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    CPGA drawing

    Abstract: AM29516 AM29517 CY7C516 CY7C517 HMU16 HMU17 LMU16
    Text: HMU16, HMU17 Data Sheet November 1999 File Number 2803.4 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers Features The HMU16 and HMU17 are high speed, low power CMOS 16-bit x 16-bit multipliers ideal for fast, real time digital signal processing applications. • 16 x 16-Bit Parallel Multiplier with Full 32-Bit Product

    HMU16, HMU17 16-Bit HMU16 HMU17 32-Bit 17-bit CPGA drawing AM29516 AM29517 CY7C516 CY7C517 LMU16 PDF


    Abstract: CY7C517
    Text: [ /Title HMU 17/883 /Subject (16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier) /Autho r () /Keywords (Intersil Corporation) /Creator () /DOCI NFO pdfmark [ /PageMode /UseOutlines /DOCVIEW HMU17/883 December 1999 T DUCT ODUC E PRO T E L TE PR O U IT IL T S OBS S -INTER

    16-Bit HMU17/883 16-Bit MIL-STD883 HMU17/883 AM29517 CY7C517 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HMU17/883 December 1999 DUCT DUCT E PRO T E E PRO at L T O U IT T OB S ter BS LE SU Support Cen /tsc IB S S PO al om FOR A our Technic w.intersil.c w t c w r ta 16 IL o c on N T ER S 1-888-I x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of

    1-888-I HMU17/883 16-Bit MIL-STD883 32-Bit HMU17/883 AM29517, LMU17, IDT7217, PDF


    Abstract: AM29517 CY7C517 P0-P17
    Text: HMU17/883 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier October 1997 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The HMU17/883 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit

    HMU17/883 16-Bit MIL-STD883 HMU17/883 16-bit 32-Bit P2230 AM29517 CY7C517 P0-P17 PDF


    Abstract: AM29517 CY7C517
    Text: HMU17/883 December 1999 DUCT DUCT E PRO T E E PRO at L T O U IT T OB S ter BS LE SU Support Cen /tsc IB S S PO al om FOR A our Technic w.intersil.c w t c w r ta 16 IL o c on N T ER S 1-888-I x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of

    HMU17/883 888-IN 16-Bit MIL-STD883 HMU17/883 16-bit F12B2 AM29517 CY7C517 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HMU17/883 TM December 1999 DUCT DUCT E PR O T E L E PRO T O U IT T OBS RSIL BS LE SU s 1-888-INTE IB S S PO m tion FOR A tral Applica p n p e a C t 16 call il: cen o r e ma x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of

    1-888-INTE HMU17/883 16-Bit MIL-STD883 32-Bit HMU17/883 AM29517, LMU17, IDT7217, CY7C517 PDF

    types of binary multipliers

    Abstract: AM29516 AM29517 CY7C516 CY7C517 HMU16 HMU17 LMU16 CMGA3-P68
    Text: HMU16, HMU17 TM Data Sheet itle MU , U1 bt x -Bit OS ralltiers utho ) eyrds terrpoion, inctor, ral- November 1999 2803.4 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers Features The HMU16 and HMU17 are high speed, low power CMOS 16-bit x 16-bit multipliers ideal for fast, real time digital signal

    HMU16, HMU17 16-Bit HMU16 HMU17 32-Bit 17-bit types of binary multipliers AM29516 AM29517 CY7C516 CY7C517 LMU16 CMGA3-P68 PDF


    Abstract: CY7C517 AM29516 AM29517 HMU16 HMU17 LMU16 CMGA3-P68 x10 frequency multiplier
    Text: HMU16, HMU17 Data Sheet November 1999 File Number 2803.4 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers Features The HMU16 and HMU17 are high speed, low power CMOS 16-bit x 16-bit multipliers ideal for fast, real time digital signal processing applications. • 16 x 16-Bit Parallel Multiplier with Full 32-Bit Product

    HMU16, HMU17 16-Bit HMU16 HMU17 32-Bit 17-bit cy7c516 CY7C517 AM29516 AM29517 LMU16 CMGA3-P68 x10 frequency multiplier PDF


    Abstract: M3328 UPD71641 scx6B31 upd65022 UPD72120 SCX6B120 TMC3201 UPD65081 SCX6218

