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    UM82C286 Search Results

    UM82C286 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    UM82C286 Unicorn Microelectronics PC / AT Compatible Chip Set Original PDF

    UM82C286 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UIV1C UM82C286 MËÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊËÊÊÊÊKÊÊÊBBBËHÈ P C /A T C om patible Wêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Chip S e t F eatures • 100% hardware and software compatible w ith the IBM PC/AT

    OCR Scan
    UM82C286 74LS612 84-pin UM82C286 82C37 82C59 74HC612 PDF


    Abstract: Intel 8237 dma controller block diagram 74LS612 82c37 DMA compatible 8237 DMA Controller 74ls61 ibm pc board ls590 82c37 Intel 8237
    Text: U iV f C UM 82C286 P C/A T Compatible Chip S et Features Page register compatible with 74LS612 16M bytes DMA address space DMA clock 1/2 frequency of system C L K 84-pin PLCC CMOS technology • 100% hardware and software compatible with the IBM PC /AT . • 7 DMA channels compatible with Intel's 8237

    OCR Scan
    UM82C286 74LS612 84-pin UM82C286 82C37 82C59 74HC612 Intel 8237 dma controller block diagram 82c37 DMA compatible 8237 DMA Controller 74ls61 ibm pc board ls590 Intel 8237 PDF


    Abstract: UM82C288 CS287 UM82C284 UM82C287 UM82C54 UM82C286 82C84 3037 cs timer 8254
    Text: I uîvïc U M 82C 287 WÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊËÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÈÊÊÊÊÊË P C /A T C om patible H P mÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊtÊÊKÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊm c hip s e t mm Features • 100% hardware and software compatible with the IBM

    OCR Scan
    UM82C287 UM82C84 UM82C284 UM82C288 UM82C54 84-pin UM82C287) proC286. BUSY286 16L8s 80287 UM82C288 CS287 UM82C284 UM82C287 UM82C54 UM82C286 82C84 3037 cs timer 8254 PDF

    d lt 7210

    Abstract: RC162 80287A lt 7210 um82c54 um82c288 UM82C8
    Text: UMC UM82C287 WÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÈÊÊKÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ PC /AT C om patible WÊÊÊtÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊttÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊk Chip Set Features • 100% hardware and software compatible with the IBM PC-AT ■ Optional wait state generator 12 MHz with one wait

    OCR Scan
    UM82C287 UM82C84 UM82C284 UM82C288 UM82C54 84-pin UM82C287) UM82C284, UM82C84 UM82C283 d lt 7210 RC162 80287A lt 7210 UM82C8 PDF