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    COLPITTS OSCILLATOR 27 MHZ Result Highlights (5)

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    74LS626N Rochester Electronics LLC 74LS626 - Voltage Controlled Oscillator Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MK2727SLF Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost 27MHz VCXO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK2727SLFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost 27MHz VCXO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK3200SILFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52 Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    COLPITTS OSCILLATOR 27 MHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    Equivalent IRF 740

    Abstract: colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts epson 1390 circuit diagram "POCSAG encoder" 50MHz Colpitts oscillator MV6639 SL6649-1 SPM28C51 IRF 7023
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz 100nV Equivalent IRF 740 colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts epson 1390 circuit diagram "POCSAG encoder" 50MHz Colpitts oscillator MV6639 SPM28C51 IRF 7023 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 100nV PDF

    application of colpitts oscillator

    Abstract: colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts Colpitts circuit design IRF 949 IRF C20 ZETEX Part Mark RFA colpitts crystal oscillator POCSAG MV6639
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz 100nV application of colpitts oscillator colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts Colpitts circuit design IRF 949 IRF C20 ZETEX Part Mark RFA colpitts crystal oscillator POCSAG MV6639 PDF

    colpitts oscillator

    Abstract: ZETEX Part Mark RFA
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz 100nV colpitts oscillator ZETEX Part Mark RFA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 100nV PDF

    colpitts oscillator

    Abstract: 50MHz Colpitts lcd inverter 0419 wristwatch lcd MV6639 SL6649-1 SPM28C51 Colpitts SPM28C top mark RDB SOT-23
    Text: Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink’s obsolete products and replacement product lists, please visit SL6649-1

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 colpitts oscillator 50MHz Colpitts lcd inverter 0419 wristwatch lcd MV6639 SPM28C51 Colpitts SPM28C top mark RDB SOT-23 PDF

    Ultrasonic generator control pcb circuit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL6649-1 3115 - 4.1 SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for battery conservation.

    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 100nV Ultrasonic generator control pcb circuit PDF

    varactor diode for Colpitts oscillator

    Abstract: Colpitts circuit design TT 2188 transistor VCO circuit diagram frequency stability analysis colpitts oscillator colpitts oscillator 27 mhz Colpitts VCO Colpitts VCO design colpitts oscillator loop gain of Colpitts VCO design
    Text: Application Note A Colpitts VCO for Wideband 0.95–2.15 GHz Set-Top TV Tuner Applications APN1006 Introduction Modern set-top DBS TV tuners require high performance, broadband voltage control oscillator (VCO) designs at a competitive cost. To meet these goals, design engineers

    APN1006 SMV1265-011 6/99A varactor diode for Colpitts oscillator Colpitts circuit design TT 2188 transistor VCO circuit diagram frequency stability analysis colpitts oscillator colpitts oscillator 27 mhz Colpitts VCO Colpitts VCO design colpitts oscillator loop gain of Colpitts VCO design PDF

    IC Microphone UHF Wireless transmitter

    Abstract: 150 KHz colpitts oscillator construction MC13176 colpitts oscillator construction 6F32 FM pcm small loop antenna MC1317XD SMT code R2C fm transmitter using op amp 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator
    Text: MC13176 The MC13176 is a one chip FM/AM transmitter subsystem designed for AM/FM communication systems. It include a Colpitts crystal reference oscillator, UHF oscillator, ÷32 prescaler and phase detector forming a versatile PLL system. Targeted applications are in the 260 to 470 MHz band

    MC13176 04Vdc MC13176 MC13176D IC Microphone UHF Wireless transmitter 150 KHz colpitts oscillator construction colpitts oscillator construction 6F32 FM pcm small loop antenna MC1317XD SMT code R2C fm transmitter using op amp 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator PDF

    varactor diode for Colpitts oscillator

    Abstract: APN1006 VCO circuit diagram Tuner Applications APN1006 colpitts oscillator of application Colpitts circuit design loop gain of Colpitts VCO design 4 ghz NE68533 SMV1265 SMV1265-011
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE APN1006: A Colpitts VCO for Wideband 0.95–2.15 GHz Set-Top TV Tuner Applications Introduction Modern set-top DBS TV tuners require high-performance, broadband voltage control oscillator (VCO) designs at a competitive cost. To meet these goals, design engineers are challenged to

    APN1006: SMV1265-011 varactor diode for Colpitts oscillator APN1006 VCO circuit diagram Tuner Applications APN1006 colpitts oscillator of application Colpitts circuit design loop gain of Colpitts VCO design 4 ghz NE68533 SMV1265 PDF


    Abstract: AN2429 pierce oscillator 9s12db128 HCS12 Series AN2408 AN2727 HCS12 PAD01
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2727 Rev. 0, 12/2004 Designing Hardware for the HCS12 D-Family by: Martyn Gallop Applications Engineering Freescale Semiconductor, East Kilbride Introduction This document contains hardware guidelines for designing with the HCS12 D-family of microcontrollers

    AN2727 HCS12 MC9S12D256 AN2429 pierce oscillator 9s12db128 HCS12 Series AN2408 AN2727 PAD01 PDF


    Abstract: GJRF915 power gyrator colpitts oscillator 27 mhz GRAN-JANSEN FSK AGC 24 pin Colpitts TQFP44
    Text: Gran-Jansen AS GJRF915 VHF/UHF transceiver Preliminary reference manual GRAN-JANSEN AS P.O. Box 466 Skøyen * 0212 Oslo * Norway Tel: +47 22 13 42 00 * Fax: +47 22 13 42 10 * 1. Introduction GJRF915 is a single chip radio transmitter and receiver intended for the 868MHz and 900MHz

