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    74HC390 motorola

    Abstract: 74hc390 HC390 MC54/74HC390 DL129 LS390 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC390 Dual 4-Stage Binary Ripple Counter with ÷ 2 and ÷ 5 Sections High–Performance Silicon–Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC390 is identical in pinout to the LS390. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    MC54/74HC390 MC54/74HC390 LS390. MC54/74HC390/D* MC54/74HC390/D DL129 74HC390 motorola 74hc390 HC390 LS390 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN PDF


    Abstract: HC393 LS393 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN 74hc393 motorola 74hc393
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC393 Dual 4-Stage Binary Ripple Counter High–Performance Silicon–Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC393 is identical in pinout to the LS393. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    MC54/74HC393 MC54/74HC393 LS393. DL129 MC54/74HC393/D* MC54/74HC393/D HC393 LS393 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN 74hc393 motorola 74hc393 PDF


    Abstract: 74HC597 DL129 HC597 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 8-Bit Serial or Parallel-Input/ Serial-Output Shift Register with Input Latch High–Performance Silicon–Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC597 is identical in pinout to the LS597. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    MC54/74HC597 LS597. HC597 HC589, DL129 MC54/74HC597/D* MC54/74HC597/D HC589 74HC597 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN PDF


    Abstract: DL129 HC259 LS259 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN 74HC259D
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC259 8-Bit Addressable Latch 1-of-8 Decoder High–Performance Silicon–Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC259 is identical in pinout to the LS259. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    MC54/74HC259 MC54/74HC259 LS259. HC259 DL129 MC54/74HC259/D* MC54/74HC259/D 74HC259 LS259 MC74HCXXXD MC74HCXXXN 74HC259D PDF


    Abstract: 74HC154D 751E DL129 LS154 MC74HCXXXN HC154 74hc154 application
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1-of-16 Decoder/Demultiplexer MC54/74HC154 High–Performance Silicon–Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC154 is identical in pinout to the LS154. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    1-of-16 MC54/74HC154 MC54/74HC154 LS154. DL129 MC54/74HC154/D* MC54/74HC154/D 74HC154 74HC154D 751E LS154 MC74HCXXXN HC154 74hc154 application PDF


    Abstract: cmos data selector data selector 74HC MC74HCXXXN 74hc298
    Text: g MC54/74HC298 MOTOROLA Product Preview HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GATE QUAD 2-INPUT DATA SELECTOR/ MULTIPLEXER W ITH OUTPUT LATCH The MC54/74HC298 is identical in pinout to the LS298. The device in­ puts are compatible w ith standard CMOS outputs; w ith pullup

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC298 LS298. HC298 LS298 cmos data selector data selector 74HC MC74HCXXXN 74hc298 PDF


    Abstract: MC74HCXXXN ls181 74HC series j 182 74HC 74HC LOGIC PINOUT
    Text: g M OTOROLA MC54/74HC181 Product P re v ie w HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW -POWER CO M PLEM ENTARY MOS S ILICO N-G ATE 4-BIT ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT The M C54/74HC181 is identical in p in o u t to the L S I81. The device in­ puts are com p a tib le w ith standard CM OS o utputs; w ith pullup

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC181 LS181. MC54HCXXXJ MC74HCXXXN MC74HCXXXJ 74HC181 MC74HCXXXN ls181 74HC series j 182 74HC 74HC LOGIC PINOUT PDF

    OF IC 74HC175

    Abstract: 74hc175
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad D Flip-Flop w ith Common Clock and Reset MC54/74HC175 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS J SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 The MC54/74HC175 is identical in pinout to the LS175. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC175 LS175. OF IC 74HC175 74hc175 PDF


    Abstract: HC640 HC643 LS643 MC74HCXXXN 74HC64
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC643 O c ta l 3 -S ta te In v e rtin g an d N o n in v e rtin g Bus T ra n s c e iv e r J SUFFIX CE RA M IC CASE 732 H ig h -P e rfo rm a n c e S ilic o n -G a te C M O S T h e M C 5 4 /7 4 H C 6 4 3 is id e n tic a l in p in o u t to th e LS643. T h e device in p u ts are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC643 LS643. HC643 HC245 HC640. MC54/74HC643 HC640 LS643 MC74HCXXXN 74HC64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC { L O G I C I G2 D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC132 Q uad 2 -In p u t N A N D G ate w ith S ch m itt-Trigger Inputs J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 632-08 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CM OS The MC54/74HC132 is identical in pinout to the LS132. The device inputs are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC132 MC54/74HC132 LS132. HC132 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual 4 -S ta g e Binary Ripple Counter w ith v 2 and v 5 Sections M C 54/74H C 390 J SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC390 is identical in pinout to the LS390. The device inputs

    OCR Scan
    54/74H MC54/74HC390 LS390. PDF


    Abstract: 74HC253
    Text: b 3 b 7 2 5 2 MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C TO R MOTOROLA SC TECHNICAL DATA □ D ' i n a a e s t « n o m h i L06IC e MC54/74HC253 Dual 4-Input Data Selector/ M ultiplexer w ith 3-State Outputs ;r-¿ 7 ~ 3 J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620-09 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CM OS

