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    Abstract: UKL1H100MDAANA UVR1C100MDA UVR1H102MHA UVR1C470MDA TVX1E222MCA Nichicon TVX series
    Text: Nichicon Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Visit NichiconÕs Website at UWX Series Ñ Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Ñ NEW Ñ c Chip Type with 5.5 mm Height c Designed for Surface Mounting on High Density PC Board c Applicable to Automatic Mounting Machine Using


    OR1 marking

    Abstract: 3x62 NICHICON lot month
    Text: ALUMINUM v7rv / ELECTROLYTIC nichicon CAPACITORS 5.5mmL Chip Type \ series m Chip type with 5.5mm height. m Designed for surface mounting on high density PC board. m Applicable to automatic mounting machine using carrier tape. m Load life of 2000 hours at 85°C.

    33OuF 120Hz 10x10 10x10 OR1 marking 3x62 NICHICON lot month PDF

    Nichicon CE Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

    Abstract: NICHICON Capacitors CE SERIES 100uF 450v capacitor electrolytic NICHICON CAPACITORS CATALOG
    Text: Nichicon Power Supply and Lighting Applications Catalog Production By Country Snap-in terminal type Screw terminal type Miniature aluminum Chip-type aluminum Electrical double Conductive polymer aluminum electrolytic aluminum electrolytic electrolytic capacitors electrolytic capacitors layer capacitors aluminum solid electrolytic



    Abstract: RCR2350B XK 220 mpp film capacitor
    Text: PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS 1.Circuit Design 1 Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in Nichicon's catalog (or alternate Nichicon specifications, such as series drawing).

    8100Z RCR2350 RCR2350B XK 220 mpp film capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS 1.Circuit Design 1 Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in Nichicon's catalog (or alternate Nichicon specifications, such as series drawing).

    8100D 2.XK PDF

    nichicon capacitor

    Abstract: nichicon aluminum capacitor nichicon catalog Electric Double Layer Capacitors, Radial Lead Type NICHICON CAPACITORS CATALOG
    Text: Automotive Application Catalog Standard Process for Developing Custom Products 2015.3 We propose the best products for our customers, based on application, size and a variety of other design needs. Customer Nichicon Evaluation and approval of verification testing,

    IEC61851-1 AC100 nichicon capacitor nichicon aluminum capacitor nichicon catalog Electric Double Layer Capacitors, Radial Lead Type NICHICON CAPACITORS CATALOG PDF

    Polypropylene CAPACITOR 0.68uf

    Abstract: mpp film capacitor nichicon catalog
    Text: PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS 1.Circuit Design 1 Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in Nichicon's catalog (or alternate Nichicon specifications, such as series drawing).

    8100Y Polypropylene CAPACITOR 0.68uf mpp film capacitor nichicon catalog PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS 1.Circuit Design 1 Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in Nichicon's catalog (or alternate Nichicon specifications, such as series drawing).

    8100X PDF


    Abstract: Nichicon VX cap NICHICON GU NICHiCON KZ Nichicon PC Series Nichicon VX nichicon fw Nichicon KZ capacitor capacitor BT nichicon Nichicon GK Series
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 1. Circuit Design 1 Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which the capacitor will be exposed to are within the conditions specified in Nichicon's catalog (or alternate Nichicon specifications, such as series drawings).

    8100T NICHICON VX(M) Nichicon VX cap NICHICON GU NICHiCON KZ Nichicon PC Series Nichicon VX nichicon fw Nichicon KZ capacitor capacitor BT nichicon Nichicon GK Series PDF


    Abstract: Nichicon MARKING DATE
    Text: FUNCTION MODULES Custom-made Function Modules Nichicon can design and manufacture custom-made Function Modules with special function, shape and rational design, based on the specific circuitry from the customer. Function Modules is available with either miniature molded semiconductors or chip-bonded semiconductors for high density



    Abstract: ZENER DIODE t2 diode zener 600v 1a Mitsubishi ps21767 MINI DIP-IPM ps21767 DIP-IPM RC snubber ac motor PS21765 nichicon
    Text: Application First Release: April 16, 2007 NOTES: SUBJECT Demo board for Mini DIP-IPM Ver.4 series 1 Demo Board Outline This PCB includes the minimum necessary components such as a snubber capacitor for surge absorption and bootstrap circuits for the version 4 Mini DIP-IPM as shown in figure 1.

