8609 souriau
Abstract: souriau 8609
Text: reverse female 3 row telecommunications HE 11 dimensions in mm (inches) dovetails to receive polarizing key ref. : 0609.321 standard termination type ordering code E] S —O D D —ooo —ei Rows -a + -a + -a + -a + loaded b + c b + c c c even cavities fitted
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8609 souriau
souriau 8609
souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: reverse female, 3 row style R 8.5 .335 85(3.346) dimensions in mm (inches) CO 01 o _ 4-« 1 (.039) 3 (.118) i 0.6 ( 0 2 4 )x 4 5 ° i -4 OJ tSJ k j L -L 1J lf b =f 8 8,9(3.5 00) 6 (.236) standard termination type special terminations 13 angled spill 13 + specification 073
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souriau 8609
souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: S O U R IA U an FCI C om pany standard male, 2 row style B dimensions 94 3.701 6 ,2 (.244) in mm (inches) ' '1 ii 'i !i '1 I 1 J _ i=l _^ _ ._t=j_ . 1=1 I 1 i L 1 88,9 (3.500) 2,5 (.098)^. L & tit J 85,2 (3.354) 31 x 2,54 = 78,74(31 x .100 = 3.100)
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souriau 8609
souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: DIN 41612 Contents Page Introduction/performance classes . 3 Product overview . 4-5 Selection guide , specifications and technical data . 6-7 Introduction to pressfit technology .
souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: HALF DIN style R/2 reverse female, 3 row dimensions 85 .335 44 ,4 (1 .7 4 8 ) in mm (inches) co CO standard termination n r 0 0,65 m axi (.026) type special terminations angled spills 13 + specification 073 L = 3,3 to 3,7 mm (.130) to (.146) 13 consult factory
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souriau 8609
8609 souriau
Abstract: 8609 396 81 DIN 8609 8609 464 81 14 Souriau cross reference
Text: style B standard female, 2 row 3 .118 r 1 standard terminations nr 0 .6 straight spills 24 : L = 2,5 (.098) 04 : L = 5,1 (.201) :d (.0 24 ) H I- — 4 co r- 0 ,8 1,7 14 type special terminations type W .W 25 : L = 17,15 (.675) 35 : L = 7,35 (.289) ( .0 6 7 )
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8609 396 81
Abstract: 8609 souriau M-55302 96 25
Text: style C standard female, 3 row 8,5 .335 85 (3.346) dimensions . 1 (.039) polarizable insulator in mm (inches) 0,6 (.024)X 45° „ standard insulator ±| 90 (3.543) réf. : 8609.321 standard terminations 0 0,6 (0.24) cn l r 3 TU- >81 ty p e h i _i diag. 0,79
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: SOURIAU .o an FCI Company standard male, 3 row style C standard termination 18 . 709 0 0 .6 ( 024 ) ordering code series Rows loaded - a + b + c even cavities fitted - a + b + c all cavities fitted -a + c even cavities fitted -a + c all cavities fitted
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souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: SOURIAU an FCI Company reverse male, 3 row telecommunications HE 11 8,7 special terminations type short straight spills 24 : L = 2,5 (.098) W .W 25 : L = 17,7 (.697) 3 wraps ( . 342 ) long solder eyelets 10 : L = 13 mm (.512) ordering code HEEE-nnn-HE-nn-nnn _ 0oo- ei
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souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: an FCI C om pany reverse male, 3 row style R 8 ,7 .3 4 2 dimensions r - in mm (inches) 2 ,5 ( 0 9 8 ) _ 1 i i i j it OJ LO S p e c ia l terminations type short Straight spills 24 : L = long solder eyelets W.W 2-5 (-098> 10 : L 25 : L = 17,7 (.697) 3 wraps
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souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: ^ T s o u r ia u an FCI Company HALF DIN style R/2 reverse male, 3 row 11,1 dimensions . 437 in mm (inches) OJ lO M ounting axis M ounting axis standard terminations type S p e c ia l short Straight spills terminations type 24: L = 25 (098) W.W 25 : L = 17,7 (.697) 3 wraps
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souriau 8609
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: style Q reverse female, 2 row 3 . 118 * 4 - -^ 6 (. 236 ) special terminations standard termination consult factory for longer terminations 0 0,6 (.024) ^ 2.54 (. 100) type 13 ordering code series IS iS - D D D . H E - f f l S - 0 D n - o o o - E 2
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