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    IC 339C Search Results

    IC 339C Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL2T125FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL2T126FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), USV, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IC 339C Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PC339C pc177c nec UPC177 PC339G2 NEC PC177C nec pc177 PC177 PC177G2 *PC339C
    Text: データ・シート バイポーラ・アナログ集積回路 Bipolar Analog Integrated Circuit µPC177,339 単電源クワッド・コンパレータ PC177, 339は,単電源動作用として開発されたコンパレータで,低電圧動作,V−(GND)レベルからの同相入力

    PC177 PC177, 39V-GND PC177PC339 PC277, PC177C 14DIP7 mm300 PC177C5 PC177G2 PC177C PC339C pc177c nec UPC177 PC339G2 NEC PC177C nec pc177 PC177G2 *PC339C PDF


    Abstract: uPC339 upc339c NEC upc339 339g C10535E PC339 PC339G2 *PC339C ic 339c
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC339 LOW POWER QUAD COMPARATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The µPC339 is a quad comparator which is designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range • Common-mode input voltage range includes V–

    PC339 PC339 PC339C, pc339c uPC339 upc339c NEC upc339 339g C10535E PC339G2 *PC339C ic 339c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TE X AS I NS TRUM E NTS - P RO DUCTION D ATA Tiva TM4C1231H6PM Microcontroller D ATA SHE E T D S -T M 4C 1231 H6 P M - 1 5 5 5 3 . 2 7 0 0 S P M S 339C C o p yri g h t 2 0 07-2013 Te xa s In stru me n ts In co rporated Copyright Copyright © 2007-2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated. Tiva and TivaWare are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ARM and Thumb are

    TM4C1231H6PM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TE X AS I NS TRUM E NTS - P RO DUCTION D ATA Tiva TM4C1231H6PM Microcontroller D ATA SHE E T D S -T M 4C 1231 H6 P M - 1 5 5 5 3 . 2 7 0 0 S P M S 339C C o p yri g h t 2 0 07-2013 Te xa s In stru me n ts In co rporated Copyright Copyright © 2007-2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated. Tiva and TivaWare are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ARM and Thumb are

    TM4C1231H6PM PDF

    pc177c nec

    Abstract: PC177C NEC PC177C PC339C upc177 av 339 PC339G2 PC277 PC177 PC339
    Text: お客様各位 カタログ等資料中の旧社名の扱いについて 2010 年 4 月 1 日を以って NEC エレクトロニクス株式会社及び株式会社ルネサステクノロジ が合併し両社の全ての事業が当社に承継されております。従いまして、本資料中には旧社

    PC177 PC177, 39V-GND PC177PC339 PC277, PC177C 14DIP7 mm300 PC177C5 PC177G2 pc177c nec PC177C NEC PC177C PC339C upc177 av 339 PC339G2 PC277 PC339 PDF


    Abstract: upc339c uPC339 upc339g PC339 PC339G2 339g
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC339 LOW POWER QUAD COMPARATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The µPC339 is a quad comparator which is designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range • Common-mode input voltage range includes V–

    PC339 PC339 PC339C, pc339c upc339c uPC339 upc339g PC339G2 339g PDF


    Abstract: uPC339C PC339 PC339G2 *c339g 339g
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: 303F U631H256 ZMD AG
    Text: Advanced Information U631H256xSM Customized Product SoftStore 32K x 8 nvSRAM Features Description F High-performance CMOS non- The U631H256SM has two separate modes of operation: SRAM mode and nonvolatile mode. In SRAM mode, the memory operates as an ordinary static RAM. In nonvolatile operation, data is transferred in parallel from SRAM to

    U631H256xSM U631H256SM D-01109 D-01101 303F U631H256 ZMD AG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U631H256xSM SoftStore 32K x 8 nvSRAM Features Description F High-performance CMOS non- The U631H256SM has two separate modes of operation: SRAM mode and nonvolatile mode. In SRAM mode, the memory operates as an ordinary static RAM. In nonvolatile operation, data is transferred in parallel from SRAM to

