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    MC SINE WAVE Search Results

    MC SINE WAVE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC78B011FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=30/Square, Sine Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CDC3S04YFFR Texas Instruments Quad Sine-Wave Clock Buffer with LDO 20-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CDC3RL02YFPR Texas Instruments Dual-Channel Square/Sine-to-Square Wave Clock Buffer 8-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CDC3RL02BYFPR Texas Instruments Dual-Channel Square/Sine-to-Square Wave Clock Buffer 8-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TB67B001BFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    MC SINE WAVE Datasheets Context Search

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    300a 1000v thyristor

    Abstract: mc5001 D-68623 1800 IXYS mc 1732 IXYS M2000-200 thyristor
    Text: IXYS Dual Thyristor Module Types MC#500-12io1 to MC#500-18io1 IXYS Date:- 5 Jan, 2004 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 Dual Thyristor Module Types MC#500-12io1 to MC#500-18io1 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1

    500-12io1 500-18io1 500-18io1 300a 1000v thyristor mc5001 D-68623 1800 IXYS mc 1732 IXYS M2000-200 thyristor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION AMPLIFIER MODULE AMS1000-2600 FEATURE LIST •           2x500W into 2Ω @ 1% THD. 900W BTL into 4Ω @ 1% THD. Patented AMS Adaptive Modulation Servo amplifier technology. Almost flat THD versus frequency plot.

    AMS1000-2600 2x500W 115dB AMS1000 SE-163 PDF

    MOTOROLA 421-6

    Abstract: TRANSMITTER motorola mc dual modulus prescaler divide by 10
    Text: MC12054A 2.0 GHz Super Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12054A is a super low power dual modulus prescaler used in phase-locked loop applications. Motorola’s advanced Bipolar MOSAIC V technology is utilized to achieve low power dissipation of 5.4 mW at a

    MC12054A MC145XXX MC12054A) MOTOROLA 421-6 TRANSMITTER motorola mc dual modulus prescaler divide by 10 PDF


    Abstract: Symbol MC 1000 TRANSMITTER motorola mc MC12052AD
    Text: MC12052A 1.1 GHz Super Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12052A is a super low power dual modulus prescaler used in phase–locked loop applications. Motorola’s advanced Bipolar MOSAIC V technology is utilized to achieve low power dissipation of 2.7 mW at a

    MC12052A MC145XXX MC12052A MC12022 Symbol MC 1000 TRANSMITTER motorola mc MC12052AD PDF

    TRANSMITTER motorola mc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC12038A 1.1 GHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12038A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1 GHz in programmable frequency

    MC12038A MC145XXX MC12038A TRANSMITTER motorola mc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA 1.1 GHz Low Voltage Dual Modulus P rescaler MECL PLL COMPONENTS 1.1 GHz -i-64/65, -r 128/129 LOW VOLTAGE DUAL M ODULUS PRESCALER The MC12022TVA can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145XXX.

    OCR Scan
    MC12022TVA MC145XXX. -i-64/ 12022TV MC12022TVA) 1000pf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12058 is a low power +126/128, +254/256 dual modulus prescaler. Motorola's advanced Bipolar MOSAIC V technology is utilized to achieve low power dissipation of 3.0mW at a minimum supply

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    MC12058 250jiA bee012 1000pF BR1334 MC12058 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Dual Modulus Prescaler MC12028A MC12028B The MC12028A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1,1GHz in programmable

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    MC12028A MC145XXX MC12028B MC12028l BR1334 MC12028B 10OOpF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2.0GHz Dual Modulus P rescaler M C I 2032A MC12032B The M C12032A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as M otorola's M C145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 2.0GH z in program m able

    OCR Scan
    C12032A C145XXX MC12032B MC12032B 1000pF BR1334 MC12032A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2.0G H z Dual Modulus Prescaler M C 12034A M C12034B The MC12034A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145xxx series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 2.0GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12034A MC145xxx MC12034B MB87001. MC12034B BR1334 1000p MB87001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler MC12038A The MC12038A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1 GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12038A MC145XXX BR1334 MC12038A 1000pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Low Pow er Dual Modulus P rescaler M C12022SLA M C12022SLB The MC12022SLA can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12022SLA MC145XXX MC12022A/B. MC12022SLB BR1334 MC12022SLB 1000pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Dual Modulus Prescaler MC12028A MC12028B The MC12028A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1 GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12028A MC145XXX MC12028B BR1334 MC12028B 10OOpF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2.0GHz Dual Modulus Prescaler MC12034A MC12034B The M C12034A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145xxx series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 2.0GHz in program m able

