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    Hitachi Ltd HD6305XOP

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    Bristol Electronics HD6305XOP 78
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    Hitachi Ltd HD6305X2P

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    Quest Components HD6305X2P 4,057
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    ComSIT USA HD6305X2P 310
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    Hitachi Ltd HD6305X0P

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    ComSIT USA HD6305X0P 40
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    HD6305X Datasheets (10)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HD6305X0F Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD6305X0P Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD6305X1 Hitachi Semiconductor CMOS MCU (Microcomputer Unit) Scan PDF
    HD6305X1F Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD6305X1P Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD6305X2 Hitachi Semiconductor CMOS MCU (Microcomputer Unit) Scan PDF
    HD6305X2F Hitachi Semiconductor 8-Bit Microcontroller Scan PDF
    HD6305X2F Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD6305X2P Hitachi Semiconductor 8-Bit Microcontroller Scan PDF
    HD6305X2P Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF

    HD6305X Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: i87C52 ST72T71N5B1 i80c51 i87c51fa sab8031 89CXX 80c154 intel PIC16C84 MICROCHIP DATA BOOK Z08614
    Text: Flash MCU Order Code Guide Atmel Intel Philips AMD Microchip Zilog Matra Dallas Siemens AT89C51 i80C31 i80C51 i87C51 PCx80C31 SC80C31 PCx80C51 SC80C51 SC87C51 8751 87C51 PIC16C73 PIC16C74 Z84C01, Z84C50, Z08614 Z80C30, Z85C30, Z86C15 Z85230, Z850230, Z86C30

    AT89C51 i80C31 i80C51 i87C51 PCx80C31 SC80C31 PCx80C51 SC80C51 SC87C51 87C51 i87C51 i87C52 ST72T71N5B1 i80c51 i87c51fa sab8031 89CXX 80c154 intel PIC16C84 MICROCHIP DATA BOOK Z08614 PDF


    Abstract: NN5118165 XL93LC46AP NN514265 MS6264L-10PC w24M257 NN514265A w24m257ak-15 HY62256ALP10 mhs p80c51
    Text: ISSI CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. ISSI ® Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE SRAM DRAM EEPROM EPROM MICROCONTROLLER JUNE 1999 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. CP005-1F 6/1/99 1 ISSI CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE

    CP005-1F IS89C51 Z16C02 Z86E30 ZZ16C03 Z8036 Z8536 Z8038 Z5380 Z53C80 mn4117405 NN5118165 XL93LC46AP NN514265 MS6264L-10PC w24M257 NN514265A w24m257ak-15 HY62256ALP10 mhs p80c51 PDF


    Abstract: UM61256ak sram um61256ck-20 HY62256ALP10 XL93LC46AP w24m257 GVT7164D32Q-6 km62256blg-7 w24m257ak-15 UM61256
    Text: ISSI CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. ISSI ® Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE SRAM DRAM EEPROM EPROM FLASH MICROCONTROLLER SERIAL FLASH JULY 1998 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. CP005-1E 7/1/98 1 ISSI CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE

    CP005-1E AS7C1024-12JC AS7C1024-12PC AS7C1024-12TJC AS7C1024-12TPC AS7C1024-15JC AS7C1024-15PC AS7C1024-15TJC AS7C1024-15TPC AS7C1024-20JC UM61256AK-15 UM61256ak sram um61256ck-20 HY62256ALP10 XL93LC46AP w24m257 GVT7164D32Q-6 km62256blg-7 w24m257ak-15 UM61256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD6305X1 ,HD63A05X1 ,HD63B05X1— HD6305X2,HD63A05X2,HD63B05X2 C M O S M C U M icrocom puter Unit The HD6305XI and the HD6305X2 are memory expanda­ ble versions of the HD6305X0, which is CMOS 8-bit single chip microcomputer. A CPU, a clock generator, a 128-byte RAM ,

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X1 HD63A05X1 HD63B05X1â HD6305X2 HD63A05X2 HD63B05X2 HD6305XI HD6305X0, 128-byte PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D6305V0, H D63A05V0,-HD63B05V0 CMOS MCU M icrocom puter Unit The HD6305V0 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip MCU which is similar to the HD6305X M CU family. This version is upward compatible with the HD6805 family in respect to instructions. A CPU, a clock generator» a 4k-byte ROM, a 192-byte R A M , 31 I/

