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    AIRBORN CONNECTOR 69 PIN RIGHT ANGLE Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    CO-174RASMAX2-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-174RASMAX2-005 SMA Right Angle Male to SMA Right Angle Male (RG174) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly 5ft Datasheet
    CO-316RASMAX2-004 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-316RASMAX2-004 RG316 High Temperature Teflon Coaxial Cable - SMA Right Angle Male to SMA Right Angle Male 4ft Datasheet
    CO-174RASMAX2-001 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-174RASMAX2-001 SMA Right Angle Male to SMA Right Angle Male (RG174) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly 1ft Datasheet
    CO-316RASMAX2-002 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-316RASMAX2-002 RG316 High Temperature Teflon Coaxial Cable - SMA Right Angle Male to SMA Right Angle Male 2ft Datasheet
    CO-316RASMAX2-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-316RASMAX2-005 RG316 High Temperature Teflon Coaxial Cable - SMA Right Angle Male to SMA Right Angle Male 5ft Datasheet

    AIRBORN CONNECTOR 69 PIN RIGHT ANGLE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MA-1D1-004-325-0300 The Interconnect Solution Source RIGHT ANGLE OFFSET .050" RIGHT ANGLE OFFSET .100" STRAIGHT OFFSET .100" RIGHT ANGLE INLINE 1 • ROW Strip Connectors .050" Microminiature Board to Cable MA-141-004-261-03WS • Plug viewed from end opposite #1 contact position.

    MA-1D1-004-325-0300 MA-141-004-261-03WS MA-1D1-004-325-0300 MA-141-004 -261-03WS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL 512-863-5585 x6464 N-Series: High-Temperature Connectors 512 863-5585 CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL 512-863-5585 x6464 DIMENSIONS NMHT – I/O Cable (Male) NMHT interconnects are used in hightemperature applications. These rugged cable

    x6464 NMHT-212-025-161-JCAC CTN026) CTN035) MIL-STD-681, MIL-W-16878/6 CTN033) AMS-2422 PDF

    airborn connector

    Abstract: AirBorn mk AirBorn airborn connector mm Polyphenylene Sulfide airborn connector w series
    Text: AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY PLUG RECEPTACLE SERIES MK .050" Rugged Metal PC Board Mount Connector ML .050" Rugged Plastic PC Board Mount Connector MK & ML mate with MK, ML, MM, MN receptacles MM .050" Rugged Metal I/O Connector MN .050" Rugged Plastic I/O Connector



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR CO M PANY £ ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 69 Contacts PLUG RECEPTACLE DIMENSIONS PIN CONTACT 3 TINE SPRING MEMBER, CRIMP "N ” Series Connectors N—23 SIZE A 9 15 21 25 31 37 51 65 69 .375 .450 .525

    OCR Scan
    N--23 CTN023 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR CO M PANY £ ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 69 Contacts PLUG RECEPTACLE DIMENSIONS PIN CONTACT 3 TINE SPRING MEMBER, CRIMP "N” Series Connectors N—2 3 SIZE A 9 15 21 25 31 37 51 65 69 .375 .450 .525

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-681 MIL-STD-681 IL-STD-681, N--33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR CO M PAN Y £ ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 51 Contacts PLUG REC EPTA C LE DIMENSIONS PIN CONTACT 3 TINE SPRING MEMBER, CRIMP "N” Series Connectors N—2 3 SIZE A 9 15 21 25 31 37 51 65 69 .375 .450

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-681 PDF

    airborn nk-2e2

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn THE CO NNECTOR CO M PANY £ ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 85 Contacts M E TA L .3 7 5 M A X .0 8 0 # 0 - 8 0 CAPTIVE JACKSCREW ( 2 PLCS) —.0 1 2 5 .0 2 5 PITCH POSITION #1 - .2 2 5 - -A S REQUIRED- # 0 - 8 0 THREAD ( 2 PLCS)

    OCR Scan
    CTN026 CTN035 N--30 airborn nk-2e2 PDF

    WIRE Per Mil-W-16878

    Abstract: jackscrew
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR CO M PANY £ ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025" NM, NK 9 thru 69 Contacts METAL RECEPTACLE PLUG DIMENSIONS SOCKET CONTACT DRAWN TUBE, CRIMP "N ” Series Connectors N— 21 SIZE A B 9 .3 7 5 C .2 7 0 PLUG .160 RCPT .163

