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    FF 75 R 1200 KL Search Results

    FF 75 R 1200 KL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    XPN12006NC Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 60 V, 20 A, 0.0120 Ω@10V, TSON Advance(WF) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPN12008QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 26 A, 0.0123 Ohm@10V, TSON Advance Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CS1200 Coilcraft Inc Current Sense Transformer, 35A, 1:200 Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    CS1200L Coilcraft Inc Current Sense Transformer, 35A, 1:200, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    HPH5-1200LD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 173uH, 25%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc

    FF 75 R 1200 KL Datasheets Context Search

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    FF 150 R 1200 kf igbt

    Abstract: FF 50 R 12 KF2 FZ 300 R 06 KL IGBT module FZ circuit of six pack module igbt FS-100 r 12 FZ 75 IGBT FZ 1200 IGBT FZ 600 IGBT module FZ 1200
    Text: IGBT Standard Modules Type VCES V IGBT-Standardmodule IC A ICRM A VCEsat V ton µs ts µs tp = 1 ms tvj=25°C typ. tvj=25°C typ. tvj=25°C typ. tf µs RthJC tvj max °C/W °C tvj=25°C per arm typ. Dual modules n FF 15 R 12 KF 1200 15 30 3,0 0,4 0,50 0,20



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / Technical Information IGBT-Module IGBT-Modules FF 400 R 12 KL4C Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom

    FF400R12KL4C FF400R12KL4C PDF


    Abstract: DIODE i2t
    Text: Technische Information / Technical Information IGBT-Module IGBT-Modules FF 400 R 12 KL4C vorläufige Daten preliminary data Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage

    FF400R12KL4C DIODE i2t PDF


    Abstract: einschraubtiefe
    Text: Ausgabe 2013-05 EC-/AC-Radialventilatoren – RadiCal Die Wahl der Ingenieure EC-/AC-Radialventilatoren – RadiCal Laufräder aus High-Tech-Verbundmaterial in einem Stück gefertigt, opti- Für den Einsatz, nicht nur in der Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik, eröffnen


    IGBT FF 300

    Abstract: FF400R12KL4C
    Text: Technische Information / Technical Information IGBT-Module IGBT-Modules FF 400 R 12 KL4C vorläufige Daten preliminary data Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / Technical Information IGBT-Module IGBT-Modules FF 400 R 12 KL4C vorläufige Daten preliminary data Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage



    Abstract: FF400R12KL4C
    Text: Technische Information / Technical Information IGBT-Module IGBT-Modules FF 400 R 12 KL4C vorläufige Daten preliminary data Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 75 R 12 KL T h erm isch e Eigenschaften Transistor T ran sistor R thJC Elektrische Eig ensch aften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte Maximum rated values V ces Ic R thC K 1200 V 75 A Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan

    FF 75 R 1200 KL

    Abstract: kl diode
    Text: FF 75 R 12 KL Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte Maximum rated values V ces Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0 ,1 RthJC DC, pro Baustein / per module 0 ,2

    OCR Scan

    FZ 77 1000

    Abstract: IGBT FZ 1200 FZ 77 FF R 1200 FZ200
    Text: IGBT modules VcES IC R M lc v CEsal to n ts tf R th J C Wj ' l l i • DC V A '• i * 2 5 °C . ty p t., = 2 5 °C , ty p 'v, 2 5 °C , ly p p e r a rm V us us MS ° C /W °c tp = 1 ms •vi = 2 5 °C A ty p Dual modules FF 15 R 12 KF 1200 15 30 3 0.4 0.5

    OCR Scan

    IGBT FF 300 R 12 KF2

    Abstract: FZ 77 1000 igbt ff 75 r IGBT FZ 1200 FF 100 R 12 kf2 igbt FZ200
    Text: IGBT modules Type VcES le A V IcRM v C E sat. ton ts R th J C DC per arm = tvj max tv ,= tvi = tvi 1 rrs 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. A V US |iS |JS °C/W °c tvi O utline Dual m odules 15 R 12 KF 1200 15 30 3 0,4 0,5 0,2 1 150 63 25 R 06 KF2

