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    Abstract: NJU7261U30 NJU7261U50 VSIB
    Text: NJU7261 Series C - M O S S W I T C H I N G • S T E P - U P GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7261 series is a C-MOS step-up switching regulator which contains accurate voltage reference, error amplifier, CR osci11ator, control circuit, switching transistor, diode

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    NJU7261 osei11ator, NJU7261UXX NJU7261U30 NJU7261U50 VSIB PDF


    Abstract: NJU6393 NJU6395
    Text: NJU6393 QUARTZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6395 series is a low voltage operation C-MOS quartz crystal oscillator which is possible to 65MHz. It consists of an oscillation amplifier and a 3-state output buffer. The osci11 at ion amplifier incorporates feed-back re­

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    NJU6393 NJU6395 65MHz. osci11 NJU6393C/CT 65MHz d478 NJU6393 PDF

    15p capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J QUARTZ CRYSTAL Ü 6 3 2 4 Series O SC ILLA TO R • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJU6324 series is a C-MOS quartz crystal oscilla­ tor which consists of an oscillation amplifier. 3-stage divider and 3-state output buffer. The osci11 ation frequency is as wide as up to 50MHz

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    NJU6324 osci11 50MHz 45-55X 16MHz, 15p capacitor PDF

    15p capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N QUARTZ CRYSTAL J U 6 3 3 3 Series OSCILLATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6333 series is a C-MOS quartz crystal osci11 a— tor which consists of an oscillation amplifier and a 3-state output buffer. This series are classed into three versions A, H and Q according to their osci11 at ion frequency range men­

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    NJU6333 osci11 NJU6333XC NJU6333XE 1000p 15p capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N TRI-STATE FEATURES # # # % # 9 NJU6342C 3 4 2 NJU6342E PIN CONFIGURATION/PAD LOCATION Operating Voltage - 4.0~6.0V Maximum Osci11 at ionFrequency — 120MHz Low Operating Current High Fan-out - TTL 5 Selected Frequency Output mask option Only one frequency out of fo, fo/2, fo/4

    OCR Scan
    NJU6342 120MHz 45-55X NJU6342C NJU6342E Osci11 120MHz PDF

    S 5 F 10 N 80 A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IC dependence of oscillating characteristics uPD78P4026GC FCR4.0MC5 - STD Room Vdd Rd *£ iT r o n ic Temp. CV] 5 item [ohm] 3300 ic no. 1 6 » a-e uPD78P402GGC - 16.Rd FCR4.0MC5 Vdd» 5 CV] (Flg.a-d) Ta- 20 Cdeg] Typical a. V1H/V1L CV] 7 F 5 F 3 ‘1 1

    OCR Scan
    UPD78P4026GC uPD78P402GGC BP4026GC S 5 F 10 N 80 A PDF


    Abstract: GHS34112T GMS34112T Ccd 111a
    Text: IC de pe nd en ce of o sc i ll at i ng ch ar ac t er i st ic s GMS34112T FCR3.84M5 - Room Temp. STD Vdd CV3 CL1/CL2 CpF3 3 ite m 33 / 33 * ja~F<PKBte. ic no. 4 -em^-r, a^e GMS34112T - 4 FCR3.84M5 Vdd» 3 CV] (Fig.a~d) Ta» 20 Cdeg] * Typlcal ? _a. VIH/VIL

    OCR Scan
    GMS34112T GMS34U2T 100-6L GHS34112T Ccd 111a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NJU6342 PRELIMINARY TRI-STATE BUFFER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6342 is a tri-state buffer input the external ECL oscillation signal and output C-MOS level signal. It consists of an amplifier and tri-state output buffer. The input/output frequency is as wide as up to 120MHz

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    NJU6342 120MHz 45-55X Osci11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I M J L J 5 5 0 7 ” Series PRELIMINARY 4 s e c P I E Z O BUZZER DI RECT DRI VE VOI CE SYNTHESI ZER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU5507 PACKAGE OUTLINE series is a PCM which consists of 144k bits method voice synthesizer data ROM, PWM verter, CR oscillator and control