    OCR Scan
    D6305V0, D63A05V0 ---HD63B05V0 HD6305V0 HD6305X HD6805 192-byte HD6305VO. HD6305V0. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 CMOS MCU Microcomputer Unit The HD6305X2 is memory expandable versions o f the HD6305X0, which is C M O S 8-bit single chip microcomputer. A C P U , a clock generator, a 128-byte R A M , I/O terminals, two timers and a serial communication interface (S C I) are built in the

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 HD6305X2 HD6305X0, 128-byte HD6305X2. HD6305X0 HD6305Y PDF


    Abstract: HS31YESS11H HD641180X HD647180X HD641B0Z S31IBMPC HD6802
    Text: Device Availability HD6303V HD6305X2 H064180R H 064180S HD180ABX02H<4> HS180ABX06HÍ4 ASE Adaptive System Emulator) H S 18OASTOIH HS180AST01H User Cable HS1B0ACUC1H D e s crip tio n HD6303R HD6303X HD630SY2 HS31VEML04HO) HS31XEML02HO) H S31YEM L03HÍ') H035YEM L05H*1*

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X2 H064180R HD630SY2 064180S HD6303R HD6303X HD6303V HS31VEML04HO) H31MIX4 HS31XEML02HO) HD641180 HS31YESS11H HD641180X HD647180X HD641B0Z S31IBMPC HD6802 PDF

    JQC - 3F -1C

    Abstract: HD63A05X1 jqc -3f HD6305X1 HD6305X2 HD63B05X1 HD6805 D63A HD6305X2P
    Text: HD6305X1 ,HD63A05X1 ,HD63B05X1 HD6305X2,HD63A05X2,HD63B05X2 CM O S M CU M icrocom puter Unit The HD6305XI and the HD6305X2 are memory expanda­ ble versions o f the HD6305X0, which is CMOS 8-bit single chip microcomputer. A CPU, a clock generator, a 128-byte RAM,

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X1 HD63A05X1 HD63B05X1 D6305X2, D63A05X2, D63B05X2 hd6305xi hd6305x2 HD6305X0, 128-byte JQC - 3F -1C HD63A05X1 jqc -3f HD6305X1 HD63B05X1 HD6805 D63A HD6305X2P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 3 0 5 Y 0 , H D 6 3 A 0 5 Y 0 , -H D63B05Y 0 C M O S M C U M icrocom puter Unit HD6305Y0 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcomputer which includes a C PU upward compatible w ith the HD6305XO. On the chip o f the HD 6305Y0,7872 byte ROM , 256 byte RAM ,

    OCR Scan
    D63B05Y HD6305Y0 HD6305XO. 6305Y0 HD6805 PDF

    Triac ZO 405 DF

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD6305X0, HD63A05X0, HD63B05X0 • BLO C K DIAGRAM XTAl EXTAl AES NUM ÍÑT STBV Unit Symbol Value Supply voltage VCC -0.3- +7.0 V Input voltage Vin -0.3-Vc c +0.3 V Item Operating temperature Topr 0 - +70 °C Storage temperature ^sia -55- +150 °C NOTE These products have a protection circuit in their input terminals against higti electrostatic voltage or high electric fields. Notwith­

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X0, HD63A05X0, HD63B05X0 Triac ZO 405 DF PDF


    Abstract: triac cf 406 HD63A05X0P HD6800 HD6805 HD6305X0F DP-64S
    Text: H D6305X0, H D63A05X0,-HD63B05X0 CMOS MCU M icrocom puter Unit The HD6305X0 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcomputer. The CMOS unit is upward compatible with the HD6805 family in respect to instructions. On the chip o f the HD6305X0, a CPU, a clock generator, a 4kB ROM, a 128-byte RAM , 55 I/O

    OCR Scan
    D6305X0, D63A05X0 HD63B05X0 HD6305X0 HD6805 HD6305X0, 128-byte HD6305X0P triac cf 406 HD63A05X0P HD6800 HD6305X0F DP-64S PDF


