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    IC CMOS 4075 Search Results

    IC CMOS 4075 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74VHCT541AFT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHC541FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC74HC14AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC14D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC04D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IC CMOS 4075 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: "Inverter Gates" HCT245A hc74a 14 pin ic 4027 hc08a AC126 CMOS 4584 HC138A hc157a
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2009 年 7 月版 汎用ロジック IC CMOS ロジック IC CMOS ロジック IC 低電圧 CMOS ロジック IC (超小型 US パッケージ) 2 電源レベルシフタ CMOS バススイッチ IC 特定用途向けロジック

    SCJ0004O 74VHC, TC74AC/ACTxxx TC74VHC/VHCTxxx ACT00, ACT02 ACT08, ACT32 VHC00, VHCT00A, LCX16244 "Inverter Gates" HCT245A hc74a 14 pin ic 4027 hc08a AC126 CMOS 4584 HC138A hc157a PDF


    Abstract: vhc9541 VHCT9273 TC7LX1102 VHC9273 vhc*t08a TC7LX1104 vhc165 L3125C VCXHR162245
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2010 年 1 月版 汎用ロジック IC CMOS ロジック IC CMOS ロジック IC 低電圧 CMOS ロジック IC (超小型 US パッケージ) 2 電源レベルシフタ CMOS バススイッチ IC 特定用途向けロジック

    SCJ0004O 74VHC, TC74AC/ACTxxx TC74VHC/VHCTxxx ACT00, ACT02 ACT08, ACT32 VHC00, VHCT00A, L3257C vhc9541 VHCT9273 TC7LX1102 VHC9273 vhc*t08a TC7LX1104 vhc165 L3125C VCXHR162245 PDF


    Abstract: VHC9164 TC7PZ17FU TC7WZ07FK HCT688A VHCV17 TC7LX1108 14 pin ic 4027 TC 9164 N VHCV244
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2011 年 1 月版 汎用ロジック IC CMOS ロジック IC CMOS ロジック IC 低電圧 CMOS ロジック IC (超小型 US パッケージ) 2 電源レベルシフタ CMOS バススイッチ IC 特定用途向けロジック

    SCJ0004R 74VHC, TC74AC/ACTxxx ACT00, TC74VHC/VHCT/VHCVxxx ACT02 ACT08, ACT32 VHC00, VHCT00A, VHCV541 VHC9164 TC7PZ17FU TC7WZ07FK HCT688A VHCV17 TC7LX1108 14 pin ic 4027 TC 9164 N VHCV244 PDF

    stv 4325

    Abstract: stv 312 IC 4025 pin diagram 603pin dummy load 312 291 DATASHEET 4425 ic ci 404 PD16707 ci 4040
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µ PD16707 263/256-OUTPUT TFT-LCD GATE DRIVER DESCRIPTION The µ PD16707 is a TFT-LCD gate driver equipped with 263/256-output lines. It can output a high-gate scanning voltage in response to CMOS level input because it provided with a level-shift circuit inside the IC circuit. It can also drive the

    PD16707 263/256-OUTPUT PD16707 stv 4325 stv 312 IC 4025 pin diagram 603pin dummy load 312 291 DATASHEET 4425 ic ci 404 ci 4040 PDF

    internal structure of ic 4017

    Abstract: 4518 CI increase the output of Ic 4017 4511 e 4518 CI
    Text: 7. COMMON ELECT RICAL CHARACTERISTICS 7 -1 Pow er Dissipation The power dissipation of CMOS device is com posed of two com ponents: one static, the other dynam ic. The total power dissipation is the sum of static and dynam ic power dissipation. Static power dissipation is obtained by m ultiplying quiescent supply current by the supply voltage

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC4075P/FP/DP T R IP L E 3 -IN P U T OR GATE DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 4075 is a sem iconductor integrated c irc u it con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of three 3-in put po sitive -lo g ic OR gates, usable as n e g a tive -lo g ic AN D gates.

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    M74HC4075P/FP/DP 74LSTTL PDF


    Abstract: hc81
    Text: 7. COMMON E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S 7-1 Powtr Dissipation T h e pow er d issip a tio n of CMOS device is com posed of tw o com ponents: one s ta tic , the o th e r d y n am ic. T h e to ta l pow er d issip a tio n is the B u m of sta tic a n d d y n a m ic pow er d issip atio n .