    PS21767: B10P-VH 10pin TP42097-21 PS21765/PS21767 0A/30A TP42097-21 ZENER DIODE t2 diode zener 600v 1a Mitsubishi ps21767 MINI DIP-IPM ps21767 DIP-IPM RC snubber ac motor PS21765 nichicon PDF


    Abstract: 0E128 capacitor j476 8J1234 Decoupling Device for High Frequency
    Text: DECOUPLING DEVICE FOR HIGH FREQUENCY F11 Higher Capacitance. Low ESR, High ripple current. Resin-molded Chip. Designed for surface mounting on high density PC board. Load life of 5000 hours at +105°C. Adapted to the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC . Type numbering system (Example : 2.5V 220µF)

    2002/95/EC) 120Hz) 180mm 330mm 50MIN. 8100X-1 J476 0E128 capacitor j476 8J1234 Decoupling Device for High Frequency PDF


    Abstract: MAX9890AETA headphone amplifier assemble stereo amplifier MAX9890BETA F950J107MTAAQ2 MAX9890 audio amplifier pcb layout 100uf 16v murata tantalum
    Text: 19-4095; Rev 0; 4/08 MAX9890 Evaluation Kit The MAX9890 evaluation kit EV kit provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX9890 stereo click-pop suppressor. The MAX9890 EV kit printed-circuit board (PCB) comes with a MAX9890AETA+ installed (200ms switch turn-on

    MAX9890 MAX9890AETA+ 200ms 330ms MAX9890BETA+ MAX9890EVKIT+ GRM188R71C104K MAX9890AETA headphone amplifier assemble stereo amplifier MAX9890BETA F950J107MTAAQ2 audio amplifier pcb layout 100uf 16v murata tantalum PDF

    ic for hearing aid

    Abstract: Nichicon RADIO CONTROL SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER IC metal detector plans power supply nichicon Hybrid Systems Nichicon Lu INTERPHONE IC motor driver for steering the toy car TURBO IC
    Text: NICHICON AMERICA CORP HYBRID I.C.s blE » • bbG13T3 OGOlbSl 342 « N I C “ H i-N et” NICHICON Hybrid ICs e m p lo y precious m etal thick film s featuring stable charac­ teristics. Because o f their high reliability, they are extensively used in various

    OCR Scan
    bbG13T3 ic for hearing aid Nichicon RADIO CONTROL SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER IC metal detector plans power supply nichicon Hybrid Systems Nichicon Lu INTERPHONE IC motor driver for steering the toy car TURBO IC PDF

    Nichicon LQ

    Abstract: nichicon lq M nichicon ce 85 lq 15000 nichicon lq k Nichicon electrolytic cap ce NICHICON LQ (M)
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS LQ nichicon Snap-in Terminal Type, Standard Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-25D series •'Tnroi'Qii 100V only.' • Rated capacitances available based on the numerical values in E-12 series. Size: <j>22' -¿35

    OCR Scan
    RCJ-03-25D 00--450V) 120Hz, 22X25 22X30 22X35 22X40 22X50 Nichicon LQ nichicon lq M nichicon ce 85 lq 15000 nichicon lq k Nichicon electrolytic cap ce NICHICON LQ (M) PDF

    nichicon catalog

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS D Please make sure the e n viro n m e n ta l and m ounting conditions to which capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in Nichicon's catalog (or alternate Nichicon specifications, such as series drawing .

