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    HA 1406 HA Search Results

    HA 1406 HA Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R5F51406ADFK#50 Renesas Electronics Corporation RX100 Series' First RXv2 Core 32-bit Microcontrollers with Third-Generation Touch IP for Even Lower Power Consumption Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F51406AGFM#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation RX100 Series' First RXv2 Core 32-bit Microcontrollers with Third-Generation Touch IP for Even Lower Power Consumption Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F51406AGNE#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation RX100 Series' First RXv2 Core 32-bit Microcontrollers with Third-Generation Touch IP for Even Lower Power Consumption Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F51406BDFK#50 Renesas Electronics Corporation RX100 Series' First RXv2 Core 32-bit Microcontrollers with Third-Generation Touch IP for Even Lower Power Consumption Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F51406BGFM#10 Renesas Electronics Corporation RX100 Series' First RXv2 Core 32-bit Microcontrollers with Third-Generation Touch IP for Even Lower Power Consumption Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    HA 1406 HA Price and Stock

    Glenair Inc 380BA002B1406HA

    Circular MIL Spec Backshells 26+ Pcs start 4 weeks
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    Mouser Electronics 380BA002B1406HA
    • 1 -
    • 10 $467.32
    • 100 $467.32
    • 1000 $467.32
    • 10000 $467.32
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    HA 1406 HA Datasheets Context Search

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    1n4148 equivalente

    Abstract: dell vostro radio trasmettitore circuito amplificatore antenna amplificatori microprocessori LTC1400 LTC1401 LTC1404 condensatori d3
    Text: LinearTechnologyChronicle A Showcase of Linear Technology’s Focus Products July 1998 Vol. 7 No. 7 Italian Edition Prodotti del mese Nuovi ADC in SO-8: per velocità e precisione sono i “migliori della classe” LTC 1401: 200 ksps con alimentazione a 3 V/LTC1404: 600 ksps con

    /LTC1404: LTC1401 LTC1404 LTC1401/LTC1404 LTC1562 1n4148 equivalente dell vostro radio trasmettitore circuito amplificatore antenna amplificatori microprocessori LTC1400 LTC1404 condensatori d3 PDF

    SN 8 p 2714 sb

    Abstract: c 1406 ha TRW POWER SN 4929 ha 1406 ha m940
    Text: SED1230 Series LCD DRIVER-CONTROLLER • DESCRIPTION The SED1230 Series are intelligent CMOS LCD controlier-drivers with the ability to display characters 5 x 7 and icons. The SED1230 Series communicates with a high-speed microprocessor such as the Intel

    OCR Scan
    SED1230 ch4964 either8080- 8080-Series SED123X 6800-Series SN 8 p 2714 sb c 1406 ha TRW POWER SN 4929 ha 1406 ha m940 PDF

    intel 4308

    Abstract: k 3918 regulator counter 4793 IMX135 4929 ha 1406 ha SEDI230 c 1406 ha
    Text: SEDI230 Series SED1230 Series LCD DRIVER-CONTROLLER • DESCRIPTION The SED1230 Series are intelligent C M O S LCD controller-drivers with the ability to display characters 5 x 7 and icons. The SED1230 Series communicates with a high-speed microprocessor such as the Intel

    OCR Scan
    SEDI230 SED1230 GDD33H7 either8080- 8080-Series 6800-Series intel 4308 k 3918 regulator counter 4793 IMX135 4929 ha 1406 ha c 1406 ha PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KSB1015 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR LOW FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER TO-22QF • Low C ollecto r E m itter Saturation Voltage • C om plem ent to KSD 1406 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS C haracteristic Sym bol Rating Unit C ollector Base Voltage V cbO - 60 V

    OCR Scan
    KSB1015 O-22QF PDF


    Abstract: PC638 PC6079 PC5671 PC160-1 PC44E PC9166 PC5303 C6650 PC9202
    Text: HA RR IS S E M I C O N D S E C T O R 27E » • M3 D2 27 1 Q 0 2 0 b 5 4 1 H H A S T -2 & -O I Power Transistor Chips Chip type No. VcEOtSUS V)m ln. Iceo (í¿A) max. — — — — — PC44E PC44H P C 4 5 E* P C 45H * PC 1482 66 33 -66 -33 60 PC2102 PC3439

    OCR Scan
    PC44E PC44H PC2102 PC3439 PC3442 PC3585 PC3879 PC4036* PC5038 PC5240 PC9203 PC638 PC6079 PC5671 PC160-1 PC9166 PC5303 C6650 PC9202 PDF

    3fx transistor

    Abstract: ha 1406 ha c 1406 ha
    Text: 19-1120; Rev0; 9/96 ± 1 5 k V ESD-Protected9 EM C-Com pliant, 230kbps, 3-Tx/3-R x R S -2 3 2 1C .Applications Telecommunications Modems Printers .Features ♦ Enhanced ESD Protection: ±15kV Human Body Model ±8kV IEC1000-4-2, Contact Discharge ±15kV IEC1000-4-2, Air-Gap Discharge

