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    DS1963S Price and Stock

    Maxim Integrated Products DS1963S-F5-

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey DS1963S-F5- Bulk 41 1
    • 1 $15.28
    • 10 $13.557
    • 100 $12.20145
    • 1000 $11.02492
    • 10000 $11.02492
    Buy Now

    Analog Devices Inc DS1963S-F5+

    iButtons & Accessories SHA iButton
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DS1963S-F5+
    • 1 $15.28
    • 10 $13.55
    • 100 $11.86
    • 1000 $10.78
    • 10000 $10.78
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    Newark DS1963S-F5+ Bulk 1
    • 1 $16.29
    • 10 $15.19
    • 100 $12.67
    • 1000 $10.7
    • 10000 $10.7
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    Analog Devices Inc DS1963S-F5+ 339
    • 1 $15.88
    • 10 $14.097
    • 100 $12.5107
    • 1000 $7.93
    • 10000 $7.93
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    Analog Devices Inc DS1964S-F5+

    iButtons & Accessories SHA-256 SECURE IBTN W/512-BIT EEPROM
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DS1964S-F5+
    • 1 $5.78
    • 10 $5.28
    • 100 $4.61
    • 1000 $4.13
    • 10000 $3.97
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    DS1963S Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DS1963S Dallas Semiconductor SHA iButton Original PDF
    DS1963S Maxim Integrated Products SHA iButton Original PDF
    DS1963S Maxim Integrated Products SHA iButton Original PDF
    DS1963S-F5 Maxim Integrated Products SHA iButton Original PDF
    DS1963S-F5+ Maxim Integrated Products SHA iButton. Lead-free Original PDF
    DS1963S-F5+ Maxim Integrated Products Specialized, Memory Cards, Modules, IBUTTON MONETARY SHA-1 Original PDF

    DS1963S Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: DS1963 DS1963S DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101 iButton 30060h
    Text: DS1963S SHA iButton SPECIAL FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § 4096 bits of read/write nonvolatile NV memory organized as 16 pages of 256 bits each Eight memory pages with individual 64-bit secrets and 32-bit read-only non rolling-over

    DS1963S 64-bit 32-bit 512-bit 160bit 16-bit DS1963S CRC16 DS1963 DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101 iButton 30060h PDF


    Abstract: DS1963 DS1963S DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101
    Text: PRELIMINARY DS1963S SHA iButtonTM Button shape is self-aligning with cupshaped probes Durable stainless steel case engraved with registration number withstands harsh environments Easily affixed with self-stick adhesive backing, latched by its flange, or locked with

    DS1963S 64-bit 32-bit CRC16 DS1963 DS1963S DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101 PDF


    Text: DS1963S SHA iButton SPECIAL FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § 4096 bits of read/write nonvolatile NV memory organized as 16 pages of 256 bits each Eight memory pages with individual 64-bit secrets and 32-bit read-only non rolling-over

    DS1963S 64-bit 32-bit 512-bit 160-bit 16-bit ran480 m3158 0278H 0290H AUTHENTICATION COPROCESSOR 2.0C PDF


    Abstract: DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 electronic tokens
    Text: White Paper 4 Glossary of 1-Wire SHA-1 Terms INTRODUCTION This document contains a list of terms pertaining to the use of 1-Wire SHA-1 devices such as the DS1963S, DS1961S, and DS2432. Every effort is being made to make the terms in the various

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432. DS1963S. DS1963S secret DS1961S DS2432 electronic tokens PDF


    Abstract: AN1770 APP1770 DS1961S DS1963S
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire DEVICES Keywords: secure network, authentication, fare collection, vending, secret protection, secrets, secure hash algorithm, SHA, SHA-1, DS1963S, DS1961S, cryptography, cryptographic, challenge response, SHA1 Oct 21, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 1770

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS1963S DS1961S com/an1770 DS1961S: DS1963S: AN1770, APP1770, Appnote1770, VENDING MACHINE STEP AN1770 APP1770 PDF


    Abstract: e purse CRC16 DS1963 DS1963S DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101
    Text: DS1963S SHA iButton SPECIAL FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § 4096 bits of read/write nonvolatile NV memory organized as 16 pages of 256 bits each Eight memory pages with individual 64-bit secrets and 32-bit read-only non rolling-over

    DS1963S 64-bit 32-bit 512-bit 160-bit 16-bit DS1963S AUTHENTICATION COPROCESSOR 2.0C e purse CRC16 DS1963 DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101 PDF


    Abstract: APP150 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: cryptography, encryption, SHA, SHA-1, microcontroller, small message, MAC, hash, one-way, authentication, security, random number, random numbers, pad, secret, coprocessor, rotation, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432 Feb 04, 2002

