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    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    P8800-001NDGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDG Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    how to read Maxim date code

    Abstract: an3313 DSP56F800DEMO DS1391 DEFINE ds1390 56F800 APP3313 BCD to ASCII rtc interface microcontroller notes
    Text: Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: DS1390, DS1391, SPI, RTC, interface Aug 17, 2004 APPLICATION NOTE 3313 Interfacing a DS1390/DS1391 RTC with a Motorola DSP with SPI Abstract: This app note shows how to connect a DS1390 to a Motorola DSP that has a built-in SPI interface

    DS1390, DS1391, DS1390/DS1391 DS1390 DSP56F800DEMO 0x8000) com/an3313 how to read Maxim date code an3313 DS1391 DEFINE 56F800 APP3313 BCD to ASCII rtc interface microcontroller notes PDF


    Abstract: dallas ds12887 BATTERY INPUT PIN MC146818 ds12887 application note DS12887 DS12885 DS12887A DS12C887 DS12C887A DS1685
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: Motorola MC146818, DS12887, real time clocks, RTCs Mar 29, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 521 Replacement for the MC146818 Abstract: This application note explains the hardware and software differences between the Motorola MC146818

    MC146818, DS12887, MC146818 DS12885 MC146818 DS12885, DS1685, DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR Ds12887 dallas ds12887 BATTERY INPUT PIN ds12887 application note DS12887 DS12887A DS12C887 DS12C887A DS1685 PDF


    Abstract: DS2141Q DS2143 DS2143Q MC68360 MC68MH360
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS TELECOM Keywords: DS21Q41, DS21Q43, MC68360, QUICC32, Motorola, Processor, Bus, Interface, Parallel, Serial, TDM, PCM May 08, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 320 DS21Q41, DS21Q43 Interfacing to the MC68MH360 QUICC32 Abstract: This application note contains information necessary to interface the Motorola MC68360 processor to

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    Abstract: DS2141Q DS2143 DS2143Q MC68360 MC68MH360
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > T/E Carrier and Packetized Keywords: DS21Q41, DS21Q43, MC68360, QUICC32, Motorola, Processor, Bus, Interface, Parallel, Serial, TDM, PCM May 08, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 320 DS21Q41, DS21Q43 Interfacing to the MC68MH360 QUICC32 Abstract: This application note contains information necessary to interface the Motorola MC68360 processor to

    DS21Q41, DS21Q43, MC68360, QUICC32, DS21Q43 MC68MH360 QUICC32 MC68360 DS2141Q DS2141A DS2143 DS2143Q PDF


    Abstract: 74ALVC16373 DS2155 MPC8260 signal path designer
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > TELECOM Keywords: DS2155, MPC8260, Motorola, processor, bus, interface, parallel, serial, TDM, PCM, T1, E1, J1, single chip tranceiver, SCT Feb 04, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 381 Interfacing the DS2155 to the MPC8260 Abstract: Application Note 381 contains information necessary to interface the Motorola MPC8260 processor to the DS2155 T1/

    DS2155, MPC8260, DS2155 MPC8260 MPC8260 com/an381 DS21352: 74ALVC16245 74ALVC16373 signal path designer PDF


    Abstract: AN318 application note hdlc AN318 APP318 DS2151 DS2153 MC68360
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > TELECOM Keywords: Motorola, MC68MH360, QUICC32, microprocessor interface, T1, E1, T1/E1, SCT, single chip transceiver, microprocessors, transceivers, SCTs May 08, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 318 DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to the MC68MH360 QUICC32

    MC68MH360, QUICC32, DS2151, DS2153 MC68MH360 QUICC32 DS2151 QUICC32. AN318 application note hdlc AN318 APP318 MC68360 PDF


    Abstract: ds1620 interface OF IC DS1620 sthil
    Text: TEMPERATURE SENSORS Application Note 427: Jun 01, 2001 App Note 85: Interfacing the DS1620 to the Motorola SPI Bus Communication with the DS1620 digital temperature sensor IC is achieved via a simple 3-wire interface. There are a number of differences between this interface and the Motorola SPI interface. However, a few