    Abstract: DP-64S HD6305X2 HD6305X2F HD6305X2P HD63A05X2 HD63A05X2F HD63A05X2P HD63B05X2 HD63B05
    Text: HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 CMOS MCU Microcomputer Unit T h e H D 6 3 0 5 X 2 is m e m o ry e x p a n d a b le v e rs io n s o f the H D 6 3 0 5 X 0 , w h ic h is C M O S 8 - b it s in g le c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te r. A C P U , a c lo c k gen era tor, a 128-byte R A M , I/O te rm in a ls , tw o

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 HD6305X2 HD6305X0, 128-byte HD6305X2. HD6305X0 HD63B05X2P DP-64S HD6305X2F HD6305X2P HD63A05X2 HD63A05X2F HD63A05X2P HD63B05X2 HD63B05 PDF


    Abstract: HD6305YO BA 59 04A FP HD63A05V0P HD6305Y0 HD63A05Y0 HD63A05Y0F HD63B05Y0 HD6805 50-TCR
    Text: H D6305Y0, H D63A05 YO ,-HD63B05Y0 CMOS MCU M icrocom puter Unit HD6305Y0 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcomputer which includes a CPU upward compatible with the HD6305XO. On the chip of the HD6305Y0,7872 byte ROM, 256 byte RAM, 55 I/O terminals, two timers and a serial communication inter­

    OCR Scan
    D6305Y0, D63A05Y0 HD63B05Y0 HD6305Y0 HD6305XO. HD6805 15-bit HD6305Y0F HD6305YO BA 59 04A FP HD63A05V0P HD63A05Y0 HD63A05Y0F HD63B05Y0 50-TCR PDF


    Abstract: HD63B05U0 HD63B05U0F hd63b05u HD6305UO HD6305U0CP HD6305U0F HD63A05U0CP HD63A05U0F HD6305U0
    Text: H D6305U0, H D 63A05U0,-HD63B05U0 CM OS MCU Microcomputer Unît The HD6305U0 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip MCU which is similar to the HD6305X M CU family. This version is upward compatible with the HD6805 family in respect to instructions. A C PU , a clock generator, a 2k-byte ROM , a 128-byte R A M , 31 1/

    OCR Scan
    D6305U0, D63A05U0 HD63B05U0 DP-40) HD6305U0F HD63A05U0F, HD63B05U0F FP-54) HD6305U0CP, HD63A05U0CP, HD63B05U0CP HD63B05U0 HD63B05U0F hd63b05u HD6305UO HD6305U0CP HD63A05U0CP HD63A05U0F HD6305U0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 CMOS MCU Microcomputer Unit The HD6305X2 is memory expandable versions o f the HD6305X0, which is C M O S 8-bit single chip microcomputer. A C P U , a clock generator, a 128-byte R A M , I/O terminals, two timers and a serial communication interface (S C I) are built in the

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 HD6305X2 HD6305X0, 128-byte HD6305X2. HD6305X0 PDF


    Abstract: HD6305V0P HD6305VO HD63B05V0P HD63B05VOP 012n3 hd6305 HD63A05V0P HD63B05V0F ic hd6305v0p
    Text: H D6305V0, H D63A05V0,-HD63B05V0 CM OS MCU M icrocom puter Unit The HD6305V0 is a CM O S 8-bit single-chip M C U which is similar to the HD6305X M C U family. This version is upward compatible with the HD6805 family in respect to instructions. A C PU , a clock generator* a 4k-byte RO M , a 192-byte R A M , 31 I/

    OCR Scan
    D6305V0, D63A05V0 HD63B05V0 HD6305V0P HD63A05V0P, DP-40) HD6305V0F HD63A05V0F, HD63B05V0F FP-54) HD6305VOP HD6305VO HD63B05V0P HD63B05VOP 012n3 hd6305 HD63A05V0P HD63B05V0F ic hd6305v0p PDF


    Abstract: H68SD5 HD63B0 hn482732a-30
    Text: CMOS 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER H D 6 3 0 5 X ,H D 6 3 0 5 Y ,H D 6 3 P 0 5 Y USER'S MANUAL Rea PO M F TEL KENT HOUSE No 64 16 6 8 0 7 BO X 1194. R A N D ö U R G , 2125 DO VER STREET. RANDBURG 0 1 1 1 7 8 9 1 4 0 0 /2 TELEX 4 20462 FAX T V L , 2194

