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    Motorola Semiconductor Products

    Motorola Semiconductor Products MZ4615

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    Component Electronics, Inc MZ4615 90
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    • 10000 $1.25
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    MZ4615 Datasheets (4)

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    MZ4615 Motorola 500 mW DO-35 Glass Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes Original PDF
    MZ4615 Unknown Shortform Semicon, Diode, and SCR Datasheets Short Form PDF
    MZ4615 Unknown Semiconductor Devices, Diode, and SCR Datasheet Catalog Scan PDF
    MZ4615 SynSemi Semiconductor 500mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Scan PDF

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    Abstract: xcm916x1cth16 transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 sg379 MC68B54P XC68HC805P18CDW mc68b50cp MC2830 NE555N CHN NE555N
    Text: SG379/D REV 7 Semiconductor Products Sector NORTH AMERICA SALES AND DISTRIBUTION PRICE LIST THIS BOOK IS IN COMPUTER SORT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION – Please see General Information Section 1.3 EFFECTIVE DATE: JANUARY 10, 1998 General Information 1 Cross References

    SG379/D 1N965BRL ZEN15V 1N751AS 1N967BRL ZEN18V 1N751ASRL 1N968BRL ZEN20V MC68B21CP xcm916x1cth16 transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 sg379 MC68B54P XC68HC805P18CDW mc68b50cp MC2830 NE555N CHN NE555N PDF

    transistor mosfet buv18a

    Abstract: M143206EVK MMBF4856 lm358 IC 68hc05sc24 telephone line interface circuit bc517 MC68B54 XC68HC705P9 MPX100ap BUV18A
    Text: Device Index and Subject Index In Brief . . . Page Device Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1–1 General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2–1 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2–9



    Abstract: mps2112 MPS2112ZL1 100A 300V IGBT MC3346P CS4124YDW16 ON Semiconductor PRICE BOOK 12V to 220V smps inverter bd234 igbt ac motor speed control
    Text: SGD501/D REV 8, January 5, 2002 NORTH AMERICA SALES AND DISTRIBUTION ON Semiconductor PRICE BOOK THIS BOOK IS IN COMPUTER SORT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION – Please see General Information Section EFFECTIVE DATE: JANUARY 5, 2002 General Information Elimination Of Ozone Depleting Chemicals . . . .

    SGD501/D Janua667 CS5170 mps2112 MPS2112ZL1 100A 300V IGBT MC3346P CS4124YDW16 ON Semiconductor PRICE BOOK 12V to 220V smps inverter bd234 igbt ac motor speed control PDF

    MZ Series Zener

    Abstract: zener diode 4.7V 250MW MZ4100 MZ4623 J 646 zener diode marking 4x
    Text: TAK CHEONG Licensed by ON Semiconductor, A trademark of semiconductor Components Industries, LLC for Zener Technology and Products. 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value Units Maximum Steady State Power Dissipation

    DO-35 DO-204AH) MZ4614 MZ4104 MZ Series Zener zener diode 4.7V 250MW MZ4100 MZ4623 J 646 zener diode marking 4x PDF

    MOTOROLA 2N5179

    Abstract: motorola 2N2219 motorola 2N2222A motorola mpq3904 MOTOROLA 2N2905A MJ3001 equivalent motorola 2N4427 motorola 2N2219A 2N3819 MOTOROLA motorola 2N3866
    Text: Central Semiconductor - Cross Reference Competitor Discontinued Part Replacements EOL Part # Manufacturer Name Central Semi Part # A12FR10 International Rectifier CR20-010R A12FR100 International Rectifier CR20-100R A12FR120 International Rectifier CR20-120R

    A12FR10 CR20-010R A12FR100 CR20-100R A12FR120 CR20-120R A12FR20 CR20-020R A12FR40 CR20-040R MOTOROLA 2N5179 motorola 2N2219 motorola 2N2222A motorola mpq3904 MOTOROLA 2N2905A MJ3001 equivalent motorola 2N4427 motorola 2N2219A 2N3819 MOTOROLA motorola 2N3866 PDF

    Zener ZPD

    Abstract: motorola ZENER diode 1n751a ZENER axial glass BZX83-C Series BZX83C BZX85C39RL BZX85C27 BZX83C equivalent MZPY12RL ZPD12RL
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA GENERAL DATA 500 mW DO-35 Glass Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes 500 mW DO-35 GLASS GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN THIS GROUP 500 Milliwatt Hermetically Sealed Glass Silicon Zener Diodes GLASS ZENER DIODES 500 MILLIWATTS

