39A tz 1039 2C39WA d lt 7210 M II 300GP225 ML-322 Scans-0017383 PDF


    Abstract: BT 812
    Text: MMnyjlbCHblM rEHEPATOPHbW TPWOfl TRIODE HMny/ibCHbm reHepaTopHbiii Tpnofl ri/1-12B npeflHa3HaneH p,nn reHepMpoBaHMfl m ycmieHMH BbiC0K0H a cT O T H b ix KO/ie6aHMM b HenpepbiBHOM n nMnynbCHOM pe>KMMax npn aHOflHOti MOflynflLjMM. rH-125 The TM-12B triode is used as a RF oscillator and an

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    M-12E rH-125 B03flyujH0e BbicoTa-88 TM-12B 38bmcmmoctm RH125 BT 812 PDF


    Abstract: ML-2C41 ML-2C39A 2c41 ML-7210 Heater Finned ML-322 2C39wA machlett 1517C
    Text: DESCRIPTION T h e M L -2C 41 is a high-m u triode o f the planar-electrode suited to cavity type circuits as well as for parallel line opera­ type designed for use as a plate-pulsed oscillator, or pow er tion. T h e cathode is an indirectly-heated, oxide-coated disc.

    OCR Scan
    ML-2C41 ML-322; ML-322. 2C39A ML-2C39A 2c41 ML-7210 Heater Finned ML-322 2C39wA machlett 1517C PDF


    Abstract: 2C40A tube 957 Scans-0017383 general electric
    Text: 2C40-A ELECTRONICS 2C40-A ET-T1212C Page 1 PLANAR TRIODE 12-61 DESCRIPTION AND RATINGThe 2C40-A is a triode of lighthouse construction designed for use as a CW oscillator, radio-frequency amplifier, or plate-pulsed oscillator a t frequencies as high as 3370 megacycles.

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    2C40-A ET-T1212C 2C40-A 2C40 2C40A tube 957 Scans-0017383 general electric PDF


    Abstract: 0603Ha RH130
    Text: MMnyjlbCHblR rEHEPATOPHblR TPMOfl TRIODE l"M - 1 3E M rkl-130M HMnynbCHbiii reHepaTopHbiii Tpnofl TM-13BM (ri/l130M) npeflHa3Ha>HeH flrm reHepupoBaHun BbiC0K0sacTO TH bix K o n e 6 aHM M b a B T o r e H e p a T o p a x 6e3 BHewHeM 0 6 p a T H 0 M C B 3 3 M b H e n p e p b iB H O M p e x u M e p a 6 oT b i

    OCR Scan
    M-13EM rkl-130M) TM-13BM M-130M) 06paTH0M CB33M fle-1411M6TPOBOM flnana30He B03flyiuH0r0 TH-13BM) BHEW 0603Ha RH130 PDF

    812 triode

    Abstract: 812+triode
    Text: MAZDA BELVU d o u b le t r io d e £ Q Q g] 2 Amplificateur de sortie chrominance TVC C A R A C T E R IST IQ U E S G E N E R A L E S Cathode à chauffage indirect Alimentation du filament en parallèle 6,3 V Tension filament . .V f

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    5000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1500w audio amplifier circuit AMPLIFIER 1500w 3000 watt audio circuit diagram 500w audio amplifier circuit diagram 2000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1000 watt ups circuit diagrams 500w power amplifier circuit diagram I500T
    Text: 15 0 0 T MEDIUM-MU E IT E L -M cC U L L O U G H , IN C . S A N C A R L O S - C A L I F O R N I TRIODE • A MODULATOR OSCILLATOR A M PLI FI ER The E l ma c I 5 0 0 T Is a m e d i u m - m u p o w e r t r i o d e i n t e n d e d f o r use as an ampl i fi er , os ci l l at or or