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: HD6305Y0 HD63PA05Y0 HD63PB05Y0 HD6800 PA05 HN27C64-30 HD63P05YO HD63PO5Y0 HN482732A-25
    Text: HD63 P05Y0, HD63 PA05 YO, HD63PB05Y0 CMOS MCU M icrocom puter Unit The HD63P05Y0 is an CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcom­ puter unit which has a 4k-byte or 8k-byte EPROM on the. package. It is compatible with the HD6305Y0 except for ROM which is not included in the HD63P05Y0. It can be used not

    OCR Scan
    HD63P05Y0, HD63PA05Y0, HD63PB05Y0 HD63P05Y0 HD6305Y0 HD63P05Y0. HD6305X0 HD6305Y0, HD6305Y0 HD63PA05Y0 HD6800 PA05 HN27C64-30 HD63P05YO HD63PO5Y0 HN482732A-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 3 P05Y 0 , H D 6 3 PA05Y 0 , H D63PB05Y 0 C M O S M C U M icrocom puter Unit The HD63P05Y0 is an CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcom­ puter unit which has a 4k-byte or 8k-byte EPR O M on the. package. It is compatible with the HD6305Y0 except for ROM

    OCR Scan
    PA05Y D63PB05Y HD63P05Y0 HD6305Y0 HD63P05Y0. HD6305X0 HD6305Y0, HD6305Y0 256-byte PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD6305Y1 ,HD63A05Y1 ,HD63B05Y1 HD6305Y2,HD63A05Y2,HD63B05Y2 C M O S M C U M ic ro c o m p u te r U n it The HD6305Y! and the HD6305Y2 axe CMOS 8-bit single chip microcomputers. A CPU, a clock generator, a 256 byte RA M , I/O terminals, two timers and a serial communication

    OCR Scan
    HD6305Y1 HD63A05Y1 HD63B05Y1 HD6305Y2 HD63A05Y2 HD63B05Y2 HD6305Y! HD6305Y1 HD6305Y2. PDF


    Abstract: db opera 415 HD6305Y2P 7872b
    Text: HD6305Y2, HD63A05Y2, HD63B05Y2 CMOS MCU Microcomputer Unit The H D 6305Y 2 is a C M O S 8 -b it single chip m icrocom puter. A C P U , a clock generator, a 256 byte R A M , I/O term inals, two tim ers and a serial com m unication interface (SC I) are b u ilt in the

    OCR Scan
    HD6305Y2, HD63A05Y2, HD63B05Y2 6305Y 256-bytes pD6305Y HD63P05Y 63A05 db opera 415 HD6305Y2P 7872b PDF

    SCR Xo 602

    Abstract: hitachi sr 604 s0040 s0040 Os HD6305X1 HD6305Y1 HD63P05Y1 HD63PA05Y1 HD63PB05Y1 HD6800
    Text: H D 6 3 P0 5 Y 1 ,H D 6 3 PA0 5 Y 1 HD63PB05Y 1 C M O S M C U M icrocom puter Unit -P R ELIM IN A R Y The HD63P05Y1 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcom­ puter unit which has a 4k-byte or 8k-byte EPROM on the package. It is compatible with the HD6305Y1 except for ROM

    OCR Scan
    HD63P05Y1, HD63PA05Y1 HD63PB05Y1 HD63P05Y1 HD6305Y1 HD63P05Y1. HD6305X1 HD6305Y1, SCR Xo 602 hitachi sr 604 s0040 s0040 Os HD6800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD6305Y2, HD63A05Y2, HD63B05Y2 CMOS MCU Microcomputer Unit The HD6305Y2 is a C M O S 8-bit single chip microcomputer. A C P U , a clock generator, a 256 byte R A M , I/O terminals, two timers and a serial communication interface (S C I) are built in the

    OCR Scan
    HD6305Y2, HD63A05Y2, HD63B05Y2 HD6305Y2 HD6305Y2. 256-bytes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 3 P 0 5 Y 1 ,H D 6 3 P A 0 5 Y 1 , — H D 6 3 PB05 Y 1 C M O S M C U M icrocom puter Unit -PRELIM IN A RY- The HD63P05Y1 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcom­ puter unit which has a 4k«byte or 8k-byte EPR O M on the package. It is compatible with the HD6305Y1 except for ROM

    OCR Scan
    HD63P05Y1 HD6305Y1 HD63P05Y1. HD6305X1 HD6305Y1, HD6305Y1 256-byte PDF