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    MTRON CRYSTAL Search Results

    MTRON CRYSTAL Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    CLC2622 Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8830-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8820-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL45042IRZ-TK Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Module Calibrator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8N0Q001BH-2202CDI Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    MTRON CRYSTAL Datasheets Context Search

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    crystal 32kHZ

    Abstract: FSR327 m-tron crystal 32KHz crystal 12.5pF mtron crystal oscillator SM3A RSM200S m-tron Caliber Electronics
    Text: REAL-TIME CLOCKS Application Note 616: Jun 21, 2001 Considerations for Real-Time Clock Crystal Selection This application note describes crystal selection criteria and proper layout techniques for connecting a 32kHz crystal to a real-time clock RTC . Following these guidelines will prevent time errors and

    32kHz 768kHz capa30PPM SX1575 /-30PPM SX1555 com/an616 MAX6900: MAX6901: MAX6902: crystal 32kHZ FSR327 m-tron crystal 32KHz crystal 12.5pF mtron crystal oscillator SM3A RSM200S m-tron Caliber Electronics PDF

    6pf 32khz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: FSR327 32KHz crystal CRYSTAL 32.768KHz 12.5pf 12.5PF 20PPM SM1b SM-1B crystal 32kHZ RSM200S sm1a mtron crystal oscillator
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > 1-Wire DEVICES REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: RTCs, crystal, 32kHz, real time clocks, oscillator, time keeping, timekeeping, 32768Hz, 32.768kHz Jun 21, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 616 Considerations for Maxim Real-Time Clock Crystal Selection Abstract: This application note describes crystal selection criteria and proper layout techniques for connecting a

    32kHz, 32768Hz, 768kHz 32kHz 768kHz MAX6900: MAX6901: MAX6902: MAX6909: MAX6910: 6pf 32khz crystal oscillator FSR327 32KHz crystal CRYSTAL 32.768KHz 12.5pf 12.5PF 20PPM SM1b SM-1B crystal 32kHZ RSM200S sm1a mtron crystal oscillator PDF

    nsk oscillator

    Abstract: KDS Crystals oscillator nsk NSK crystal Ecliptek Siward KDS Crystals 77,5 KDS Crystals oscillator KDS 16 MHZ crystal Harmony KDS
    Text: APPROVED VCXO CRYSTALS Voltage controlled crystal oscillator parts from ICS need a pullable crystal to function correctly. The required characteristics of such a crystal can be found in Application Note MAN05. The following is a list a crystals, sorted by operating frequency, that are tested and approved by ICS for use with our

    MAN05. HC49U ECX-5507-26 5625M ECX-5508-26 HA27000XFSA12XA ECX-5527-27 HA27000XFSA14XX XTL001025A-27 nsk oscillator KDS Crystals oscillator nsk NSK crystal Ecliptek Siward KDS Crystals 77,5 KDS Crystals oscillator KDS 16 MHZ crystal Harmony KDS PDF

    KDS 8 MHZ crystal

    Abstract: KDS Crystals KDS 16 MHZ crystal KDS 12 MHZ crystal KDS Crystals oscillator Hosonic 20 MHz crystal KDS Siward KDS Crystals 12 MHZ KDS 25 MHZ crystal
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE APPROVED VCXO CRYSTALS Overview Voltage controlled crystal oscillator parts from IDT need a pullable crystal to function correctly. The required characteristics of such a crystal can be found in the application note MAN05. The following is a list a crystals, sorted by operating frequency, that are tested and approved by IDT for use with our VCXO

    MAN05. HC49U KDS 8 MHZ crystal KDS Crystals KDS 16 MHZ crystal KDS 12 MHZ crystal KDS Crystals oscillator Hosonic 20 MHz crystal KDS Siward KDS Crystals 12 MHZ KDS 25 MHZ crystal PDF

    mtron crystal oscillator

    Abstract: M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator M-tron 16 mhz crystal oscillator M-tron Industries MTRON m-tron mtron hermetic m-tron crystal
    Text: MTET-1 Precision Crystal Oscillator TCXO 0.970 (24.64) The MTET-1 is a tight stability temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) that incorporates precise frequency adjustment by means of an external control voltage. 0.250 (6.35) MIN No mechanical frequency trimming is required.


    mtron crystal oscillator

    Abstract: M-tron Quartz Crystals Mtron crystal 32.768 crystal oscillator 32.768 m-tron crystal 32.768 32.768 khz crystal 32,768KHz
    Text: MMCC-1, MMCC-2, and MMCC-3 Tuning Fork Crystals Precision 32.768 kHz quartz crystals for realtime applications The majority of applications use a 32.768 kHz crystal in an oscillator circuit incorporating binary division to produce a 1 Hz output. Electrical Specifications

