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    Microchip Technology Inc

    Microchip Technology Inc SY10EL33ZC

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    Microchip Technology Inc SY10EL33ZC-TR

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    SY10EL33ZC Datasheets (9)

    ECAD Model
    Datasheet Type
    SY10EL33ZC Micrel Semiconductor Logic - Counters, Dividers, Integrated Circuits (ICs), IC DIVIDER /4 5V/3.3V 8-SOIC Original PDF
    SY10EL33ZC Micrel Semiconductor 5V/3.3V Divide 4 DIVIDER Original PDF
    SY10EL33ZC Micrel Semiconductor 5V Divide 4 DIVIDER Original PDF
    SY10EL33ZC Synergy Semiconductor 5V/3.3V by 4 DIVIDER Scan PDF
    SY10EL33ZC Synergy Semiconductor By 4 DIVIDER Scan PDF
    SY10EL33ZCTR Micrel Semiconductor 5V/3.3V Divide 4 DIVIDER Original PDF
    SY10EL33ZCTR Micrel Semiconductor 5V Divide 4 DIVIDER Original PDF
    SY10EL33ZC-TR Microchip Technology Integrated Circuits (ICs) - Logic - Counters, Dividers - IC DIVIDER /4 5V/3.3V 8-SOIC Original PDF
    SY10EL33ZCTR Synergy Semiconductor 5V/3.3V by 4 DIVIDER Scan PDF

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    Abstract: SY10EL33LZC 100EL33 el-33
    Text: ClockWorks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V ÷ 4 DIVIDER DESCRIPTION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The SY10/100EL33/L are integrated ÷4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the VBB allow a differential, single-ended or AC-coupled interface to the device. If

    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L SY10/100EL33/L EL33/L EL33/Ls SY100EL33LZC SY100EL33LZCTR 10EL33 SY10EL33LZC 100EL33 el-33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Micrel, Inc. Precision Edge SY10EL33/L Precision Edge® SY100EL33/L SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V ÷ 4 DIVIDER FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3.3V and 5V power supply options 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transistions

    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps SY10/100EL33/L EL33/L M9999-120406 HEL33 PDF


    Text: Micrel, Inc. Precision Edge SY10EL33/L Precision Edge® SY100EL33/L SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V ÷ 4 DIVIDER FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3.3V and 5V power supply options 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transistions

    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps SY10/100EL33/L EL33/L M9999-120406 hel33 XEL33L XEL33 SY100EL33ZC SY100EL33ZCTR SY10EL33ZC SY10EL33ZCTR SY10EL33ZI SY100EL33LZG SY100EL33LZGTR PDF


    Abstract: el-33 100EL33
    Text: ClockWorks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L FINAL 5V/3.3V ÷ 4 DIVIDER DESCRIPTION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The SY10/100EL33/L are integrated ÷4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the VBB allow a differential, single-ended or AC-coupled interface to the device. If

    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L SY10/100EL33/L EL33/L EL33/Ls SY100EL33LZC SY100EL33LZCTR SY10EL33LZC el-33 100EL33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY ClockW orka1'1 PRELIMINARY SY10/I00EL33 4 DI VI DER S EM IC O N D U C TO R DESCRIPTION FEATURES 650ps propagation delay The SY10EL/100EL33 are integrated +4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the V b b allow a differential, single-ended or AC-coupled interface to the device. If

    OCR Scan
    SY10/I00EL33 650ps SY10EL/100EL33 SY10EL33ZC SY100EL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer Clockworks PRELIMINARY SY10/100EL33 SEMICONDUCTOR AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VEE = VEE Min. to V ee (Max.); V c c = GND -40 C Parameter o °c Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. fMAX Maximum Toggle Frequency

    OCR Scan
    SY10/100EL33 SY10EL33ZC SY1OOEL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: SY10EL33ZC
    Text: This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer Clockworks *SYNERQY PRELIMINARY SY10/100EL33 S EM ICO N DUC TO R AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V ee = V ee Min. to V e e (M ax.); V c c = G N D OC —40°C Min. Parameter Symbol fMAX Maximum Toggle

    OCR Scan
    SY10/100EL33 SY10EL33ZC SY100EL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « SYNERGY Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V -f 4 DIVIDER SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES 3.3V and 5V power supply options 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transistions Internal 75K fì input pull-down resistors

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps Y10/100EL33/L EL33/L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « SYNERGY Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V -f 4 DIVIDER SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES 3.3V and 5V power supply options 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transistions Internal 75K fì input pull-down resistors