    OCR Scan
    230kbps MAX1406 RS-232 IEC1000-4-2 230kbps, 3fx transistor ha 1406 ha c 1406 ha PDF


    Abstract: K10-K13 dc buzzer MSI MS-3
    Text: 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTERS • INTRODUCTION The SMC62T3 single chip microcomputer features a 4-bit SMC6200A core CPU, 3072 words of ROM 12 bits per word , 640 words of RAM (4 bits per word), an LCD Driver/Controller, 11 input ports, 8 output ports, 4 I/O ports, a supply voltage detection function, a real time clock, a watchdog timer and telephone functions.

    OCR Scan
    SMC62T3 SMC6200A xlvdd K10-K13 dc buzzer MSI MS-3 PDF

    ha 1406 ha

    Abstract: ca301 epson
    Text: EPSON PF662-02 SMC62T3 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit DTMF/DP Generator High Quality Display LCD Driver I DESCRIPTION The SMC62T3 is a single-chip microcom puter made up of the 4-bit core CPU SMC6200A, ROM, RAM, LCD

    OCR Scan
    PF662-02 SMC62T3 SMC62T3 SMC6200A, 768kHz 579545MHz ha 1406 ha ca301 epson PDF

    transistor BC 153

    Abstract: transistor C719 TRANSISTOR C236 TRANSISTOR BC 141 transistor BC SERIES TRANSISTOR BC 140 transistor BC 153 a TRANSISTOR BC140 c236 transistor BC transistor series
    Text: ESC » m ö23SbQS 0Q043.04 2 « S I E G , NPN Silicon Transistors SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHÂF 3c 140 BC 141 BC 140 and BC 141 are epitaxial NPN silicon transistors in TO 39 case 5 C 3 OIN 41873 . The collector is electrically connected to the case. The transistors are intended for use in AF

    OCR Scan
    23SbQS 0Q043 60203-X 60203-X140-V6 60203-X140-P 140/BC160 62702-C228-S2 62702-C719 transistor BC 153 transistor C719 TRANSISTOR C236 TRANSISTOR BC 141 transistor BC SERIES TRANSISTOR BC 140 transistor BC 153 a TRANSISTOR BC140 c236 transistor BC transistor series PDF


    Abstract: SED1560 D1560 LCD AL 1706
    Text: PF670-04 EPSON SEDI 560 Series Dot Matrix LCD Controller Driver • Ultra Low Power Consumption • Built-in Power Supply Circuit for LCD • 167 Driver Output • DESCRIPTION The SED 1560 series is a single-chip LCD driver for dot-matrix liquid crystal displays. It accepts serial or 8-bit

    OCR Scan
    PF670-04 65-bit SED1560 102-pixel 16-pixel 134-pixel 150-pixel SED1560s SED1561 PF670 D1560 LCD AL 1706 PDF


    Abstract: FA12RX SAE-AMS-2700 type 6 C17300 ZZ-R-765 408-4913 SAE-AMS-2700

    OCR Scan
    ASTM-A484 ASTM-A582, ASTM-D-488 SAE-AMS-2700 ASTM-D-1457 C17300, ZZ-R-765, FA12RX SAE-AMS-2700 type 6 C17300 ZZ-R-765 408-4913 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r u n m TECHNOLOGY FCRTURCS _ LTC1406 Low Power, 8-Bit, 20Msps, Sampling A/D Converter DCSCRIPTIOn • Low Power, 8-Bit, 20Msps ADC ■ 250MHz Internal Sample-and-Hold ■ 7 Effective Bits at 70MHz Input Frequency ■ ±1LSB DNL and INL Max

    OCR Scan
    LTC1406 20Msps, 20Msps 250MHz 70MHz 150mW 24-Pin h1446L PDF


    Abstract: IC-1406 PA64H 81RK J226 c 1406 ha
    Text: NEC DIODE A RRAY ¿¿PA64H ELECTRON DEVICE HIG H SPEED S W IT C H IN G S IL IC O N E P IT A X IA L DIO DE A R R A Y DESCRIPTION The ¿xPA64H is a com m on anode m o n o lith ic array o f six high speed sw itch in g diodes. FEATURES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters

    OCR Scan
    uPA64H xPA64H UPA64H IC-1406 PA64H 81RK J226 c 1406 ha PDF

    C315 32.768 KHz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fpqon _E0C62T3 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer \ • C o re C P U A rc h ite c tu re • SVD Circuit • D T M F /D P G e n e ra to r • H igh Q u a lity D isp la y LC D D rive r I D E S C R IP T IO N The E0C62T3 is a single-chip microcomputer made up of the 4-bit core CPU E0C6200A, ROM, RAM, LCD