    DS1620 DS1620 DS1620: com/an427 ds1620 interface OF IC DS1620 sthil PDF

    ds1620 interface

    Abstract: DS1620 OF IC DS1620 AN85 APP85 DS1620 application
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > TEMPERATURE SENSORS and THERMAL MANAGEMENT Keywords: DS1620, 3-wire, SPI, temperature sensor, digital temperature sensor, temperature sensor IC, thermostat Jun 01, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 85 Interfacing the DS1620 to the Motorola SPI Bus

    DS1620, DS1620 DS1620 com/an85 DS1620: APP85, Appnote85, ds1620 interface OF IC DS1620 AN85 APP85 DS1620 application PDF


    Abstract: DS21354 DS2152 DS2154 DS2155 DS21552 DS21554 MC68360 MC68MH360
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > TELECOM Keywords: MC68MH360, 68360, Motorola, processor bus, interface, parallel, serial, communications, single chip transceivers, STCs, TDM, PCM, serial bus, data processor bus May 08, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 319 DS2152, DS2154, DS21x5Y, and DS2155 Interfacing to the MC68360

    MC68MH360, DS2152, DS2154, DS21x5Y, DS2155 MC68360 QUICC32) MC68360 DS21352: DS21352 DS21354 DS2152 DS2154 DS21552 DS21554 MC68MH360 PDF


    Abstract: DS2151 DS2153 MC68360 MC68MH360
    Text: COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS Application Note 444: May 08, 2001 App Note 318: DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to the MC68MH360 QUICC32 Interconnections between the DS2151 or DS2153 and the Motorola MC68MH360 QUICC32 are shown in Figure 1. The MC68MH360 can be configured as an HDLC controller

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    5w Buck Topology

    Abstract: motherboard major problems AN672 APP672 MAX495 MAX767 MAX872 P54C motherboard ic list offline switchmode -flyback
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: Power Supplies for Pentium, PowerPC, and Beyond Mar 17, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 672 Power Supplies for Pentium, PowerPC, and Beyond The latest microprocessors to emerge from Intel, Motorola, and others are forcing fundamental changes in the

    V/12V com/an672 AN672, APP672, Appnote672, 5w Buck Topology motherboard major problems AN672 APP672 MAX495 MAX767 MAX872 P54C motherboard ic list offline switchmode -flyback PDF


    Abstract: DS2141Q DS2143 DS2143Q MC68360 MC68MH360
    Text: COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS May 08, 2001 App Note 320: DS21Q41, DS21Q43 Interfacing to the MC68MH360 QUICC32 This application note contains information necessary to interface the Motorola MC68360 processor to the DS2141Q or the DS2143Q Dallas Semiconductor T1 or E1 framers. The application note covers interfacing

    DS21Q41, DS21Q43 MC68MH360 QUICC32 MC68360 DS2141Q DS2143Q DS2143Q DS2141A DS2143 PDF

    str 3234

    Abstract: APP4005 DS3234 56F800 AN4005 0X200 0X98
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: DS3234, SPI Feb 29, 2008 APPLICATION NOTE 4005 Interfacing a DS3234 Extremely Accurate SPI-Bus Real-Time Clock RTC to a Motorola Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Abstract: This application note provides an example of hardware and software for interfacing an SPI realtime clock (RTC) to a Motorola digital signal processor (DSP) that has a built-in SPI-interface module. This

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    Maxim ds1306 date code

    Abstract: DS1306 DEFINE 56F800 APP2833 DS1305 DS1390 DS1391 how to read Maxim date code DSP56F800DEMO
    Text: Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: RTC, real time clock, SPI, DSP, serial peripheral interface Nov 12, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 2833 Interfacing an SPI RTC with a Motorola DSP Abstract: This application note provides an example of hardware and software for interfacing a Serial Peripheral

    DS1306 com/an2833 DS1305: DS1306: DS1390: DS1391: AN2833, APP2833, Maxim ds1306 date code DEFINE 56F800 APP2833 DS1305 DS1390 DS1391 how to read Maxim date code DSP56F800DEMO PDF

    I 6506

    Abstract: N6509
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N6504 thru 2N6509* Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 'Motorola preferred devices . . . d esig n ed p rim a rily for half-w a ve a c control app licatio n s, such as m otor controls, h eating co ntro ls and pow e r supp ly cro w b a r circuits.