    75-05A mtron crystal oscillator M-tron Quartz Crystals Mtron crystal 32.768 crystal oscillator 32.768 m-tron crystal 32.768 32.768 khz crystal 32,768KHz PDF

    xo 405 mf

    Abstract: SM 8002C staa9fc SG-615PH C nct040c saronix nch060c hosonic crystal cross reference saronix NTH069C Siward crystal xtal Saronix STAA9FC
    Text: GENERAL COMPETITOR CROSS REFERENCE Manufacturer Part Number Abracon Abracon Abracon Abracon Abracon Abracon Bliley Champion Champion Champion Champion Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen

    ABS07 ABS09 ABS10 ABS13 ABS25 C85A969 1629-A1 CFS-145 CFS-206 CFS-308 xo 405 mf SM 8002C staa9fc SG-615PH C nct040c saronix nch060c hosonic crystal cross reference saronix NTH069C Siward crystal xtal Saronix STAA9FC PDF

    mtron crystal oscillator

    Abstract: M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator mtron m-tron crystal
    Text: Introduces 5 x 7 mm UVCJ SERIES Clock Oscillator and UVVJ SERIES Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator • Integrated phase jitter of 1 ps typical from 12 kHz to 20 MHz in operating frequencies to 800 MHz • Ideal for 10 and 40 Gigabit Ethernet, Optical Carrier, and



    Abstract: m-tron 5011-004 5011-004 m-tron crystal 32.768 32.768 khz crystal crystal 32.768 m-tron sx1555 SX1555
    Text: SX1555 Surface Mount Crystals 3.8 X 8.0 X 2.5 mm - 32.768 kHz Electrical Specifications M-tron’s SX1555 crystal provides real time clock reference in a plastic surface mount package. Contact the factory for specifications not listed. See page 136, Figure “2” for suggested solder profile.

    SX1555 m-tron m-tron 5011-004 5011-004 m-tron crystal 32.768 32.768 khz crystal crystal 32.768 m-tron sx1555 PDF

    mtron crystal oscillator

    Abstract: mtron
    Text: Introduces M5RJ SERIES Clock Oscillator and MPV3J SERIES Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator • Integrated phase jitter of less than 0.5 ps from 12 kHz to 20 MHz in operating frequencies over 600 MHz • Ideal for 10 and 40 Gigabit Ethernet, Optical Carrier, and


    Quartz Crystals

    Abstract: quartz 20 MHZ crystal quartz 12 MHz CTS Knights m-tron cts-knight AN109 HC49 US Crystal LXC8192
    Text: Quartz Crystals for Intel T1/E1 Transceiver Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249131-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN109. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    AN109. VF49A16FN1-8 U49-18-6176SP U49-18-8192SP CTR-12/13 Quartz Crystals quartz 20 MHZ crystal quartz 12 MHz CTS Knights m-tron cts-knight AN109 HC49 US Crystal LXC8192 PDF

    M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: m-tron mtron crystal oscillator 24 MHz M-tron 50 mhz crystal oscillator MTRON mtron crystal oscillator 10 bit Controlled Oscillator
    Text: Introduces M4003/M4004 Series Surface Mount VCSO ! Ultra low phase jitter - .15 ps typical from 12 kHz to 20 MHz ! Operating frequencies from 500MHz to 1.3GHz ! 10K ECL, PECL logic output with fast transition times ! Ideal for SDH/SONET, 10 and 40 Gigabit Ethernet

    M4003/M4004 500MHz OC-24 M4003 M4004 M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator m-tron mtron crystal oscillator 24 MHz M-tron 50 mhz crystal oscillator MTRON mtron crystal oscillator 10 bit Controlled Oscillator PDF

    um-1 mtron

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mtron UM-1 Series Crystals Crystals Engineered for High Quality Performance in Tight Spaces Electrical Specifications UM-1 Standard Operating Conditions -20°C to +70=C I- 0.319 PARAMETERS 1 RANGE ( i— Frequency Range 8 . 10 ) MAX 7 .0 0 0 to 2 0 0 .0 0 0 M H z

    OCR Scan

    M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: m-tron 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator MTRON mtron crystal oscillator M-tron 50 mhz crystal oscillator M-tron 4 mhz crystal oscillator m-tron M-Tron MCO M-tron crystal oscillator m-tron crystal
    Text: ompetitive Excellence T T >í ? o Í r i r ! f S ü lSlT ? i ^ ? a^ Í c ,ll,D ? B I OQQQlñí V MCO Series Hermetic DIP CMOS Crystal Clock Oscillators i C o m p e t it iv e l y P r ic e d C M O S ~ O s c il l a t o r s M-tron CMOS quartz crystal clock oscillators combine M-tron

