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    ETHOD208C Search Results

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    fjs 500

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2fll5b72 0004bôS 7b0 Dîalîght * Surface Mount LEO 597-3xx1-2xx _ TAPING SPEC IFICATIONS rear side of tape LED COLOR 597-3001-2xx 597-3121-2xx 597-330 1-2xx 597-3401 -2xx o -=* PART NO. ^ ^ Red RedG reen Yellow ‘ High Intensity A IG aA s U— 3.99

    OCR Scan
    2fll5b72 0Q04bà 597-3xx1-2xx 597-3001-2xx 597-3121-2xx 597-3301-2xx EIA-481-1 597-3001-2nds MIL-STD-S02E, Method208C fjs 500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Dîalight Surface Mount LED Right Angle Type Package 597-2x01-2xx PART NO.* COLOR 597-2001-2xx 597-2301-2xx 597-2401-2xx Red Green Yellow Benefits • Compatible with automatic placement equipment • Compatible with infrared reflow processes • Packaged on 12mm tape, 13" reels

    OCR Scan
    597-2001-2xx 597-2301-2xx 597-2401-2xx 597-2x01-2xx EIA-481-1 597-2x01-2xx MIL-STD-202E, ethod208C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2f l l 2b72 000 4 bb7 454 3mm Dialight Prism CBI Circuit Board Indicator Surface Mount LED, Round Lens 591-3001-Oxx CATHODE IDENTIFICATION 4.3 “ [.170] I 5.0 [.198] -1-Vi y 32 [-125] ' [-240] - r .1 M AX [.004 MAX] U UD=n .^ U Benefits □ 1.50 [.059]

    OCR Scan
    591-3001-Oxx MIL-STD-202E, ethod208C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I 2 f l l 2 b 7 5 DQOHfln Sb3 5mm Discrete LED Super Bright Tinted, Clear Dialîght 521-9713, -9714 2.0 [-079] -8 .3 0 [.325] [.020 ] SQ. I_ PART NO. LED COLOR 521-9713 521-9714 Pure Green Blue I 2.54 [.1 0 0 ] 1.0 [.039] . - 20.3 [.800] MOUNTING CLIP: 515-0005

    OCR Scan
    Fmm25Â MIL-STD-202E, ethod208C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2ñl2b72 OOOMbñl ASM ^±E D Dialight Surface Mount LED, Bicolor 597-77x1-1 XX PART NO. TAPING SPECIFICATIONS rear side of tape LED COLOR 597-7701-1 xx Red/Green 597-7721-1 xx Yellow/Green 597-7731-1 xx Red/Yellow / CATHODE ' GREEN, OR (VELLOWFOfl FVY (YELLOW FOR fl/Y)

    OCR Scan
    l2b72 597-77x1-1 EIA-481-1 MIL-STD-202E, Method208C LED-BICOLOR PDF


    Abstract: 5150005 515-0005
    Text: I 2ôl2b72 0004011 5b3 5mm Discrete LED Super Bright Tinted, Clear Dialight 521-9713, -9714 PART NO. LED COLOR 521-9713 521-9714 Pure Green Blue MOUNTING CLIP: 515-0005 located on page 6-50 Pure Green Blue -9713 -9714 Power dissipation mW 120 120 Forward Current (mA)

    OCR Scan
    l2b72 From25Â MIL-STD-202E, Method208C 100pA 9713 5150005 515-0005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2fll5b7Z a004bflS 7bQ . •«¿e& Fn Dialight • Surface Mount LED 597-3xx1-2xx TAPING SPECIFICATIONS rear side of tape PART NO. LED COLOR 597-3001-2xx 597-3121 -2xx 597-3301-2xx 597-3401-2xx Red Red* Green Yellow ‘ High Intensity AIGaAs .15 [.006] -J L

    OCR Scan
    a004bflS 597-3xx1-2xx 597-3001-2xx 597-3301-2xx 597-3401-2xx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2fll2b72 ÜÜGM741 02^ Dîalîght 3mm Discrete LED High Efficiency Diffused PART NO. 4.45 {•175] ” 3.20 [.125] _ 1.02 521-9210 521-9211 521-9216 521-9498 1.040] 2.54 2.92 / [.115] I 1- 1 0 0 ] . 5.72 _ [.225] . 24.13 [.950] — I 1.27 [.050] LED COLOR

    OCR Scan
    2fll2b72 GM741 PDF


    Abstract: 515-0004 9251
    Text: 2fll2b72 ÜGGHÔIS Tlô 5mm Discrete LED High Brightness Tinted, Non-Diffused Dîalîght 521-9247, -9249, -9251 _ * _ : PART NO. ~ » W • LED COLOR 521-9247 521-9249 521-9251 Red Yellow Green MOUNTING CLIP: 515-0004 located on page 6-50

    OCR Scan
    2fil2b72 From25Â MIL-STD-202E, Method208C 9249 515-0004 9251 PDF

    5251 F ic

    Abstract: 1200nm
    Text: Features 1.57 [0 6 2 ] 6.35 [.2 5 0 ]- • Silicon PNP type transistor • Narrow acceptance angle • Day light filtered • Good linearity • High reliability 3.00 [-1 1 0 ] DIA. 3 67 1 4 9 ] DIA. C O LLE C T O R T _ 6.41 _ (.253] A B SO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 C

    OCR Scan
    -202E. ethod208C 5251 F ic 1200nm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: j r . , - .- . r iH V t ï, . S É 6 :« 4& Î. './* o ‘ NOT A VALID PART N U M BER . THIS SHEET IS FOR R EFER ENC E ONLY Dîalight • ■ 5LD*xxxx ' * - 1- TYPE LED COLOR 5LD-9320 5LD-9321 5LD-9429 Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green -9320 -9321 -9429 27

    OCR Scan
    5LD-9320 5LD-9321 5LD-9429 MIL-STD-202E, ethod208C 9429 PDF

    LED green 5mm 10mA

    Abstract: LED red 5mm 10mA red led 5mm
    Text: Pai2b72 □□□47bfl Ell 2mm x 5mm Discrete LED 3 Leaded Bi-Color LED Non-Tinted, Diffused Dîalîght 521-9406 PART NO. LED COLOR 521-9406 Red/Green Red/Green A B S O L U T E M A X IM U M R A T IN G S TA=25°C -9406 Power dissipation (mW) Derating (mW/°C) F ro m 2 5 °c

    OCR Scan
    Pfll2b72 47bfl MIL-STD-202E, Method208C LED green 5mm 10mA LED red 5mm 10mA red led 5mm PDF