    OCR Scan
    NJU5507 NJU5507CXX NJU5507DXX PDF

    4 digit 7 segment display 5461

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NJU6469 12— C H A R A C T E R 2 - LI NE DOT MATRIX PR EL IM INARY LCD C O N T R O L L E R • GENERAL DESCRIPTION DRIVER PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJUB469 is a Dot Matrix LCD control Ier driver for 12-character 2-line with icon display in single chip. It contains voltage tripler, bleeder resistance, CR

    OCR Scan
    NJU6469 NJUB469 12-character incor-487 24-character 4 digit 7 segment display 5461 PDF


    Abstract: NJU64088
    Text: NJU64-OSB 8 —C H A R A C T E R 2 - L I N E DOT M A T R I X LCD CONTROLLER DR IV ER WITH EXTENSION • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6408B is a Dot Matrix LCD controller driver for 8-character 2-line display with extension function u p to 40-character 2-1 ine display.

    OCR Scan
    NJU64-OSB NJU6408B 40-character NJU6407C NJU6408B. NJU64088 PDF

    ic bel 1895

    Abstract: BEL 1895 Circuit using ic 1895 bel ic 1895 bel 1895 bel ic OC403 ZT 5551
    Text: N JU 64 24 1 0 —C H A R A C T E R 3-LINE P R E L I M I NARY DOT M A T R I X L C D CONTROLLER D R IV E R GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6424 is a Dot Matrix LCD controller driver for 10-character 3-line with icon display in single chip. It contains voltage tripler, bleeder resistance, bias

    OCR Scan
    NJU6424 10-character 0D0b235 NJU6424 ic bel 1895 BEL 1895 Circuit using ic 1895 bel ic 1895 bel 1895 bel ic OC403 ZT 5551 PDF

    5N 3011

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIL-M—38510/114A 9 November 1979 SUPERSEDING MIL-M-38510/114 25 April 1979 MILITARY SPECIFICATION MICROCIRCUITS, LINEAR, BI-FET OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS, MONOLITHIC SILICON This specification is approved for use by all De­ partments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/114A MIL-M-38510/114 MIL-M-38510. MIL-M-38510 5N 3011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS0708 64COM/128SEG DRIVER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION KS0708 is a single-chip LCD driver LSI for liquid crystal dot-matrix graphic display systems. It incorporates 192 driver circuit for 64 common and 128 segment, and 64x 128-bit bit-map RAM. It is capable of interfacing with the microprocessor, accepting 8-bit parallel display data directly from

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    KS0708 64COM/128SEG KS0708 128-bit 64-Channel 128-Channel 8192bits S124 PDF

    4548 jrc

    Abstract: NJU6407C NJU6416 NJU6417C NJU6426
    Text: N U U G -4 2 G 8 —C H A R A C T E R 4 —L I NE W I T H E X T E N S I O N F U N C T I O N D OT M A T R I X L C D C O N T R O L L E R D R I V E R GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6426 is a Dot Matrix LCD controller driver for 8-character or up to 24-character 4-1ine with icon dis­

    OCR Scan
    NJU6426 24-character c0m17 com24 NJII6426 seg40 com33 com32 com25 NJU6426 4548 jrc NJU6407C NJU6416 NJU6417C PDF

    20 band audio spectrum analyzer DIAGRAM

    Abstract: NJU3402 7 band audio spectrum analyzer DMP14 HJU7509 NJU7509 NJU7509D NJU7509M HFS15 DMP14 Package
    Text: N JL J7 5 O 9 PRELIMI NARY BAND PASS FILTER FOR AUDIO SPECTRUM ANALYZER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7509 is a band pass filter for audio spectrum analyzer display and realizes the quick response for audio high frequency signal band. The NJU7509 contains high and low band pass fiIter,