    U631H256xSM U631H256SM D-01109 D-01101 PDF


    Abstract: PDIP28 U631H256 H2535
    Text: U631H256 SoftStore 32K x 8 nvSRAM Features Description F High-performance CMOS nonvolatile static RAM 32768 x 8 bits F 25, 35 and 45 ns Access Times F 10, 15 and 20 ns Output Enable Access Times F Software STORE Initiation F Automatic STORE Timing F 10 STORE cycles to EEPROM

    U631H256 M3015 PDIP28 D-01109 D-01101 303F PDIP28 U631H256 H2535 PDF


    Abstract: TSOP32
    Text: UL631H256 Advanced Information Low Voltage SoftStore 32K x 8 nvSRAM Features Description F High-p erformance CMOS nonvolatile static RAM 32768 x 8 bits F 45 and 55 ns Access Times F 20 and 25 ns Output Enable Access Times F Software STORE Initiation F Automatic STORE Timing

    UL631H256 M3015 D-01109 D-01101 303F TSOP32 PDF

    diode 6a4

    Abstract: U631H256SM 303F
    Text: U631H256xSM Advanced Information SoftStore 32K x 8 nvSRAM Customized Product Features Description F High-performance CMOS nonvolatile static RAM 32768 x 8 bits F 35 ns Access Time F 15 ns Output Enable Access Time F Software STORE Initiation F Automatic STORE Timing

    U631H256xSM M3015 D-01109 D-01101 diode 6a4 U631H256SM 303F PDF


    Abstract: PDIP28 U631H256
    Text: U631H256 SoftStore 32K x 8 nvSRAM Features Description F High-performance CMOS nonvolatile static RAM 32768 x 8 bits F 25, 35 and 45 ns Access Times F 10, 15 and 20 ns Output Enable Access Times F Software STORE Initiation F Automatic STORE Timing F 10 STORE cycles to EEPROM

    U631H256 M3015 PDIP28 D-01109 D-01101 303F PDIP28 U631H256 PDF

    13003 HJ

    Abstract: H1L-STO-883 HJ 13003 eb 13003 13003 sd SR 13003 CA 339G chanies diagram DF 13003 JD 1801
    Text: M IL-M -38510/339C 2 September 1986 jf f F r ir s w r f f G ’-M IL-M -38510/339B I S Novem ber 1935 M IL IT A R Y S P E C IF IC A T IO N M IC R O C IR C U IT S , D IG IT A L , B IP O L A R , ADVANCED SCHOTTKY TTL OATA S E L E C T O R S / M U L T IP L E X E R S WITH TH REE-STA TE O U TPU TS,

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/339C MIL-M-38510/339B MIL-M-38510, 13003 HJ H1L-STO-883 HJ 13003 eb 13003 13003 sd SR 13003 CA 339G chanies diagram DF 13003 JD 1801 PDF


    Abstract: 7109 adc ADC 7109 747 op amp 1000X 334C AM-7600C AM-7600M AM-7600R 7601
    Text: OMnML *1! M o d els A M -7 6 0 0 , A M -7 6 0 1 C o m m u ta tin g A u to -Z e ro C A Z O p e ratio n al A m p lifie r FEA TU RES • Exceptionally low input offset voltage — 2 f i V G ENER AL D E S C R IP T IO N T he A M -7600/A M -7601 c o m m u ta tin g a u to -ze ro (C A Z ) o p e r­

    OCR Scan
    AM-7600, AM-7601 AM-7600/AM-7601 AM-7600 AM-7601. OUU/AM-7601 ADC-7109 7109 adc ADC 7109 747 op amp 1000X 334C AM-7600C AM-7600M AM-7600R 7601 PDF


    Abstract: riaa eq current booster schematic schematic diagram UPS ica
    Text: Operational Amplifiers INTRODUCTION THE PRACTICAL AMPLIFIER Th e o p e ra tio n a l a m p lifie r was firs t in tro ­ du ced in the e a rly 1940’s. P rim a ry usage o f these vacu um tu b e fo re ru n n e rs o f the ideal ga in b lo c k w as in c o m p u ta tio n a l c irc u its .