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    HC-90 HC-88 hc81 PDF

    4500B AA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7. COMMON ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 7 -1 P o w e r D is s ip a tio n The power dissipation of CMOS device is com posed of two components: one static, the other dynam ic. The total power dissipation is the sum of static and d yn am ic power dissipation. Static power dissipation is obtained by m ultiplyin g quiescent supply current by the supply voltage

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS CD 4071B , C D 4072B , C D 4075B Types CMOS OR Gates Features: • M edium -Speed O peration-tp|_j-|, tp H L “ 6 0 ns ty p . a t V q q = 1 0 V High-Voltage Types (2 0 -V o lt Rating) C D 4 0 7 1B C D 4 0 7 2B C D 4 0 7 5B Quad Dual Triple 2-In p u t

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    4071B 4072B 4075B D4071B. CD4072B. CD4075B. PDF

    ic CD4071

    Abstract: cd4071b D4071BC
    Text: ^ Tex a s In s t r u m e n t s C D 4071B , C D4072B , C D 4075B Types Data sheet acquired from Harris Semiconductor SCHS056 CMOS OR Gates F ea tures: VD0 High-Voltage Types 20-Volt Rating • Medium-Speed O peration-tpL |_|, tp H L = 60 ns jty p .) at V DD = 10 V

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    SCHS056 4071B D4072B 4075B V00MV, D4071B 04072B CD407SB. ic CD4071 cd4071b D4071BC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 74H C 4075 Triple 3 -ln p u t OR G ate High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS The MC74HC4075 is identical in pinout to the MC14075B. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LSTTL outputs.

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    MC74HC4075 MC14075B. C74HC4075/D MC74HC4075/D PDF

    ic CD4071

    Abstract: mas 6 rca 15-V CD4071 CD4071B CD4072 CD4072B CD4075 CD4075B
    Text: CD4071B, C D 4072B , C D 4075B Types CMOS OR Gates Features: • High-Voltage Types 20-Volt Rating CD4071B CD4072B CD4075B Quad 2-Input Dual 4-Input Triple 3-Input OR OR OR Medium-Speed O p eration -tpm , tp | 4|_ • 60 ns (typ.) at V q q = 10 V ■ 100% tasted for quiescent current at 20 V

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    CD4071B, CD4072B, CD4075B 20-Volt CD4071B CD4072B RCA-CD4071B, ic CD4071 mas 6 rca 15-V CD4071 CD4072 CD4075 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4071B 4072B 4075B INTERNATIONAL, INC CMOS OR GATES 4071B - Quad 2-Input O R 4072B - Dual 4-Input O R 4075B • Triple 3-Input OR CONNECTION D IA G R A M S all packages FEATURES 4 4 4 V DD 48 I | Buffered Outputs Diode Protection on ail Inputs Fully “B"-Series Compatible

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    4071B 4072B 4075B 4071B 4072B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4075B TRIPLE 3-INPUT OR GATE D E S C R IP TIO N — This CMOS logic elem ent provides th e positive T rip le 3 -In p u t im m u n ity and pa tte rn in se n s itiv ity o f o u tp u t impedance. ^ ir tp u ts are f u lly buffe re d fo f< r highest noise LO GIC A N D C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M

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    4075B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4071B 4072B 4075B INTERNATIONAL, INC CMOS OR GATES 4071B - Quad 2-Input OR 4072B - Dual 4-Input OR 4075B - Triple 3-Input OR CONNECTION DIAGRAMS all packages FEATURES 4 ♦ ♦ Buffered Outputs Diode Protection on all Inputs Fully "B"-Series Compatible TRUTH TABLE

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    4071B 4072B 4075B 4071B 4072B 4075B 4000B PDF


    Abstract: bd 302 transistor cmos 4072 4071B 4075B 4072 quad 4 input or gate 4071 pin diagram HCF 301 4075B-TRIPLE
    Text: COS/MOS INTFRRATFH CIRCUITS y,o 7 I Tò * À-ro ^ -4 ° 7 ^ - 4 0 75 " ^HCC/HCF 4071B HCC/HCF 4072B HCC/HCF 4075B 3 P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A 4 0 7 1 B - Q U A D 2-IIMPUT OR G A T E 4 0 72B - Q U A D 4 -IN P U T OR G A T E 4 0 7 5 B - T R IP L E 3 -IN P U T OR G A T E