    ADSP-1009A ADSP-1010A ADSP-1012A ADSP-1016A ADSP-1024A ADSP-1101 ADSP-3201 ADSP-3202 ADSP-3210 ADSP-3211 XL4005 M3328 UPD71641 scx6B31 upd65022 UPD72120 SCX6B120 TMC3201 UPD65081 SCX6218 PDF


    Abstract: LMU17DC LMU17 217g CY7C517 LMU17GC45 LMU17DM55 7217L
    Text: LMU17/217 16 x 16-bit Parallel multiplier FEATURES DESCRIPTION □ 45 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces Cypress CY7C517, IDT 7217L, and AMD Am29517 The LMU17 and LMU217 are high­ speed, low power 16-bit parallel multipliers. The LMU17 and LMU217

    OCR Scan
    LMU17/217 16-bit CY7C517, 7217L, Am29517 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin CERAMIC CHIP CARRIER LCC 68 socket LMU17DC LMU17 217g CY7C517 LMU17GC45 LMU17DM55 7217L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier LM U 1 7 /21 7 Features Description □ 45 ns worst-case multiply time The LMU17 and LMU217 are 16-bit parallel multipliers with high speed and low power consumption. They are pin and functionally compatible with AMD Am29517 devices. The

    OCR Scan
    16-bit LMU17 LMU217 16-bit Am29517 MIL-STD883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU17/217 16 x 16-bit Parallel multiplier DFVICtS INCOHHORAI bLi FEATURES . DESCRIPTION □ 4 5 n s W o rs t-C a s e M u ltip ly T im e T h e L M U 1 7 an d L M U 2 1 7 a re h ig h ­ H IG H , th e se c o n tro ls p re v e n t a p p lic a ­ □ L o w P o w e r C M O S T e c h n o lo g y

    OCR Scan
    LMU17/217 16-bit LMU217 LMU217JC65 LMU217JC55 LMU217JC45 LMU217KC65 LMU217KC55 LMU217KC45 LMU17DC PDF


    Abstract: LMU217JC45 LMU17GC45 LMU17PC45 LMU17 amd k10 ma 8630 LMU17PC65 b1255 c0245
    Text: LM U 17/217 1 6 x 1 6-bit Parallel Multiplier Features Description □ 45 ns worst-case multiply time The LMU17 and LMU217 are 16-bit parallel multipliers with high speed and low power consumption. They are pin and functionally compatible with AMD Am29517 devices. The

    OCR Scan
    Am29517 MIL-STD883, 64-pin 68-pin U17GM LMU217JC45 LMU17GC45 LMU17PC45 LMU17 amd k10 ma 8630 LMU17PC65 b1255 c0245 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L M U 1 7 / 2 1 7 16 x 16-bit Parallel multiplier FEATURES DESCRIPTION □ 45 ns W orst-C ase M u ltiply T im e □ Low P ow er C M O S T echnology □ R eplaces C ypress C Y 7C 517, ID T 7217L, and A M D A m 29517 □ Sin gle C lock A rchitectu re w ith R egister Enables

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 7217L, 64-pin 68-pin 68-pin LMU217JC65 LMU217JC55 PDF


    Abstract: 7217a 6/18/TFK U 217 B
    Text: 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier L M U 1 7 /2 1 7 DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 45 ns W orst-C ase M ultiply Tim e □ Low Pow er C M O S Technology □ R eplaces A M D A m 29517 □ Sin g le C lock A rchitecture w ith R egister Enables □ T w o's C om plem ent, U nsigned, or

    OCR Scan
    16-bit M1L-STD883, 64-pin 68-pin LMU217 U17GM 7217a 6/18/TFK U 217 B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE D LOGIC DEVICES INC SSbSiaS 0001245 S T- 9S-Ô7 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier DESCRIPTION FEA TU R ES □ 45 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces AMD Am29517 Q Single Clock Architecture with Register Enables □ Two's Complement, Unsigned, or

    OCR Scan
    16-bit Am29517 MIL-STD883, 64-pin 68-pin LUMU17/217 LMU17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A R R IS H S E M I C O N D U C T O R January1994 M U 1 7 / 8 8 3 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Features Description • This Circuit is Processed In Accordance to MIL-STD883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The HMU17/883 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit HMU17/883 16-bit 32-Bit AM29517, PDF

