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    MCR 22-8 transistor power

    Abstract: Transistor motorola 418 10146 1987 carrier A022H on 5295 equivalents HDC031 Mustang 300 HDC011 HDC016 HDC049
    Text: Order this data sheet by HDC/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA HIGH PERFORMANCE TRIPLE LAYER METAL HDC SERIES CMOS ARRAYS 1.0 MICRON CMOS ARRAYS Built on a 1.0 micron, triple-layer metal CMOS process, the HDC Series represents a significant advancement in microchip technology.

    OCR Scan

    MCR 22-8 transistor power

    Abstract: operation of sr latch using nor gates 2 bit magnitude comparator 0N80 half adder 74 on 5295 transistor carrier A022H AOI21 AOI211 10146 1987
    Text: Order this data sheet by HDC/D 2 5 1991 MOTOROLA HDC SERIES SEM ICONDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA H IG H PER FO R M A NC E T R IP L E LAYER M ETAL HDC SERIES CMOS ARRAYS B u ilt o n a 1.0 m ic ro n , tr ip le - la y e r metal C M O S p ro ce ss, th e HDC S eries re p re se n ts a s ig n ific a n t a d v a n c e m e n t in m ic ro c h ip te c h n o lo g y .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this data sheet by HDC/D MOTOROLA HDC SERIES SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H IG H PER FO R M A NC E T R IP L E LAYER M ETAL HDC SERIES CMOS ARRAYS 1 .0 M IC R O N C M O S A R R A Y S B uilt on a 1.0 m icron, trip le -la y e r metal C M O S process, the HDC

    OCR Scan