    DO-35 DO-204AH DO-204AA DO-204AH Zener ZPD motorola ZENER diode 1n751a ZENER axial glass BZX83-C Series BZX83C BZX85C39RL BZX85C27 BZX83C equivalent MZPY12RL ZPD12RL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAK CHEONG Licensed by ON Semiconductor, A trademark of semiconductor Components Industries, LLC for Zener Technology and Products. 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators AXIAL LEAD DO35 Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value

    DO-35 PDF


    Abstract: bcy59z 2N2222A zetex MICROSEMI 2N2222A MPSA96 BCY55 2N2907 PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR 2N2369 philips BC327BP BAV99 ON Semi
    Text: 145 Adams Avenue Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone 631 435-1110 Fax (631) 435-1824 EOL –LIFE SUPPORT List as of: March 30, 2001 Central Semiconductor Corp. will continue to manufacture the discrete semiconductors included on this list as long as there is an industry demand. For an update of this list please contact your sales

    1N961B 1N962B 5KE100CA TIP32A TIP32B TIP32C MMBR2857LT1 bcy59z 2N2222A zetex MICROSEMI 2N2222A MPSA96 BCY55 2N2907 PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR 2N2369 philips BC327BP BAV99 ON Semi PDF

    MZ Series Zener

    Abstract: MZ4100 Zener 11v dip MZ4615 mz4623
    Text: TAK CHEONG Licensed by ON Semiconductor, A trademark of semiconductor Components Industries, LLC for Zener Technology and Products. 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators AXIAL LEAD DO35 Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value

    DO-35 DO-204AH) MZ Series Zener MZ4100 Zener 11v dip MZ4615 mz4623 PDF

    2N3819 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: mmbr2857lt1 bcy59z BCY55 MBS4993 2N2222a PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR MOTOROLA 1N4751A 2N2222A zetex 2C4209WP MMBR2857
    Text: EOL Life Support Program Revised: 3 May 2007 EOL Life Support Program Listing as of 05/03/07 EOL ITEM# MANUFACTURER NAME A12FR10 A12FR100 A12FR120 A12FR20 A12FR40 A12FR60 A12FR80 A12F10 A12F100 A12F120 A12F20 A12F40 A12F60 A12F80 A16FR10 A16FR100 A16FR120

    A12FR10 A12FR100 A12FR120 A12FR20 A12FR40 A12FR60 A12FR80 A12F10 A12F100 A12F120 2N3819 MOTOROLA mmbr2857lt1 bcy59z BCY55 MBS4993 2N2222a PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR MOTOROLA 1N4751A 2N2222A zetex 2C4209WP MMBR2857 PDF

    Gfk 81a

    Abstract: LT 543 common cathode Gfp 81a MMBZ15ALT1 MZ4623 SOT23 MOS MARKING KE gfk 47a mzp a 001 96 16 MMBZ20ALT1 1N5994B
    Text: TVS/Zeners Transient Voltage Suppressors Zener Regulator and Reference Diodes In Brief . . . Motorola’s standard TVS Transient Voltage Suppressors and Zener diodes comprise the largest inventoried line in the industry. Continuous development of improved manufacturing

    1N5283 1N5287 1N5297 1N5298 1N5305 1N5309 1N5310 1N5311 1N5312 1N5313 Gfk 81a LT 543 common cathode Gfp 81a MMBZ15ALT1 MZ4623 SOT23 MOS MARKING KE gfk 47a mzp a 001 96 16 MMBZ20ALT1 1N5994B PDF

    12V to 220V smps inverter

    Abstract: PNP 2A DPAK 927 mps9418 VN2406LZL1 tl494cn inverter mc34167t LM324N-B DC 48v AC 220v 500w smps 1500w PWM 220v 220v DC motor speed control mcr72
    Text: SGD501/D REV 9, April 6, 2002 NORTH AMERICA SALES AND DISTRIBUTION ON Semiconductor PRICE BOOK THIS BOOK IS IN COMPUTER SORT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION – Please see General Information Section EFFECTIVE DATE: APRIL 6, 2002  General Information Elimination Of Ozone Depleting Chemicals . . . .