    GJRF915 868MHz 900MHz gyrator power gyrator colpitts oscillator 27 mhz GRAN-JANSEN FSK AGC 24 pin Colpitts TQFP44 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SA602A Double-balanced mixer and oscillator Rev. 3 — 27 May 2014 Product data sheet 1. General description The SA602A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with input amplifier, on-board oscillator, and voltage regulator. It is intended for high-performance, low-power

    SA602A SA602A PDF


    Abstract: TQFP44 VHF transmitter circuit
    Text: Gran-Jansen AS GJRF918 VHF/UHF transceiver Preliminary reference manual rev. 0.2 GRAN-JANSEN AS P.O. Box 466 Skoyen * 0212 Oslo * Norway Phone: +47 22 13 42 00 * Fax: +47 22 13 42 10 * GJRF918 UHF/VHF Transceiver

    GJRF918 TQFP44 VHF transmitter circuit PDF


    Abstract: murata np0 capacitor 106 20K NP0 murata resonator c28 gyrator 106 20k capacitor 3pF-10pF C291P c25 rectifier
    Text: *UDQ-DQVHQ $6 *-5  9+)8+) WUDQVFHLYHU 3UHOLPLQDU\ UHIHUHQFH PDQXDO *5$1-$16 1 $6 32 %R[  6N¡\HQ  2VOR 1RUZD\ 7HO      )D[      JUDQMDQ#RQOLQHQR ZZZJUDQMDQVHQFRP  ,QWURGXFWLRQ GJRF415 is a single chip radio transmitter and receiver intended for the 433.92MHz frequency band

    GJRF415 92MHz LQN2A murata np0 capacitor 106 20K NP0 murata resonator c28 gyrator 106 20k capacitor 3pF-10pF C291P c25 rectifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL6649-1 IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS N O T RECOMMENDED FOR N E W DESIGNS Si GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER Supersedes edition in August 1994 Personal Communications 1C Handbook The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 SL6649-1 200MHz 1200bps, 470pf. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY w . ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER Supersedes edition in May 1992 Personal Communications 1C Handbook The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz. 100nV 1200bps, 470pf. 37bflS22 SPM28C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OEC 1 6 S i 1992 GEC PLESSEY NOVEMBER 1992 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER Supersedes edition in May 1992 Personal Com m unications 1C Handbook The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M. GEC PLESSEY S F. M I C O \ f t C T O R S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER S upersedes September 1991 edition) The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio re c e iv e r for the re c e p tio n of fre q u e n cy shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of power down' for

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz. 1200bps, 28C51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y SEMICONDS GEC PL E SS E Y SEMICONDUCTORS 43E D • 37böS2S D015fci34 4 H P L S B " T -' 77-0 ^ SEPTEM BER 1991 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 Ü1S SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio

    OCR Scan
    D015fci34 SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 G015b45 37bfiS2S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OCT 2 5 1991 GEC P L E S S E Y SEPTEMBER 1991 SEM ICONDUCTORS PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SL6649-1 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capability of 'power down' for

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz. 100nV PDF


    Abstract: colpitts oscillator "POCSAG Decoder" EPSON s21 circuit diagram 40 meter Direct conversion receiver Colpitts WRIST WATCH CHIP 460-1 BV 726 TRANSFORMER CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR 65.52 Mhz
    Text: OCT 2 5 1991 GEC P L E S S E Y SEPTEMBER 1991 PRELIMINARY INFO RM A TIO N | s e m i c o n d u c t o r s | 31 1 b SL6649-1 200M H z DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6649-1 is a low power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of fre q u e n cy s h ift keyed

    OCR Scan
    SL6649-1 200MHz SL6649-1 200MHz. 100nV gyrator colpitts oscillator "POCSAG Decoder" EPSON s21 circuit diagram 40 meter Direct conversion receiver Colpitts WRIST WATCH CHIP 460-1 BV 726 TRANSFORMER CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR 65.52 Mhz PDF


    Abstract: FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 433mhz transmitter ic circuit diagram of fm transmitter VHF transmitter circuit pll FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 433mhz 10mw block diagram fm transmitter XTAL 1.000MHz 433mhz resonator
    Text: RF* RF2513 Preliminary M ICRO-DEVICES VHF/UHF TRANSMITTER T y p ic a l A p p lic a tio n s • Single or Dual Channel LO Source • FM/FSK Transmitter • Wireless Data Transmitters • 4 3 3 MHz, 8 6 8 MHz or 9 1 5 MHz ISM Band Systems • Wireless Security Systems

    OCR Scan
    RF2513 433MHz, 868MHz 915MHz RF2513 433MHz 15909MHz 10OpF DUAL CHANNEL FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 433mhz transmitter ic circuit diagram of fm transmitter VHF transmitter circuit pll FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 433mhz 10mw block diagram fm transmitter XTAL 1.000MHz 433mhz resonator PDF


    Abstract: Colpitts Wideband VCO Circuit Schematic and PCB Layout
    Text: R F2925 MICRODEVICES 4 3 3 /8 6 8 /9 1 5 M H Z FM/FSK/ASK/OOK TRANSCEIVER T yp ical A p p lica tio n s • Wireless Meter Reading Wireless Data Transceiver • TDD Systems Wireless Security Systems • 4 3 3 /8 6 8 /9 1 5 MHz ISM Band Systems Battery Powered Portable Devices

    OCR Scan
    F2925 RF2925 48-lead 915MHz 433MHz 868MHz RF2925 ZL33 Colpitts Wideband VCO Circuit Schematic and PCB Layout PDF