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V + 4 DIVIDER S E M IC O N D U C TO R FEATURES DESCRIPTION 3.3V and 5V power supply options The S Y 10/100E L33/L are integrated ^ 4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the V bb allow a differential,

    OCR Scan
    SYIOEL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps SY10/1OOEL33/L EL33/L 10EL33 10/100EL33L SY10EL33ZC SY10EL33ZCTR SY1OOEL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • 3.3V and 5V power supply options The SY10/100EL33/L are integrated +4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the V b b allow a differential, single-ended or AC-coupled interface to the device. If used, the V b b output should be bypassed to ground with

    OCR Scan
    650ps SY10/100EL33/L EL33/L 100EL33 1QEL33 10/1Q0EL33L SY10EL33LZC SY10EL33LZCTR SY100EL33LZC SY100EL33LZCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V + 4 DIV IDER SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION 3.3V and 5V power supply options T he S Y 1 0/1 0 0 E L 3 3 /L are integrated +4 dividers. The d iffe re n tia l clock inputs and the V bb a llo w a differential,

    OCR Scan
    650ps SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L L33/L 100EL33 10EL33 10/100E SY10EL33ZC SY10EL33ZCTR SY100EL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V + 4 DIVIDER SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION 3.3V and 5V power supply options T h e S Y 1 0 /1 0 0 E L 3 3 /L a re in te g ra te d - ¡ - 4 d iv id e rs . T h e d iffe re n tia l c lo c k in p u ts a n d th e V b b a llo w a d iffe re n tia l,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * C lockw orks P R E L IM IN A R Y SY10EL33 SY00EL33 4 DIVIDER SYNERGY SEM IC O N D UC TO R FEATURES D E S C R IP T IO N 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transitions Internal 75KQ Input pull-down resistors ESD protection of 2000V

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33 SY00EL33 SY10EL/100EL33 EL33s SY10EL33ZC SY100EL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V/3.3V -r- 4 DIVIDER DESCRIPTION FEATURES 3.3V and 5V power supply options T h e S Y 1 0 /1 0 0 E L 3 3 /L are in te g ra te d - ¡ - 4 d iv id e rs . T he d iffe re n tia l c lo c k in p u ts and th e Vbb a llo w a d iffe re n tia l,

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY Clockworks SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 5V /3.3V h- 4 D IV ID E R SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES 3.3V and 5V power supply options 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transistions Internal 75KU input pull-down resistors

    OCR Scan
    650ps SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 10/100E L33/L EL33/L 100EL33 10EL33 SY10EL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY Clockworks PRELIMINARY SY10EL33 /> n n /in c n 4 d iv id e r SEMICONDUCTOR SY00EL33 DESCRIPTION FEATURES 650ps propagation delay 4.0GHz toggle frequency High bandwidth output transitions Internal 75KQ Input pull-down resistors ESD protection of 2000V

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33 SY00EL33 650ps SY10EL7100EL33 SY10EL33ZC SY100EL33ZC GG1352 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY Clockworks + 4 DIVIDER PRELIMINARY SY10/100EL33 SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • 650ps propagation delay The SY 10ELV100EL33 are integrated * 4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the V bb allow a differential, single-ended or A C -co u p le d interface to the device. If

    OCR Scan
    SY10/100EL33 650ps 10ELV100EL33 SY10EL33ZC SY100EL33ZC PDF


    Abstract: SY100EL33ZC SY10EL33 SY10EL33ZC
    Text: SYNER G Y Clockworks PRELIMINARY SY10EL33 SY00EL33 : 4 d iv id e r SEM IC O N D UC TO R DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SY10EL7100EL33 are integrated +4 dividers. The differential clock inputs and the V bb allow a differential, single-ended or AC-coupled interface to the device. If

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33 SY00EL33 650ps SY10EL7100EL33 fli85 SY10EL33ZC SY100EL33ZC EL33 SY10EL33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR 5V/3.3V -f 4 DIVIDER FEATURES DESCRIPTION 3.3V and 5V power supply options T h e S Y 1 0 /1 0 0 E L 3 3 /L a re in te g ra te d ^-4 d iv id e rs . T he d iffe re n tia l c lo c k inp uts and th e V bb a llo w a d iffe re n tia l, s in g le -e n d e d o r A C -c o u p le d in te rfa c e to th e d e v ic e . If

    OCR Scan
    SY10EL33/L SY100EL33/L 650ps 100EL33 10EL33 10/100EL33L SY10EL33ZC SY10EL33ZCTR SY100EL33ZC SY100EL33ZCTR PDF