    OCR Scan

    Nichicon MARKING DATE

    Abstract: Nichicon MARKING NICHICON DATE MARKING hybrid automobile inverter current sensor nichicon power supply hybrid automobile inverter temperature sensor power supply nichicon NICHICON uSe
    Text: HYBRID I.C.s “Hi-Net” Nichicon's Hybrid ICs are valued as highly reliable due to wealth of our actual accomplishments in the automobile field. Therefore, our Hybrid ICs are extensively used in various fields, such as automobile devices, power supplies, OA and FA associated equipment and consumer electric equipment. Nichicon provides the latest technology and meets

    OCR Scan

    Nichicon seM

    Abstract: NICHICON SH SERIES hybrid for power supply
    Text: HYBRID I.C.s “Hi-Net” NICHICON Hybrid ICs e m p lo y precious m etal th ic k film s featuring stable charac­ teristics. Because of their high reliability, they are extensively used in various fields ranging from OA and FA associ­ ated equipm ent toVTR, audio appliances,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TANTALUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS nichicon •Taping Specifications for Automatic insertion Chip Type Capacitors; Type numbering system F 9 3 1 V 1 O 5 M A 0 F9 51 V 1 5 5 M A [A] IA| G i~2 "SinceP- e' case sizes ot FS5 series T ! have single sd e electrode

    OCR Scan

    Nichicon LU

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HYBRID I.C.s "Hi-Net" n ic H îc o n Custom -made Hybrid ICs Nichicon can design and manufacture custom-made Hybrid ICs with special function, shape and rational design, based on the specific circuitry from the customer. Hybrid ICs "Hi-Net" is available with either miniature molded semiconductors or chip-bonded semiconductors for high density mounting.

    OCR Scan

    Nichicon gQ capacitor

    Abstract: nichicon capacitors gq capacitor 470 400V Nichicon gQ Nichicon bp nichicon capacitor gq .1k 400V capacitor AQ Series nichicon AKi 1000 nichicon aq series
    Text: nicHicon ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS AQ • • • • • Snap-in Terminal Type, Permissible Abnormal Voltage, Smaller-sized, Wide Temperature Range 6 92 type series W ithstanding 2 0 0 0 hours application of ripple current of 1 0 5 ‘C E xtended voltag e range at 2 0 0 V , 2 2 0 V and 4 0 0 V .

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, Ig37CV 22X35 25X30 22X45 25X35 30X30 35X25 35X40 22X40 Nichicon gQ capacitor nichicon capacitors gq capacitor 470 400V Nichicon gQ Nichicon bp nichicon capacitor gq .1k 400V capacitor AQ Series nichicon AKi 1000 nichicon aq series PDF

    marking 005c

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nichicon ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UP 6mmL Chip Type, Non-Polarized For SMD Non-Polarized Anti-Solvent Feature • C hip type, n o n -p o la riz e d w ith s ta n d in g h ig h te m p e ra tu re range u p to + 105°C. • D e sig n e d fo r su rfa c e m o u n tin g o n h ig h d e n s ity PC board.

    OCR Scan
    C-5141 C-5102. 120Hz marking 005c PDF

    nichicon LK

    Abstract: nichicon lk series nichicon capacitors lk
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS LK nicHicon Snap-in Terminal Type, Standard series A p p ro v e d by R e lia b ility C e n te r fo r E le c tro n ic C o m p o n e n t, J a p a n -C e rtific a tio n N o. R C J -0 3 -2 5 C RCJ ApproveO Anti-Solvent Feature

    OCR Scan
    6--250V) 120H2 nichicon LK nichicon lk series nichicon capacitors lk PDF


    Abstract: DC10 dc-101a dc101a capacitors 8x16
    Text: A L U M IN U M M E L E C T R O L Y T IC nichicon C A P A C IT O R S S ta n d a rd , For G e n era l P u rp o ses - A xial Lead T ype wf 02 type series Anti-Solvent Featurs (Tlïough lOOVoniy) • Axial lead type of standard series for general purposes. • S p e c if ic a t io n s

    OCR Scan
    15-450V) 120Hz, case50 10X12 10X15 10X16 10X20 10X25 T2T5X25 18X15, 8X16 DC10 dc-101a dc101a capacitors 8x16 PDF