    OCR Scan
    CTN021 MIL-STD-681 MIL-STD-681, WIRE Per Mil-W-16878 jackscrew PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn, Inc, NK—2 E 2 —0 2 5 —3 2 5 —THOO METAL THE CO NN ECTO R CO M PAN Y £ • ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 51 Contacts NM—2 2 2 —0 2 5 —261 - JCAC (METAL) THRU (2 PLCS) RECEPTACLE PLUG RIGHT ANGLE PTH I/O DIMENSIONS

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-681 PDF


    Abstract: NM222 airborn connector
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR COMPANY Nano Connectors Cable to Cable Cable to Cable Sizes: 9 thru 69 Page: N-7 Nano Connectors Board to Cable Cable to Horizontal SMT Sizes: 9 thru 69 Page: N-9 & N-11 Cable to Vertical SMT Sizes: 9 thru 69 Page: N -15& N -17

    OCR Scan
    CTN001 CTN002 MIL-STD-681 OOOO10 NM222 airborn connector PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTO R COMPANY £ ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 51 Contacts METAL R EC EPTA C LE PLUG DIMENSIONS SOCKET CONTACT DRAWN TUBE, CRIMP "N” Series Connectors N—21 SIZE A B 9 .3 7 5 C .2 7 0 PLUG .160 RCPT .163

    OCR Scan
    N--21 CTN021 MIL-STD-681 PDF

    R SERIES airborn connector

    Abstract: CTM035 57 -1 80 515 mK
    Text: AirBorn M K -2 5 3 -0 3 1 - 3 3 5 - 4 1 OS THE CONNECTOR COMPANY Board Narrow Footprint to Flex Cable . 050 " 9 thru 100 Contacts Rugged Board Mount MK— 263— 031— 445— 220S (METAL) MK, ML ML— 261— 031— 445— 220S (PLASTIC) Flex Cable MK, ML

    OCR Scan
    CTM035 R SERIES airborn connector CTM035 57 -1 80 515 mK PDF

    airborn connector MIL STANDARD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn MK—253—031 METAL THE CONNECTOR COMPANY M L -2 5 1 -0 3 1 (PLASTIC) Board (Narrow Footprint) to Cable .050" 9 thru 1 0 0 C ontacts Rugged Board Mount MK, ML MM—223—031—21 3-41 00 (METAL) Rugged Cable MN—221 -0 3 1 -2 1 3 -4 1 0 0 (PLASTIC)

    OCR Scan
    MK--253--031 MM--223--031--21 MN--221 CTMA006 airborn connector MIL STANDARD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY ROW Cable to Board Right Angle PTH . 025" NM, NK 9 thru 85 Contacts METAL DIMENSIONS "N" Series Connectors N—25 A B .375 .270 .450 .345 .525 .420 .575 .470 .650 .545 .725 .620 .900 .795 1.075 .970 1.125 1.020 1.377 1.246

    OCR Scan
    CTN024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn MK—2 5 3 —031 METAL THE CONNECTOR COMPANY M L -2 5 1 -0 3 1 (PLASTIC) Board (Narrow Footprint) to Cable . 050" 9 thru 100 Contacts Rugged Board Mount MK, ML MM—2 2 3 —031 —2 1 3 -4 1 0 0 (METAL) Rugged Cable MN—221 - 0 3 1 - 2 1 3 - 4 1 0 0

    OCR Scan
    MN--221 M--49 MILPRF-83513 PDF

    airborn connector

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn M K - 2 5 3 - 0 3 1 - 3 3 5 - 4 1 OS THE CONNECTOR COMPANY Board Narrow Footprint to Flex Cable . 050" 9 thru 100 Contacts Rugged Board Mount MK—2 6 3 —031—4 4 5 —220S (METAL) MK, ML ML—261—031—4 4 5 —2 20S (PLASTIC) Flex Cable MK, ML