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-202, 0263ICM M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator m-tron 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator MTRON mtron crystal oscillator M-tron 50 mhz crystal oscillator M-tron 4 mhz crystal oscillator m-tron M-Tron MCO M-tron crystal oscillator m-tron crystal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Engineered For High-Speed Auto-Insertion and Surface Mounting M-tron SX07525P C crystal clock oscillators combine the intrinsic superiority of advanced strip AT-cut quartz crystal technology, advanced C M O S logic design, and hightemperature epoxy packages for use with high speed

    OCR Scan
    SX07525P 100Gs, 3901012-Rev. PDF


    Abstract: M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator MT1135A K1135 mtron crystal oscillator MT1135 mtron crystal oscillator 24 MHz MT-1135 m-tron 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator M-tron crystal oscillator
    Text: H-TRON INDUSTRIES INC =13 DE I Sbt.Gbb'i 0 GOO 153 □ fSÊm - • - V MT1135 Senes y 'v M ^ P . D U A L B A U D R Â T E . G E K IË R A T C F eatures • • • • • • • • M T-1135X On-board crystal oscillator Single + 5 V power supply Programmable 2 channels x 16 output frequencies

    OCR Scan
    MT1135 K1135 T-1135X normal132 39010tS22 06871OM MT1135B M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator MT1135A mtron crystal oscillator mtron crystal oscillator 24 MHz MT-1135 m-tron 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator M-tron crystal oscillator PDF

    mtron mto

    Abstract: M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator mto t1 s3 M-tron mto oscillator M-tron mto crystal oscillator M tron m-tron 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator M-TRON mto mtron crystal oscillator m-tron crystal
    Text: Competitive Excellence 7 l? fR 0 tr T Ñ » U S T R T r S IN C D3 • F Ê J StbO b bT D D ClD nB 0 J p M lË | T -S O -¿ > 3 • p p ip a iv - fe il Mm M TO S eries Hermetic DIP TTL Crystal Clock Oscillators C o m p e t it iv e ly P r ic e d TTL O s c illa to r s

    OCR Scan
    128710M mtron mto M-tron 1 mhz crystal oscillator mto t1 s3 M-tron mto oscillator M-tron mto crystal oscillator M tron m-tron 4 pin 20 MHz crystal oscillator M-TRON mto mtron crystal oscillator m-tron crystal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIL-C-3098 QPL Crystals Crystals Qualified Under MIL-C-3098 M-tron has been a QPL'd supplier of military quartz crystals since 1967. Crystal designs requiring military approval fall into two categories, those which have been subjected to formal QPL qualification under MIL-C-3098 and others too

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    MIL-C-3098 MIL-C-3098 HC-51/U HC-48/U HC-49/U HC-50/U -49/U -51/U PDF


    Abstract: m-tron m-tron crystal
    Text: M tron MM Series HCMOS Miniature Surface Mount Oscillators High Performance HCMOS Surface Mount Oscillators Part Marking and Numbering M-tron MM series quartz crystal oscillators offer HCM OS technology and an AT strip crystal in a miniature ceramic surface mount package. Output is TTL and HCM OS

    OCR Scan
    0Q003M2 MTRON m-tron m-tron crystal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M'tron ATS-1 and ATS-2 Series Crystals Hermetically Sealed AT - Strip Crystals for Incorporation in Frequency and Time Domain Products ATS-1 ATS-1 and ATS-2 crystals provide a convenient component for incorporation into other components or subsystems. These

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: c4555 mtron M-tron VCXO mtron vcxo
    Text: Citron MV Series VCXO Oscillators MV Series Voltage Controlled HCMOS/TTL Compatible Crystal Clock Oscillators 0.200 5.08 MAX Part Marking and Numbering MV 1 3 V 2 C D Product S eries_ MV Temperature Range 1- 0°C to +70°C 2 — -40” C to +85°C Stability

    OCR Scan
    Sb3E51fl DDG34D C-4555 c4555 mtron M-tron VCXO mtron vcxo PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UM-5 Series Crystals Crystals Engineered for High Quality Performance in Tight Spaces UM-5 0.236 6 .0 Electrical Specifications MAX (Standard Operating Conditions -20 C to +70°C) RANGE PARAM ETERS F re q u e n c y R a n g e 12.000 to 225.000 MHz T o le r a n c e

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E L I M I N A R Y a M3 Series HCMOS Miniature 3.3 Volt Surface Mount Oscillators ‘h r f lll •V ■ hl High Performance HCMOS 3.3 Volt Surface Mount Oscillators Part Marking and Numbering M-tron M 3 series 3 .3 V quartz crystal oscillators offer Product Series

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    5b3221ñ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M tro n MMCC-1 and MMCC-2 Series Tuning Fork Crystals Precision 32.768 kHz Quartz Crystals for Realtime Applications MMCC-1 The only difference between MMCC-1 and MMCC-2 is the physical size of the package and cost. |- 0.327 1 8.31 _ n □_L □_ 1 15 M

    OCR Scan