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    2N6504 2N6509* 21A-04 O-220AB) I 6506 N6509 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF P o w er T ransistor The TP3060 is designed fo r 900 MHz m o b ile base stations in both analog and d ig ita l app licatio n s. It incorporates high value e m itte r ballast resistors, g old m e ta llisatio n s and

    OCR Scan
    TP3060 TP3060 900MHz PDF


    Abstract: MRF-229
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRF229 The RF Line 1.5 W - 9 0 MHz RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN S IL IC O N NPN SILICO N RF POWER TRANSISTORS . . . designed for 1 2.5 V o lt, mid-band large-signal am p lifie r app li­ cations in industrial and com m ercial F M equipm ent operating in the

    OCR Scan
    MRF229 MRF229 MRF-229 PDF


    Abstract: VK200 inductance
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M RF176GV MRF176GU The RF MOSFET Line RF P ow er Field E ffe c t Transistors N-Channel Enhancement-Mode . . . designed fo r broadband com m ercial and m ilita ry app licatio n s using push pull circuits at frequencies to 500 MHz. The high pow er, high gain and broadband perform ance of

    OCR Scan
    RF176GV MRF176GU MRF176GV MRF176G AN-211 MRF176 VK200 inductance PDF


    Abstract: 79l05a ST 79l15c 79L05AC 79L12 79L12C 79L05A
    Text: MC79 L00 ,A Series MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA THREE-TERM INAL LOW CURRENT NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATORS THREE-TERMINAL LOW CURRENT NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS The MC79L00 Series negative vo lta g e regu la to rs are in e xp e n ­ sive, easy-to-use devices su itab le fo r num e ro u s app licatio n s re­

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    MC79L00 MC7900 79L24C 79l05a ST 79l15c 79L05AC 79L12 79L12C 79L05A PDF


    Abstract: lb940 MRF-234
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRF234 T h e R F Line 25 W - 9 0 M H z RF POWER TRANSISTO R NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR N P N S IL IC O N . . . designed for 12.5 V o lt, mid-band large-signal am plifier app li­ cations in industrial and com m ercial F M equipm ent operating in the

    OCR Scan
    MRF234 MRF234 lb940 MRF-234 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line 2N 6618 NPN Silicon High Frequency Transistor . . . designed fo r use in hig h -fre q ue n cy, low *no ise , sm a ll-sign a l, n a rro w and w id e b a n d a m plifiers. Ideal fo r use in m ic ro s trip th in and th ick film app licatio n s.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500 2N6618 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF P o w er Transistor The TP3062 is designed fo r 960 MHz m o b ile base sta tio n s in b oth analog and d ig ita l app licatio n s. It inco rp o rates high value e m itte r ballast resistors, g o ld m e ta lliz a tio n s and

    OCR Scan
    TP3062 TP3062 21214 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRF654 The R F Line 15 W 470 MHz RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR N P N S IL IC O N . . . designed fo r 12.5 V o lt UHF large-signal a m p lifie r app licatio n s in in d u stria l and co m m ercia l FM e q u ip m e n t ope ra tin g to 512 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    MRF654 MRF654 PDF

    S3 TRIO 64

    Abstract: AY 5 4007 0062g GS 069 HF
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRF136 MRF136Y The RF M OSFET Line RF P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ra n sisto rs N-Channel Enhancement-Mode M OSFETs 15 W, 30 W 2-400 MHz N-CHANNEL MOS BROADBAND RF POWER FETs . . . designed fo r w id e b a n d large-signal a m p lifie r and o scilla to r app licatio n s in the 2 to

    OCR Scan
    MRF136 MRF136Y MRF136 MRF136Y S3 TRIO 64 AY 5 4007 0062g GS 069 HF PDF