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    Abstract: pushbutton panel ITW Switches 53
    Text: PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES PANEL S EA LED M ETAL P USHBUTT ON SERIES 48M-EM: ACTUAL SIZE APPLICATIONS PANEL SEALED METAL PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES Built on the proven series 48 platform these rugged switches come in stainless steel housings, electro-mechanical with either momentary or maintained action

    48M-EM: 48M-SS pushbutton panel ITW Switches 53 PDF

    Reducing sleeve, AWG 16-20

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S tarShi el d ZERO LENGTH SHIELD TERMINATION BACKSHELLS for RUG G ED EM I/ RF I ap pl i cati ons december 2012 What is Starshield™ “Zero Length Shield Termination?” For decades, bundles of individually shielded cables have been used to solve many



    Abstract: spst push button EM Marine
    Text: PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES F UL LY S EA LE D M ETAL P USH BUT TO N SERIES 58M-EM: ACTUAL SIZE APPLICATIONS FULLY SEALED METAL PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES WITH WIRE LEADS Built on the proven series 48 platform these rugged switches come in stainless steel or aluminum housings, electro-mechanical with either momentary or

    58M-EM: 12VDC, m22x1.0 spst push button EM Marine PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8.5" connecting the flow of global resources S ER V IN G T H E P ET R O L EU M AN D C H EM IC A L M A R K ET S • instrumentation cables • power cables • control cables • fiber optic cables FILE NAME: DESCRIPTION: RGI Design, Inc. 2245 Gilbert Avenue

    INS-0045-R0605 PDF

    telefunken hr 660

    Abstract: Telefunkenzeitung Nauen Telefunken-Zeitung siemens zeitung 2020-20 halske CA3000 gunze telefunken kondensator
    Text: E rz he r z og F r an z F er di n and D e r K a is er K l uss m ann S igs fe ld K ais e rm anöve r 1900 be i S te t ti n, in d em z um ers t en M al e d ie F u nk en te leg r ap hi e V e rw end ung f an d Digitalisiert 04/2006 von Thomas Günzel für



    Abstract: Viper dimmer T8 light tube LED alternative solutions health data sheet egypt
    Text: Catalogue 2014 LED, conventional control gear and lighting control systems LED Solution Box – all your LEDs under perfect control: components and systems for your product solution The flexible Tridonic LED portfolio Lighting expertise from individual components to


    temic 0675 d4

    Abstract: temic 0675 c9 TFK 404 telefunken transistor Temic IDIC chip 5551 preliminary schematic diagram pioneer amplifier sa 9800 7-segment display tfk 308 temic 0675 d1 atmel e5550 AEG PS 451
    Text: General Information R em ote Control Identification Systems M icrocontrollers Addresses Temic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s General Information Alphanumeric Index T y p e . T y p e . e5530 10, 300 TK5550F-PP

    OCR Scan
    e5530 TK5550F-PP e5530H-232-GT TK5560A-PP e5550 TK5561A-PP e5561 U2270B U2535B U2538B temic 0675 d4 temic 0675 c9 TFK 404 telefunken transistor Temic IDIC chip 5551 preliminary schematic diagram pioneer amplifier sa 9800 7-segment display tfk 308 temic 0675 d1 atmel e5550 AEG PS 451 PDF


    Abstract: HDSP-7301 7 segment led display SIEMENS Siebensegmentanzeige
    Text: SI EM EN S 4?E m fl23SbD5 0027011 4 «SIEG SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF "P-41-33 Sieben-Segment-Anzeige Seven Segment Display 7,6 mm 0.3” HDSP-7301 Besondere Merkmale • Hohe Lichtstärke • Gehäuse ist optimiert fur den Einsatz bei starkem Fremdlicht