    OCR Scan
    C12034A MC145xxx C12034B MB87001. MC12034A BR1334-- MB87001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A 11 M C12054A 2.0 GHz Super Low Pow er Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12054A is a super low power dual modulus prescaler used In phase-locked loop applications. Motorola's advanced Bipolar MOSAIC V technology is utilized to achieve low power dissipation of 5.4 mW at a

    OCR Scan
    C12054A MC12054A MC145XXX MC12054A) 1000pF MC12054AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2.0GHz Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler The M C 12033 is a high frequency low voltage dual m odulus prescaler used in phase-locked loop PLL applications. A high frequency input signal up to 2.0GH z is provided for cordless and cellular com m unication

    OCR Scan
    2033A 145XXX MC12033B 1000pF BR1334 MC12033A MC12033B MC12022 PDF

    QB 7.5 1750

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1G H z Dual Modulus P rescaler The MC12022A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1,1GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12022A MC145XXX MC12022B 1000pF MC12022B BR1334 QB 7.5 1750 PDF


    Abstract: MC12032A MC12032AP
    Text: - g « O T O R O ^ MC12032A Consider M C12054A for New Design M C 12 0 3 2 B 2 .0 G H z D ual M odulus P re s c a le r_ The MC12032A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145XXX series in a

    OCR Scan
    MC12032A C12054A MC12032A MC145XXX MC12032B MC12032B MC12032AD MC12032AP PDF


    Abstract: motorola CMOS logic 4000 series MC12022SLB
    Text: g M O TO R O LA Consider MC12052A for New Designs 1.1 GHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12022SLA can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1 GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12052A MC12022SLA MC12022SLB MC145XXX MC12022A/B. MC12022SLB MC12022SLAD motorola CMOS logic 4000 series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Low Voltage, Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler With On-Chip Output Termination The MC12022TVA can be used with CM OS synthesizers requiring p o s itiv e edg e s to trig g e r in te rn a l co u n te rs su ch a s M o to ro la 's

    OCR Scan
    MC12022TVA MC145XXX. MC12022A/B MC12022TVB 500MHz BR1334 MC12022TVB 1000pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1GHz Low-Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler MC12022LVA MC12022LVB The MC12022LVA can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola’s MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1 GHz in programmable

    OCR Scan
    MC12022LVA MC145XXX MC12022LVB MC12022LVB 1000pF BR1334 12pF PDF


    Abstract: 2026A MC12028AD
    Text: M M O TO R O LA M CI2028A MC12028B 1.1 GHz Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12028A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145XXX series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 1.1 GHz in programmable frequency

    OCR Scan
    MC12028A MC145XXX MC12028B CI2028A MC12028B TECC12028A 1000pF 2026A MC12028AD PDF


    Abstract: MC12034AD
    Text: M M O T O R O L A M C12034A M C12034B 2.0G H z Dual Modulus Prescaler The MC12034A can be used with CMOS synthesizers requiring positive edges to trigger internal counters such as Motorola's MC145xxx series in a PLL to provide tuning signals up to 2.0 GHz in programmable frequency

    OCR Scan
    MC12034A MC145xxx MC12034B MB87001. MC12034B MB87001 MC12034AD PDF

    2.4ghz synthesizer

    Abstract: wave Generator IC IC sine wave generator Sine Wave Generator ic MC12022
    Text: MC12033A M C 12033B M M O T O R O L A Advance Information 2.0G H z Low V o lta g e Dual M odulus P res ca le r MECL PLL COMPONENTS +32/33, +64/65 The MC12033 is a high frequency low voltage dual modulus prescaler used in phase-locked loop (PLL) applications. A high frequency input signal up to

    OCR Scan
    MC12033 MC12033A MC145XXX MC12033B MC12033A) 1000pF 2.4ghz synthesizer wave Generator IC IC sine wave generator Sine Wave Generator ic MC12022 PDF