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    CT8005 Price and Stock

    Eaton Corporation XCT800-5

    Contactors - Electromechanical SINGLE PHASE PASS THROUGH CT 800:5 RATIO
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics XCT800-5
    • 1 $621.63
    • 10 $587.31
    • 100 $587.31
    • 1000 $587.31
    • 10000 $587.31
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    Eaton Cutler-Hammer XCT800-5

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS XCT800-5 Bulk 7 Weeks 1
    • 1 $837.32
    • 10 $770.34
    • 100 $770.34
    • 1000 $770.34
    • 10000 $770.34
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    DSP Group Inc CT8005A11AQC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components CT8005A11AQC 1,666
    • 1 $14.73
    • 10 $14.73
    • 100 $14.73
    • 1000 $7.365
    • 10000 $7.365
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    DSP CT8005A11AQC

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    Chip 1 Exchange CT8005A11AQC 28
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    CT8005 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CT8005 DSP Group TrueSpeech Messaging Co-Processor Scan PDF
    CT8005A11 DSP Group TrueSpeech Messaging Co-Processor Scan PDF

    CT8005 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: CT8005 CT8005A11 DSP GROUP LS 1316 echo cancellation schematic diagram speed-dial list
    Text:  CT8005 TrueSpeech Messaging Co-Processor Introduction Features CT8005 is a messaging co-processor that implements TrueSpeech 8.5 speech compression and decompression functions with various complementary features. These additional features include dual tone generation and

    CT8005 CT8005 8/16-bit CT8005A11AQC CT8005A11 DSP GROUP LS 1316 echo cancellation schematic diagram speed-dial list PDF


    Abstract: CT8015A11 DSP GROUP CT-805 32.768Mhz crystal Implementation Acoustic Echo Canceler
    Text:  CT8015 TrueSpeech DSVD Co-Processor Introduction Features The CT8015 is a TrueSpeech co-processor capable of performing full duplex compression and de-compression functions for DSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data Modems while maintaining Microsoft Sound System 2.0 and

    CT8015 CT8015 0000H. 22B0H. CT8015A11 DSP GROUP CT-805 32.768Mhz crystal Implementation Acoustic Echo Canceler PDF


    Abstract: cdi schematics pcb t7525 30541 14X20MM CT8022 CT8022A11AQC DSP GROUP 5148h MIP 320 f
    Text: TrueSpeech Co-Processor Version: 1.18 PRELIMINARY/CONFIDENTIAL Host Interface Host Interface DTMF & Tone Detector Frame Buffering Frame Buffering Speech Encoder Speech Decoder Input Volume Control Output Volume Control Line Echo Canceller Programmable Echo Suppressor &

    32Kx16 CT8022 CT8022A11AQC CT8021 cdi schematics pcb t7525 30541 14X20MM DSP GROUP 5148h MIP 320 f PDF


    Abstract: CT8022A11AQC CT8020 CT8021 OKI CROSS CT8022A11AQC-FWB CF99 CF07 14X20MM CT8020D11AQC
    Text: PRELIMINARY/CONFIDENTIAL Version: 1.18 Data Sheet VOIP/VON G.723.1, G729AB TRUESPEECH CO-PROCESSOR System Controller Video Sub-system DAA and Phone Interface MODEM Data Pump CT8022 TrueSpeech  Co-Processor SRAM Microphone & Speaker Interface Phone Line

    G729AB CT8022 CT8022 CT8022A11AQC CT8020 CT8021 OKI CROSS CT8022A11AQC-FWB CF99 CF07 14X20MM CT8020D11AQC PDF


    Abstract: G.723 codec DSPG D6401 oak dsp D6000 D6301 D6371 D6471 D6375
    Text: Speech Processing DSPs für Sprachkompression mit TRUESPEECH und G.723. Anwendungen für digitale Telefonanrufbeantworter, Diktiergeräte und Computer-Telefone. Modemtechnologie einschl. DSVD in Vorbereitung. Lizensierung der DSP-Cores Pine, Oak und Kompressions-Algorithmen.