    OCR Scan

    IGBT FF 300

    Abstract: eupec module igbt FF 150 R 1200 kf igbt IGBT FF 300 R 06 KF2 FF 50 R 12 kf igbt Eupec fz 1200 r 12 IGBT FF 300 R 12 KF2 IGBT module FZ 1200 eupec FZ 800 R 16 FF 25 R 1200 KF
    Text: EUPEC IGBT modules tlE D • 34D32T7 00G134M 4*11 « U P E C Fast modules Type VcES lc IcRM V= V A V C E sat. to n RthJC ts tvj max Outline DC 1v| = tvi 2 5 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. u per arm 1 ms 25 °C, typ. A V us US us °c/w tv = = °c Dual modules

    OCR Scan
    00G1344 IGBT FF 300 eupec module igbt FF 150 R 1200 kf igbt IGBT FF 300 R 06 KF2 FF 50 R 12 kf igbt Eupec fz 1200 r 12 IGBT FF 300 R 12 KF2 IGBT module FZ 1200 eupec FZ 800 R 16 FF 25 R 1200 KF PDF

    FF 150 R 1200 kf igbt

    Abstract: IGBT FF 300 R 06 KF2 IGBT FF 300 FF 50 R 12 KF2 FZ 300 R 06 KL IGBT module FZ 1200 IGBT module FZ FF 75 R 1200 kl igbt FF 50 R 12 kf igbt Eupec fz 1200 r 12
    Text: EUPEC IGBT modules tlE D • 34D32T7 00G134M 4*11 « U P E C Fast modules Type VcES lc IcRM V= V A V C E sat. to n RthJC ts tvj max Outline DC 1v| = tvi 2 5 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. u per arm 1 ms 25 °C, typ. A V us US us °c/w tv = = °c Dual modules

    OCR Scan
    00G1344 FF 150 R 1200 kf igbt IGBT FF 300 R 06 KF2 IGBT FF 300 FF 50 R 12 KF2 FZ 300 R 06 KL IGBT module FZ 1200 IGBT module FZ FF 75 R 1200 kl igbt FF 50 R 12 kf igbt Eupec fz 1200 r 12 PDF

    IGBT FF 300

    Abstract: eupec FZ 50 A 12 KF FZ 75 eupec FZ 800 R 16 fz 69 eupec FS 25 R 12 KL eupec igbt 400 A FZ200 Eupec fz 1200 r 12 50/R005 FZ
    Text: IGBT modules EUPEC 3 4 0 3 2 e!? D0DG122 MTE D 071 • UPEC Fast modules Type VcES V ► ► FF FF FF FF FF 15 25 25 50 50 FF 75 FF 75 FF 100 FF 100 FF 150 FF 150 FF 200 FF 200 FF 300 FZ 200 FZ 300 FZ 300 FZ 400 FZ 400 R 12 R 06 R 12 R 06 R 12 KF KF KF KF

    OCR Scan
    D0DG122 IGBT FF 300 eupec FZ 50 A 12 KF FZ 75 eupec FZ 800 R 16 fz 69 eupec FS 25 R 12 KL eupec igbt 400 A FZ200 Eupec fz 1200 r 12 50/R005 FZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC IGBT modules b lE D • 34032^17 G00134S 32fl H U P E C Normal modules Type Vc e S IcRM lc A ^on ts tf R«hjc DC per arm tvj max = 25 °C, typ. tvj = 25 °C, typ. tvj V us US us °C/W °c 30 3 0,4 0,5 0,3 1 150 1 ms t,| = 25 °C, typ. A tp = V v C E sa t.

    OCR Scan
    G00134S PDF


    Abstract: Eupec fz 1200 r 12 fz 300 r 12 kf2 eupec module igbt FZ200
    Text: EUPEC IGBT m odules b lE 34032^7 0G01345 3Efl D IUPEC Normal modules Type VcES IcRM lc A Outline tv] = 25 ”C, typ. t«i = 25 °C, typ. tyj = 25 °C, typ. tv¡ A V US US us °C/W °c 150 59 25 °C, typ. 0,5 0,3 25 50 3 0,4 0,6 0,3 0,5 150 59 50 100 3 0,45

    OCR Scan

    igbt power module FS 25 R 12 KF2

    Abstract: Eupec fz 1200 r 12 FD100 FZ200
    Text: EUPEC IGBT modules b lE D • 34032^7 0G 01345 3Efl M U P E C Normal modules Type VcES IcRM lc A Outline tv] = 25 ”C, typ. t«i = 25 °C, typ. tyj = 25 °C , typ. tv¡ A V US US us °C/W °c 150 59 = 25 °C, typ. 0,5 0,3 25 50 3 0,4 0,6 0,3 0,5 150 59 50