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbD5 P-41-33 HDSP-7301 235b05 623SbOS HDSP7301 HDSP-7301 7 segment led display SIEMENS Siebensegmentanzeige PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ITT INTERMETALL Sales Offices „ ¿ X G e n e ra l \J S em ico n d u cto r* General Semiconductor Headquarters: 10 Melville Park Road Melville, NY, 11747-3113 Tel: 516-847-3000 Fax: 516-847-3236 European Sales Offices continued United Kingdom and Ireland:

    OCR Scan
    B1-52332-4336 PDF


    Abstract: 2716c eprom motorola application note 6809 6844 mc68b09 marking code 8F 1BL Diode
    Text: M otorola’s M icroprocessor/M icrocom puter Fam ilies 1 The M otorola M6800 G eneric Bus Concept and Use 2 R eliability 3 Data Sheets M echanical Data 5 Technical Training 6 M em ory Products Developm ent System s and Board-Level Products f 8 MOTOROLA MICROPROCESSORS

    OCR Scan
    M6800 MM19-1, MM19A1, M6809 M6800 MC146804E2 2716c eprom motorola application note 6809 6844 mc68b09 marking code 8F 1BL Diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOSEL V I T E L I C PRELIMINARY V35322W35K 2M x 32 EDO MEMORY MODULE Features Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The V35322W35K memory module is organized as 2,097,152 x 32 bits in a 72-lead single-in-line m odule. T he 2M x 32 m em ory m odule uses 4 M osel-Vitelic 1M x 16 DRAMs. The x32 modules

    OCR Scan
    V35322W35K 72-lead cycles/16ms PDF

    DIN EN 60352-2

    Abstract: HN02016 DIN EN 60352-2 tensile strength C16-3 amphenol C016 10N017 0061 HN0101500471 HN0101500461 C016101014 TN-02 025 0001 amphenol 31
    Text: Amphenol Am phenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH Series C 16-3 Circular Connectors The Company A m phenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH is a m em ber of the USA based A m phenol C orporation. W ith our own global presence we otter our custom ers exceptional technical su p p o rt and w orldw ide service In the areas of developm ent, production

    OCR Scan
    D-74080 DIN EN 60352-2 HN02016 DIN EN 60352-2 tensile strength C16-3 amphenol C016 10N017 0061 HN0101500471 HN0101500461 C016101014 TN-02 025 0001 amphenol 31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOSEL V I T E L I C PRELIMINARY INFORMATION V61C31161024 64K x 16 HIGH SPEED STATIC RAM Features Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ T he V 6 1 C 3 1 161024 is a 1,048,5 76-bit sta tic ra n d o m -a c c e s s m em ory o rg a n ize d as 6 5 ,5 3 6 words by 16 bits. Inputs and three-state outputs are

    OCR Scan
    V61C31161024 44-pin 140mA 76-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR MRF464 MRF464A TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line 80 W PEP — 30 M H z R F POWER T R A N SIST O R S NPN S IL IC O N RF POWER T R A N SIS T O R S N PN S IL IC O N . . designed prim arily for applications as a high-power linear am plifier from 2.0 to 30 MHz, in single sideband mobile, marine and base station

    OCR Scan
    MRF464 MRF464A MRF464, PDF

    BT 156 transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BJ 122 RCA-40637 sf 122 transistor Arnold Magnetics transistor sf 127 RCA-40637A i53b 5659065 rca transistor
    Text: File No. 655 . □uobz/d RF Pow er Tran sisto rs Solid State Divi8ion 40637A Silicon N-P-N Epitaxial Planar Transistor For Frequency-Multiplier Service in Mobile, Marine, and Sonobuoy V H F Transmitters Features: • High transistor dissipation rating P j = 2 W max.

