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    RN1443 Datasheets (4)

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    RN1443 Toshiba Japanese - Transistors Original PDF
    RN1443 Toshiba Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) Transistor Original PDF
    RN1443 Toshiba NPN Transistor Original PDF
    RN1443 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Muting And Switching Applications Unit in mm l High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) l High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441 RN1444 RN1442 RN1443 O-236MOD SC-59 RN1443 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441, RN1442, RN1443, RN1444 Muting and Switching Applications Unit: mm z High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) z High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441â RN1444 RN1441, RN1442, RN1443, O-236MOD SC-59 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Unit in mm Muting and Switching Applications High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441â RN1444 RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 O-236MOD SC-59 PDF


    Abstract: RN1442 RN1443 RN1444
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Muting And Switching Applications Unit in mm High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441RN1444 RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 O-236MOD SC-59 RN1444 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Muting And Switching Applications Unit in mm l High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) l High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441 RN1444 RN1442 RN1443 O-236MOD SC-59 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Muting And Switching Applications Unit in mm z High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) z High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441RN1444 RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 O-236MOD SC-59 PDF


    Abstract: RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 961001EAA2
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Muting And Switching Applications Unit in mm High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441RN1444 RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 O-236MOD SC-59 961001EAA2' RN1444 961001EAA2 PDF


    Abstract: RN1442 RN1443 RN1444
    Text: RN1441~RN1444 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type PCT Process RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 Muting and Switching Applications Unit in mm z High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25V (min) z High reverse hFE: reverse hFE = 150 (typ.) (VCE = −2V, IC = −4mA)

    RN1441RN1444 RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 O-236MOD SC-59 RN1444 PDF


    Abstract: RN1442 RN1443 RN1444
    Text: RN1441RN1444 東芝トランジスタ シリコンNPNエピタキシャル形 PCT方式 (バイアス抵抗内蔵) RN1441,RN1442,RN1443,RN1444 ○ ミューティング用 ○ スイッチング用 単位: mm z エミッタ・ベース間電圧が大きい。

    RN1441RN1444 RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 236MOD RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 PDF


    Abstract: marking 513 SOD-323 land dpu 230 toshiba diode 1SS416 footprint 5252 F solar sot23 2fv TAH8N401K IC sj 4558 zener diode reference guide rn4983
    Text: 2008-3 PRODUCT GUIDE General-Purpose Small-Signal Surface-Mount Devices s e m i c o n d u c t o r h t tp://w w w.semico n .to shib a /en g C O N T E N T S 1 Packaging Information.

    BCE0030C S-167 BCE0030D lm2804 marking 513 SOD-323 land dpu 230 toshiba diode 1SS416 footprint 5252 F solar sot23 2fv TAH8N401K IC sj 4558 zener diode reference guide rn4983 PDF


    Abstract: SSM3J328R SSM3J334R
    Text: 2011-5 PRODUCT GUIDE General-Purpose Small-Signal Surface-Mount Devices Transistors, MOSFETs, ESD-Protection Diodes, Schottky Barrier Diodes, L-MOS 1- to 3-Gate Logic ICs , LDOs, Operational Amplifiers, Digital-Output Magnetic Sensors SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w . s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / e n g

    200-mA BCE0030D SSM3J307T SSM3J328R SSM3J334R PDF


    Abstract: GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    SCE0004L TTC4116* 2SC4118 TTA1586* 2SA1588 2SC4117 2SA1587 2SC5233 2SC4738 2SA1832 GT30F131 GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01 PDF

    ESM 740

    Abstract: transistor SMD t04 51 D245A LM2804 transistor SMD t04 Solar Garden Light Controller 4 pin 2fu smd transistor transistor t04 smd pnp Octal Darlington Transistor Arrays DIP WB126
    Text: 2004-3 PRODUCT GUIDE General-Purpose Surface-Mount Devices semiconductor 2004 Greeting from Toshiba Toshiba Corporation has developed and provided key devices such as information equipment and information appliance, employing the most advanced technology.

    SCE0003A ESM 740 transistor SMD t04 51 D245A LM2804 transistor SMD t04 Solar Garden Light Controller 4 pin 2fu smd transistor transistor t04 smd pnp Octal Darlington Transistor Arrays DIP WB126 PDF

    IGBT GT30F124

    Abstract: IGBT GT30J124 GT30F124 GT30J124 GT50N322 tk25e06k3 TPCP8R01 TK12A10K3 GT30G124 2SK3075
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2011 年 1 月版 トランジスタ バイポーラ小信号トランジスタ 接合形 FET 異種混載複合デバイス MOSFET バイポーラパワートランジスタ 高周波バイポーラ小信号トランジスタ

    SCJ0004R SC-43) 2SC1815 2SC732TM 2SC1959 2SA1015 2SC2240 2SA970 2SC1815 2SA1015 IGBT GT30F124 IGBT GT30J124 GT30F124 GT30J124 GT50N322 tk25e06k3 TPCP8R01 TK12A10K3 GT30G124 2SK3075 PDF


    Abstract: TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    2010/9SCE0004K SC-43) 2SC1815 700the GT30F124 TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123 PDF


    Abstract: RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444
    Text: TO SH IB A RN 1441 ~ RN 1444 TO SH IBA TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL TYPE PCT PROCESS RN1441, RN1442, RN1443, RN1444 U nit in mm MUTING AN D SW ITCHING APPLICATION S • High Emitter-Base • High Reverse h p g Voltage :V e b o = 25V + 0.5 2.5 - 0 . 3

    OCR Scan
    RN1441 RN1444 RN1441, RN1442, RN1443, RN1444 RN1444-A RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 PDF