    OCR Scan

    philips tubes

    Abstract: 2X40
    Text: PH ILIPS TB 2/200 TRIODE for uee as H.F. or L.F. amplifier or oscillator TRIODE pour utilisation comme amplificatrice H.F. ou B.F. ou oscillatrice TRIODE zur Verwendung als HF- oder NF-Verstärker oder Oszillator Filament : thoriated tungsten Filament : tungstène thorié

    OCR Scan
    200Vggp 7R50S96 175Vggp TB2/200 philips tubes 2X40 PDF

    FZ 77 1000

    Abstract: FZ 77 FZ 79 IGBT FZ 1200 IGBT FZ 1000 IGBT FZ 600 Discrete IGBTS IGBT module FZ 1200 kl 4 F15A12gf
    Text: EUPEC IGBT modules blE T> m 34032^7 D00134fa •UPEC Single pack m odules ISOTOP Type VcES V lc A IcHM v CEsat ton ts = t, RthJC DC per arm = tp = 1 ms t v i- tvi tv ,= tv, 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 °C, typ. A V US us us tvj max °C/W °c

    OCR Scan
    D00134fa FZ 77 1000 FZ 77 FZ 79 IGBT FZ 1200 IGBT FZ 1000 IGBT FZ 600 Discrete IGBTS IGBT module FZ 1200 kl 4 F15A12gf PDF

    IGBT FZ 1200

    Abstract: IGBT FZ 600 IGBT FZ 1000
    Text: IGBT modules Single pack modules ISOTOP Type VceS lc IcRM = A ton = ts t»| = t, R th J C tv i = DC per arm tvj max tv i- tv i 1 ms 25 “ C, typ. 25 °C, typ. 25 "C, typ. 2 5 °C, typ. A V us us |iS °c/w °C *p V v C E sa t. Outline FZ 15 A 10 KN 1000 15

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 000G24E
    Text: T FF 300 R 06 KL EUPEC 52E » R th J C Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values 600 V 300 A A R th C K V ces 000G 24E Thermische Eigenschaften Transistor Transistor 3 4 0 3 2 e] ? • AMO t p = 1ms 600 P to t

    OCR Scan
    34032e] 000G24E 34D32CI7 1BW TRANSISTOR PDF

    v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem 1300 2100

    Abstract: FM214-VS v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem dtmf dialer FM209-VSR modem circuit echo V.29 Short Train 75 ms "eye pattern generator"
    Text: ^ R o c t t m i e U Semiconductor Systems FM209 and FM214 9600/14400 bps MONOFAX Modem Family INTRODUCTION The Rockwell FM209 and FM214 MONOFAX® modem fam ily offers synchronous 9600 or 14400 bits per second bps half-duplex modems with error detection, voice and

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    FM209 FM214 128-pin MBH5/IC117S MD205 11D73 v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem 1300 2100 FM214-VS v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem dtmf dialer FM209-VSR modem circuit echo V.29 Short Train 75 ms "eye pattern generator" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2DI5OZ-12O 50a > \.— V POW ER T R A N S IST O R M ODULE : Features • ¡SW/ï High Voltage • 7 V —f r 'f !J > 9 9 -4 • A S O é '- jS ^ • ÎÊS lJfÎ KF*9i Including Free Wheeling Diode Excellent Safe Operating Area Insulated Type Applications

    OCR Scan
    2DI5OZ-12O 1995-9095t/R89 PDF

    Halbleiterbauelemente DDR

    Abstract: sy 170 diode sy-180 diode sy 171 10 diode sy-170 mikroelektronik DDR mikroelektronik Heft 12 VEB mikroelektronik SY 180 Applikation Information
    Text: m o ß ^ t s ie le l- c ia n o r ill- i Information Applikation INFORMATION A PPLIKA TIO N M IK R O E L E K T R O N IK Heft 16: L E IS T U N G S -E L E K T R O N IK II Bauelemente-Sortiment der DDR -Teil 1: Dioden- VEB GLEICHRICHTERWERK STAHNSDORF im VEB Kombinat Mikroelektronik

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