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432 DS1963S com/an150 DS1963S: AN150, APP150, Appnote150, AN150 APP150 DS1961S DS2432 PDF


    Abstract: AN1098 APP1098 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 DS28E01 DS28E01-100 MAC layer sequence number DS2432 ds28e01
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: SHA, SHA-1, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, MAC, cryptanalysis, attack, copy, replay, eavesdrop, AB-A, emulation, brute force, microprobe, competitor, security, access control, ecash, authentication, challenge, response

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, com/an1098 DS1961S: DS1963S: DS2432: DS28E01-100: AN1098, APP1098, attack AN1098 APP1098 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 DS28E01 DS28E01-100 MAC layer sequence number DS2432 ds28e01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Application Note 156 DS1963S SHA 1-Wire API Users Guide 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this document is to familiarize 1-Wire software developers with the APIs for producing secure SHA applications. There is an API available in both of the major development kits: the 1-Wire

    DS1963S DS1963S CRC16, PDF

    ds2432 emulator

    Abstract: DS28E01 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 DS28E01-100 DS28E02 DS1961
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire devices Keywords: SHA, SHA-1, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, MAC, cryptanalysis, attack, copy, replay, eavesdrop, A-B-A, emulation, brute force, microprobe, competitor, security, access control, ecash, authentication, challenge, response

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, DS28E01-100 DS28E02 DS28E10 com/an1098 AN1098, APP1098, Appnote1098, ds2432 emulator DS28E01 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 DS28E02 DS1961 PDF


    Abstract: 200G DS1963S Hysol
    Text: 03/11/2003 RELIABILITY REPORT FOR DS1963S Dallas Semiconductor 4401 South Beltwood Parkway Dallas, TX 75244-3292 Prepared by: Ken Wendel Reliability Engineering Manager Dallas Semiconductor 4401 South Beltwood Pkwy. Dallas, TX 75244-3292 Email :

    DS1963S FP4527 200G DS1963S Hysol PDF


    Abstract: APP150 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: cryptography, encryption, SHA, SHA-1, microcontroller, small message, MAC, hash, one-way, authentication, security, random number, random numbers, pad, secret, coprocessor, rotation, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432 Feb 04, 2002

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432 DS1963S com/an150 DS1963S: AN150, APP150, Appnote150, AN150 APP150 DS1961S DS2432 PDF


    Abstract: APP154 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: authentication, user, network, password, passwords, SHA, iButton, iButtons, SHA-1, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432 Feb 22, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 154 Passwords in SHA Authentication Abstract: This application note describes techniques that can be used in systems using Maxim SHA iButtons®

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432 com/an154 DS1961S: DS1963S: DS2432: AN154, APP154, Appnote154, AN154 APP154 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 PDF


    Abstract: AN190 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: challenge-response, challenge, random challenge, response, SHA, SHA-1, MAC, coprocessor, user, access control, authentication, ecash, web access, random number generator, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, software piracy

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, com/an190 DS1961S: DS1963S: DS2432: AN190, APP190, Appnote190, APP190 AN190 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 PDF

    e purse

    Abstract: SP-17 CRC16 DS1963 DS1963S DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101
    Text: DS1963S SHA iButton SPECIAL FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § 4096 bits of read/write nonvolatile NV memory organized as 16 pages of 256 bits each Eight memory pages with individual 64-bit secrets and 32-bit read-only non rolling-over

    DS1963S 64-bit 32-bit 512-bit 160bit 16-bit DS1963S e purse SP-17 CRC16 DS1963 DS9092 DS9093A DS9093RA DS9096P DS9101 PDF


    Abstract: CRC16 CRC-16 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 ISO4217 ecash ISO-4217
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: digital certificates, SHA-1, mac, challenge, response, monetary, ecash, e-cash, monetary, certificate, certificates, eCertificate, authentication, vending, fare, tollbooths, meters, bill changers, DS1963S Mar 08, 2002

    DS1963S com/an151 DS1961S: DS1963S: DS2432: AN151, APP151, Appnote151, APP151 CRC16 CRC-16 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 ISO4217 ecash ISO-4217 PDF


    Abstract: APP1099 AN1099 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 DS28E01-100 electronic tokens
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: glossary, SHA, SHA-1, DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, authenticate, authentication, binding data, challenge, response, coprocessor, debit, credit, ecash, eCertificate, emulate, entropy, hash, signature, secret, MAC, hash, password, PIN, passphrase, pseudor

    DS1963S, DS1961S, DS2432, DS28E01-100) com/an1099 DS1961S: DS1963S: secret APP1099 AN1099 DS1961S DS1963S DS2432 DS28E01-100 electronic tokens PDF


