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    NEC 022 51 Search Results

    NEC 022 51 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D12320VTE20V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for General Purpose System Control Applications (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D12324SVF25V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for General Purpose System Control Applications (Non Promotion), FQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D12373RVFQ33V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for General Purpose System Control Applications (Non Promotion), LQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D12670VFC33V Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion), FQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DF2111BVT10BV Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for Office Equipment Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    NEC 022 51 Datasheets Context Search

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    AWM STYLE 2598 60c 300v

    Abstract: awm 2587 CL3R AWM 1007 AWG 22 65x28 plenum B115 1313a AWM style 1007 5T00UP
    Text: B R O A D C A S T C A B L E S 19.31 Speaker Wire and Cable Overview 19 • Brilliance Broadcast B R I L L I A N C E® Electrolytic Tough Pitch ETP High-conductivity Copper Speaker Cables Speaker Cable Selection Guide 4Ω Speaker Speaker cables are used to connect receivers or power

    5T00UP, 6T00UP. 65x28) 6T00UP AWM STYLE 2598 60c 300v awm 2587 CL3R AWM 1007 AWG 22 65x28 plenum B115 1313a AWM style 1007 5T00UP PDF


    Abstract: 7411a 7405A 7401AS 7438A 7403A 7427A style 2587 rg 58 AWM STYLE 1354 7418a
    Text: INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION & PROCESS CONTROL CABLES 18.31 Belden Infinity Flexible Automation Cable Overview and Application Guide Belden Infinity Means More Performance And Longer Life Belden Infinity is a complete line of control, data, video, and power cables specifically

    RG-11 7x37x40) 7412A 7411a 7405A 7401AS 7438A 7403A 7427A style 2587 rg 58 AWM STYLE 1354 7418a PDF


    Abstract: nec 8772 P awm 2464 vw-1 80c 300v awm 2919 vw-1 awm STYLE 2919 COMPUTER CABLE 30V vw-1 awg 2464 28 awg 80 c 300v vw-1 AWM 2919 VW-1 30V Belden AWM 2464 80c 300v nec 8772 AWM VW-1 30V
    Text: 4.1 Multi-Conductor Cables Table of Contents 4 Multi-Conductor Cables Page No. Introduction 4.2 Selection Guide: Shielded Computer Cables for RS-232 Applications 4.2 Unshielded 4.3–4.9 Audio, Control and Instrumentation Cables 4.3 22 AWG Non-Plenum & Plenum

    RS-232 Non-P13 UL2464, awm STYLE 2919 COMPUTER CABLE 30V nec 8772 P awm 2464 vw-1 80c 300v awm 2919 vw-1 awm STYLE 2919 COMPUTER CABLE 30V vw-1 awg 2464 28 awg 80 c 300v vw-1 AWM 2919 VW-1 30V Belden AWM 2464 80c 300v nec 8772 AWM VW-1 30V PDF

    transistor nec 8772

    Abstract: awm STYLE 2919 COMPUTER CABLE 30V awm 2919 vw-1 nec 8772 transistor nec 8772 P nec 8772 awm 2919 vw-1 specifications Belden AWM 2464 80c 300v AWM STYLE 2919 low voltage COMPUTER CABLE Belden AWM 2919
    Text: Multi-Conductor Cables Table of Contents 4 Multi-Conductor Cables Page No. Introduction 4.2 Selection Guide: Shielded Computer Cables for RS-232 Applications 4.2 Unshielded 4.3–4.9 Audio, Control and Instrumentation Cables 4.3 22 AWG Non-Plenum & Plenum

    RS-232 UL2464, transistor nec 8772 awm STYLE 2919 COMPUTER CABLE 30V awm 2919 vw-1 nec 8772 transistor nec 8772 P nec 8772 awm 2919 vw-1 specifications Belden AWM 2464 80c 300v AWM STYLE 2919 low voltage COMPUTER CABLE Belden AWM 2919 PDF

    transistor kp 303

    Abstract: VP15-00-3 transistor 14026
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS µPC2776TB 5 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC MEDIUM OUTPUT POWER AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The µPC2776TB is a silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as wideband amplifier. This amplifier has impedance near 50 Ω in HF band, so this IC suits to the system of HF to L band. This IC is packaged in super

    PC2776TB PC2776TB PC2776T PC2776T. transistor kp 303 VP15-00-3 transistor 14026 PDF

    6323 GA

    Abstract: transistor NEC D 882 p D413 transistor D2396 transistor d507 D484 transistor D2388 transistor d528 transistor D773 d772 transistor
    Text: DATA SHEET HJ-FET NE34018 L to S BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION NE34018 is a n-channel HJ-FET housed in MOLD package. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters FEATURES x 2.1 ±0.2 1.25 ±0.1 Low noise figure QUANTITY PART NUMBER PACKING STYLE

