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    I4BFI5711 Search Results

    I4BFI5711 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Q002 BC846 BC850 BC856 BC856A BC856AR BC857 BC858 BC859
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL 5ÜE ] • i4bfi5711 ÜQDBS^Lf bTO H I H n -2 .q -is BC856 . . . BC860 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor fo r sw itching and AF am plifier applications. i — i— n -n b - Especially suited for automatic insertion in thick- and thin-film

    OCR Scan
    BC856 BC860 BC856 BC857, BC858, BC859 BC860 BC846 Q002 BC846 BC850 BC856A BC856AR BC857 BC858 PDF