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    Quest Components TC9800P 80
    • 1 $6.93
    • 10 $6.93
    • 100 $4.2735
    • 1000 $4.2735
    • 10000 $4.2735
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    TC9800 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TC9800
    Text: TC9800P, TC9800FW T C 9 8 0 0 is a C M O S p r o g r a m m a b le lo g ic d evice PLD ba se d o n E E P R O M cells. D e s ig n e d u s in g T o s h ib a 's o rig in a l t e c h n o lo g y , th is d e v ice fe a tu re s lo w p o w e r d issip a tio n a n d a w id e o p e r a t in g v o lta g e ra n g e (2 V to 6V), a n d is

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    TC9800P, TC9800FW TC9800P TC9800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9. Reliability Data TC9800/01, TC9802/03 Intrinsic fa ilu re rate estim atio n from life test results N u m b e r o f sam ples (pcs) E q u iv a le n t d evice hours @ 6 0 °C Ea = 0.8eV 400 N u m b er o f defects (pcs) 1 57.0 x 106 Failu re ra te* 60°C (Fit)

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    TC9800/01, TC9802/03) 105Pa TC9800 PDF


    Abstract: P300
    Text: 8. Packing at Shipping 8.1 Packing and ordering methods TC9800 series packages DIP or SOL come loaded in m agazines. Example) TC9802 FW L - Package type - M odel name Code No mark 8.2 Packing Magazine P (DIP) FW (SOL) O o M agazine packing

    OCR Scan
    TC9800 TC9802 DIP-20-P-300A DIP-24-P-300 20pcs 16pcs 300-mil SOL-20-P-300 40pcs P300 PDF

    AM 16v8

    Abstract: 22V8 tc9800 TC98
    Text: Product Outline 2.1 Outline of Zero Standby PLD ZPLD TC9800 Series T h e ZPLD T C 9800 se rie s consists o f CM OS P L D s based on E E P R O M cells. Z PL D s a re F P L A s, in w hich A N D a n d O R a rra y s a re p ro g ram m ab le , th u s g iv in g th e d e sig n e r freedom

    OCR Scan
    TC9800 TC9800, TC9801, 9800P TC9800/01 TC9804/05 TC9802/03 TC9808/09 TC9806/07 AM 16v8 22V8 TC98 PDF


    Abstract: tc9802
    Text: 7. Package DIP Dual In-line Package Diagram of external view(DIP20-P-300A)TC9800/01P, TC9802/03P, TC9806/07P, TC9808/09P 20pin u n it: mm T z r im z r c r w e ig h t: Diagram of external view (DIP24-P-300) TC9804/05P 53 24pin SOL (Small Outline Package)

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    DIP20-P-300A TC9800/01P, TC9802/03P, TC9806/07P, TC9808/09P 20pin DIP24-P-300) TC9804/05P 24pin SOL20-P-300) TC9800 tc9802 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3. N o t e s o n D e s i g n i n g a n d H a n d l in g C ir c u it s 3.1 Electrostatic D ischarge CMOS ICs have a very thin gate insulation oxide film. W hen a high voltage is applied to this gate electrode input of CMOS IC , the oxide film directly under the gate som etimes

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    TC9800 200pF, PDF


    Abstract: CP1128 TC9806 TC9802
    Text: 4. D e v e l o p m e n t F lo w a n d D e v e l o p m e n t S u p p o r t T o o ls 4.1 D e v e lo p m e n t F lo w Figure 4-1 shows the normal PLD development flow. When system and logic designs are complete, the design data m ust be input to the PLD development software.

    OCR Scan
    TC9800/01 TC9802/03 TC9804/0S TC9806/07 TC9808/09 tc9800 CP1128 TC9806 TC9802 PDF


    Abstract: HD63701VOP HD63705VOP hd63701xop HD637A01VOP HD64F3048F16 MB8516 HD637B01YOP HD63701YOP lh57257

    AF-9700 24DIP 28DIP HD637B01VOP HD63701VOP HD63705VOP hd63701xop HD637A01VOP HD64F3048F16 MB8516 HD637B01YOP HD63701YOP lh57257 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Introduction As electronics technology develops, semiconductor devices have to respond to needs for higher functionality, greater complexity, and more compactness. ASIC technologies such as gate arrays are necessary for m aking systems more intelligent and advanced.

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    TC9800 PDF


    Abstract: TC9800 L0405 L1215 L0226 L0640 L1692 P 9806 AD TC9806 L0090
    Text: Application Circuits 5. T h e follow ing is a design ex am p le o f a 74H C c irc u it co n v erted in to a T C 9800 se rie s device DA TA I/O A B E L is used to design th e PL D . 5.1 Desig n w ith TC 9802 is an The f o l lo w in g e x am p le w here a sta n d a rd

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TC9802P TC9802
    Text: TC9802P. TC9802FW T C 9 8 0 2 is a C M O S p r o g r a m m a b le lo g ic d evice PLD ba se d o n E E P R O M cells. D e s ig n e d u s in g T o s h ib a 's o rig in a l t e c h n o lo g y , th is d e v ice fe a tu re s lo w p o w e r d issip a tio n a n d a w id e o p e r a t in g v o lta g e ra n g e (2 V to 6V), a n d is

    OCR Scan
    TC9802P. TC9802FW TC9800. TC9802P, TC9800 TC9802P TC9802 PDF


    Abstract: TC9800P
    Text: INDEX 1. PLD Basics . 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. 3. W hat is a PLD ? . PLD positioning .

    OCR Scan
    TC9800 TC9802P TC9803P TC9804P TC9805P TC9806P TC9807P TC9808P TC9800P PDF