    SGD501/D 12V to 220V smps inverter PNP 2A DPAK 927 mps9418 VN2406LZL1 tl494cn inverter mc34167t LM324N-B DC 48v AC 220v 500w smps 1500w PWM 220v 220v DC motor speed control mcr72 PDF


    Abstract: UJT-2N2646 1N5844 transistor GDV 64A motorola diode marking 925b Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 1N4042A Motorola 1n4504 1N5856B 1n5844 diode
    Text: Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data Alphanumeric Index of Part Numbers 1 Cross Reference and Index 2 Selector Guide for Transient Voltage Suppressors and Zener Diodes 3 Transient Voltage Suppressors Axial Leaded Data Sheets 4 Transient Voltage Suppressors Surface Mounted Data Sheets



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAK CHEONG 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value Unit Maximum Steady State Power Dissipation @ TL ≤75°C, Lead Length = 3/8” PD 500 mW 4.0 mW/°C -65 to +200 °C Derate Above 75°C

    DO-35 DO-204AH) MZ4614 MZ4104 PDF

    Zener Diode LF marking

    Abstract: MZ4623 zener diode 4.7V current rating zener diode T3 Marking diode 77 radial lead characteristics of zener diode in reverse bias zener diode 4.7V 250MW 180 volts ZENER DIODE zener diode 4.7V ZENER axial glass
    Text: — * in c Licensed by a tradem ark ON of Components Industries, Zener Technology Sem iconductor, Sem iconductor and LLC for Products. 5 Y N 5 E M I SE M IC O NDU CTO R 5 0 0 m W D O -35 H erm etically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum R atin g s Note 1

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 DO-204AH) MZ4615 Zener Diode LF marking MZ4623 zener diode 4.7V current rating zener diode T3 Marking diode 77 radial lead characteristics of zener diode in reverse bias zener diode 4.7V 250MW 180 volts ZENER DIODE zener diode 4.7V ZENER axial glass PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan

    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

    OCR Scan
    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF

    FD6666 diode

    Abstract: diode BY100 1N4Q07 BA100 diode BY164 BB139 BAY38 diode aa119 1S184 diode 1N82
    Text: mil UIIAGHRISnCS [M IN IS i SDISlimiS BY B J . B AB A N I la TANDY CORPORATION Although every c are is taken with the p rep aration of this book the p u b lish ers will not be resp on sib le for any e r r o r s that might occur. 1975 I. S. B. N. 0 900162 46 5

    OCR Scan
    A4/10 A5/62 A5/105 A1000 AA100 AA110 AA111 AA112 AA113 AA114 FD6666 diode diode BY100 1N4Q07 BA100 diode BY164 BB139 BAY38 diode aa119 1S184 diode 1N82 PDF

    ZPD 5.1 ITT

    Abstract: ITT ZPD 7.5 ITT ZPD 3.9 ZPD18 ITT zpd 3.3 itt ZPD ITT zener diode 3 3 ITT ZPD 4.3 ZPD13 ITT Zener diode itt diode zener 182
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO D • h3b725S 00653^1 bO S ■ Section 4.2.4 Data Sheets Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes Section Axial Leaded SECTION 500 mW DO-35 GLASS M U L T IP L E P A C K A G E Q U A N T IT Y (M P Q ) R E Q U IR E M E N T S

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 1N746A 1N759A, 1N957B 1N992B, 1N4370A 1N4372A 1N4678 1N4717 ZPD 5.1 ITT ITT ZPD 7.5 ITT ZPD 3.9 ZPD18 ITT zpd 3.3 itt ZPD ITT zener diode 3 3 ITT ZPD 4.3 ZPD13 ITT Zener diode itt diode zener 182 PDF


    Abstract: 1N5988B 1N6006B 1N5994B 1N5995B 1N6020B
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA GENERAL DATA 500 mW DO-35 Glass Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes 500 mW DO-35 GLASS GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN THIS GROUP 500 Milliwatt Hermetically Sealed Glass Silicon Zener Diodes GLASS ZENER DIODES 500 MILLIWATTS

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 0-204AH D0-204AH ZPD12RL 1N5988B 1N6006B 1N5994B 1N5995B 1N6020B PDF

    BA100 diode

    Abstract: BA102 AAY20 B2M1-5 1N2528 PH1021 OA210 diode DIODE AA116 BB105 GAZ17
    Text: r im m i if Hill tWIBHHH ElBtlAlEHTS I SIISHIIffl IT 1 . 1. m n t IElHlllS{|iliitltrs|lfl The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road,. London W6 7NF ' ' Although every care is taken with the preparation o f this book the publishers will, not be responsible fo r any

    OCR Scan
    A4/10 A5/62 A5/105 A1000 AA100 AA110 AA111 AA112 AA113 AA114 BA100 diode BA102 AAY20 B2M1-5 1N2528 PH1021 OA210 diode DIODE AA116 BB105 GAZ17 PDF