    OCR Scan
    4071B 4072B 4075B 4071B 4072B 4075B-TRIPLE 4071B/4072B bd 302 transistor cmos 4072 4075B 4072 quad 4 input or gate 4071 pin diagram HCF 301 PDF


    Abstract: APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC bit-slice TGC119 TGC100 IPF 830 RC02X ci 7432 ttl DTN20 tsg 271
    Text: TGC100 Series 1-|im CMOS Gate Arrays RELEASE 4.0. REVISED SEPTEMBER 1991 14 Arrays with up to 26K Available Gates C E LL C O LU M N Fast Prototype Turnaround Time W IR IN G C H A N N E L Extensive Design Support -Design Libraries Compatible With Valid,u and Mentor CAE Systems

    OCR Scan
    TGC100 16-mA Slnk/12-mA 0221l APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC bit-slice TGC119 IPF 830 RC02X ci 7432 ttl DTN20 tsg 271 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C O S /M O S EEGRATED CIRCUITS A 0 7 1 15 4 oV b UMCC/HCF 4071B 8 K S PRELIMINARY DATA 4071B - QUAD 2-IIMPUT OR GATE 4072B - QUAD 4-INPUT OR GATE 4075B - TRIPLE 3-INPUT OR GATE • • • • • • M ED IU M -S PEE D O PE R ATIO N t PLH, tp H L= 60 ns. TYP. A T V DD= 10V

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    4071B 4071B 4072B 4075B /4072B 4075B PDF

    transistor c103m

    Abstract: C103M c105m W41l c105m TRANSISTOR c103m TRANSISTOR C103M equivalent 54175 4013 bt CMOS Sc 54155
    Text: TGC100M MILITARY SERIES 1/im CMOS GATE ARRAYS Release 2.0, APRIL 1989 Fully Characterized for Military Applications — Product Fully Compliant with the Requirements of M IL-STD-883 Paragraph 1.2.1 Is Available — Production Processing Is in Accordance with the General Requirements of

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    TGC100M IL-STD-883 IL-M-38510 T0010LJ LH110LJ transistor c103m C103M c105m W41l c105m TRANSISTOR c103m TRANSISTOR C103M equivalent 54175 4013 bt CMOS Sc 54155 PDF

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

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    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF


    Abstract: 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501
    Text: FAIRMONT ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. TE L.48-6421 4 8 -6 4 8 1 /2 /4 C AB LES ' FAIRTRONICS' C R A IG H A L L T E L E X 8-3227 S A . P O .BOX 41102, C R A IG H A LL 2024. I ouani v-ox 39! 262Bramley 2018 FAIRCHILD 464 Ellis Street, M ountain View, C alifornia 94042

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    262Bramley orporation/464 962-5011/TWX 19-PIN 100414DC 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501 PDF

    hall marking code A04

    Abstract: M143206EVK differences uc3842a uc3842b toshiba satellite laptop battery pinout 2N3773 audio amplifier diagram toshiba laptop battery pack pinout BC413 motorola transistor sj 5812 M68HC705X16 ABB inverter motor fault code
    Text: Introduction Advanced Digital r i Consumer Products L-l Microcomputer Components [2 Logic: Standard, Special p , and Programmable I-5* Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits Semiconductor r= Components Group L5 Product Literature and r~ Technical Training L”

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    2PHX14226-31 hall marking code A04 M143206EVK differences uc3842a uc3842b toshiba satellite laptop battery pinout 2N3773 audio amplifier diagram toshiba laptop battery pack pinout BC413 motorola transistor sj 5812 M68HC705X16 ABB inverter motor fault code PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - TC74HC4075AP/AF T R I P L E 3 - I N P U T OR GA TE The TC74HC4075A is a high speed CMOS 3 -IN P U T OR G A T E fabricated with silicon gate C-MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ilar to equivalent L S T T L while m aintaining the CMOS low power

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    TC74HC4075AP/AF TC74HC4075A PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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