    OCR Scan
    L06IC) MC54/74HC253 MC54/74HC253 LS253. HC253 HC153 c253 74HC253 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m t3t?ss2 ocnnaa gt3 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR IH0TM ¡MOTOROLA SC LOGIC blE D TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC541 Octal 3-S tate Noninverting Buffer/Line Driver/Line Receiver SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 732-03 High-Perform ance Silicon-Gate C M O S The MC54/74HC541 is identical in pinout to the LS541. The device inputs are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC541 LS541. HC541 HC540, 74hc541 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC - C L O G I O b3b7SSa 02 0000325 T -52-31 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR at TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC242 MC54/74HC243 Q uad 3-S tate Bus Transceivers High-Perform ance Silicon-Gate C M O S J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 632-08 The MC54/74HC242 and MC54/74HC243 are identical in pinout to th e LS242 and

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC242 MC54/74HC243 LS242 LS243. HC242 MC54/74HC243 HC243 PDF


    Abstract: 74HC366 equivalent
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H ex 3 -S ta te Inverting Buffer w ith Common Enables M C54/74HC366 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS The MC54/74HC366 is identical in pinout to the LS366. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC366 LS366. HC366 DL129 MC54/74HC366 74hc366 74HC366 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC373 O ctal 3-S tate Noninverting Transparent Latch J SUFFIX C E R A M IC C A S E 732-03 High-Performance Silicon-Gate C M O S The M C 54/74H C 373 is identical in pinout to the LS373. The device inputs are compatible with standard C M O S outputs; with puilup resistors, they are compatible

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC373 54/74H LS373. Je-----50% 74HC373M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w a w m w i nOTOROLA SC -ELOGIO 05 D I t,3t,7SSB DGflDE?! 3 T MOTOROLA - L i U - ô l - o S SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC175 Quad D Flip-Flop w ith Com m on Clock and Reset J SUFFIX CERAMIC C A S E 620*09 High-Perform ance Silicon-Gate C M O S The MC54/74HC175 is identical in pinout to the LS175. The device inputs are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC175 MC54/74HC175 LS175. b3k72S2 74HC175 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA H SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC563 O ctal 3-S ta te Inverting Transparent Latch High-Performance Silicon-Gate CM OS The MC54/74HC563 is identical in pinout to the LS563. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC563 LS563. HC533 MC54/74HC563 PDF

    74hc595 TI

    Abstract: 74HC595M
    Text: nOTOROLA SC -CLOGIC3- GE D ¥ b3b7ESS GGÜGSEG 1 T -i/ é -0 9 -O S MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC595 8-Bit Serial-lnput/Serial- or Parallel-Output Shift Register with Latched 3-State Outputs J SU FFIX CERAM IC C A S E 620 09 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CM OS

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC595 LS595. HC595 MC54/74HC595 3b7S52 74hc595 TI 74HC595M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC LOGIC 52E D MOTOROLA b 3b ?252 DDflams ‘ì T 'ì • I1 0 T 4 H SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC533 Octal 3-S tate Inverting Transparent Latch High-Performance Silicon-Gate CM OS The MC54/74HC533 is identical in pinout to the LS533. The device inputs are

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC533 LS533. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA H SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC564 Octal 3-State Inverting D Flip-Flop J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 732-03 High-Performance Silicon-Gate C M O S T he M C 5 4 /7 4 H C 5 6 4 is id entical in p in o u t to th e LS564. The device in p u ts are N SUFFIX

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC564 LS564. HC534 C54/74H 74hc564 PDF

    74HC147 IC

    Abstract: 74hc147e 74HC147 IC 74HC147
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC147 Decim al-to-BCD Encoder J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620-09 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CM O S The M C 54/74H C 14 7 is id entical in p in o u t to th e LS147. The device in p u ts are c o m p a tib le w ith standard C M O S o u tp u ts , w ith puflu p resistors, th e y are c o m p a tib le

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC147 54/74H LS147. MC54/74HC147 74HC147 IC 74hc147e 74HC147 IC 74HC147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC688 8-B it Equality Com parator H ig h -P erfo rm an ce S ilicon-G ate C M O S J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 732-03 T h e M C 5 4 /7 4 H C 6 8 8 is id e n tic a l in p in o u t t o th e L S 6 8 8 . T h e d e v ic e in p u ts a re

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC688 MC54/74HC688 HC688 PDF


    Abstract: hc374
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C54/74HC534 Octal 3-State Inverting D Flip-Flop J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 732-03 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS T h e M C 5 4 /7 4 H C 5 3 4 is identical in pinout to the LS534. The device inputs are N SUFFIX PLASTIC

    OCR Scan
    C54/74HC534 LS534. HC534 HC564, C54/74H MQ02 hc374 PDF