    2N3904 331 transistor

    Abstract: C549 transistor 2SK1227 transistor 1201 1203 1205 transistor C549 transistor Hand book 2N5551 2SC1815 2SK246 2n4401 331 02CZ27 transistor 737
    Text: 1 • ALPHANUMERICAL INDEX • Transistors Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page * 2N3903 2SA1213 163 *2SC1815(L) — * 2SC2995 — * 2N3904 2SA1245 167 *2SC1923 2SC2996 266 * 2N3905 2SA1255 170 *2SC1959 2SC3011 272

    OCR Scan
    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4401 2N4402 2N3904 331 transistor C549 transistor 2SK1227 transistor 1201 1203 1205 transistor C549 transistor Hand book 2N5551 2SC1815 2SK246 2n4401 331 02CZ27 transistor 737 PDF


    Abstract: marking YJ transistors YK NPN RN2608 - RN2908 QF npn Marking 47 marking YB YB MARKING ic marking YK kn marking
    Text: 3. List of Principal Characteristics of Built-In Resistor Transistors BRT SSM 3. List of Principal Characteristics of Built-In Resistor Transistors (BRT) * 3.1 Sm ail Super M ini Typ e (SSM) Polarity Type No. RN1101 RN1102 RN1103 RN1104 RN1105 RN1106 RN1107

    OCR Scan
    RN1101 RN1102 RN1103 RN1104 RN1105 RN1106 RN1107 RN1108 RN1109 RN1110 Marking XA XB XC XD XE XF XH XI XJ XK XM marking YJ transistors YK NPN RN2608 - RN2908 QF npn Marking 47 marking YB YB MARKING ic marking YK kn marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O S H IB A RN1441 ~RN1444 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL TYPE PCT PROCESS RN1441, RN1442, RN 1443, RN1444 Unit in mm MUTING AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • • High Emitter-Base Voltage : V e b o = 25V (Min.) High Reverse hpg : Reverse hFE = 150 (Typ.) (V C E = —2V, IC = —4mA)

    OCR Scan
    RN1441 RN1444 RN1441, RN1442, O-236MOD SC-59 PDF


    Abstract: transistor equivalent d2012 2SC734 equivalent 3sk73 equivalent 2sb502 2sa776 bl 2sc2075 equivalent 2sk For Low Noise Audio Amplifier Applications 2sa970 BL equivalent 2sa776 gr
    Text: AUDIO SMALL SIGNAL AMP Package USM Super M ini M ini T O -9 2 A p p lic a tio n • * « m • 2SA1162 2SA1163 General purpose 2SC1815 2SA1015 2SC2458 2SC2459 2SA1048 2SA1049 2SC2712 2SC2713 General purpose L o w Noise 2SC1815 2SA1015© 2SC2458© 2SA2048©

    OCR Scan
    2SA1162 2SA1163 2SC1815 2SA1015 2SC2458 2SC2459 2SA1048 2SA1049 2SC2712 2SC2713 70H40 transistor equivalent d2012 2SC734 equivalent 3sk73 equivalent 2sb502 2sa776 bl 2sc2075 equivalent 2sk For Low Noise Audio Amplifier Applications 2sa970 BL equivalent 2sa776 gr PDF


    Abstract: k 1441 1444 G n1444 1444
    Text: TOSHIBA RN 1441 ~ RN 1444 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR RN1AA1 m m u g • m ■ w ■ SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL TYPE PCT PROCESS RN1AA7 RN1AA3 m m g m m g uRN1AAA m u -m u m m m u m u -m u ■ « ■ w ■ v MUTING AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS High Emitter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    RN1441 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 RN1441 1441-RN RN1443 k 1441 1444 G n1444 1444 PDF

    bo 200

    Abstract: TO-236MOD
    Text: SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL T Y P E RM ^ ^ ~RN 1^ j 1 Unit in mm M UTING A N D SWITCHING APPLICATIONS + 0.5 2 5 - 0 .3 • High Emitter-Base Voltage :V gjjo= 25V Min. • High Reverse hyg : Reverse hFE = 150 (Typ.) (VCE=—2V, Ic= -4m A ) • Low On Resistance :RON= 1^ (Typ.) (lB = 5mA)

    OCR Scan
    O-236MOD SC-59 RN1442 RN1443 RN1444 RN1441 bo 200 TO-236MOD PDF


    Abstract: 2sa1015 sot-23 rn4601 diode 2sa1015
    Text: B ia s R e s ì s t o ! B u ilt-in T ra n s is to r B R T General Use Type F6 Upper side: Similar to 2SC1815(NPN) Middle side: Similar to 2SC1815 + 2SA1015{NPN+PNP) Lower side: Similar to 2SA1015(PNP) 50 100 Similar TR V c e o (V ) Rating lcMAX(mA) Package

    OCR Scan
    2SC1815 2SC1815 2SA1015 OT-23MOD. /RN1501 VRN2501/ RN1502 RN2502 RN1503 RN2226 2sa1015 sot-23 rn4601 diode 2sa1015 PDF


    Abstract: rn4601
    Text: [1 ] Alphanum eric Product List [ 1 ] Alphanum eric Product List Device Page Device Page Device Page RN1001 75 RN1206 113 RN1318 152 RN1002 75 RN1207 118 RN1401 159 RN1003 75 RN1208 118 RN1402 159 RN1004 75 RN1209 118 RN1403 159 RN1005 75 RN1210 122 RN1404

    OCR Scan
    RN1001 RN1002 RN1003 RN1004 RN1005 RN1006 RN1007 RN1008 RN1009 RN1010 RN1417 rn4601 PDF