    OCR Scan
    E0C62T3 E0C62T3 E0C6200A, 768kHz 579545MHz C62T3 768kH 579545M C315 32.768 KHz PDF

    c 1406 ha

    Abstract: ha 1406 ha IRLIZ24G
    Text: PD-9.847 International i& R Rectifier IRLIZ24G HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • Isolated Package High Voltage lsolation= 2.5KVRMS Sink to Lead Creepage Dist.= 4.8mm Logic-Level Gate Drive • RDS on Specified at Vgs=4V & 5V • Fast Switching • Ease of Paralleling

    OCR Scan
    IRLIZ24G O-220 c 1406 ha ha 1406 ha IRLIZ24G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA P roduct Preview Low Voltage 1:15 Differential ECL/PECL Clock Driver The MC100LVE222 is a low voltage, low skew 1:15 differential ECL fanout buffer designed with clock distribution in mind. The device features fully differential clock paths to minimize both device and system skew.

    OCR Scan
    MC100LVE222 LVE222 MC100LVfined DL140 b3b7252 t1nc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPSON PF670-04 SEDI 560 Series Dot Matrix LCD Controller Driver • Ultra Low Power Consumption • Built-in Power Supply Circuit for LCD • 167 Driver Output • DESCRIPTION The SED1560 series is a single-chip LCD driver for dot-matrix liquid crystal displays. It accepts serial or 8-bit

    OCR Scan
    PF670-04 SED1560 65-bit 102-pixel 16-pixel 134-pixel 16-pixel 150-pixel SED1560s PDF

    DAC IC 1408

    Abstract: SAA7350 tda1547 ha 1406 ha specifications of ic 1408 TDA1547 equivalent DVP player circuit diagram 1S37 00S15 nte 1414
    Text: preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Dual top-performance bitstream DAC TDA1547 FEATURES • Top-grade audio performance - very low harmonic distortion - high signal-to-noise ratio - wide dynamic range of approximately 108 dB not A-weighted • High crosstalk immunity

    OCR Scan
    TDA1547 TDA1547 0DA15M2 DAC IC 1408 SAA7350 ha 1406 ha specifications of ic 1408 TDA1547 equivalent DVP player circuit diagram 1S37 00S15 nte 1414 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Voltage 2:8 Differential Fanout Buffer ECL/PECL Compatible MC100LVE310 MC100E310 The MC100LVE310 is a low voltage, low skew 2:8 differential ECL fanout buffer designed with clock distribution in mind. The device features

    OCR Scan
    MC100LVE310 MC100E310 MC100LVE310 LVE310 MC100E310 BR1333 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA P roduct Preview Low Voltage Dual 1 ¡4, 1:5 Differential Fanout Buffer MC100LVE210 M C100E210 ECL/PECL Compatible The MC100LVE210 is a low voltage, low skew dual differential ECL fanout buffer designed with clock distribution in mind. The device features

    OCR Scan
    MC100LVE210 C100E210 MC100LVE210 LVE111â LVE210 DL140 b3b7252 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low V oltage Dual 1:4, 1:5 D ifferential Fanout Buffer M C100LVE210 M C 100E210 ECL/PECL Compatible The MC100LVE210 is a low voltage, low skew dual differential ECL fanout buffer designed with clock distribution in mind. The device features

    OCR Scan
    C100LVE210 100E210 MC100LVE210 LVE111 DL140/D) BR1333 PDF

    pin diagram of ka 3525

    Abstract: mc4344 PHASE LEAD LAG DETECTOR IC c4044
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Phase-Frequency Detector MC12040 The MC12040 is a phase-frequency detector intended for use in system s requiring zero phase and frequency difference at lock. In com bination with a voltage controlled oscillator such as the MC1648,

    OCR Scan
    MC12040 MC1648, MC12147, MC12148 MC12149) MC4044. MC4344/4044 MC12040 BR1334 pin diagram of ka 3525 mc4344 PHASE LEAD LAG DETECTOR IC c4044 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low -Voltage 1:9 D ifferential ECL/PECL Clock Driver The MC100LVE111 is a low ske w 1-to-9 differential driver, designed w ith clock d istribution in mind. The M C 100LVE111’s function and p erform ance are sim ilar to th e popular M C 100E111, w ith the added

    OCR Scan
    MC100LVE111 100LVE111 100E111, 200ps DL140/D) BR1333 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O T O R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA P roduct Preview Low Voltage 2:8 Differential Fanout Buffer MC100LVE310 M C100E310 ECL/PECL Com patible The M C100LVE310 Is a low voltage, low skew 2:8 differential ECL fanout buffer designed with clock distribution in mind. The device features fully

    OCR Scan
    MC100LVE310 C100E310 C100LVE310 LVE310 100E310 100LVE310 DL140 L3h7252 PDF