    OCR Scan
    jA741 NE538 riaa eq current booster schematic schematic diagram UPS ica PDF


    Abstract: 10E2 20E1 20E2 AHCT16541 SN54AHCT16541 SN74AHCT16541
    Text: SN54AHCT16541, SN74AHCT16541 16-BIT BUFFERS/DRIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SC LS339C - M ARCH 1 996 - R EVISED JU N E 1997 Members of the Texas Instruments Widebus Family Inputs Are TTL-Voltage Compatible EPIC™ Enhanced-Performance Implanted CMOS Process

    OCR Scan
    SN54AHCT16541, SN74AHCT16541 16-BIT SCLS339C 300-mil 380-mil 25-mil AHCT16541 10E1 10E2 20E1 20E2 SN54AHCT16541 PDF


    Abstract: uA3302 MA3302 A339 M3302 M339 jA339 A339PC MA2901 PA239
    Text: F A I R C H juA 139 • mA239 • /¿A339 MA2901 /uA3302 Quad Comparators I L D A Schlum berger C om pany J-jnear_D ivision C omparators Description Connection Diagram 14-Lead DIP and SO-14 Package Top View The mA 139 series consists o f four independent precision

    OCR Scan
    mA239 juA339 MA2901 /uA3302 iA139 mA139 acA239 JUA2901 aiA3302 ni43Dn uA139 uA3302 MA3302 A339 M3302 M339 jA339 A339PC MA2901 PA239 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLC339M, TLC339I, TLC339C QUADRUPLE MICROPOWER LinCMOS COMPARATORS D3135, DECEMBER 1986-R EV ISED FEBRUARY 1989 • Very Low Power. . . 200 jjiW Typ at 5 V T LC 339M . . . J PACKAGE TLC339I. TLC339C . . . D. J, OR N PACKAGE • Fast Response Time . . . 2.5 |xs Typ with

    OCR Scan
    TLC339M, TLC339I, TLC339C D3135, 1986-R TLC339M TLC339I TLC339C TLC339 LM339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U 63 5 H 2 5 6 SOFTWARE NONVOLATILE RECALL HARDWARE PROTECT A RECALL cycle of the EEPROM data into the SRAM is initiated with a sequence of READ operations in a manner similar to the STORE initiation. To initiate the RECALL cycle the following sequence of READ opera­

    OCR Scan
    U635H256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U 63 1 H 2 5 6 A v a i l a b l e in Q1 /97 Software Controlled 32Kx 8 nvSRAM Features Description □ High-performance CMOS non­ volatile static RAM 32768 x 8 bits □ 25, 35 and 45 ns Access Times □ 1 0 ,15 and 20 ns G-Access □ Software STORE Initiation

    OCR Scan
    M3015 PDIP28 U631H256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLC139, TLC339, TLC339Q LinCMOS MICROPOWER QUAD COMPARATORS SLCS119 - D3135, DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED JANUARY 1991 • Very Low Pow er. . . 200 nW Typ at 5 V D, J OR N PACKAGE TOP VIEW • Fast Response T im e. . . 2.5 us Typ With 5-mV Overdrive 10UT [ 1

    OCR Scan
    TLC139, TLC339, TLC339Q SLCS119 D3135, TLC139M TLC339M TLC339C TLC339I. TLC139/TLC339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U 63 4 H 2 5 6 PowerStore A v a i l a b l e in Q 1 / 9 7 Features □ High-performance CMOS non­ volatile static RAM 32768 x 8 bits □ 25, 35 and 45 ns Access Times □ 1 0 ,1 5 and 20 ns Output Enable Access Times □ Iqq=20 mA at 200 ns Cycle Time □ Automatic STORE to EEPROM

    OCR Scan
    M3015 PDF

    philips 2222 630 34399

    Abstract: CAPACITORS color code 2222 10339 RH1034-1.2 2222 681 10121 70471 Philips 2222 681 10101 2222 680 10479 09222 R330G
    Text: Ceramic Capacitors Series R 50VDC and 100VDC, 500VDC Temperature Compensating and General Purpose Ceramic Plate Capacitors Description: Param eters • S e r ie s R S in g le P la te Capacitance: C a p a c it o r s a r e r a d ia l le a d e d , c o n f o r m a l

    OCR Scan
    50VDC 100VDC, 500VDC 022/zF, 100pF philips 2222 630 34399 CAPACITORS color code 2222 10339 RH1034-1.2 2222 681 10121 70471 Philips 2222 681 10101 2222 680 10479 09222 R330G PDF