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    CTC3 CENTRAL Search Results

    CTC3 CENTRAL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MQ80286-6/B Rochester Electronics LLC 80286 - 16-Bit Hi Performance CPU Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    ELANSC300-33VC Rochester Electronics LLC ELANSC300 - Microcontroller, 32-Bit CPU Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    ELANSC300-33KC-G Rochester Electronics LLC ELANSC300 - Microcontroller, 32-Bit CPU Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    N80C152JD Rochester Electronics LLC 80C152JD - Microcontroller, 8-Bit, 8051 CPU Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MQ80286-8/B Rochester Electronics LLC 80286 - 16-Bit Hi Performance CPU Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    CTC3 CENTRAL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Conformal Coated Inductors CTC3 Series SPECIFICATIONS Please specify tolerance code when ordering. CTC3-R10_ J = ±5%, K = ±10%, M = ±20% Not shown at actual size. CHARACTERISTICS Description: Axial leaded conformal coated inductor Applications: Used in less harsh environments. Ideal for less

    CTC3-R10_ HP4285A CTC3-103_ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Conformal Coated Inductors - Axial Ver. 8.3 CTC3 Series SPECIFICATIONS Please specify tolerance code when ordering. CTC3-R10_ J = ±5%, K = ±10%, M = ±20% From .10 µH to 1,000 µH Not shown at actual size. CHARACTERISTICS Description: Axial leaded conformal coated inductor

    CTC3-R10_ HP4285A CTC3-102_ PDF

    firca cts-13 capacitors

    Abstract: 30801-013 firca capacitors Firadec tableau des boitiers cms ST79 d CTC21E D 22 uF 10 100V T CTC21C CTC21 ESA-PSS-01-603
    Text: FIRADEC 1 CONDENSATEURS AU TANTALE TANTALUM CAPACITORS INTRODUCTION GENERALITES INTRODUCTION GENERAL INFORMATION Fabrication Manufacturing Identification - Libellé de commande Type identification - Ordering informations Normes et spécifications Specifications

    100kHz P113A132 P113A1128 firca cts-13 capacitors 30801-013 firca capacitors Firadec tableau des boitiers cms ST79 d CTC21E D 22 uF 10 100V T CTC21C CTC21 ESA-PSS-01-603 PDF


    Abstract: ati connector HE809 smd diode ED MMSD32032602S-C-xx Microspire MB he807 eurofarad TCN30 MMEE08510804S-C-xx mmfl16016604s-c mmfl16016604s-d
    Text: Edition 1.2. Space- & Military Level Components 2008/08 2 Introduction and Table of Contents If you are working on a program for military, industrial and/or space equipments & need product with extended temperature performance, MSA Components can help. To support the customer needs



    Abstract: SPF8 Z80SIO application zilog z80ctc
    Text: <5 '0'4#.274215' +06')4#6'& /+%41241%'5514 24'.+/+0#4; 241&7%6 52'%+ +%#6+10 25</2 <K.1) 9IRF8WC89 *958QU5RT9RS  ' *5GCFTIH #V9HU9 %5GP69FF %#  69F9PBIH9  (5X  +HT9RH9T BTTPWWW<C.1)7IG 24'.+/+0#4;

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    ZKP 180

    Abstract: I89S Z80SIO 202 ctc diode ZKP Hitachi 64180 manual qt41 TT 2146 BERG CONNECTOR 6cta
    Text: <5 '0'4#.274215' +06')4#6'& /+%41241%'5514 24'.+/+0#4; 241&7%6 52'%+ +%#6+10 25</2 <K.1) 9IRF8WC89 *958QU5RT9RS  ' *5GCFTIH #V9HU9 %5GP69FF %#  69F9PBIH9  (5X  +HT9RH9T BTTPWWW<C.1)7IG 24'.+/+0#4;

    9IRF8WC89 958QU5RT9RS 5GP69FF 69F9PBIH9 Z80S188 PS001500-ZMP0999 ZKP 180 I89S Z80SIO 202 ctc diode ZKP Hitachi 64180 manual qt41 TT 2146 BERG CONNECTOR 6cta PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r o d u c t S p e c ìf s c à iìo n PS001500-ZMP093S ZiLOG W H e a d q u a r t e r s • 9 1 0 E. H a m il t o n A v e n u e • C a m p b e l l , CA 9 5 0 0 8 4 0 8 .5 5 8 .8 5 0 0 • F a x : 4 0 8 .5 5 8 .8 3 0 0 • In t e r n e t : hiTT?'://vvvvw,

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    PS001500-ZMP093S Z80S188 PS001500-ZMP0999 PDF

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    Abstract: BRX110 tny 177 pn tny 275 pn Z80 PIO CTC SIO DMA tcl tv 21 Hitachi 64180 manual Z80S188 PS-001 Z80 CPU Instruction Set
    Text: IVÌiGRGPROCESSOR P r e l im in a r y P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n PS001 5Q0-ZMP093S ZiLOG W o rld w id e H e a d q u a rte rs • 910 E. H a m ilto n A ve n ue • C a m p b e ll, CA 9 5 00 8 T e le p h o n e : 4 0 8 .5 5 8 .8 5 0 0 • F a x : 4 0 8 .5 5 8 .8 3 0 0 • In te r n e t: http'://vvvvvv .ZiLOG .corvi

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    PS001 5Q0-ZMP093S Z80L18820AECRxxxx Z80S188 500-ZMP0999 Z80S188, tny 177 BRX110 tny 177 pn tny 275 pn Z80 PIO CTC SIO DMA tcl tv 21 Hitachi 64180 manual PS-001 Z80 CPU Instruction Set PDF

    THERMISTORS nsp 037

    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
    Text: INDEX OF COMPONENTS A Section/Page No. A.C. Adaptor. Adaptor Kits BNC e tc . Adhesive Tapes. Adhesives, Various. Aerosols.

    OCR Scan
    200X300X360m THERMISTORS nsp 037 Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032 PDF


    Abstract: EXORCISER motorola M68MM01A 7642T MC68B54 transistor bf 175 motorola application note 6809 6844 MMS1117 EXORCISER motorola M68MM01A2
    Text: The MS800MM0S Support Elem ents Other NMOS MPUs MC3870 ^ MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS CMOS MCUS/ICUS MC14S00B, MC141000/1206 Bipolar 4-Blt slice MPU Fam ilies M2900 TTL , M10800 (MECL) nm os Memories RAM, EPROM, ROM CMOS Memories RAM, ROM MEMORY PRODUCTS Bipoiar Memories

    OCR Scan
    MS800MM0S MC3870 MC14S00B, MC141000/1206 M2900 M10800 M6800 MC14500B, MC141000/1200 mcm6830 EXORCISER motorola M68MM01A 7642T MC68B54 transistor bf 175 motorola application note 6809 6844 MMS1117 EXORCISER motorola M68MM01A2 PDF