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    BC807 ITT Search Results

    BC807 ITT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by BC807-16LT1/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA General Purpose Transistors PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 3 BC807-16LT1 BC807-25LT1 BC807-40LT1 1 base " 2 EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit C o lle c to r-E m itte r Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC807-16LT1/D BC807-16LT1 BC807-25LT1 BC807-40LT1 -236A PDF


    Abstract: BC808 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC808-40 BC807B
    Text: BC807 BC808 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P -N -P transistor M arking BC807 = 5D BC807-16 = 5A BC807-25 = 5B BC807-40 = 5C BC808 = 5H BC808-16 = 5E BC808-25 = 5F BC808-40 = 5G PACKAGE OUTLINE DETAILS ALL DIM ENSIONS IN m m _3.0_ 2.8 0.14 0.09 0.48 0.38

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 BC807 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC808-40 BC808 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC808-40 BC807B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC807 BC808 HL SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P -N -P transistor M arking P A C K A G E O U T L IN E D E T A IL S A L L D IM E N S IO N S IN m m BC807 = 5D BC807-16 = 5A BC807-25 « 5B BC807-40 = 5C BC808 = 5H BC808-16 = 5E BC808-25 = 5F BC808-40 = 5G

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 BC807 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC808-40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC807 BC808 SOT23 PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS ISSUE 4 - J U N E 1996 I PARTM ARKING DETAILS BC807 - 5DZ BC808 c jp E - 5HZ BC807-16 - 5AZ BC808-16 - 5EZ B C 8 0 7 -2 5 -5 B Z BC808-25 - 5FZ BC807-40 - 5CZ BC808-40 - 5GZ B CO M PLEM ENTARY TYPES

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 BC807-16 BC807-40 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC808-40 BC808 BC817 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA General Purpose Transistors PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 3 BC807-16LT1 BC807-25LT1 BC807-40LT1 1 % EMITTER 1 jW 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value C o llecto r- Emitter Voltage VCEO -4 5 V C ollector-B ase Voltage VCBO -5 0

    OCR Scan
    BC807-16LT1 BC807-25LT1 BC807-40LT1 O-236AB) BC807-40LT1 PDF


    Abstract: marking KD SOT23
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Collector-Em itter V oltage Symbol Value Unit v CEO -4 5 V C ollector-Base V oltage VCBO -5 0 V Em itter-Base V oltage v EBO -5 .0 V 'c - 500 m Adc Collector Current — C o n tin u o u s BC807-16LT1 BC807-25LT1 BC807-40LT1 CASE 318-07, STYLE 6

    OCR Scan
    BC807-16LT1 BC807-25LT1 BC807-40LT1 OT-23 O-236AB) BC807-25 BC807-40 BC807-40LT1 marking KD SOT23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC807 BC808 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P -N -P transistor M ark in g P A C K A G E O U T L IN E D E T A IL S BC807 = 5D A L L D IM E N S IO N S IN m m B C 8 0 7 -1 6 - 5A B C 807-25 * 5B BC807-40 = 5C 3.0 BCB08 - 5H 2.8 0.48 B C 808-16 - 5E B C 808-25 = 5F

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 BC807-40 BCB08 8C808 BC807; PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: : S v î^ S e m i ; SOT -23 Plastic Encapsulate Transistors 5YM5EMI SEMICONDUCTOR BC807 -16LT1 BC807 -25LT1 BC8 0 7 -40LT1 TRANSISTOR SOT — 23 1. BASE 2. EMI H E R 3. COLLECTOR FEATURES Power dissipation 0.3 Pcm Collector current 1 cm : PNP W -0 .5 (Tamb=25 °C)

    OCR Scan
    BC807 -16LT1 -25LT1 -40LT1 -10mA OT-23 950TPY 037TPY 550REF PDF


    Abstract: BC807-25 BC807-40 BC817
    Text: BC807-16/ -25/ -40 PNP SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTOR Features 310 mW Power Dissipation Ideally Suited for Automatic Insertion Epitaxial Planar Die Construction For Switching, AF Driver and Amplifier Applications Complementary NPN Types Available BC817 SOT-23

    OCR Scan
    BC807-16/ BC817) OT-23, MIL-STD-202, BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 DS11208 BC807-16/-25/-40 BC817 PDF

    transistor af 178

    Abstract: BC807 BC817-16 BC817-25 BC817-40 MC9100
    Text: BC817-16 / -25 / -40 NPN SURFACE MOUNT SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR Features 310 mW Power Dissipation Ideally Suited for Automatic Insertion Epitaxial Planar Die Construction For Switching, AF Driver and Amplifier Applications Complementary PNP Types Available BC807

    OCR Scan
    BC817-16 BC807) OT-23, MIL-STD-202, BC817-25 BC817-40 DS11107 BC817-16/-25/-40 transistor af 178 BC807 MC9100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Feb 28 Philips Sem iconductors 1999 Apr 08 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification PNP general purpose transistor BC807 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. 500 mA PIN • Low voltage (max. 45 V).