    OCR Scan
    NJU7509 11-band HJU7509 9-58-Nwgapan NJU75Q9 20 band audio spectrum analyzer DIAGRAM NJU3402 7 band audio spectrum analyzer DMP14 NJU7509D NJU7509M HFS15 DMP14 Package PDF

    4 digit 7 segment display 5461

    Abstract: cd controller cd controller driver PNOS s5 OB4b1
    Text: m -JÊF A NJ U 6 4 6 9 P R E L I M I NARY 12-CHARACTER 2 - L I N E DOT M A T R I X • ■ L CD CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6469 is a Dot Matrix LCD control Ier driver for 12-character 2-1ine with icon display in single chip. It contains voltage tripier, bleeder resistance, CR

    OCR Scan
    12-CHARACTER NJU6469 24-character SEG60 NJU6469 4 digit 7 segment display 5461 cd controller cd controller driver PNOS s5 OB4b1 PDF


    Abstract: NJU6319A NJU6319B NJU6319C NJU6319D NJU6319P NJU6319XC NJU6319XE NJU6319XR
    Text: NJU6319 Series QUARTZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6319 series is a C-MOS quartz crystal oscillator which contains of an oscillation amplifier, 3-stage di­ vider and 3-state output buffer. The oscillation frequency is as wide as up to 50MHz and

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    NJU6319 50MHz NJU6319A NJU6319B NJU6319C NJU6319D NJU6319P NJU6319XC NJU6319XE NJU6319XR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J U 6 3 Q 2 Series ANALOG CLOCK • PACKAGE OUTLINE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6302 is an analog clock 1C driving a stepping motor. It consists of a quartz crystal oscillator, frequency divider, output pulse generators, push-pull motor driv­ ers and alarm output.

    OCR Scan
    NJU6302 Osci11 875ms 768kHz 100kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J U 6 3 Q ANALOG CLOCK • GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2 Series 1C ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJU6302 is an analog clock 1C driving a stepping motor. It consists of a quartz crystal oscillator, frequency divider, output pulse generators, push-pull motor driv­ ers and alarm output.

    OCR Scan
    NJU6302 NJU6302Vdd-Vb8= 32768kHz 100kHz PDF


    Abstract: VHC 14 F9 40 7 band equalizer jrc 4034
    Text: jJRC NJU7508 P R E L I M 1 NARY BAND PASS F I LTER FOR A U D I O SPECTRUM AN AL Y ZE R Dl SPLAY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7508 is a band pass filter for spectrum analyzer display, which contains high and low band pass filter, oscillation circuit, CR oscillation circuit, control

    OCR Scan
    NJU7508 11-band NJU75 NJU7508 NJU7508D NJU7508M NJU7503 34bit XJU3402 NJU7503 VHC 14 F9 40 7 band equalizer jrc 4034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N QUARTZ CRYSTAL J U «JU63ISXC NJU6318A NJU6318B NJU6318C NJU6318D NJU6318N NJU6318P 4-6 fo fo/2 fo/4 fo/8 fo fo «JU631D U a □□ □ 8 CONT C 1 ^ 5 7 □ NC XT C 3 6 □ NC 4 5 D Foi V .s C 4 PAD X Y 1 CONT XT XT 350 130 140 300 1185 655 630 175 130 145

    OCR Scan
    NJU6318 50MHz 45-55X osci11at PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NJU6406B 2 4 - C H A R A C T E R 2 - L I NE • DOT M A T R I X LCD CONTROLLER D R IV ER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6406B is a 1 Chip Dot Matrix LCD controller dri ver for u p to 24-character 2-line display. It contains voltage converter, microprocessor inter­

    OCR Scan
    NJU6406B NJU6406B 24-character KJU6406B OB4b1 PDF


    Abstract: jrc 8 pin
    Text: N SINGLE TONE MELODY J U 5 Q 5 Series C -M O S GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU505 series is a single tone melody C-MOS 1C incorporated 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody using a piezo buzzer and single battery only. The playing mode is one-shot node with half-stops.

    OCR Scan
    NJU505 HJU505 melody jrc 8 pin PDF