    OCR Scan
    0637A RCA-40637A 0637A 13-MHz 92CS-20223 BT 156 transistor TRANSISTOR BJ 122 RCA-40637 sf 122 transistor Arnold Magnetics transistor sf 127 i53b 5659065 rca transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CostSaver Composite Marine Junction Boxes Most junction boxes are built to house terminal boards. Ours are built to save you money. G lenair is the recognized leader in composite therm oplastic research and developm entforthe interconnect accessory industry. Glenair's lightweight/high-strength CostSaver Composite Ma­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-C-901C, RTCA/DO160C MIL-STD-167SHIPS. AE4L-87-3, AE4L-87-3 PDF

    arco 469

    Abstract: MRF429
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line NPN Silicon RF Pow er Transistor Designed primarily for high-voltage applications as a high-power linear amplifier from 2.0 to 30 MHz. Ideal for marine and base station equipment. • Specified 50 Volt, 30 MHz Characteristics —

    OCR Scan
    MRF429 arco 469 PDF


    Abstract: VK 200-09 59014 Silicon Power Cube SILVER-MICA FERROXCUBE VK200 rca 349 ai 016.3 arco 406
    Text: File No. 579 RF Power Transistors Solid State Division 40953 40954 40955 1 .7 5 -, 1 0 -, and 25-W , 156-M Hz Silicon N -P -N Overlay Transistors '&ÊÊPw 3 r For High-Power V H F Am plifiers r ▼ Features • Designed fo r vhf marine transmitters 40953 JEDEC TO-39

    OCR Scan
    HF-44 156-MHz RCA-40953, 409E4 TA8559 VK 200-09 59014 Silicon Power Cube SILVER-MICA FERROXCUBE VK200 rca 349 ai 016.3 arco 406 PDF


    Abstract: TO-206AD
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line 1.75 W - 175 MHz NPN S ILIC O N R F POW ER TR A N S IS T O R R F POWER TR A N S IS TO R NPN SILIC O N . . .designed for am plifier, frequency m ultiplier, or oscillator ap­ plications in m ilitary, m obile, marine and citizens band equipment.

    OCR Scan

    EM Marine

    Abstract: hypalon
    Text: 3M Heat Shrink Products EMB Electrical Moisture Block 3M Electrical Moisture Block is a specially formulated rubber adhesive/sealant for moisture proofing wire bundles. It is resistant to salt water, corrosive chemicals, and automotive fluids, flexible over a wide temperature

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - PRELIMINARY - April 1996 Edition 2.1 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE SHEET M B 8 1 1 7 8 0 0 A -60/-70 CMOS 2M X 8BIT FAST PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM C MO S 2,097,152 x 8BIT Fast Page M ode Dynamic RAM The Fujitsu M B8117800A is a fully decoded CMOS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains

    OCR Scan
    B8117800A 024-bits MB8117800A DS05-10167M 8117800A PDF


    Abstract: 8117405 IC MARKING A60
    Text: PRELIMINARY - - February 1996 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE SHEET M B 8 1 1 7 4 0 5 A-60/-70 CMOS 4M x 4 BIT HYPER PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM CM O S 4,194,304 x 4 BIT H y p e r Page M o d e D y n a m i c RAM The Fujitsu MB8117405A is a fully decoded CM OS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains

    OCR Scan
    MB8117405A B8117405A S-20328-5/96 8117405a 8117405 IC MARKING A60 PDF

    bs marking

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY - - May 1996 Edition 1.0 PRODUCT PROFILE SHEET FUJITSU M B 8 1 V17405A-60/-70 CMOS 4M x 4 BIT HYPER PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM CM O S 4,194,304 x 4 BIT Hyper Page Mode Dynamic RAM The Fujitsu M B81V17405A is a fully decoded CM OS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains

    OCR Scan
    V17405A-60/-70 B81V17405A S-20353-6/96 bs marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - PRELIMINARY - March 1996 Edition 1.3 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE SHEET M B 8 1 4265-60/-70 CMOS 256K X 16BIT HYPER PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM CMOS 262,144 x 16 bit Hyper Page M ode Dynamic RAM The Fujitsu M B 814265is a fully decoded CM OS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains 4,194,304

    OCR Scan
    16BIT 814265is B814265 512x16 814265 PDF