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    PDSP16316 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 12E & • 7220513 OQlQOfla 5 ■ N O T R EC O M M ENDED FOR N EW DESIGNS. PLEASE USE PDSP16318/A PLESSEY Sem iconductors , — ,«« n. , PDSP16316/PDSP16316A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR The PDSP16316 contains two independent 20-bit Adder/Subtractors combined with accumulator registers

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    PDSP16318/A PDSP16316 20-bit 20MHz PDSP16316As PDSP16112A 256jus. PDSP16316/PDSP16316A 120-PIN PDSP1640 PDF


    Abstract: "Overflow detection"
    Text: P LESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 1 2E » 18 7220513 DOIQOTH fl • / PRELIMINARY INFORMATION »!■■»■ m."- . . . T - ll- H P L E S S E Y Sem iconductors PDSP16318/PDSP16318A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR The PDSP16318 co n ta in s tw o inde pen den t 20-bit Adder/S ubtractors com bined w ith accum ulator registers

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    PDSP16318/PDSP16318A PDSP16318 20-bit 20MHz PDSP16318As PDSP16112A 256/ys. PDSP16318/A AC120 7220S13 PDSP1631B "Overflow detection" PDF

    bfp mark diode

    Abstract: 32-bit adder PS2187 PDSP16330 plessey logic diagram to setup adder and subtractor using PDSP16116 IC to design 2 by 2 binary multiplier PDSP1601 PDSP16318 YR13
    Text: APR IL 1989 < Ä j P L E S S E Y Sem iconductors. P D S P 1 6 1 1 6 16 BY 16 BIT COMPLEX MULTIPLIER SUPERSEDES EDITION IN JU L Y 1988 DSP 1C HANDBOOK The PDSP16116 will multiply two complex (16+16) bit words every 100ns and can be configured to output the

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    PDSP16116 PDSP16116 100ns 16x16 PDSP16318, 10MHz PDSP16318 bfp mark diode 32-bit adder PS2187 PDSP16330 plessey logic diagram to setup adder and subtractor using IC to design 2 by 2 binary multiplier PDSP1601 YR13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SENICONDS 43E PLESSEY SEM ICONDUCTORS J> • 37bôS5S 0Q155bl ■= M P L S B : PDSP16318/PDSP16318A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR T h e P D S P 16318 c o n ta in s tw o in d e p e n d e n t 2 0 -b it A d d e r/S u b tra c to rs c o m b in e d w ith a c c u m u la to r registers

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    0Q155bl 16318/PD 6318A PDSP16318As PDSP16112A 37bfi522 001240b T-90-20 28-LEAD 28-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITAL VIDEO & DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING IC Handbook GEC P L E S S E Y SEMICONDUCTORS Foreword GEC Plessey Semiconductors has substantially increased its activities in Digital Video developments since the last issue of this handbook in December 1993 . A

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    115th PDF

    ALU of 4 bit adder and subtractor

    Abstract: SO45 8 bit full adder 74 TTL ALU of 4 bit adder and subtractor 16X16 AC84 PDSP16112 PDSP16318 D39K1 "Overflow detection"
    Text: PLESSEY S E M IC O N D U C T O R S : PDSP16318/PDSP16318A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR T h e P D S P 1 6318 c o n ta in s tw o in d e p e n d e n t 2 0 -b it A d d e r/S u b tra c to rs co m b in e d w ith a c c u m u la to r registers and s h ift stru ctu re s. The fo u r p o rt a rch ite ctu re perm its fu ll

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    PDSP16318/PDSP16318A PDSP16318 20-bit 20MHz pdsp16318as pdsp16112a 256/js. PDSP16318/A PDSP16316/A. ALU of 4 bit adder and subtractor SO45 8 bit full adder 74 TTL ALU of 4 bit adder and subtractor 16X16 AC84 PDSP16112 D39K1 "Overflow detection" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS : PDSP16 3 1 8 /PDSP16 3 1 8 A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR T h e P D S P 16318 c o n ta in s tw o in d e p e n d e n t 2 0 -b it A d d e r/S u b tra c to rs c o m b in e d w ith a c c u m u la to r registers a nd s h ift stru ctu re s. The fo u r p o rt a rc h ite c tu re p erm its fu ll

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    PDSP16318AS PDSP16112A SP16318/A PDSP16318 PDSP16318A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APRIL 1989 Ä PLESSEY W S em ico n d u cto rs. P D S P 16116 16 BY 16 BIT COMPLEX MULTIPLIER SUPERSEDES EDITION IN JULY 1988 DSP 1C HANDBOOK The PDSP16116 will multiply two complex (16+16) bit words every 100ns and can be configured to output the complete complex (32+32) bit result within a single cycle. The

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    PDSP16116 100ns 16x16 PDSP16318, 10MHz PS2187 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS. PLEASE USE PDSP16318/A P D S P 1 6 3 1 6 /P D S P 1 6 3 1 6 A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR T h e P D S P 16316 c o n ta in s tw o in d e p e n d e n t 2 0 -b it A d d e r/S u b tra c to rs co m b in e d w ith a c c u m u la to r registers

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    PDSP16318/A SP16316As PDSP16316 PDSP16316A SP16316 SP16316A PDF