    OCR Scan
    I500T l500T B-7-53 1500T 5000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1500w audio amplifier circuit AMPLIFIER 1500w 3000 watt audio circuit diagram 500w audio amplifier circuit diagram 2000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram 1000 watt ups circuit diagrams 500w power amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: 812 tube equivalent 5675 Tube
    Text: 5675 Medium-Mu Triode GL A S S - M E T A L PE NC IL TY PE FA ST W A R M - U P TI ME ST UR DY C O A X I A L - E L E C T R O D E ST RU CT UR E For C a t h o d e - D r i v e A p p l i c a t i o n s with Full Input u p t o 17 00 M e an d w i t h R e d u c e d In p u t up to

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF MOSFET Line RF Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Designed for broadband commercial and industrial applications at frequen­ cies to 520 MHz. The high gain and broadband performance of this device

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    AN215A, MRF5035. AN721, MRF5035 PDF

    CI 6264

    Abstract: RCA-6264 Suf 46 hg AN-156 92CM-8I20
    Text: 6264 UHF MEDIUM-MU TRIODE External P late R adiato r High Transconductance "P e ncil-Typ e " Structure 13-Watt ICAS P la t e D i s s i p a t i o n H i g h - A l t i t u d e Operation F u ll R a t i n g s t o 500 Me. TENTATIVE DATA RCA-6264 is "penci l-typ e"

    OCR Scan
    RCA-6264 CI 6264 Suf 46 hg AN-156 92CM-8I20 PDF


    Abstract: Siemens MOSFET S100 712 sot23 mosfet AL25-100 682 SOT-23 sod-123 4007 RF Transistors sot-23 pj 989 359 sot23 KTY13A
    Text: Summary of types Switching diodes Type BAL 74 VI o in BAL 99 BAR 74 BAR 99 BAS 16 BAS 19 BAS 20 BAS 21 BAS 28 Dual BAS 78 A BAS 78 B BAS 78 C BAS 78 D BAS 79 A (Dual) BAS 79 B (Dual) BAS 79 C (Dual) BAS 79 D (Dual) BAS 116 BAV 70 (Dual) BAV 74 (Dual) BAV 99 (Dual)

    OCR Scan
    100ic OT-143 OT-143 KTY13B OT-23 OT-23 KSY13 SBMT2222A Siemens MOSFET S100 712 sot23 mosfet AL25-100 682 SOT-23 sod-123 4007 RF Transistors sot-23 pj 989 359 sot23 KTY13A PDF


    Abstract: TDA 7247 74XX174 triangle and square wave generator lm339 BA 658 Bar-Graph Display Driver 74xx161 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY ic str 6454 equivalent 74xx11 74XX32
    Text: Electronics Workbench TM Multisim 8 Simulation and Capture TM Component Reference Guide TitleShort-Hidden cross reference text May 2005 371587A-01 Support Worldwide Technical Support and Product Information National Instruments Corporate Headquarters

    71587A-01 74xx76 TDA 7247 74XX174 triangle and square wave generator lm339 BA 658 Bar-Graph Display Driver 74xx161 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY ic str 6454 equivalent 74xx11 74XX32 PDF

    PMP 13.48 Rectifier

    Abstract: ambulance flashing led light diagram PMP 13.48 connection data diagram of bp 1361 led driver MC13783VK5 MC13783JVK5 MC13783UG IC for Chasing Lights Circuit AN3155 CEA-936-A
    Text: MC13783 Power Management and Audio Circuit User’s Guide Document Number: MC13783UG Rev. 3.8 06/2010 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, EL516

    MC13783 MC13783UG EL516 MC13783 PMP 13.48 Rectifier ambulance flashing led light diagram PMP 13.48 connection data diagram of bp 1361 led driver MC13783VK5 MC13783JVK5 MC13783UG IC for Chasing Lights Circuit AN3155 CEA-936-A PDF

    thyristor TAG 8506

    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Catalog Number 11Q New For 1989! • Over 7,900 New Products • 13 New M anufacturers PRODUCT INDICES tiamp*,'fminei forskSockets ' Solder Equipment endTtfob ] vriHp\< lint Equipment, Panel Meters, Aejulpmant, i A P R E M IE R C o m p an y

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    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF