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    LM611IM/NOPB Rochester Electronics LLC LM611IM - Operational Amplifier, 7000uV Offset-Max, BIPolar Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3078E Rochester Electronics LLC CA3078 - Operational Amplifier, 1 Func, 5000uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, PDIP8 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    OP37AL Rochester Electronics LLC OP37 - Operational Amplifier, 1 Func, 25uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, PBCY8 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    OP15GZ Rochester Electronics LLC OP15 - Operational Amplifier, 1 Func, 3800uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, CDIP8 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MC33074AD Rochester Electronics LLC MC33074 - Operational Amplifier, 4 Func, 5000uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, PDSO14 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

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    Abstract: 1P2T SWITCH snxxxx CCS33630 Remec absorptive
    Text: REMEC Defense & Space - East CCS33630 Broadband, High Frequency, Absorptive 1P2T Switch Features: •Broad Operating Frequency Band •High Isolation •Designed for Military Applications Description: Broadband Silicon PIN diode switch covers 0.1GHz to 40GHz and is useable to 53GHz.

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    Abstract: vhdl code for rs422 interface in fpga Fairchild 54ac14 HS26C32 54AC14 seu mongoose 54AC74 seu r6000 processor ad590 application ad590 rad hard
    Text: Adaptive Instrument Module - A Reconfigurable Processor for Spacecraft Applications Richard F. Conde1, Ann Garrison Darrin1, F. Charles Dumont 1, Phil Luers2, Steve Jurczyk3, Dr. Neil Bergmann4 and Dr. Anwar Dawood4 1 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel MD

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    Abstract: ABWF ABVZ SOT-23 ABWG ABGV UK39 UK26 abht marking ABYE marking code abwg sot23
    Text: 19-1145; Rev 4; 12/07 5-Pin, Multiple-Input, Programmable Reset ICs The MAX6305MAX6313 CMOS microprocessor µP supervisory circuits are designed to monitor more than one power supply. Ideal for monitoring both 5V and 3.3V in personal computer systems, these devices

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    marking code abwg sot23

    Abstract: SOT-23 ABWG abvz ABVG ABJN ABYF abWG ABTK marking code R2 sot23 MAX6307
    Text: 19-1145; Rev 3; 11/05 5-Pin, Multiple-Input, Programmable Reset ICs The MAX6305MAX6313 CMOS microprocessor µP supervisory circuits are designed to monitor more than one power supply. Ideal for monitoring both 5V and 3.3V in personal computer systems, these devices

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    Abstract: ABWF abqp marking abwg MAX6310UK26D2 abvz UK39 marking ABET abln ABFM
    Text: 19-1145; Rev 0; 9/96 5-Pin, Multiple-Input, Programmable Reset ICs _Features The MAX6305MAX6313 CMOS microprocessor µP supervisory circuits are designed to monitor more than one power supply. Ideal for monitoring both 5V and

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    Abstract: MARKING CODE ABVZ abvz ABWD ABBK UK46 abtj marking code R2 sot23 ABDQ MAX6310UK33D3-T
    Text: 19-1145; Rev 1; 8/98 5-Pin, Multiple-Input, Programmable Reset ICs Features ♦ Small 5-Pin SOT23 Package ♦ Precision Factory-Set VCC Reset Thresholds; Available in 0.1V Increments from 2.5V to 5V ♦ Immune to Short VCC Transients ♦ Guaranteed RESET Valid to VCC = 1V

    1120ms MAX6305UK00D OT23-5 MAX6306UK_ MAX6307UK_ MAX6305 MAX6313 ABWG MARKING CODE ABVZ abvz ABWD ABBK UK46 abtj marking code R2 sot23 ABDQ MAX6310UK33D3-T PDF


    Abstract: ABWD ABVZ transistor abwd ABWG marking ABYE MAX6305 MAX6306 MAX6307 MAX6313
    Text: 19-1145; Rev 1; 8/98 5-Pin, Multiple-Input, Programmable Reset ICs Features ♦ Small 5-Pin SOT23 Package ♦ Precision Factory-Set VCC Reset Thresholds; Available in 0.1V Increments from 2.5V to 5V ♦ Immune to Short VCC Transients ♦ Guaranteed RESET Valid to VCC = 1V