    16-bit 16x16-bit D63xx D64xx D6000 D6301 D6305 D6365 D6371 D6375 SPEAKERPHONE G.723 codec DSPG D6401 oak dsp D6301 D6371 D6471 D6375 PDF


    Abstract: T7525EC TAG 9148 DSP GROUP CT8020 8kx8 sram history of old system speech control circuitry modem echo cancellation dsvd
    Text:  CT8020 TrueSpeech G.723.1 Co-Processor Introduction Features The CT8020 is a TrueSpeech co-processor which performs full duplex speech compression and decompression functions. It provides speech compression for H.323 and H.324 Multimedia Visual Telephony / Video Conferencing products,

    CT8020 CT8020 D11AQC CT8020D11AQC T7525EC TAG 9148 DSP GROUP 8kx8 sram history of old system speech control circuitry modem echo cancellation dsvd PDF

    smd transistor h5c

    Abstract: HC49U SMD CT8016 FOX 160 16.000 MHZ FSM327 333R44-011 zeevo TC2000 FPX200-20 FSP327 FOXSD/080-20
    Text: Chipset Reference *Note: This is for reference only. Chipset Number Am186CC AM79761 Am79C30A Am79C32A Am79C873 Am79C989 ElanSC300 ElanSC400 ElanSC410 Chipset Number AD1816A AD1847 AD9853-45 AD9853-65 ADSP-21065L Chipset Number S3025 Chipset Number AT89C2051

    Am186CC AM79761 Am79C30A Am79C32A Am79C873 Am79C989 ElanSC300 ElanSC400 ElanSC410 AD1816A smd transistor h5c HC49U SMD CT8016 FOX 160 16.000 MHZ FSM327 333R44-011 zeevo TC2000 FPX200-20 FSP327 FOXSD/080-20 PDF

    VOICE RECORDER playback system

    Abstract: voice recorder chip voice recorder and playback block diagram of answering machine DIAGRAM OF SPEECH COMPRESSION block diagram of speech generation system Handsfree full duplex DTMF mobile CT8005 application pc multimedia speaker
    Text: I D S P C R O U P . rD a ¿ s I^ Ä « Fliegerstr. 1 ♦ 301 ; INC. _ » CT8005 '.lover Tei. 03 1 1/ 9 CS 64-0 Fax 05 1 1 /9 63 64-64 TRUESPEECH Messaging Co-Processor T h e CT8005 chip is a Windows Sound System WSS and Windows 95 compatible messaging co-processor that

    OCR Scan
    CT8005 8/16-bit VOICE RECORDER playback system voice recorder chip voice recorder and playback block diagram of answering machine DIAGRAM OF SPEECH COMPRESSION block diagram of speech generation system Handsfree full duplex DTMF mobile application pc multimedia speaker PDF

    LS 2027 Final Audio

    Abstract: MUTE DTMF LS 2027 audio amplifier 623 U1J ESM 504 100 families of compatible ttl circuits texas 54/74 voice activated recorder circuit CT8005 CT8005A11 Personal VOICE RECORDER circuit
    Text: I CT8005 rr i D S P G R O U P . p 1 TrueSpeech Messaging Co-Processor I N C . Introduction Features CT8005 is a messaging co-processor that implements TrueSpeech 8.5 speech compression and decompression functions with various complementary features. These additional

    OCR Scan
    CT8005 8/16-bit 80-pin LS 2027 Final Audio MUTE DTMF LS 2027 audio amplifier 623 U1J ESM 504 100 families of compatible ttl circuits texas 54/74 voice activated recorder circuit CT8005A11 Personal VOICE RECORDER circuit PDF

    3BL DBM

    Abstract: 567 tone MODEL 2510 MICROPHONE CT8015 CT8015A11 DSP GROUP
    Text: D S P G R O U P , TrueSpeech DSVD Co-Processor I NC . Introduction Features The CT8015 is a TrueSpeech co-processor capable of performing full duplex compression and de-compression functions for DSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data Modems while maintaining M icrosoft Sound System 2.0 and

    OCR Scan
    CT8015 CT8015 concurrently11AQC 80-pin 3BL DBM 567 tone MODEL 2510 MICROPHONE CT8015A11 DSP GROUP PDF