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    AT475RAT Search Results

    AT475RAT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AIR CORE INDUCTORS 200°C Air Core Inductors AT475RAT • High Q over a wide range of frequencies ■ Special materials allow operation in ambient temperatures as low as –60°C and up to 200°C. ■ Passes NASA low outgassing specifications Terminations Tin-lead 63/37 over copper

    AT475RAT AT184-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AIR CORE INDUCTORS 200°C Air Core Inductors AT475RAT • High Q over a wide range of frequencies ■ Special materials allow operation in ambient temperatures as low as –60°C and up to 200°C. ■ Passes NASA low outgassing specifications Terminations Tin-lead 63/37 over copper

    AT475RAT AT184-1â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AIR CORE INDUCTORS 200°C Air Core Inductors AT475RAT • High Q over a wide range of frequencies ■ Special materials allow operation in ambient temperatures as low as –60°C and up to 200°C. ■ Passes NASA low outgassing specifications Terminations Tin-lead 63/37 over copper

    AT475RAT AT184-2 PDF