    NE34018 NE34018 NE34018-T1 NE34018-T2 6323 GA transistor NEC D 882 p D413 transistor D2396 transistor d507 D484 transistor D2388 transistor d528 transistor D773 d772 transistor PDF


    Abstract: mPC2746TB MPC2746T C10535E VP15-00-3
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS mPC2745TB, mPC2746TB 3 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC WIDEBAND AMPLIFIER FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION The mPC2745TB and mPC2746TB are silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as buffer amplifier for mobile

    mPC2745TB, mPC2746TB mPC2745TB mPC2746TB mPC2745T/ mPC2746T mPC2745TB/mPC2746TB mPC2745T/mPC2746T. mPC2746 C10535E VP15-00-3 PDF

    awm STYLE 2990

    Abstract: AWM 2990 awm 2919 vw-1 Belden AWM 2919 awm 2990 vw-1 Belden AWM 2448 awm 2919 AWM VW-1 30V 2990 awm STYLE 2919 AWM STYLE 2448
    Text: B R O A D C A S T C A B L E S 19.49 Precision Video Cable for Analog and Digital Overview 19 • Brilliance Broadcast B R I L L I A N C E® Analog Video Parallel Digital Video D1, D2 & D3 Belden® precision video cables are used in critical analog and digital


    nec 16312

    Abstract: c1677 PC1678G TRANSISTOR MARKING CODE 1P 6PIN PC1677 UPC1677C PC1677C PC2709T marking code C1E mmic 4327 030 11011
    Text: Application Note USAGE AND APPLICATION OF SILICON MEDIUMPOWER HIGH-FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER MMIC µPC1677 to 1679 µPC2708 to 2710 µPC2762/2763 µPC2771/2776 Document No. P12152EJ2V0AN00 2nd edition Date Published November 1999 N CP(K) 1997, 1999 Printed in Japan

    PC1677 PC2708 PC2762/2763 PC2771/2776 P12152EJ2V0AN00 an88-6130 nec 16312 c1677 PC1678G TRANSISTOR MARKING CODE 1P 6PIN UPC1677C PC1677C PC2709T marking code C1E mmic 4327 030 11011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS //PC2745TB, //PC2746TB 3 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC WIDEBAND AMPLIFIER FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION The //PC2745TB and //PC2746TB are silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as buffer amplifier for mobile

    OCR Scan
    uPC2745TB uPC2746TB //PC2745TB //PC2746TB //PC2745T/ //PC2746T //PC2745TB///PC2746TB //PC2745T///PC2746T. 2745T PDF


    Abstract: MC428000A36FJ60 MC-428000A36FJ-70
    Text: DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-428000A32, 428000A36 SERIES 8 M-WORD BY 32-BIT, 8 M-WORD BY 36-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE FAST PAGE MODE Description The MC-428000A32 series is a 8,388,608 words by 32 bits dynamic RAM module on which 16 pieces of 16 M DRAM: /JPD4217400 are assembled.

    OCR Scan
    MC-428000A32, 428000A36 32-BIT, 36-BIT MC-428000A32 /JPD4217400 MC-428000A36 /iPD4217400 jPD424100 wordsA55 MC428000A36FJ70 MC428000A36FJ60 MC-428000A36FJ-70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS «PC2745TB, //PC2746TB 3 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC WIDEBAND AMPLIFIER FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION The /¿PC2745TB and /¿PC2746TB are silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as buffer amplifier for mobile

    OCR Scan
    PC2745TB, //PC2746TB PC2745TB PC2746TB //PC2745TB //PC2746TB //PC2745T/ PC2746T PC2745TB/iuPC2746TB //PC2745T///PC2746T. PDF

    NEC K 2500

    Abstract: OLS 049 1689I DS 4069 k 3531 transistor 6323 GA NEC 2905
    Text: DATA SHEET HJ-FET NE34018 L to S BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION NE34018 is a n-channel HJ-FET housed in MOLD package. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters FEATURES Low noise figure NF = 0.6 dB TYP. at f = 2 GHz High associated gain Ga = 16 dB TYP. at f = 2 GHz

    OCR Scan
    NE34018 NE34018 NE34018-T1 NE34018-T2 NEC K 2500 OLS 049 1689I DS 4069 k 3531 transistor 6323 GA NEC 2905 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS UPC2776TB 5 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC MEDIUM OUTPUT POWER AMPLIFIER D E S C R IP T IO N The ^¡PC2776TB is a silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as wideband amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    UPC2776TB PC2776TB uPC2776TB uPC2776T PC2776T. WS60-00-1 C10535E) TRANSISTOR BO 345 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-428000F32 8 M-WORD BY 32-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE HYPER PAGE MODE EDO Description The MC-428000F32 is a 8,388,608 words by 32 bits dynamic RAM module on which 16 pieces of 16 M DRAM: /¿PD4217405 are assembled. This module provides high density and large quantities of memory in a small space without utilizing the surfacemounting technology on the printed circuit board.