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    Transistor TT 2246

    Abstract: TT 2206 datasheet apm 4906 TT 2206 transistor tt 2206 tt 2246 bt 7377 SOT-23 AAAA bc 5478 AAXZ
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 2 and 4 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks − April 24, 2005 Sorted By Part Number Sorted By Topmark Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package LM 4040A EM3−2.1 FZNG 3/SOT−23 MAX 1916 ZT 1111 6/SOT−23

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    8051 project on traffic light controller

    Abstract: codesys 2.3 Manual codesys light sensitive trigger project 10 pages ppt 4501 gsd ppt on 8051 temperature controller project PLC siemens LOGO Siemens STEP7 PLC projects plc structured text arrays
    Text: Software Description AC500 Scalable PLC for Individual Automation 3S Software 3S Documentation User Manual for PLC Programming with CoDeSys 2.3 The CoDeSys Visualization Supplement to the User Manual User Manual for PLC Programming with CoDeSys 2.3 Copyright ¤ 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by 3S - Smart

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    Abstract: ON957 nana le r2 12D26 MPC7400 MPC750 circuit diagram of o ogeneral split ac TEA ic 0x00900 isl 6323
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. O IC EM ,I R TO C U D N . C N S MPC7400 RISC E Microprocessor L CA UserÕs Manual S E D VE I CH R A BY E FR MPC7400UM/D Rev. 0, 3/2000 ª For More Information On This Product, Go to:

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 13 10 D IM . "A" D IM . "B" D IM . "C" D IM . "D" .6 0 6 1 5 .4 0 .7 7 2 (1 9 .6 0 ) .9 3 7 (2 3 .8 0 ) .3 5 4 (9 .0 0 ) .5 2 0 (1 3 .2 0 ) .6 8 5 (1 7 .4 0 ) .213 (5 .4 0 ) .3 7 8 (9 .6 0 ) .5 4 3 (1 3 .8 0 ) .165 (4 .2 0 ) .331 (8 .4 0 ) C IR C U IT S IZ E

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    SD-44130-001 PDF


    Text: JV X Æ X A JV i 19-1145; RevO; 9/96 5-Pin, M ultiple-Input, Program m able R e s e t ICs T hese d e v ic e s are a va ila b le in a SOT23-5 p a cka g e , have factory-program m ed reset thresholds from 2.5V to 5.0V in 100mV increm ents , and feature four power-on

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    marking code d2t transistor

    Abstract: ABVZ ABWF VM MARKING CODE SOT23-5 marking codes D1t K44D3-T MARKING CODE D4t abWG uk-32 UK49
    Text: 19-1145; Rev 1; 8/98 5-Pin, M u l t i p l e - I n p u t , P r o g r a m m a b l e R e s e t ICs Description The M AX6305-M AX6313 CMOS m icro proce ssor pP supervisory circuits are designed to monitor more than one pow er su pp ly. Ideal fo r m onitoring both 5V and

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    Text: 1 9-1145; R ev 0 ; 9/9 6 _G e n e r a l D e s c r i p t i o n The M A X 6305-M A X 6313 CM O S m icro proce ssor piP supervisory circuits are designed to monitor more than one pow er su pp ly. Ideal fo r m onitoring both 5V and 3 .3V in p erson al c o m p u te r syste m s, th e se d e v ic e s

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    Abstract: XL-8137 weitek Weitek 3364 weitek 3164 Weitek xl-8136 wtl3364 CXNL 0x78F y2274
    Text: tilEIT EK CORP Tbb3ö2b O O O lS lö 11E D □ 3164/3364 64-BIT FLOATING-POINT DATA PATH UNITS T - W - H - o S November 1989 1. Features 64-BIT FLO A T IN G -PO IN T D A T A PA T H F U L L FU N C T IO N 64-bit and 32-bit floating-point and 32-bit integer multiplier

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    Abstract: power switch transistor dk51 SAB8051A-P all 89c51 microcontroller references book DL1414 Free Projects with assembly language 8086 Atmel PART DATE CODE at25c04 at89c52 base clock circuit diagram free assembly language and assembler of AT89C52 programmer p87c51
    Text: MICROCONTROLLER DATA BOOK Atmel Corporation Microcontroller Data Book October 1995 ¿[¡¡¡EL is the registered trademark of Atmel Corporation 2125 O’Nel Drive, San Jose, CA 95131 Im portant N otice Atmel guarantees that its circuits will be free from defects of material and workmanship under

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