    18 x 16 barrel shifter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Selection Guide Part No.*’* Description Maximum Speed ns Power Commercial Military (mW) Pins Packages Available M ultipliers LMU08 LMU8U 8 x 8 Signed 8 x 8 Unsigned 35 45 40 40/44 DIP, LCC, PLCC LMU557 LMU558 8 x 8 Latched Output 8 x 8 Unregistered

    OCR Scan
    LMU08 LMU557 LMU558 LMU12 LMU112 LMU16 LMU216 LMU17 LMU217 LMU18 18 x 16 barrel shifter PDF


    Abstract: LMU17GMB40 pwl 4700 II 5962-8768601ZX smd marking 12W 55GB
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DATE DESCRIPTION APPROVED Y R -M O -D A A Changes in accordance w i t h N O R 5962-R106-94 94-01-20 M. L. PoeIking B Changes in accor d a n c e w i t h N O R 5 962-R044-95 94-12-27 M. L . P o elking C A d d device types 04, boilerplate. 97-04-17

    OCR Scan
    5962-R106-94 962-R044-95 TD0470Ã 5962-8768606TA LMU17GMB40 pwl 4700 II 5962-8768601ZX smd marking 12W 55GB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Logic Products Package Availability Guide Package Availability Code*2* Part No. ' Sidebraze No. Pins Plastic DIP Hermetic DIP CerDIP Plastic Ceramic Pin Flat LCC LCC Grid Pack Multipliers LMU08 40/44 P3 D3 J1 K2 LMU8U 40/44 P3 D3 J1 K2 LMU557 40 P3 D3 LMU558

    OCR Scan
    LMU08 LMU557 LMU558 LMU12 LMU112 LMU16 LMU216 LMU17 LMU217 LMU18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Híftí»» H M U 16, H M U 17 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers January 1994 Description Features • The HMU16 and HMU17 are high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit multipliers ideal for fast, real time digital signal processing applications. 16 x 16-Bit Parallel Multiplier with Full 32-Bit Product

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit HMU16 HMU17 32-Bit AM29516, LMU16, IDT7216 PDF

    Robinson Nugent CATALOG

    Abstract: MC68461 SAB80286 WE32104 Z80000 IMST414 FGE2000 MCA2800ALS 82786 intel TC110G
    Text: T Circuit C o m p o n en ts Inc. r MicrofQ 3000 PGA Decoupling Capacitors Micro/Q 3000 ceramic capacitors are a family of very low inductance decoupling capacitors specifically designed to be through-hole mounted under pin grid arrays PGAs , PGA sockets, and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEfllCOND SECTOR HARRIS IbE D H M • 430E271 001424S t> ■ U 1 6 / H PRELIMINARY January 1989 M T - 7 3 “ 3l? U 1 7 1 6 x 16 -B it Parallel CMOS Multipliers Features Description • 16 x 16-B it Parallel Multiplier with Full 32-B it Product. The HMU16/HMU17 are high speed, low power CMOS

    OCR Scan
    430E271 001424S HMU16/HMU17 16-bit 17-bit 45nstMC PDF

    hcl laptop MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram

    Abstract: ward leonard tubular resistors laptop cq 42 MOTHERBOARD VOLTAGE diagram casio tv 1400 hsp43168 CY7C510 om 25fs electronic tubes harris "device marking conventions" AUDIO DELAY CIRCUIT DIAGRAM instrument echo rever
    Text: fH HARRIS U U S E M I C O N D U C T O R HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR DSP PRODUCTS T his Digital Signal Processing databook represents the full line o f H arris S em iconductor DSP products for com m ercial and m ilitary applications and supersedes previously published DSP m aterial under the Harris, G E,

    OCR Scan
    -201S hcl laptop MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram ward leonard tubular resistors laptop cq 42 MOTHERBOARD VOLTAGE diagram casio tv 1400 hsp43168 CY7C510 om 25fs electronic tubes harris "device marking conventions" AUDIO DELAY CIRCUIT DIAGRAM instrument echo rever PDF