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC817. MAM256 115002/00/03/pp8 Bc807SOT-23 PDF


    Abstract: BC807 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC817 CDV1000
    Text: BC807 -16/ -25/ -40 VISHAY PNP SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTORS /Li T E M I ri / POWERSEMICONDUCTOR I Features 310 mW Power Dissipation Ideally Suited for Automatic Insertion Epitaxial Planar Die Construction For Switching, AF Driver and Amplifier Applications Complementary NPN Types Available BC817

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC817) OT-23, MIL-STD-202, BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 OT-23 DS11208 BC807-16/-25/-40 s2kj BC817 CDV1000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC807 -16/ -25/ -40 VISHAY PNP SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTORS /uTE M ir I POWER SEMICONDUCTOR J Features 310 mW Power Dissipation Ideally Suited tor Automatic Insertion Epitaxial Planar Die Construction For Switching, AF Driver and Amplitier Applications Complementary NPN Types Available BC817)

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC817) OT-23, MIL-STD-202, BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 OT-23 DS11208 BC807-16/-25/-40 PDF


    Abstract: BC807 BC808 marking code 9FB marking 9fb 9fb transistor
    Text: PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC807/BC808 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS • Suitable for A F-D river stages and low pow er output stages • C om plem ent to B C 817/BC 818 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic Sym bol C ollecto r E m itter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC807/BC808 BC817/BC818 BC807 BC808 OT-23 -10mA, C5 MARKING TRANSISTOR BC808 marking code 9FB marking 9fb 9fb transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC807/BC808 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS S O T-23 • Suitable fo r A F-D river stages and low pow er output stages • C om plem ent to BC817/BC 818 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic Symbol C ollector Em itter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC807/BC808 BC817/BC BC807 BC808 BC808 BC807 PDF

    marking 8fb

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC817/BC818 S O T-23 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS • Suitable fo r A F-D river stages and low pow er output stages • C om plem ent to BC807/BC 808 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic C ollector Em itter V oltage

    OCR Scan
    BC817/BC818 BC807/BC BC817 BC818 25product marking 8fb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC807 BC808 _ SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors, in a SOT-23 plastic package fo r use in driver and ou tp u t stages o f aufio amplifiers in thick and thin -film hybrid circuits. N-P-N complements are BC817; R and BC818; R respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 OT-23 BC817; BC818; BC807-16 BC808-16 BC807-25 PDF

    marking code 6Cp

    Abstract: code marking 6Cp sot-23 BC817B 817b
    Text: J B C 817 B C 818 K. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors, in a SOT-23 plastic package fo r use in driver and ou tput stages o f audio amplifiers in thick and thin -film hybrid circuits. P-N-P complements are BC807; R and BC808; R respectively.

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 BC807; BC808; BC817 BC818 BC817-16 BC818-16 BC817-25 BC818-25 BC817-40 marking code 6Cp code marking 6Cp sot-23 BC817B 817b PDF

    code marking 5Cp sot-23

    Abstract: bc807 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC808 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC817 BC818
    Text: • bbSB^ai □□2443’ì D7T M A R X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BC807 BC808 b7E J> SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors, in a SOT-23 plastic package fo r use in driver and ou tput stages o f aufio amplifiers in th ick and th ln -film hybrid circuits.

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 OT-23 BC817; BC818; OT-23. 35MHz code marking 5Cp sot-23 bc807 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC807-40 BC808 BC808-16 BC808-25 BC817 BC818 PDF


    Abstract: BC818C BC808R 6dp sot-23 bc818r
    Text: BC817 BC818 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TR A NSISTO R S N-P-N transistors, in a SOT-23 plastic package fo r use in d river and o u tp u t stages o f audio a m plifiers in th ic k and th in -film h y b rid circu its. P-N-P com plem ents are BC807; R and BC808; R respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC817 BC818 OT-23 BC807; BC808; BC818 OT-23. BC817; BC817C BC818C BC808R 6dp sot-23 bc818r PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC807 BC808 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors, In a SO T-23 plastic package fo r use in d rive r and o u tp u t stages o f audio am p lifie rs in th ic k and th in -film h y b rid circuits. N-P-N com plem ents are BC817, R and BC818; R respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC807 BC808 BC817, BC818; BC808 BC807; BC807-16 BC808-16 BC807C PDF

    marking code va transistors

    Abstract: BC807 BC808 sot-23 Marking sj

    OCR Scan
    BC807/BC808 BC817/BC818 BC807 BC808 OT-23 BC807 002S0bli marking code va transistors BC808 sot-23 Marking sj PDF

    lt 8227

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Page Products S p e c if ic a t io n SST / SOT-23 BC807 Type F D '.'514-807 1. B C 8 SCOPE 1 .1 07 T h is s p e c i f i c a t io n co v e rs the d e t a i l re q u irem e n ts one type P N P ¡s ilic o n e p it a x i a l p la n a r t r a n s is t o r fo r

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 BC807 ig-8227 BC807-16 BC807-25 lt 8227 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOT23 NPN SIUCON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS ISSUE 4 -¡u n e 1996_ O _ PAR TM ARKING DETAILS BC817 -6 D Z BC818 - 6HZ B C 8 1 7 -1 6 -6 A Z BC818-16 - 6EZ BC817-25 - 6BZ BC818-25 - 6FZ BC817-40 - 6CZ BC818-40 - 6GZ C O M PLEM ENTAR Y TYPES

    OCR Scan
    BC817 BC818 BC817-25 BC817-40 BC807 BC808 BC818-16 BC818-25 PDF