    OCR Scan
    --220S ML--261--031--4 CTM111 airborn connector PDF


    Abstract: AirBorn 37-POSITION
    Text: AirBorn NK— 2D 2 — 0 2 5 — 2 2 5 — TH 00 M E T A L TH E C O N N EC TO R COM PA N Y £ ROW FLEX TO BOARD . 025" NM, NK 9 thru 85 Contacts N M - 2 1 2 - 0 2 5 - 1 2 5 - JCOO (M E T A L ) C B PLUG RECEPTACLE DIM ENSIO NS 'N” Series Connectors N— 39

    OCR Scan
    CTN045 CTN045 AirBorn 37-POSITION PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn, Inc THE CO N N ECTO R C O M PA N Y £ • ROW Cable to Board Horizontal SMT . 025 " NM, NK 9 thru 51 Contacts -.210- AS REQUIRED - .0 8 0 PLUG RECEPTACLE HORIZONTAL SMT I/O DIMENSIONS SIZE S e rie s C o n n e c to rs 5 A B C PLUG RCPT D 9 .3 7 5 .2 7 0

    OCR Scan
    TIL-STD-681 MIL-STD-681 PDF

    K 3326

    Abstract: lug connectors CTM0
    Text: AirBorn MK—253—031 METAL THE CONNECTOR COMPANY M L -2 5 1 -0 3 1 (PLASTIC) Board (Narrow Footprint) to Cable . 050" 9 thru 100 Contacts Rugged Board Mount MK, ML MM—223—031—21 3-41 00 (METAL) Rugged Cable MN—221 -0 3 1 -2 1 3 -4 1 0 0 (PLASTIC)

    OCR Scan
    MK--253--031 MM--223--031--21 MN--221 MIL-STD-681 K 3326 lug connectors CTM0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn THE CO N N ECTO R CO M PANY ROW Flex to Board . 025" NK, NK 9 thru 85 Contacts RECEPTACLE PLUG DIMENSIONS PIN CONTACT 3 TINE SPRING MEMBER, CRIMP 'N” Series Connectors N— 47 SIZE A B 9 15 .3 7 5 .4 5 0 .2 7 0 .3 4 5 C D PLUG RCPT .160 .2 3 5 .163

    OCR Scan
    CTN051 PDF


    Abstract: airborn connector Wtb WTC188P WTC188S airborn wtb
    Text: AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY 2 * ROW Coax Connectors WTB20-6PR9SC PC Card to Board or Chassis . 100" WTB - WTB 20-6 Contacts .250 — .125 .100 H .140 — .025±.00V , DIA TYP f - POSITION #1 oo o oo o 3.350 4.050 4.050 .1 0 0 - f " 2 PLCS .075 .100 H .100

    OCR Scan
    WTB20-6PR9SC CTW069 remov196P WTC085P WTC188S WTC196S WTC085S WTC10SRD9 WTB20-6SAD9SC342. CTW070 CTW070 airborn connector Wtb WTC188P WTC188S airborn wtb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: #AirBorn NK—2E2—02 5—32 5—JCOO METAL THE CONNECTOR COMPANY ROW FLEX TO BOARD .025" NM, NK 9 thru 85 Contacts DIMENSIONS PIN CONTACT 3 TINE SPRING MEMBER, CRIMP ” N" Series Connectors N— 41 SIZE A 9 15 21 25 31 37 51 65 69 85 .375 .450 .525 .575

    OCR Scan
    CTN041 PDF

    50 airborn connector pin number

    Abstract: airborn connector w series WB40PR8 contact id ky 011
    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR COMPANY £ • ROW PC Card to Chassis or Board .050" W B- WB 20 thru 132 Contacts WB . „ , Series Connectors wb— 5 AirBorn,’ Inc. 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison,’ TX 75001-0519 Ph: 972 931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail:

    OCR Scan
    28Y26) 50Y48) 48Y46) 50 airborn connector pin number airborn connector w series WB40PR8 contact id ky 011 PDF

    airborn m series

    Text: AirBorn, Inc. THE CONNECTOR COMPANY £ • ROW PC Card to Chassis or Board .050" W B- WB 20 thru 132 Contacts WB w b— . „ , Series Connectors 5 AirBorn,’ Inc. 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison,’ TX 75001-0519 Ph: 972 931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail:

    OCR Scan
    CTWB005 WB40PR8 WB40SD6 28Y26) 50Y48) 48Y46) CTWB011 airborn m series AIRBORN W SERIES CONNECTORS airborn WB PDF