    Abstract: CRC8 and crc16 DS1963S AN114 AN156 AN157 DS1961S
    Text: Application Note 156 DS1963S SHA 1-Wire API Users Guide 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this document is to familiarize 1-Wire software developers with the APIs for producing secure SHA applications. There is an API available in both of the major development kits: the 1-Wire

    DS1963S DS1963S CRC16, AN149 CRC8 and crc16 AN114 AN156 AN157 DS1961S PDF

    iButton Chips

    Abstract: TA1S secret AN114 AN152 AN157 CRC16 CRC-16 DS1961S DS1963S
    Text: Application Note 157 SHA iButton API Overview INTRODUCTION The Dallas SHA iButton DS1963S is a smart token that offers many high security features and supports multiple services. This document provides an overview for implementing applications of

    DS1963S) CRC-16 CRC-16} CRC-16 iButton Chips TA1S secret AN114 AN152 AN157 CRC16 DS1961S DS1963S PDF


    Abstract: DS1961S-F3
    Text: DS1961S 1kb Protected EEPROM iButton With SHA-1 Engine SPECIAL FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § 1128 Bits of 5V EEPROM Memory Partitioned into Four Pages of 256 Bits, a 64Bit Write-Only Secret, and up to Five General-Purpose Read/Write Registers

    DS1961S 64Bit 160-Bit 512-Bit DS1961S 0M431 DS1961S-F3 PDF

    F5 sot223

    Abstract: DS18S20Z DS1270Y-70IND TSOC 6 socket ds1480 DS1321 DS1667S-010 DS2404S-001 DS2404S001 dallas ds1213c
    Text: DS1233A 3.3V EconoReset FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § PIN ASSIGNMENT Automatically restarts microprocessor after power failure Monitors pushbutton for external override Internal circuitry debounces pushbutton switch Maintains reset for 350ms after VCC returns to

    DS1233A 350ms OT-223 DS9092K DS9092R DS9093A DS9092RG F5 sot223 DS18S20Z DS1270Y-70IND TSOC 6 socket ds1480 DS1321 DS1667S-010 DS2404S-001 DS2404S001 dallas ds1213c PDF


    Abstract: F5 sot223 TSOC 6 socket DS-1100 DS1267SN-100 DS1314DS DS275 8-Pin SOIC 150-mil DS1667S-010 DS1640 DS1238S5
    Text: DS1233 5V EconoReset FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § PIN ASSIGNMENT Automatically restarts microprocessor after power failure Monitors pushbutton for external override Internal circuitry debounces pushbutton switch Maintains reset for 350ms after VCC returns to

    DS1233 350ms OT-223 DS9092K DS9092R DS9093A DS9092RG DS1425L-F5 F5 sot223 TSOC 6 socket DS-1100 DS1267SN-100 DS1314DS DS275 8-Pin SOIC 150-mil DS1667S-010 DS1640 DS1238S5 PDF


    Abstract: 1wire vhdl 1wire DS18B20 vhdl DS1WM DS1904 DS1973 ds2480 ds2490 DS2413 DS18B20
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Keywords: 1-Wire, OneWire, iButton, 1-wire master, communication, C code implementation, software, 1 wire timing, reset, write-one, write-zero May 30, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 126 1-Wire® Communication Through Software Abstract: A microprocessor can easily generate 1-Wire timing signals if a true bus master is not present e.g.,

    DS2480B, DS2490) DS2450: DS2480B: DS2502: DS2502-E48: DS2505: DS2751: DS2760: DS2761: DS2431 1wire vhdl 1wire DS18B20 vhdl DS1WM DS1904 DS1973 ds2480 ds2490 DS2413 DS18B20 PDF


    Abstract: DS2482-100 DS18B20 DS18S20 DS2480B DS2482 DS2482-800 DS2490 DS9097U adapter ds2480b for ds18b20
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire Devices Microcontrollers Keywords: 1wire, 1-Wire master, network, topology, CAT5, category 5, reliable, reliability, maximum distance Sep 22, 2008 APPLICATION NOTE 148 Guidelines for Reliable Long Line 1-Wire® Networks Abstract: The 1-Wire protocol was originally designed to facilitate communication with nearby devices on a

    DS2480B: DS2490: DS2502: DS2502-E48: DS2505: DS2740: DS2762: DS9097U-009: DS9097U-S09: AN148, ds2480 DS2482-100 DS18B20 DS18S20 DS2480B DS2482 DS2482-800 DS2490 DS9097U adapter ds2480b for ds18b20 PDF