    OCR Scan
    MC-428000F32 32-BIT MC-428000F32 uPD4217405 72B-50A55 L427525 PDF

    063 793

    Abstract: transistor v63
    Text: DATA SHEET HJ-FET NE34018 L to S BAND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET DESCRIPTION NE34018 is a n-channel HJ-FET housed in MOLD package. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters FEATURES 2.1 ± 0.2 Low noise figure 1.25 ±0.1 NF = 0.6 dB TYP. at f = 2 GHz High associated gain

    OCR Scan
    NE34018 NE34018 WS60-00-1 IR30-00-3 063 793 transistor v63 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-42S1000LAD32S SERIES 1 M -W ORD BY 32-BIT DYN AM IC RA M M ODULE SO D IM M FAST PAGE MODE Description TheMC-42S1000LAD32S series is a 1,048,576 words by 32 bits dynamic RAM module (Small Outline DIMM) on which 2 pieces of 16 M DRAM: /iPD42S18160L are assembled.

    OCR Scan
    MC-42S1000LAD32S 32-BIT TheMC-42S1000LAD32S /iPD42S18160L M72S-50A4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-428000A32, 428000A36 SERIES 8 M-WORD BY 32-BIT, 8 M-WORD BY 36-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE FAST PAGE MODE D escription The MC-428000A32 series is a 8,388,608 w ords by 32 bits dynam ic RAM m odule on w hich 16 pieces of 16 M DRAM: /iPD4217400 are assembled.

    OCR Scan
    MC-428000A32, 428000A36 32-BIT, 36-BIT MC-428000A32 /iPD4217400 MC-428000A36 iiPD4217400 iPD424100 M72B-50A50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ¿¿PC2776TB 5 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC MEDIUM OUTPUT POWER AMPLIFIER D ES C R IP TIO N The /¿PC2776TB is a silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as wideband amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    uPC2776TB PC2776TB /iPC2776T /iPC2776TB PC2776T. PDF

    IC SEM 2105

    Abstract: 3771 nec
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC SILICON TRANSISTOR 2SC5008 NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR 3 PINS ULTRA SUPER MINI MOLD DESCRIPTION PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The 2SC5008 is an NPN epitaxial silicon transistor designed for use in millimeters in low noise and small signal amplifiers from VHF band to L band. Low

    OCR Scan
    2SC5008 2SC5008 IC SEM 2105 3771 nec PDF

    transistor w bh 212

    Abstract: SK FN 521 sol 4011 be 2SD1779 TN-6014 TN60 hia 51
    Text: •7 s— "S7 • S ' — h - NEC ^ Silicon T ran sisto r 2SD1779 & m M M o « h FE -0 L * ' i f& V CE, „ t) f t w ^ - f i ^ mm) t - f - ' l $1 t L T f t i S T 'i - o hKE= 8 0 0 ~ 3 2 0 0 (a t V CE = 5 .0 V, Ic = 1 .0 A ) V CE(sat) = o / J '^ T * f F

    OCR Scan
    2SD1779 transistor w bh 212 SK FN 521 sol 4011 be 2SD1779 TN-6014 TN60 hia 51 PDF


    Abstract: 1000HW Sn 4011 2SK9
    Text: ~r— S 7 • 5/— K J u n c t io n F ie ld E ffe c t T r a n s is t o r 2SK997 ECM ift m m o r - h •v isb, X i/ ^ - x m z f ' í * - K, T O : m m M m K iftM L X ^ h tz => 1-1/7 K m 9 t c J l i i t :'1 _ o 0.5 0.42 z 2 S fe *£ *3 Ëtè (T a = 25 °C)

    OCR Scan
    2SK997 2SK997 1000HW Sn 4011 2SK9 PDF


    Abstract: 7544a AC05FGM AC05 nec 1SS50 ac05d AC05 SC-7544A H092
    Text: NEC - t K U X 2 Thyristors AC05DGM,AC05FGM ô A Î-iU K T R IA C AC05 r J y ^ KWÆ FTRIACT", m < 0 i K L ¥ - ? * 7 * f f . î ± 4 0 0 V , 600 V X ' - f o & @h 10.5 MAX. tt OTO-220AB ' r - Z C D f z t b ' l ' i t m t T J b > , £ tzWM ') — FA* I E i c

    OCR Scan
    AC05DGM AC05FGM 600VX O-220AB UL94V-O) IEI-620) 7544a AC05FGM AC05 nec 1SS50 ac05d AC05 SC-7544A H092 PDF

    SiS 6801

    Abstract: 1SS305
    Text: T — $ • y — N_ 7 .4 " ; 3 - > ? ÿ ' j 3 > Silicon Switching Diode 1SS305 i 7 J ls 7 t ° - K Silicon Epitaxial Diode High Speed Switching 4# • mm i t r IJ y K I C ffl t L T ^ i i T ’ -To -.m t) o § i Ä ^ $ l > o

    OCR Scan
    1SS305 SiS 6801 1SS305 PDF